The Skill Maker

Changing my destiny (3)

Those who shed tears.

And the beings who stand around me and look at me and cry again.

I noticed that my colleagues at Night Illusion were all safe and smiled. Hyun-cheon, who is crying, Magenda and Enna, who turn their heads and try hard to wipe away their tears. Leila stands side by side with Jackal and looks this way. I don't know why, but it turns into a round ball, and until you're shedding tears.

"Thank God you're back, Lord...! You come back and... Thank God. Hahahaha!"

I smiled at Crowd.

I don't remember everything exactly.

But that's enough because they're alive and everyone's alive.

I jumped up from my seat holding three women.


a sharp pain that rips all over one's body

a pain that seems to separate the soul.

Everyone blinking with surprise at my sudden scream.

I banged my fingers to heal myself.

There are signs of treatment here and there, but it is not perfect.

My skills are the best.

I thought you were going through the pain.

However, the pain did not completely go away even after treatment.

Is it a phantom pain again?

"Still get some more rest, Minhyuk...! Won't you forgive me if I don't rest?"

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! What a fool! Haha! Well, I'm such an idiot!"

"Ahhhhhhh! That's right! Haha! Oh, you're a fool!"

Oh, my God!

I can't believe Ariel even called me stupid because I'm not enough for Cerdiana.

I can't believe such a cruel line is coming out of this cute guy's mouth.

How hopeless I am now.

I flopped down on the floor in shock.

I'll have to get some chocolate.

tens of thousands of barracks in the Great Plains

Now the place was full of amity and vitality.

those who busily carry water and make a bonfire

The able men were now staying at the end of the Great Plains for the last time before crossing the mountain range of the Roh family. The sun has already fallen completely. It was a little late, but it was still enough time for dinner now.

"Whoa, that was a big deal."

"I know. But in the end, after all."

Skills moving with smiles on their faces.

And the characters in the blue camp who do their jobs without any problems.

There was no more anxiety or anxiety on people's faces.

Why? You can understand the reason if you look down here from the sky.

a roaring roar

Tens of thousands of red tents where the 800,000 Red Army stays.

And hundreds of blue tents built just to the right.

The curious figure produced quite a strange atmosphere when looked up from the sky. Up until just a while ago, 800,000 troops and 60,000 troops, who had been killed and raised, were now co-existing in one place, not fighting for each other's lives.

And this is.

It was foreshadowing a major change that would come in the near future.

Because it meant the Red Army and Blue War was over.

A man who can't fight but is good at watching.

No, a man with great guts opened his mouth.

"Hey. Reds. I heard there's a good drink. Why don't we share a bottle?"

Red capable men who face each other at Hexse's words.

They kicked their tongues and shook their heads.

There's a pretty good guy on the blue side.

"Hmph. You're a thick-skinned man. It's in the box there, so take as much as you need and quickly get out there. The war is over, but I don't want to see you."

"Thank you. But that's one thing for us, too."

the powers of both sides in grumbling and conversing

But there was no more flesh in their conversation.

No. Rather, Hexse, who picked up the whole box of liquor and turned his head, and the competent Red Union, who answered him, was smiling. Causing this miracle, the sacred object of pure white, Red Alliance officials were restored to their senses by Clan on the Blue side. And decisively.

All the schemes of the kahamas were revealed to the whole world.

In other words, both camps are no longer enemies to each other.

Rather, this image was reminiscent of the old days of those who joined forces in the past to fight against the great army of the righteous. Like those days when we didn't divide into two, but left our backs on each other for purely survival.

There was not even a distinction between Red and Blue powers... Just like those days.

The potter glanced under his nose with his fingers.

What a goddamn scumbag.

I told you to take as much as you need.

"Hoo-hoo. I can't believe you took the whole thing. The rotting blue guy."

"If the dispatcher finds out, he's going to be in another mess."

But somehow I feel pretty good.

I don't hate a man who doesn't know such fear.

Even if it's a blue guy.

As a result

He released the box of liquor he had brought among the barracks.

Blue-winged men of ability who rush like dogs at the sight of alcohol.

They expressed admiration for Hexes' bravery. I can't believe I went to the red camp naked and got a box of this famous fermented drink. As expected, Hexse was not a fighter, but he was a great man with a good eye and a nerve to step forward. In the past, it is not ordinary courage, as it was from an absolute person in a region.

"As expected, Hexay. Not everyone can imitate that kind of nerve."

"Arm, of course. You're amazing."

"The Red guys managed to give me this precious thing."

He gulped down the liquor and put it down with a kia sound. a mouth glist He brushed it off with the back of his hand, holding the candle in his mouth and lighting it. Smoke that rises hazily into the sky and fading.

He opened his mouth with a heavy voice.

with a calm, deep-set eyes

"Don't let everyone get on the plane. I just picked it up on the way."

"K! He's a real man. A real man."

"Hexse is humble, too. You're a man who's good at everything but fighting."

"It's a problem to be modest in fighting."

He shook his head and opened his mouth.

You can let the fools talk their way.

He just enjoys this momentary afterglow.

"Tonight's beginning of the year is unusually bitter."

By the time the night passed by.

After finishing the meal, I managed to pull myself together and sat in the middle of a conference table set up on the outskirts of the Great Plains.

Dozens of chairs now placed around this table.

There were unusual members who could never be imagined under the circumstances.

Six Red Alliance officials who were caught in the bursker.

The leaders of the Blue League who managed to survive the trap.

And top-notch people in the 100 Clans.

Oh, of course, me too.

Now the people with abilities were talking about the whole story in a matter of days.

Enemy? Anger at each other?

There was no such thing here at present.

No, as long as they are human, the officials on both sides may also have a degree of anger against each other. But even so, no one here was stupid enough to reveal it.

The Red Alliance officials eventually owe a big debt to the Blue side.

That's the biggest debt of all. They were freed from their condition thanks to the efforts of my visions, and the body that had been injured by the force of pure white character was completely cured.

"We were... so stupid. It may sound strange to say this now, but..."

a blurry man


"Really, I'm really sorry."

one of the executives of the Red Alliance

He bowed down and apologized to the Blue leaders.

I'm not apologizing for the long-standing feud between Red and Blue. As long as human beings exist, it was only natural that there would be a struggle for rights. It was understood by both sides, and the Blue side didn't even think of getting an apology for that.

Because the Blue side is not all on the side of justice.

The Red side doesn't just do evil.

Everyone acts by their own definition.

The standard points of both camps were only quite different.

And so far the red camp's benchmark has been right.

Red's men of ability were all gathered against his character and character.

I continued this word again.

"But for us... I've never imagined. I don't know if you've been beaten by the commander of the army. Besides, even the task force department was attacked by that cunning bastard."


Red Union officials snapped their molars.

So far, they have been working on countless days to expand their power in the world of competent people. By taking orders from and attacking numerous areas and conducting various backstabbing operations, many places have been brought under the control of In the process, there were countless conflicts with other people with abilities, and countless deaths were experienced and presented in person.

And I've never considered it all wrong.

People with abilities are inherently living by fighting.

They just stuck to their ways.

No, I've believed that so far.


Dame wasn't dame.

The commander of the corps thoroughly played the Red Alliance.

Kahama led the great war to wipe out all the powers of the Kandulas planet system. No one knew exactly when the Armudor's commander and the task force were replaced.

But one thing was clear.

They were fooled. I was thoroughly beaten.

Blinded by power, he had to strangle himself.

It was certainly on their side that was stupid.

So I apologized for it.

Their stupidity.

rotten eyes that have not seen through the truth


Blue's leaders did not answer.

Changgong Clan, who has led the blue camp so far, also remained silent.

Instead, they took a different action.


Everyone's looking at me in unison.

I yawned and shut my mouth.

The situation where the heads of all the abilities of Red and Blue stare at me.

What the hell is this atmosphere?

"Huh? What is it, all of a sudden. Why are you all looking at me? Did something get on my handsome face?"

With Growley Jean still down, and everyone staring at me.

An executive of the Red Alliance who was sitting next to him.

's head bowed politely towards me.

For your information, the 11 circle black sorcerer was known among the Red able to be legendary when it came to black magic. But he, too, was caught in a trap this time. It was already late in many ways, but he seemed to be regretting his own stupidity. To the point where deep-seated wrinkles look very pitiful.

He opened his mouth in silence.

"Choi Min-hyuk, you had an overwhelming force of force, and you could have dealt with us as many times as you could, if you wanted to. But nevertheless, he never did."


I looked at the old man gently.

straight eyes that cannot be believed to be dark sorcerer

He now seemed 100 percent sincere.

"The fact that brought us to our senses contaminated with. The fact that you did your best to prevent this war from escalating any further. And most of all, you have completely destroyed your enemy."

Veronica shedding tears with crumpled eyes.

He bowed to me on the floor.

in such a polite manner

"Thank you. I really... thank you very much."

Changing my destiny (3) Done.

by world manners

work review

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