The Skill Maker

Land of Beginning, Tameus Great Plains (5)

Clan is the largest clan in the Heidel region today, a supermassive set of forces that, in name and reality, rank among the ten most powerful in the world. The Clan Master's name is Clan Boomaster. The total number of Clan One is 1,3292. In addition, according to people's information, there are a large number of [confusion] items and a large number of [destruction] people in the clan.

"We are the only ones who can jump over the Changgong Clan."

If Changgong Clan is Heidel, Clan is a powerful force that has formed a huge force around the Great Plains. characters who advocate themselves as good They are also considered super-large clans in the world of talented people. The Clan Master's name. Clan Boomaster's name. The total number of Clan One is about 7,753. It is also said that in terms of the quality of the capable, it is no less than the sky. And in the past, Lohan left this message.

"In the name of true divinity, I will deliver the withdrawal of punishment to the fallen god Armudor."

Clan is said to be a powerful Clan, centered around Endlide, and they, too, were exercising vast influence over a wide range of areas as a great skill and force. However, the sphere of influence has been narrowed recently due to frequent clashes with the Reds, and thus is said to be one of the leaders of the founding of the World Federation of Guardians. Clan Master, Clan Bumaster, has 1,5579 members of his brother Clan. Of course, it has a large number of talented people as it has a large number of people.

"Only dead red are good red."

A well-known group that is not Clan but has a tendency to be armed with the power that is considered one of the ten most capable in the world. They are said to be the largest band of attackers wandering around the world and hunting treasures, with a total of 4,570 people. The captain's nickname is , which he says has never revealed his real name before. The deputy commander's name has been rumored since the war to have strong power and force. According to the story, the dungeon they passed by is said to have nothing left, from monsters to treasures.

"It's a waste of time to go to the same dungeon twice. You do, too, don't you? Don't you?"

There is also a super-large clan of 5,320 wizards.

Clan with a rather unusual name called . The master here is said to be the world's best sorcerer, with his magic skills already reaching 11 circles. There was a strong theory that the Boomaster was also a great power over 11 circles, and that the two were already in [the myth] category. It is said that in the past, he was already a power of [destruction] items in the Great Plains during the war against the commanders of the army. There was no possibility.

"Only magic combined with the power of karma deserves to be called true magic. Just like the magic I use."

Clan is also one of the world's 10 most prestigious clans. The total number of people is 1,1205. It is said to be dominated by the master, who is a master of the mythical quality. Boomaster is also an expert in the mythical variety, and his name is . The two are said to be sacred beings who were revered by people as goddesses on a planet in the past. I heard that this place has grown with the support of many talented women. Some even said that the power of divinity was different from the power of ordinary people.

"Men are incredible people. True sanctity only falls on women."

There is also a super-large group called the Dragon King, led by seven people. led by the first captain, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th. They were active throughout the continent, each with a thousand mercenaries. It is said that the force of each captain is enough to destroy the earth and shake the sky. The morale of the seven thousand was increasing day by day.

"War without us is not worth discussing victory or defeat. It's all about losing or winning anyway."

Currently, there is also a complex clan with the most members in the world.

Clan who pays as much attention to commerce and research as to hunting. This place is home to a total of 129,445 people, and its main axis is rooted in the Great Plains, but in fact, it was widely spread throughout the continent. Clan Master. He was the one who trusted the power of money and information more than anyone else in the world. Even to the point of direct supervision of this giant clan with its own head.

"Money neither disappoints, nor betrays. And you see my smiling face? Money brings happiness."

There is also a clan of scholars who worship knowledge and try to solve all the problems that exist in the world by knowledge. Clan with rather unusual names. those who are active based on libraries in the Endlide region. However, one of the characteristics of them was that they also had a force that was powerful enough to overwhelm others, unlike the men who generally studied. Because they knew how to build karma by learning knowledge. Clanmasters are revered by all as great sages. The total number of people is 33,781.

"The act of gaining knowledge is essentially a process of learning how to control it. Why don't people know that karma is in their hands even with every word they say?"

And lastly, Clan with 300 people.

They are one of the most popular clans in the world of talent except for the Reds. It is said to be a rather unusual clan with few magical powers and purely warrior groups. Nevertheless, it is said to be a powerful group among the strongest clans by achieving a series of great feats. It was quite possible to guess the individual's skills. The Clan Master's name is. Moreover, it is rumored that he has the ability to freely use. There is no one called the Boomaster, but each of his colleagues is said to be a group of people who came against him.

"Black Saud? I didn't make it because I wanted to. But there's even a fog that can't be avoided."

in such a way

centering on the ten most famous clans in the world

A total of a hundred clans gathered in the city at the beginning of the Great Plains.

To confront the Red herd.

"Hmph! How can this food satisfy this Cerdiana's taste?""

"Hm, hm! Bird, more useful than you think. But there's still a long way to go. Bring something greater if you want a generous evaluation."

"That's pretty good. That's pretty good. This dense juices are quite edible."

"Honey, one more plate here...! No, two more plates! But I don't eat it because it tastes good. Don't forget that you were just in the mood, Chef."

I smiled at Cerdiana in a scuffle with the restaurant owner. She didn't want to admit that the local food she had ever admitted was worse, and she's stuck to a tough attitude every time she tasted it. But nevertheless. In the end, she was fascinated by the deep taste of the Untitled food. A scene that would be sad if it were our exclusive master of Night Illusion Clan. But Cerdiana was definitely fascinated by 's food.

From now on, I'll bring her over often if I have time.

Of course, it wasn't just the Queen Mother who was fascinated with the food.

Jackal was also full of excitement, cutting a thickly juicy steak. The city at the beginning was a place where the study of cooking was conducted to cater to the tastes of various intellects, and many people worked in related industries. It's the city of the beginning, but on the other hand, it's the mecca of esophagus. Here, I could taste all the food in the universe.

"Cuck! It's delicious. Untitled. It's been a while, but it's still the same."

"I agree. Jean Rowler's food is good, too. It's no match for this town."

"Miss Ariel, it's difficult to be picky. It's not good for your health. It needs to grow big, right?"

"Woong. But Hyunchun's grandfather has been eating that all the time. Ariel likes ice cream!"

"Hey, Enna! Give me the steak over there!"

"Huh? No, Mr. Leila. This is my share?"

"Give it to me!"

"Hey, cook. Get me some more fries here!"

"Yay, wait a little longer!"

[Source analysis: 3.5% mango banana juice, 5.34% red wine, 1.3% grape syrup, 2.15% fermented soy sauce, 0.025% salt ratio...]

I laughed and laughed at the restaurant hall, which was stirred by the executives.

A queen who forcibly hides her happy, happy, or happy face with a mouthful of a steak full of juicy juice made with 를 sweeps her mouth every time she takes a bite to taste food calmly with a gentle smile and sits on the knees of Hyun-cheon eating a bowl. Crazy female cat that attacks bowls and bottles beyond eating food. A training instructor who cuts close to the standard in a neat and firm manner. A Silence magic that closes his ears and tastes super-high-quality raw beef. Taste the restaurant's vision steak sauce and brightens the exact data. It's rude to eat at the same table as me until I'm crouching at another table by myself.

I think I did a good job renting the entire restaurant.

I paid a huge sum of 10 million kruns in return.

Well, as long as it's fun.

For some reason, I felt like I was on an outdoor picnic with Clanwon.

The world's fate is on the verge of a contest is just around the corner.

We had no such tension anywhere.

profit and loss

But it was then.

As the door of the restaurant opened, a group of people suddenly appeared.

They were men of slightly over-thirty appearance, each with uniformly shaped badges on the breastplate. Wait a minute. So let's see. I think there was a pattern like that in the handbook of TOP100 Clan around the world that Lena gave me not too long ago.

The man at the front opens his mouth.

"Hey, master. I heard you're so good at this place."

"Excited. Plain bull steak. I've always wanted to eat."

Then a female employee running from the inside.

She ran toward the men and opened her mouth with a troubled look.

The entrance must have been marked in advance, so they didn't know anyone would come in.

"I'm sorry. We have a previous engagement today. They're paying the rent, so no other guests take any..."

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh What's wrong with eating together? Hey. You like the guys there, right? Huh?"

"Oh? What the hell? Aren't these girls so pretty? Now that I see, all the pretty girls in this town are here."

"Women there. Why don't you play with us instead of those hibari-free bastards?"

The moment that the man standing in front of us suddenly thrust his ugly mud feet into the store.

I shook my head from side to side.

Yeah, that's the pattern.

Land of Beginning, Tameus Great Plains (5) End.

by world manners

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