The Skill Maker

Fate Day (6)

a ripple of terror

60,000 Blue Skilled People.

Han asked the black radish back.

"Tell me again! You know... that's the kahama?"

This time Lohan, who was next to him, answered him.

"That's not all. Red Union officials. They're already being manipulated by that kahaman. They're wearing Bersucker's power...! Don't take care of your own life. Plus, it's deformed and more powerful. Even we couldn't handle one of them properly."


The Han shed a murmur.

A term used to refer to photojournalists who lose their reason and go crazy.

There was also a magic trick in the magic family. The ultimate mado technique, which paralyzes the object's reason and burns madness so that it does not feel guilty or pain, makes all the physical abilities of the PC-electron burst up to three times.

The Red Alliance officials seem to be burning their own lives under similar orders. Of course, it's the prototype of the berserk.

The black radish opened its mouth again.

"Wow, all we've been able to endure so far is thanks only to the strength of her... To be honest with you... I've already died once and come back. No, not just me. All those present have already died once and come back to life, except for . I must protect this woman... The kahama is after what she has."

[Laughing! What a babe you are! It's like I'm looking at a kid who's snitching at his parents.]

"Shut up..."

While the kahama bursts into laughter.

We looked back at the haggard-looking woman.

An entity that consumes too much karma and has hollow eyes.

It was the master of Valkyia Clan who used the power of resurrection that Blackmu said. More than that, the power of resurrection was hidden from her.

Han Ho-woon touched his chin and opened his mouth.

"Power is one of the 20 most powerful forces in the universe. I was wondering where the owner was. It was this woman."

Two goddesses who once controlled a galaxy.

They were once goddesses of the [nonsense] class, but now simply fallen gods of the [mythology] class.

But even so, it was highly likely that the battle would have ended at once without the two men with powerful divine powers. Thanks to the strength of Iris, there were still six living myths.

Of course, Iris's condition was deteriorating, and it was now almost at its limit. Moreover, it is said that a person who was sewn up with and resurrected cannot be revived again. Because you can no longer force your soul to be bound to the flesh.

"Iris. The people in the back are here. Get a hold of yourself."

"...mi, Millia?"

With Milia crying over Iris, whose consciousness is hazy.

Gunt, the first commander of the 7000th Regiment, threw his fist down on the floor and vented his anger. He seemed unable to forgive himself for being caught up in the enemy's tricks. Of course, he didn't think joining forces with the latecomers would have made the situation any special. But in addition to the sin of abandoning the 60,000 capable men once, the sense of shame of rejecting their request seemed to be deeply emotionally distressed.

"Khhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... Turn it off... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Sixty-thousand talented people could not say a word while listening to Gunt's scream.

The man in front of his eyes is completely buried, and one eye is completely missing. Moreover, he also had blood all over his body, so it was rather strange to see him breathing.

Above all, he lost seven thousand other captains because of this.

2nd Battalion Captain Crayham, 3rd Battalion Captain Bean, 4th Battalion Captain Jacob, 5th Battalion Captain Stephen, 6th Battalion Captain Tora, and 7th Battalion Captain Weishan. The shock of losing a colleague who crossed the line together would be quite significant.

In addition

Clan's atrima was in a similar state.

He, too, seemed to think of his own brother, a bumaster, with tears and deep thoughts of regret. My brother and I have survived the great war of the past. I've lost all the strength and trust I've built with my dear brother, in one fell swoop. No matter how mentally mature a mythological item is, it would be painful.



I felt a surge of amazement at the sight of all this.

What the hell do these idiots want to do? If you're this close to tears, you shouldn't have started something you'd regret. The simple idiots who are so conceited as to be one of the pillars of the world.

This is the only way to sigh.

I stepped forward and kicked Atrima's ass as hard as I could.



a falling atrima

And 60,000 capable men who look at me with bewildered eyes.

Perhaps he was surprised to kick a patient who was seriously injured.

Or was he surprised to kick one of the Blue Alliance leaders?

I didn't really care which way I was.

It's just a buggy for dogs who cry after they lose.

Atrima looked back with an embarrassed face.

"What, what is it? This... What the hell are you doing?!"

"Beef, do you have any complaints? Just whine before you break your head."

"What, what?"

"I don't want to hear you, you idiot."


"Oh, really. These things are the same blue side, and my fate to help is pathetic."

Hit! Hit! Hit! Hit! Hit! Hit!

Skill Rating: A+

: Heals the target close to perfection when triggered.

Perfect Hill, one of my favorite recovery techniques.

the moment it was invoked six times in a row

Blue's mop leaders began to recover at a rapid pace.

The injured muscles and bones stick back in, the cells regenerate, and the severed arms begin to sprout anew. Blood vessels straighten out and spread throughout the body, and the ligaments energize normal movement. The ultimate treatment technique, which does not restore to the mental side but restores the physical condition.

And embarrassed leaders.

"...what, what is it? My, my body?"

"Healing... it's working?"

an unawares recuperating body

Ash, if you get a serious injury like just now, the treatment will take a considerable amount of time even at the request of recovery workers. Moreover, judging from the lines of Armudor's commander, there seemed to be something in his power that would prevent normal recovery orders from working properly. In other words, in the end, I had no choice but to come forward myself.

a kahama with shining eyes

He showed a slight displeasure.

[Hooh? Heals a wound caused by the force of distortion...] Who the hell are you?]

But I snapped at the kahamas and opened my mouth to the leaders.

No, I opened my mouth to the convaleseses who were taking care of them.

"Come on, healers. Take these idiots and get them to the back. It's your turn now. You know who I am?"

Now my fame was more powerful than anyone else here.

"No, of course."

"Choi Min-hyuk of Night Illusion."

"I was moved to see the dark crow pelot fall down."

Why are you so touching.

When I nodded, one of the healer's maids opened her mouth.

"Excuse me... You're not that good at combat and you're learning the art of recovery?"

"Did you use a suit scroll or something?"

Why would you write that precious thing to these bastards?

It's a waste of money. I smiled.

"I'll leave my imagination to freedom."

The healers looked half-confident, but they started to move as soon as I told them to, perhaps because they saw everything in person. Hilers who assist the leaders and retreat back. But in the meantime, the leaders continued to vent their embarrassment.

A black radish that still looks down on its left hand with its eyes wide open.

He didn't seem to believe the changes that took place in his body.

"My left hand... I can't believe I'm growing up again. How is this possible?"

The injury was so severe that it would not be strange to die soon.

Perhaps the leaders were also well aware of their own condition.

He would have understood that a simple recovery would not be easy to heal.

But even though it was in that condition.

In an instant, you will feel as if you were dreaming because your body, which had been fatally wounded, has been restored to its original state. They were moving backwards but constantly looking back at me with a bewitched look.

"What, what? What the hell did he do to us? This is... what happened?"

"No way, that guy named Choi Min-hyuk. It's not a warrior. It's... Was he a healer?"

"I didn't know there was this kind of top-notch recovery..."

I can hear you.

It's no wonder you mistook me for.

Well, you've got a lot, like, ten thousand kilometers wrong.

I don't have any reason or time to explain principles.

The master of Black Sod, Hanhan, has asked me a question.

I called in recovery drinkers, but they must have felt embarrassed because the treatment was over at once.

"You. Did you have recovery skills? But I didn't feel any mana or divine power."

In the nature of learning, it is difficult to touch various fields at the same time.

Especially, the opposing forces, such as combat technology and recovery technology, are even more powerful.

So his curiosity was reasonable.

I shook my head as I saw the leaders leaving so backward. This guy and that guy are both hopeless, but we can't let him die. Besides, it's hard for these guys to come forward and get in the way.

I don't like it, but I'll have to treat it for now.

The end of Fate Day (6).

by world manners

work review

Thank you so much to everyone who recommended the pre-written comment!

Thank you, Suga, for the manuscript coupon. ^ᄉᄉ

Thank you to those who secretly gave it to me!

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