The Skill Maker

the pursuer, and the pursuer (4)

Master of the Golden Pig Clan gave a satisfied laugh when his prediction hit the mark perfectly. Most of the able men escaped towards the south gate of the Untit.

"We live together because we have a lot of self-indulgent judgment that we have a high chance of surviving if we work together." But rather, as nearly 80,000 people moved out of one place, the eyes of all the Red Skills were on the other side.


On the contrary, the northern gate they headed for was very safe.

Because the 100,000 Red Nomes, which were located north of the Untit, had already turned long ago and were heading south past the eastern gate. They could simply move northwest and stay as far away as possible from the Reds, then move northeast again and safely into the land of .

So at dawn and at full dawn.

Finally, Anadunat was able to completely get out of the danger zone.

Rather, by moving in reverse direction, we were able to get out of the cracks on a level that lay all over the Great Plains. Now, if they had moved this far, they could have contacted the outside world even if they did not leave the Great Plains completely. I think it's still too much to use teleport scrolling.

"Ah. Can you hear me? I'm the master of the golden pig, everything. Headquarters, respond."

Fucking...! Fucking...

Magic communications that are still a little unstable.

But the wizard nodded towards him.

It meant that the connection was successful.

"Say again. I'm the master of the golden pig, everything. Headquarters, respond."

Only then can one voice flow with noise.

It was clearly a voice from Clan's house with proper communication facilities.

[Mars, Mars...] Chi-jik... Anadunat? Oh, my God. Where is now? No... no... no... Are you?]

Continuous noise.

But it wasn't impossible to talk to.

The damn nightmare of the night seemed to be over.

First of all, the other Blue Clans will take care of themselves.

What matters is your own life.

"Uh. I'm fine. Why don't you come to meet me in the mountains?”

[He, that's where the current situation is very serious... It's a piece of cakey. The Red Army at the Gigantium... is like a shit. You have to come back soon... 치지직]

"What? The Red guys showed up at the Gigantium? What the hell are you talking about that? The Reds are on the Great Plains."

[So are the rest of the world...] It's... it's me. Everyone's under attack from the Red... Toothpaste is already the worst.]


breaking radio waves

A wizard who shakes his head.

Anadunat sharpened his molar.

Holy shit!

I thought it would be over if I left the Great Plains.

What? There's a war going on all over the region?

No way the Redlings are starting wars not only on the Great Plains, but all over the world. Is this the story?

"You red bastards..."

Anadunat twisted his face a lot.

I was wondering if it was all over. It wasn't the time to be like this. The Gigantium houses their main base, the Clan House of Golden Pig. It was clear that if it were destroyed, it would incur enormous property losses. Moreover, all the major troops were listed as the Great Plains, so the defense of the main team was very weak.

"Bill, muggle, ooh! You think I'm gonna let that happen?!"

Anadunat began to run with his big belly fluttering.

Towards the Chintium, which is located in the northeast, and the Rivers Mountains, which stand in front of it for a long time.

a ripple of consternation

The faces of slowly distorted men of ability.

Han's story was like a rock thrown into the water of the Blue Federation.

The atmosphere of the leading camp is slowly becoming noisy.

"You're not supposed to head southeast like this? What the hell does that mean?"

"All this... A trap?"

"I don't quite understand what you' We came here steadily defeating the Reds. When did they seem to attract us? And I'd say that'sorry.


Han shook her head firmly and led the story.

He was also famous among teenage clans for his calm personality and speaking style.

At least the Master of Black Sword wasn't the one talking nonsense.

"It's an illusion. It's all our misunderstanding."

Han speaks again.

He was delivering Kraud's analysis accurately.

a flow of sophisticated analysis judging the situation based on skillful metaphors and topographical features

So he pointed out every little detail, strongly stating that the current situation is extremely artificial.

"Once again, it is highly likely that all of this is the Red's trap, starting with us coming out of the south gate of the Untree. We were naturally being manned by and by Red Alliance officials in any place, or under any circumstances."

However, the leaders did not easily believe Han's words.

Booksellers belonging to the teenage Clan also vented their doubts.

"I can't believe it. I can't believe it."


"Sometimes it's logical. But how on earth would you prove that?"


Han shook his head.

"You can't say everything and move on the battlefield where every blade comes and goes. I think this much evidence is enough."

Auros, the boommaster of the Changgong Clan, opened his mouth.

"Who gave you this analysis?"

"It's the one called Night Illusion."

"Night Illusion? Crowd?"

bookshopers tilting their heads

I've certainly heard of the name.

The name of the world's first World Quest is the name of the fast-growing clan.

Well, that's barely enough for the world's top 100 clans.

But I've never heard of the name Crowd.

"Why do you believe what a stranger says?"


Is this how it comes out?

Han has a slight headache.

I'm here to help you here and offer you to join us.

This isn't a hearing. I can't believe you asked such a thoughtless question.

The bookmen drew an X on the map.

They were discussing this issue in their own way.

"Something fits the theory. But this alone is not enough to determine the future."

"But it seems worth caring about. Clearly, the reference to this terrain is remarkable."

"No, but there's still too little evidence."

"I can't ignore it."

"But I don't think this part was the Red's trap. Hamut is inherently unskilled in strategy, and Hamut is famous for being ignorant of power."

"The fact that he managed the unit awkwardly doesn't produce such speculative results."

Teens Clan's bookkeepers who debate over and over again.

And five minutes later the conclusion came out.

a final conclusion

The word Crowd is wrong.

It is absurd to say that all of this is a trap for the Reds.

"I'm sorry, Han. The debate has determined that all of this is not a trap."

"I'll explain one by one why the crowd is wrong."

"If you look at the map here..."

Rather, the bookkeepers of the Blue Alliance trying to persuade Han.

Han felt that things had become quite complicated.

And the key points in this story were three things below.

1. The weak point of the enemy's mana wave in the South Gate in the first place.

the question of whether this is a coincidence or not

2. The point where the enemy number at the south gate was the least unnatural.

This is also not the intention of the enemy, but the Red side's main team is closer to the north, so it is possible.

3. Last but not least, Hamut's push and pull were constantly being modified in the movement trajectory. That's because Hamut doesn't understand strategic tactics.

The schemers refuted Kraud's opinion in all its parts.

In other words, they judged that Kraud's idea was a coordinated interpretation.

For your information, the world's top 10 Clans have their own brains.

And they had their own basis of judgment and their own pride. As a result, schemers did not readily agree with Han. Once they didn't see anything they didn't see, they didn't even think that one of the 100 clans could see it.

He who realized opened this mouth of Clan.

He was one of those who destroyed Kraud's logic with his own logic.

"Now, Han, do you understand? There's nothing but a small trap southeast of here. In other words, the crowd's interpretation was excessive."

'Whoa... it's hard.'

Han distorted the impression.

If I knew this would happen, I'd rather bring that crowd together.

It's so far away that I've been chasing it on my own because I can get enough speed.

It occurred to me that it might have been a mistake.

Above all, most of the bookmakers in the Blue camp were intoxicated with their own conceit. But if everything was perfectly logical and perfectly computable, as they said, why would the war have started? Things are never that simple.

Variables are overflowing, and sometimes on the battlefield, acting accordingly to them often brings the right results. He knew it well.

Nevertheless, we can't believe we're just talking about the surface.

Han noticed that talking to bookmakers no longer worked out.

He turned his head towards the master of the Changgong Clan.

"Black radish. If this story I brought fits exactly, the Blue camp will suffer a devastating blow that will never happen again. And if that's the time, it'll be too late to regret. What do you think? You really don't think there's a trap for the Reds in front of you, as the bookmakers say? Are you going to head southeast as it is?"

Clan's leaders all at once turned their eyes to Blackmu.

It is hard for them to accept that all of this is a trap.

The enemy was clearly defeated by this side's ability.

It was also their will to choose this path.

A wave of mana? What the hell?

Either way, I had to pick one of the roads in the northeast or southeast.

The opponent would understand it well, and if there were traps, he would have come out.

Besides, the genius strategist, Cainbarzen, is going to sell a trap that puts a self-fulfilling force of 160,000? It was also nonsense. That can't be true.

Cainvargen is a gambler who naturally seeks perfection itself.

He would have devised a strategy to win without losing a single soldier. And if he really had proposed this crazy strategy to the Red Alliance boss, he could not have approved this scheme, which is rumored to be smart.

In other words, the idea of abandoning 160,000 troops for a single vessel was just a nonsense.

Of course. The Blue Alliance leaders didn't know.

The fact that both Dame and Cainbarzen were replaced by Armudor's commander. That he's using this crazy strategy to co-destruct both the Blue and Red camps.

The BOK again opened its mouth in an earnest tone.

"It's not too late for now. Our rear camp is still in good shape. We'll join forces at the center point. Although the distance difference is significant, we can work together here once and then modify the orbit to avoid the trap. There are a number of Rangers in the back camp. They can crush the enemy's intentions..."

But the black radish mouth that opens at that moment.

And Han's forehead was slightly distorted when he heard the story.

I was just listening, so I was wondering. As expected, the result was me.

"I'm sorry, but I believe in the abilities of our bookkeepers. According to this analysis, there is no problem with our current direction of progress. Of course, it is also true that the enemy's ambush or traps were sometimes hidden. But we haven't had a big problem."


"And there are plenty of good Rangers here as well. Even if any trap is hidden, we could break through it head-on. Time matters more now. If you get caught up with an army of 800,000 people, nothing will happen."

a valid remark

But I feel like I'm getting a lump in my heart.

Of course, I understand the position of the black radish.

Rather than listening to the story of a group of people who don't even know the identity of the book, he meant that he would respect the opinions of the bookkeepers who had been with him until this day. It's a valid choice. It's not strange at all. In addition, Han herself certainly does not appear to be wrong in the analysis of these schemers.

But why can't the word crowd leave my mind?

Apparently, he was saying that the words of a man named Crowd were correct.

"Black radish. But our side..."

In the next day, we will be able to get out of the Great Plains safely and into the Heidel area. It'll take you a day and a half longer. I think it's better to worry about you than here. Isn't that right?"

a clear-cut decree of unwillingness to hear any more

Han sighed and looked up and looked back at the masters of the other Clan.

Holy Spirit, Eagle, Treasure Hunter, Valkyria, and the Seven Thousand.

But their facial expressions were also one thing to be firm about.

They believe in wise themselves and the words of their fellow bookkeepers.

This, too, is natural.

Black radish's words follow.

"But the back side survived. That's a relief. I'm relieved of all the burdens. Good luck then, Black Sod."

Han cut her molars in secret.

I can't communicate anymore. I can't do it now.

Now that we're here, we have no choice but to go our separate ways.

"...may regret."

"That won't happen."

"Goodbye, Master of the Black Sword."

Han jerked and turned, listening to Auros' greetings.

It is never impossible to accept opinions because the other side is an idiot.

I'm just too smart to accept other ideas.

'Let's go back.'

I knew that, so I turned around without hesitation.

I've done enough for myself. Enough to.

'Without a trap. I hope the Crowd is wrong.'

Well, their purpose is not to save the Blue League itself, but to change the fate of the man. Anyways, it's not the red side but the blue side.

The Chaser, and the Chaser (4) The End.

by world manners

work review

Climax's coming. Slowly...!

It's still a little far, but ᄉᄉ^

Thank you so much to everyone who recommended the pre-written comment!

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