The Skill Maker

awake to the emptiness (3)

An attack that comes at that moment on my neck.

I recoiled rapidly backward.

Surely this bastard is a true 'monster' in many ways.

In particular, it was really crazy to take Karma Shield off with a certain probability. The forces of and were simply exerting the power to turn the karma closer to nothing in a moment. And because of that, I've already used six time reversals.

'Wow... it's okay. If you keep looking at the opportunity, you'll definitely get the timing. It's still.'

I was checking in my brain every attribute of the force expressed in both hands of the Kahama, as I turned the clock back.

, , , , , , , and even the abilities of . There were almost 30 patterns that were already confirmed by the eyes. And fortunately, each attribute had a different color and shape of energy.

I was thinking carefully which combination he was most vulnerable to.


I'll have to get my right arm back.


I twisted my face in pain and banged my left finger to use full recovery. No, I tried to bounce. But at that moment, the fast-flying kahama's lizard tongue sealed my left hand.

[Laughing! You got caught!]]

The moment when Kayama burst into laughter.

I was able to find his open belly skin.

It looked as if a lizard had dinosaur teeth on its belly.




"Minhyuk, cay!"

"Oh, no!"

Screaming colleagues.

The ability to vomit out a frightened voice.

And in the meantime, Kahama's teeth bit my whole body.

a severe pain that cuts through the whole body I shuddered at the unimaginable pain of tearing the flesh off my torso. The kahama was trying to do me. I was trying to eat up the existence itself to take away the power of my own.

But I'm at that moment.

I found light coming from his forehead.

Wait. What's that?

In the middle of Kahama's forehead was a small horn.

a laughing kahama

[Laughing...! Delicious...! But this isn't enough. I covet your strength. I can't believe how you can use such super-class welcome techniques. I'll eat up your whole ass and take all its strength.]

"Da, shut up... ha... a mere lizard!"

I've been watching your moves. I think you're using a lot of techniques by bouncing your fingers. In short, if you cut off both of your hands, you won't be able to use those strange techniques, will you?]

Surely this bastard is highly intelligent.

"Dog, dog... My eyes are good for no reason."

[Laughing] [Laughing! Now I'll eat your ass and take that power from me. You are to be one with me. Live in me forever from now on. As part of my cell.]

"But... ...was wrong."


The moment when Kahama spouted a puzzled voice.

As soon as I was done talking, I created two arms made of karma right behind my back. Then, using the angle of view of the kahama, one arm attacked the horn on his forehead, while the other pounced on his finger to trigger. Yes. I could use time reversal with an arm made of karma.

What matters is the image.

The image of a finger bouncing.



I managed to hit the attack on Kahama's forehead with one hand.

Most of his karma was now concentrated in the ship's teeth.

[Oh my...! Rain, damn it!] My horn...?]

"Perfect, asshole."

a falling kahama horn

And. I noticed that the 'pressure' surrounding him was rapidly dying down.

Damn it. It was clear.

In his horns... Skill had been activated.

Why do you think he's only going to use two techniques at a time?

In other words, he was currently using three skills at once.

And it was the greatest weapon he had.

Skill Rating : SSS+

: Compresses the opponent's psychology and degrades his or her physical abilities. It increases your physical ability. It embarrasses the enemy and reduces their judgment.

In other words, it was all because of the overpressure skill that made him feel more powerful than necessary. In short, the game would have been much simpler if he attacked the horn, not both hands. Well, the time reversal had already been triggered, so all the time was going backwards.

I smiled and vomited blood.

Tick. Tick. Tick. a sharp angle

"Grrrr! What a damn pain...! But now I get it. You're screwed now! Bye bye, you punk. One more time, one more time. I'll make sure to finish this next time."

[...what? Wait! What are you up to?!]

The time when you start going backwards.

I smiled distortedly as I looked at the figure.

The Phantom has yet to return the Red Alliance cadres to their senses.

The fact that they have to end somehow is one thing.

But. The time reversal just made me feel much lighter.

There was no need to be afraid of kahamas anymore.

As long as the gastric pressure skill stops, the odds are good enough.

'Let's settle down. You have to finish it at once.'

I thought of 'it' hidden in my arms.

If you use it with newly-cooked power, you will definitely have a chance.


Of course, even if we were back in the past up to a minute ago, there was only one thing that was going forward a little bit. In other words, the kahamas were getting stronger and stronger and on the contrary, I was building up my mental fatigue. In addition, even if the combat experience was steadily building up, the increase in the stats of the kahama was much greater than my ability to train. The body also returned to the past, but the pain suffered by the enemy remained intact. I usually call it 'tell.'

A queer sense in which the right arm feels painful, even though the arm is cut off and the arm does not actually exist. In fact, some of the patients were carrying it for the rest of their lives. It was not uncommon for me to feel the same way when my body recovers.

But even so.

It was not wrong to find the core of the battle he led by him.

That's why the kahamas overwhelm me so easily compared to the stats.

So, I simulated hundreds of movements into my brain, in just a dozen seconds or so of time reversal.

[Something seems to be going on. I can't believe you matched the color and the wavelengths of karma with the Red Skills. What happens when you do that? What are you trying to do to them?]

The one who repeats what I said earlier.

I bit my molar and glared at Kahama, who came back a minute ago.

Before I knew it, my lost arm and Amandel's spear were back.

And that moment.

I didn't answer him, but I immediately went all out to him.

[Hmm? You idiot!] Hahahahaha! Do you think that kind of head-on attack will work on this body?]


I didn't avoid the attack of Kahama.

Rather, he threw himself at his attack.

This was already an adventure. Do you think my destiny that Han Ho-woon said comes from this very moment?

He was still motionless. But it didn't matter.

I thought this method was the best.

Just like that's perfect!

Skill Rating : SSS+

: The force of distortion can be used when triggered.

(Only available for narrow ranges)

He flies towards my heart.

The moment when the day I'm holding it is dyed deep with the energy of.

I threw something hidden in my arms into the forehead of the kahama.

An item that amplifies the power of distortion.

A trap set by Kahama to trap humans.



The moment when Kahama's gaze slowly warped toward the Enclah power stone.

I blew up every karma in my whole body in a moment, and with a stormy spirit, I dug deep into the middle of the kahama with Amandel. Defensive? No. I gave up my defense. All the energy was concentrated on the point of attack.

And at the end.

At the same time, Kahama and I burst out of body and soul.

Coarse. Now this was the best way.




"Mi, Min-hyuk!"

"Ju, I am Zunnii! Oh, no!"

Lena's wailing.

the distant voice of Cerdiana

But I rather looked at the body of the exploding kahama with a grin. He was bursting with astonishment at the fact that I used something. But that guy is immortal.


I am also an immortal in a way.

I banged my finger on something.

Just like that's perfect!

a third of the body's burst

But in an instant I recovered my whole body.

God damn it. We won. There wasn't much way to get over him unless he was just coy. And my strategy was successfully matched, and he lost all the conditions to activate the skill. Are you the only one who observed me? I was watching you, too.

[Crying...!] Hey, that's ridiculous! This, this is... What!]

He has the ability to die, but this attack doesn't kill him. And now the horn of the man who used to use the power of has been cut off. I immediately turned to Kahama again and quickly blew off both of his wrists, then began to tie Karma's sillo's body. He stepped on Kahama's body with his feet and began to twine around him with a string of karma spouting from his hands.

What's the use of fire? If you build a body that doesn't die or live properly, that's all.

[Screams] I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I... Son of a...! Let go, let go! Let go of me!]

"It's my victory. Kahama."

The kahamas did not regenerate, but were tied to karma's rope, making their whole body a grotesque shape. And at that moment, I banged my finger to create a box in the air. A special skill used to seal monsters in the soul line. by name

I was going to crush him in here.

A skill-shaped box that sealed evil spirits in the past.

But he died, and now it's empty in here.

[Ha, don't!] [Ha, don't!] Aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!]

So with the death cry.

The kahama was completely sealed inside.

To flop.

"Huck... huck..."

I sat on the floor as it was when the battle was over.

acute phantom pain from the whole body

And a mental strength that has fallen to the bottom.

It was definitely hard. This battle was so hard.

However, no matter how powerful a man is, he will not be able to escape from a situation in which the skill cannot be used by the body itself. You can leave it like this for now and find a way to get rid of it completely the next time you have a chance.

We won. This goddamn battle was a victory for our capable men.

"Oh! Ka, kahama..."



amid a burst of exclamations from all powers

They seemed to have finished the unwelcome process.

The Red Alliance officials were unconscious, but they were in a situation where they could no longer continue fighting. The Phantoms were given to the able men by the Red cadres, and in a few layers the shackles of Karma were right so that they would not rebel.

The battle on the Great Plains seemed to be our victory.

Hoo. That was a tough one again.

"Mr. Minhyuk!"


I smiled at the Night Illusion Clans running to me, led by Lena and Cerdiana. Damn it. I can't believe I'm going through another damn crisis like this. I understand that the level of the commander-in-chief is definitely different.

More thorough preparations were needed in the future.

To save this world from their grasp.

And it took even more powerful force to survive here.


We won today, so it's okay, right?

I grinned and smiled.

This moment is the best.

I shifted my steps to my colleagues.

"What do you think? I..."

But at that moment.

I found the shadow of Sakaman hitting the two women.

Two beings that had been seeping into the atmosphere and hiding.

It's just... I was in the department that was using skills.

awake to the emptiness (4) at the end

by world manners

work review

;ᄆ; ᄃ; ᄃᄃ

Please read this story to the end!

Thank you so much to everyone who recommended the pre-written comment!

Have a nice day, everyone!

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