The Skill Maker

Fate Day (3)

a deadly stillness that winds around the crowd at the moment

With the able men tilting their heads because they don't understand the situation at Lohan's words.

It was only a moment later that Dame's face began to be strangely distorted. A ticklish smile that starts to flow out after. And it was no longer the thing of a middle-aged warrior who had just seen it.

"Hahahahhhhahaha! Hehehehehehe...! Hehehehehehehehehehe! Hahahahahaha!"

the shaking laughter of heaven and earth

And with that cunning, abominable laugh, the able men gazed with amazement at the presence of their eyes. 40,000 eyes pouring in at once A Red Union official... Khahama, the 10th Army Commander in Armudor? No, what the hell are you talking about? This was really nonsense.

No matter how much the author, Dame, was veiled, his past record remained clear among the Red-capable. Also, Dame was one of the indomitable heroes who fought on the most difficult rough ground when he fought with the Armudor army without distinction between Red and Blue. But how could he be the same person as the commander of the corps?

It was a story that of belief.


[Really, really funny. Well, it's quite unusual for me to use the predatory skill. But I didn't think there was a man who noticed my existence with that alone.]

Dame, Ani Kahama, no longer hid his identity.

The sound of kahama's iron, which is completely different from what it just now.

Rather, he was now laughing at the best of his abilities.

The idiots who have been tricked into bringing the situation to this point.

He continued to talk, making his eyes semi-moon.

[Laughing...!] Well, knowing it now won't change anything.]

Still in the form of Dame, the moment Kahama opened up the Sakaman space next to him.

The talented men distorted their faces when they saw the creatures slowly appearing through the gap in the distorted dimension.

This is crazy.

It was the twelve executives of the Red Alliance.

It is natural for them to lead an army of 800,000 people somewhere on the Great Plains by now.

But they were sitting right in front of their eyes, not anywhere else.

"Oh, why are the Reds...? "

"Well, everyone's senior officials!"

"Oh, shit!"

referred to as a legendary schemer, the armed forces are also unrivaled.

a scheming genius with ten eyeballs at the tip of a finger

a pretty girl in a red tentacle dress who is known for her dirty

a mythical rich man with a scar on his face

The number of tigers with overwhelming power and reputation.

a blind man as a symbol of cunning and cruelty

The legendary woman, Mutu, with a cold and cool image.

A legendary 11 circle black wizard who freely operates all magic.

One million people killed and the soul degenerated into evil.

a ma artist who collects the karma of all living things in the universe.

The Great Spirit of Evil that rules the two galaxies, all of which are made of water.

The last thing I saw was a genius with the skill to copy all the copies.

With the capable men venting their bewildered tones.

When he returned to the Red Alliance boss again, Kahama stretched out his right arm forward and ordered his men. And the moment his orders fell.

In the eyes of Red executives, an unidentified ear was exploded.

[Self, cadres of Red...!] Those stupid blues got into our strategy wonderfully. Now tear them to pieces and take their bones and flesh! Let the bodies of the enemies be brutally violated and enjoyed, and let them savor the extreme pleasures!]


[Starting today...]]


Dame stood between them and grinned.

[The world, no, this universe, shall all karma be ours.]

It will be Armudor's.

Forscrem Demindion!

Forscrem Armoudorr!




The moment Red Alliance officials pulled their weapons out in unison.

Blue-talented people felt an unusual atmosphere and shook their faces.

a brain stem on the verge of bursting A time bomb with less than a second left of count.

I had to dry it.

Now that it has been revealed that the true identity of the Red Alliance boss, Dame, was Kahama, he had to turn the minds of the Red Capabilities at all costs. By telling the whole truth to the world. And the first thing that moved was the Bumaster of the Holy Spirit Clan. He screamed at Red's executives.

"Lord of the Red Alliance! Everybody, wake up! The guy you're following right now! He is not a man! He's the commander of Armudor's 10th Army! He's the enemy of everyone we've fought against in the last few years!"


The moment when his grave voice bursts and the steps of the Red cadres flinch and stop.

Blue-side talent found some hope in the moment.

It was right.

If, as Hagamut said, we can reveal the identity of the kahamas to Red executives, we may be able to undo their actions. No matter how much blue and red people hate each other, it was a story when there was no common enemy. As long as Armudor wanted the extermination of all his powers, Red and Blue could not help but eventually consider themselves enemies of Armudor.

Hagamut's answer was the answer.

"That's right! The man is not a dame! The commander of the Armudor!"

"He, he's the kahamada of adultery!"

"Get it together, everybody!"


Red Union officials soon lifted their weapons slowly again with dead eyes.

Those who are able to start stepping back towards Blue's camp again soon. And Kahama burst into laughter again with Dame's face as he watched the faces of the troubled blue talents.

How easy this is.

I can't handle these idiots, so I've suffered in the past and lost part of the sacred place of Armudor. In terms of his achievements so far, he had nothing to say if he woke up.

But this time will certainly be different.

At least this time.

Most of all, Red Alliance officials have already drunk.

Liquid that paralyzes the rationality of an object and amplifies the intention of killing so that it can be controlled.

They drank it in the belief that it was a potion that would lift karma.

In obedience to the orders of Dame and Cainbarzen, which he controls.

"What, what? What's wrong with those bastards?"

"Didn't you get the word?"

"Stop! Stop!"


The moment when Red Alliance officials took off with their respective arms raised.

Blue-captured men were forced to pull out weapons and confront them.

I don't know the exact reason, but Red's executives were already out of order.

They were... already covered with malicious madness.

The black radish snapped at its molar.


"Yi, what is this?"

"What happened?"

a level curtain over which the sky was blackened

With the talented looking up at the sky with a distorted impression.

Galonix looked at us and shook his head slowly from side to side.

There was nothing more reflected in the magic.

"I think the enemy leader has appeared. Seeing that Chollian was cut off... I don't think I can look inside anymore."

[Dimensional Distortion Occurrence] 99.758% match the distortion force of the Red Alliance boss, Dame.]

"Boss of the Red Alliance. I can't believe he's using the power of distortion."

"That's how much they mean it."

With Lena in deep thought.

We frowned when Plutona's affirmation fell.

In the end, it seemed as if nothing was going to happen at one moment, but it was true that, as Croud said, a plausible trap the Redmits had prepared was hidden. No, it was only two people who attacked the leadership of the Blue Alliance. Red Union boss and his right-hand man.

What did the Red guys think about doing that?

You two can handle the entire Blue leadership. Is this it's?

Crowd bowed his head heavily.

a trap that was eventually invoked

Furthermore, joining forces with the leading camp failed.

Time went by so fast that I had no other choice to get out of this situation.

He seemed to have a sense of responsibility for all of this.

"I'm sorry, my lord. If this stupid Crowd had seen the trap a little faster..."

"No. Don't say that, Crowd. You've been good enough."

I shook my head.

Ash did not originally bring Crowd here as a bookkeeper.

I didn't know there was going to be a war, and I only brought him here as a butler and adviser.

I was rather surprised to discover a new talent in him.

I didn't expect him to have this face.

"No, the real problem is myself.'

There was a greater cause for my failure in this situation. In other words, it was because beings with more power than me were involved in this. Perhaps one of the most powerful members of the Red Alliance.

Han Ho-woon opened his mouth toward me.

"What can I do, Choi Min-hyuk. I think we've got a choice. Do you want to go where they are, or do you want to avoid the Red guys and find another way? You decide. No, you must decide. That way, the future won't change until the last moment."

The end of Fate Day (3).

by world manners

work review

Some of you may feel that the process is a little slow.

All of this is intended! ^ᄉᄉ

That's how important this story is!

Please enjoy your time, everyone!

Thank you all for recommending me your previous work!

Good night!

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