The Skill Maker

The Chaser, and the Chaser (9)

"The Blue movement has changed."

Hearing the informant's report, Silver wriggled his eyebrows.

According to the news agency, Hamut has so far been working almost perfectly on this side's intentions. He's a fight nut, but he's not a bad head either. In that sense, he was the best of Red Union officials in carrying out this operation. Above all, he was a very capable person from Grootantrax, so he was less likely to die.

But nevertheless... I think they've found out what's going on here.

giggled out a laugh.

This is also the beauty of war.

"Oh, there must be a man on the other side who has thoughts, too.""

"That's pretty good."

At Gir's words, Cainbarzen nodded slowly.

Blue's camp was now divided into two due to their performance.

A force of 19,000 with a majority of Blue's teenage clans at the front.

And 53,000 troops in the back, with ancient forests and Black Sod staying.


According to new information, it seems that the 53,000 soldiers behind the Blue camp are suddenly beginning to show strange behavior patterns. The crazy act of taking a rest by slowing down rather than trying to escape from the Great Plains as it has been.

It was too strange a move to have an army of 800,000 ahead. Well, the news from the Rangers is that they had a drinking party last night. I'm done talking.

"Giving up. Or having noticed something. One of the two."

"I don't think I'll give up my life. That's why they killed the Dark Raven Fellows. Besides, you've defeated our 160,000 troops who lost their commanders... Fraud must be pretty high."

Grow brought up a horse and stared sideways at Cainbarzen.

I've been feeling it for some time now, but certainly Cainbargen's got something a little strange. In the past, Cainbarzen was always a man who poured out all the strength he could muster to pursue perfect victories. But he was a little different now. It's himself who devised this strategy, but it's Cainbarzen that operated it.

On the contrary, Cainbargen seemed to regard the damage on the Red side as insignificant.

His personality itself is a little different from his past, which pursues a perfect strategy.

Gir opened his mouth.

"It's a little strange, by the way. I didn't think Cainbargen would be able to operate our Red Army this way. Have you had any changes in your mind lately?"

smiling kainvargen

Surely he is the Cainbarzen he knows.

But why do I feel a little reluctant?

"A change of heart? It's a little different from that. Gir, I know why you ask that question. Maybe because you think I've dumped 160,000 troops on the street."

It's a regular song.

The growing eyes fell slightly.

You look worse complexion Cainvargen is a scary man.

It is by no means a good thing to upset him.

But fortunately.

Cainvargen didn't seem to care.

He went on speaking again.

"But would you really think so when you see this?"

At that moment, the goods Cainbargen took out of his arms.

It was a bottle of golden brilliant liquid.


"Seo, what is it?"

The grower burst into shivers, feeling the condensation in the bottle. a bottle brought out by Cainbargen Because it was rich and condensed with a huge amount of karma.

No, I can't believe you refined karma into a liquid.

How can such a talent be possible?

The moment Gir unwittingly extended his hand toward the golden bottle.

Cainbarzen hid it again in his arms.

"That's the answer. This is the essence of the Karma of the 160,000 men of power who died. Their deaths are not in vain. The karma of all the creatures that died on the Great Plains is naturally being collected. In essence, the moment life reaches death. The karma it has is partially spilled into the killer. But that's only a small number. Rather, 70 to 80 percent of karma's are going back to the ring of reincarnation."

"He, you can collect it. Are you talking about this?"

"That's it. And now I'm going to hand this liquid over to all the executives. In other words, the Red Skills were not wasted, they were consumed by necessity. arouse more carelessness to the enemy And it brings even greater benefits to us. How's it going? My ruse."

Grow shuddered.

Karma of 160,000 capable men.

If only you could drink it and endure it, even a single rainbow could at least be reborn as a near [destruction] item at once. If those with the eight seasons of Mythology shared them, they might at least have the best power at the Myth class, if they did well.

"...for the world. Well, that's great. It's Kainvargen!"

The growing body trembled lightly.

Certainly Cainvargen is Cainvargen.

The idea of sacrificing allies is not like that, but if it really does, war will certainly have an overwhelming advantage on this side. It's like, like, his way of thinking. A terrible way of thinking about killing people and extorting their power and karma, but it's not bad enough to win the war against the blue guys.

Gir opened his mouth.

"Dame, do you know this, too?"

"Of course. But I know Akamur well."

"Well, I see. I don't even know the deep meaning of Cainbargen. This foolish giraffe has done no more disrespectful."

a polite stoop

He was the same man as the epithet of cunning, but he was always polite to Dame and Cain Bargen. They even knew in their bones how scary and powerful they were.

Cainvargen grinned as he smoothed his beard.

"Well, that'sure. Leave him alone. If you have any other information related to the movement of the Blue camp, please bring it back."

"Yes, Mr. Cainbarzen."

Cainbarzen watched Gir go out without a word, and after a while... ...wound and crumpled. What, turning the 160,000 Red-capable karma into a liquid and putting it in a bottle? There is no such dog noise. It is only Mr. Armudor that such a thing is possible. Of course, it was all a lie. That's a complete lie.

As I've said before, to make this one golden bottle, we need to roughly annihilate 10 galaxies. Karma is not such an easily controllable force. To use for combat and to refine it and make it available for use requires the ability to control karma between heaven and earth. No one but the great Armudor can make it possible.

Anywhere else.

Rather, it was not this golden bottle but this red bottle here that he was now trying to feed Red Union officials. At first glance, it looks like it contains karma's power, but it's a completely different drug.

And he called it Baro.

A drug developed in the past by the commander of the 13th Corps.

A vicious liquid that paralyzes reason and corrupts the soul by raising the insanity inherent in its existence.

But now it was possible to feed this to Red Alliance officials.

In the names of Dame, Cainbarzen, and Akamur.

"Dame? That's the name of the moron that always makes me sick."

No, one of the 13th Army commanders in Armudor, burst into laughter with a giggle.

The ability to kill and kill past galaxy rulers.

By using this ability, one was able to disperse one's own existence into several. In other words, he is now a genius soldier of the Red Alliance, a boss of the Red Alliance, and a commander of the 13th Army of Armudor. Moreover, their knowledge, memories, and power have all long been their own.

In short, he secretly ate the three main pillars of the Red Alliance.

An extraordinary head that can control half of the world's most capable men with just three predations. Who else would be able to do such a thing? Now the Red Alliance belongs only to the horsemen, and in fact it was no different from the commander himself.

The knowledge of this guy and this guy is very useful. I can't believe some of the people with abilities were so clever. Besides, it's even more surprising that these guys were the leaders of the past wars against us in favor of the people with abilities.'

He looked down at his own palm and smiled slowly.

Cainbarzen, Akamur, and Agam are figures who are referred to as legendary bookkeepers among the powers. The old man killed him with his own hands, but he still managed to take the other two.

You want someone's power, knowledge, and ability?

Then all you have to do is eat the object as it is.

Then you can take everything from your opponent, not just your looks.

So Dame, Cainbarzen and Akamur all became their own.


'That's really funny. It's really fun. There's nothing more interesting in the world than playing with idiots.'

Cainvargen Ani Kahama giggled and laughed as he swapped his facial expressions around. However, it is not easy to control the faces of intelligent people. What's wrong with your facial muscles? The flesh is so tender that if you move the joints a little wrong, the bones often break through the skin.

'Well, by the way. Tomorrow will be the end of everything will be settled.'

laughed thickly at the thought of a war between powers that spread like wildfire. Now the war between the powers was taking place not only on the Great Plains but also all over the country. Stupid Red bastards were frantically struggling to exterminate the Blues by his orders that took the form of Dame.

In other words, the feud that began to sprout among the capable was leading them all to the path of destruction. A very small embers were now enough to trigger squabbling idiots like water and oil. Above all, he will lead all of this in the top. As if playing a requiem of despair to destruction. It's fun. It's so much fun. Everyone is playing on their palms. He was not nicknamed "self" for nothing.

Of course.

It is not easy for a military commander with enormous power to get rid of all the competent. Most of all, the powers of the [bold] item, which are quietly breathing somewhere in the planetary system, had equal power to them. The number of talented individuals in the world is also close to one hundred.

But what if they make them fight among themselves and induce self-destruction?

It's like blowing your nose without touching it.

I wish I had done this before.

'A little from now on. A little bit. A little bit.

Besides, it wasn't just himself who was here.

They are also standing by.

It's over. It's definitely over tomorrow.

This long war.


It doesn't have to end.

As long as the Hermantium ore is here, the next phase is just a matter of time.

Kahama leaned deep into the chair and smiled with the pupils of the yellow lizard.

The Chaser, and the Chaser (9) the end.

by world manners

work review

You're a sharp-ass.


Thank you so much to everyone who recommended the pre-written comment!

Have a nice day! ^ᄉᄉ

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