The Skill Maker

awake to the emptiness (5)

With the talented looking at the man in a stupor.

Sacchaman life finally began to move.

He was unwinding his own body, bound by the commander, as if to take something cumbersome away. He was grabbing the commander's karma with black-colored nails and forcibly tearing it out. He seemed as if he had no qualms about cutting out his own flesh. He was cutting pieces of karma in the way of his own muscles and skin, not caring about the tearing of his own muscles and skin.


thud thud



[What, what is this?]

Kahama noticed something was wrong.

He perfectly sealed his movements and even held his body firmly with a distortion. At this rate, you can never move normally. This guy was definitely over. Both physically and mentally, he is in a state of collapse. This game was definitely his own victory.

No. I thought so. Moe.

Choi Min-hyuk, whose habits have changed, is now tearing apart his karma and distortion so simply. With black, sinister fingernails rising from the tip of the finger.

[Yi, you crazy?!] What... what is this power? Your boy... Dae, what the hell's going on?]


[Yi...! Zhu... Die! I'll kill you right away!]

Kahama stabbed Choi Min-hyeok in the forehead with both hands, which were the same as those of and the power of. There was no reason for this to be a big problem anyway, although it seems to have aroused some awakening. All intelligent beings are helpless against their own forces of distortion and cutting. If he couldn't move, he could have been hit and kill him.



The power of cutting and distorting... It failed to penetrate the darkened karma of Sacchaman life.

Kayama opened her eyes with a throbbing sensation of her eyes wide open her eyes.

Cutting and distortion don't work? This is ridiculous?

What, what's that black karma? Uh, how did you make it so simple? Kuck! Kahahhhhhhhhhh!]


A monster of malice that destroys a distortion at once.

It dashes the kahama straight to the body like a mad dog.

Sakaman's teeth that bite the body of a kahama.

The commander gave out a terrible scream at the teeth of the monster, who penetrated his body without hesitation. a pain as if the soul were being torn apart

Quack, quack, quack!


[Crrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr] Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

The moment when Kayama backed away looking down at her abdomen where she had been cut off.

He suddenly noticed that his eyes were blind with extreme pain.

What? What happened?

He was losing sight of both eyes before he knew it.

Desperate pain. Kahama struggled frantically because of the pain that penetrated his brain.

The two thumbs of the black Sacchaman monster were stuck in each eye of the kahama. A black creature that has passed through the glare of the kahamas and deeply stabbed its fingernails into the brain.

The kahama spewed blood, feeling his soul torn. A screeching lizard. The monster of malice was trapping the commander's karma with a simple tear and travesty against him. with sheer overwhelming force of attack


It was... ...just the beginning.

[Let go... Let go!] [Cracking] Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!]

The moment when Kahama grabbed the Sakaman's body to take off the monster in extreme pain.

The monster of malice literally gave strength to his grip and threw out the head of the kahama.

Red blood and thunder that flutters in the air with the sound of scallions.

Kahama's head was smashed to the ground and poured out a flood of water.

There was no sense of direction or mind already.

The kahama was just struggling with extreme pain. You can't even tell what's happening to you. The pain of crushing the soul was dainting in Kayama's head.

[Argh! Argh!]

Broken skull and crushed eyeballs.

Nevertheless, the immortal lizard did not die.

He stepped back, bleeding red, with only the underside of his chin remaining. cried out to the extreme pain that seemed to destroy the soul. It's painful. It's so painful. There have been countless battles, but there has never been more painful.

For the first time in my life... I was realizing the true death.

[Laughing out loud] [Sighs... Oops! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa



Despite the attack of the Sacaman monster, the powerful kahama did not die. He was revived almost immediately, with cells regenerating. an immediate recovery of vision But I didn't even know it was a mistake. At this moment.

The kharma rose like a storm and attacked a monster full of malice.

[Laughing... Lord, die!] You monster!]


But the moment when Kahama attacked the body of a black monster with Karma's weapon.

It grabbed the arm of the kahama and easily swirled a somersault, pulling out the head of the lizard army.

a kahama with a twinkling of vision

He died again in bitter pain. But the body that regenerates immediately again. At that moment the monster's claws penetrated vertically through the kahama's head.

An attack that crushes the brain drain, bones, and intestines whole.

The kahama cried again, screaming. The monster of malice was clinging to him and gnashing his guts. He was drinking his blood, slaughtering his body in a thousand gallons. He was ripping his body off endlessly.

An unimaginable amount of pain.

Kahama managed to keep his mind together, drawing all his strength together to attack the monster. But his black karma was solid, and its agility was beyond the reach of the eye. The agility of 1,700 units, the defense capability of over 2,000, and the intuition of over 1700 were no help at this moment.

[Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!] That, stop...! Kerak! Please... Stop...!]

an angle of separation

The head of a kahama exploding again.

The resurrected kahama shed blood tears and was drenched with dread.

It was so painful. Being immortal doesn't mean you don't feel pain. The malicious mad demon was biting himself mercilessly, and its strength far above the ability of the commander of the corps.

It was the first time in my life that I felt this feeling.

No, only one being could instill this fear in himself.

Only that Armudor.

[Let go, let go...!] Yeah! I got it! Deal! Well, let's make a deal! I'll listen to whatever you want! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Crawl...! Crying!!]

a struggling kahama

However, there was no conversation with the opponent.

The 10th Army Commander who repeats death over and death. Already, people were shocked and speechless, and no one in this place could move a foot.

ill will

madness beyond all things

The black karma spouted by the evil monster was overwhelming the entire surrounding space of hundreds of kilos. It was simply a transcendent fear. The fear of the evil monster was never controlled. I can't even breathe. No one could take the situation to the point of sanity.

[Laughs...!] Well, stop... please... Stop! Turn it off... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!]

Dying, dying, dying, dying, dying, dying again and again.

Kahama felt his mind slowly collapsing.

By nature, it is different from those who have the body of immortality.

Moreover, they were essentially supposed to feel less pain in the flesh.


[Cough...! Turn it off... Worry! Crack... Ugh...!]

He didn't match Grotantrax to that part.

All this miserable pain is purely his own.

It's painful. The act of being killed hundreds of times over and over again was a pain that went too far. And most of all.

The kahama saw the monster's eyes and noticed one fact.

It's a little late, but... Is this really?

Oh, my God. Why the hell?

What the... why?


People couldn't even swallow their saliva at the sight of a monster that tore the kahama as if it were a child. I couldn't even breathe properly because of fear.

The absolute power that overwhelms even the air.

a wretched lizard rolling about like a piece of rag

It was such a strange sight.

Kahama, the overwhelming power that destroyed and crushed everything.

Armudor and his 13 right-handers who rule the entire universe.

But there was no such presence here anymore.

I'm just throwing up a scream and I'm fighting for my life. There was only one weak creature.

[Ah... ah... heh! That... that... that... that... that... that... that... that... that... that... that... that...!]

Kahama, in pain, fell to the floor in tears and struggled, and crawled on the floor to escape from Sakaman's evil. There was no longer any distortion between the capable and the kahamas. But no one thought of getting close to Kahama. But the Sacaman monster did not let go of the kahamas even in that situation. He was playing with it and tearing it to death, as if he were playing with it as if he were playing with a toy with a man of ability.

[Crack... turn off...]

A toy that doesn't die and doesn't break.

The gruesome scene forced some of the able men to sit on the floor, as if their legs were loosened. This situation cannot be stopped by anyone in the world. No, it was because he understood that he would be the next target if he stepped forward for no reason.

The killing of the monster was not one-way to the kahamas.

He apparently hated everything.

All living creatures.


"Great, great compromise..."

"S... Master!"

"The Boomaster..."


The Night Illusion Clans were feeling it all with their whole body.

a black, spiteful monster

The presence of madness in which the whole body is enveloped in a black karma.

It was never a pleasure killing the kahamas.

It was... ...clearly crying.

He was crying bitterly.

He was steeped in bitter grief.

I don't know why, but they could know.

Boomaster is... Choi Min-hyuk... I was crying.

A space where only silence, fear, and tension linger quietly.

The able men tore the kahamas alive and shuddered at the sight of the greedy craving for the flesh. A dark-colored monster chewing on the tough flesh of the commander of the army, Kahama. Its insanity and hatred were inextricably insipid condition.


But nevertheless.

The able men have not uttered any lines.

There was no movement in sight of movement.

Those who are here are those who were once called absolute beings.

They all had instinctively danger-sensitive eyes. that

The existence of that [boldness] was no longer a subject of fear. a colorless and overwhelming power

At a time when the spirit of the kahama was collapsing to a considerable extent, and the capable were shuddering with fear and tension.

At last.

A man blurted out the front of the crowd.

"In the end... has it become this way?"

The eyes of 60,000 talented people are pouring in all at once.

The subject was too unexpected for those with abilities.

Clan's Boomaster, famous for not revealing himself.

a black-haired man named

Because he suddenly moved in this urgent situation.

[Han Ho-woon!]

[The time has come]]

A man who dissuades Han, the Clan Master, and steps forward.

He jumbled up to Choi Min-hyuk with a meaningful expression.

And people were stunned to see his great liver action.

Now that Sacchaman-infested creature had no idea when and where it would go. Moreover, the force of that was so powerful that even a man of enormous capacity could play with it.

I can't believe I can move forward so calmly in such a situation.

They can't. If you don't intend to die, you can't do that.

Han Ho-woon looked at Choi Min-hyuk, who had been reconciled as a monster of malice, and opened his mouth heavily.

"In the end... this is what happened. What do you mean is that it exists everywhere. But think of all this as a relief, Choi Min-hyuk."


"It's never a coincidence that I'm here now. This form of the universe brought me here. by the will of the true God, not by false gods like"

a kahama whose mind was horribly broken

And the evil monster that tore it to death.

The moment its frantic eyes were directed at Han Ho-woon.

The man slowly pulled something from his bosom that was so white as to be horrid.

nearly a hundred million of these pure white gems of pure white

He opened his mouth.

"This is the last thing we can get in 100,000 years, the last thing we can get."

After Han Ho-woon smiled meaningfully.

He threw it lightly towards Choi Min-hyuk.

To change the course of his destiny.

"Thank you. This is exactly... It's God's will."

open one's eyes(5) to the emptiness

by world manners

work review

What the... Jackpot!

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