The Skill Maker

Skill auction (4)

Where the hell is she?"

Union officials could not hide their displeasure at the news.

Not only did the development of the treatment completely free bilimant, but also a mechanical woman, one of the 20 executives, suddenly disappeared somewhere.

In addition, blue (general people's abilities) from other regions were joining forces to develop forces against them everywhere, and there was a secondary move to create a huge coalition. Red's territory was steadily expanding, but the problems that followed were also scattered everywhere.

The executive Del opened his mouth.

"No way, he's already been beaten up by someone and he's out there somewhere... It's not like that, is it? Ha, come to think of it, those guys who developed the cure for Versus this time. So what's his name? Was it? Did you happen to have a collision with those guys?"

"Well. But she's strong. It can't have been easy."

The boss Dame nodded at the words of the tiger number Kurkunta.

a middle-aged man reminiscent of a piece of news

He opened his mouth heavily.

"Curkunta is right. She's strong and cunning. There's no need to be so clever as a machine. There is no reason to dismiss her from the Union just because the operation to use Versus failed."


Dell frowned and glanced away from Dame's gaze.

As in the Year of the Tentacles and the Year of the Machine, there were only irritating women in the Red Alliance. What was more upsetting than anything else was that the two were a kind of parachute greeting.

He and the rotten ones who sat at the same height in just over a month, who had supported Dame by his side since the war. Naturally, from Dell's point of view, the two could not help but not like it. Even if it's true that you brought a lot of silver Hermantium ore from the Master.

Dame opened his mouth again.

"Order the intelligence department right now to follow Flona's tracks. They also developed a cure for Berth. I need to know how they were able to delete my powers. Run an investigation into the Clans, too. I'll ask you personally for this."

"Oh! Are you leaving it up to me? Oh, I see, boss! I will do my best."

Only then did Del, who was feeling better, rise from his seat and walk outside.

A short, crooked old man giggled and opened his mouth.

Simple guys are easy to handle.

"Then what about the blue ones? If they form a coalition, it'll be annoying."

Dame shook his head.

"It won't be easy to defeat each other. It might be easier if they get together. No matter how many of the fishermen gather, it's not enough for our union. Most of all, we have a department."

"Hoo-hoo, you're right. Then I'll just get ready. So that you can move at any time."

"I beg you, Akamur."

That's how the meeting ended in a brief end.

Leaving behind some new worries.

a meat restaurant on the main street of Estwalde

Now, with Jackal, Hyunchun, Galonix and me, the four of us were sitting in a restaurant after a business inspection and eating the well-known meat.

A richly flowing juicy meat and meat that melts throughout the mouth. a pleasing and soothing taste This was a very luxurious table for lunch.

Well, it is one of the finest quality foods, with a price of nearly 500,000 kruns per 100 grams. In other words, he's a ridiculously expensive guy with a price of five million kruns per kilo. Even people who earn a lot of money don't eat such food. Normally, I wouldn't do this kind of luxury, but the story was different today.

"Oh, no? You're kidding, aren't you? Four, four, three hundred and seventy-five billion krunners? Is that true, Master?"

"Huhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! That's really great, Minhyuk.

"Oh? Did you really earn that much? I can't believe it. I offer you my wholehearted congratulations. Haha. I understand your skill."

I nodded, chewing on the meat.

The auction ended in a tremendous success.

Skill sales have given an astronomical amount of money at once.

"Well, that's true, because we sold exactly ten. It's an average of 37.5 billion won per unit."

"Hahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... No way."

rumbling through and through

Ttuk. Ttuk.

Jackal drips the water out of his mouth after hearing my story. At present, there was nothing but space-crossed emptiness in his eyes.

Well, the reality is that it's hard for a general [fear] or [disaster] adventurer to hunt for a good dungeon to get over 100 million kruns at a time. I was also fascinated by my story that I earned 375 billion won overnight, or in just a few hours.

Oh, come to think of it.

Jackal once boasted of his hunting returns to me. What did he say? He earned 1.2 billion won a week on party hunting. It's no big deal to myself, yes, I've certainly said so.

But contrary to the bravado, he had been wandering all over the Clan for days and days, continuing to unravel the story. To the point where people shudder with boredom.

Hmm. That would have been too much of a shock to Jackal.

You said you earned 375 billion in an hour or two.

Jackal kept muttering with rotten frozen eyes.

"Yi, this is so unfair. Poetry, God is definitely dead... Or you can't discriminate against people like this. Master? Tell me quickly that God is dead. Hahahaha...! Tell me God is behind me! Hehehehehehehehe!"

Jackal wailing with tears and a runny nose.

The people in the restaurant who look at us with strange eyes.

One word broke the child to the bone.

Jackal, who kills God all the time.


Oh, of course, it was the first time I had ever touched such a large sum of money since I came to the planet's world of Kandulas, except for 700 billion won in compensation. In the past, when we caught [B] a singularity monster, we only earned 15 billion kruns in one time, and when we were in the Heidel region, we went hunting countless times, but we earned about 5 billion at a time.

Well, most of the material items were stored in my bag to produce my skills, so I had to. Of course, when I was on Earth, I was a super-class hunter who spent hundreds of billions of dollars on ransom. Well, that was a long time ago.

Oh, come to think of it, I think I should take a day off and dispose of the material items in the bag in bulk. Is it not me now, but is it not? A superior man of ability no longer subject to materiality in the manufacture of skills. Therefore, there was no reason to keep miscellaneous items inside anymore.

Now that I think about it, it's a bit disappointing.

They've been collecting them for so long.

Maybe you've grown attached to him in the meantime.

"Stupid. Get a hold of yourself and eat the meat. Or I'll eat it all?"

When I quickly swept the meat into my mouth, Barkal opened his eyes as if he had come to his senses. Jackal holds a fork and thrusts the meat into his mouth as if it were supported by evil spirits. His eyes were still filled with thick tears. He mumbled his mouth, chewed the meat like mad, gulped it down and opened his mouth.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh That's what happened! I'll eat it all up! Your 375 billion! This jackal will eat up the meat and destroy it! Ha ha ha ha!"

That's pretty serious.

After finishing the meal, I broke up with my party and moved to . Why? Because after I had a lot of money, I wanted to buy a house in earnest.

It's not that life in is uncomfortable or has any difficulties. Clan One was always very polite when dealing with me, and in many ways convenient.

However, even so, as the relationship with Lena is progressing, I hoped there would be at least one personal space for her and me to spend time together.

I went up to the third floor of the building, met the person in charge and brought up the story.

"I'm here to buy a house in the castle. It's sold directly by the government, right?"

a big-eyed man

Soon he ran out of the counter in a hurry, bending over to see who I was. a man with a courteous demeanor He opened his mouth with a puzzled look. The power I now have in this town was simply enough to drop a flying bird. Especially for those who work in government offices.

"Oh, my...! Aren't you the great and honorable Chairman Choi Min-hyuk? Seo, did you personally visit here to buy a house? Oh, my. If you had told me through the management organization earlier, we would have come to the Clan House with our own catalogs."

Whoa. What is this guy?

It's been a long time since I've had such a smooth tongue.

I responded to him with a smile.

"Ha ha. I'm Choi Min-hyuk, the living legend of Estvalde. I think it makes a lot of sense to do so, too. Well, when I woke up this morning, I suddenly had a desire to own a house. I'd like to buy the best house than that, can you show me the list of mansions? It would be nice if it was inside the castle, but if it doesn't work, it doesn't matter if it's outside."

A man who rubs his palms and laughs cunningly.

The servility of my benevolent face forced me to stick my tongue out.

"Hahahaha! There is. There are nice houses like that. Please wait a moment."

a man rushing in at lightning speed

Soon he walked quickly in and came out with a bunch of papers bearing the mansion.

In addition, the form with refreshments in one hand is quite good.

Excellent. It's become the basis of all the basics.

"From here to here, these are the high-end mansions that are now available. The size of the mansion is a rating scale, and the alphabet shown here is the class level of the mansion set by experts. If you put your hand here like this... Now, the magic image is displayed in three dimensions."

a fairly convenient system for purchasing goods

Perhaps because it was definitely a town that was a Nine Circle wizard, there were some signs of magic being used in a single document. It's the ultimate system that allows you to sit in place and see the whole house. In this regard, I thought it would be better than the real estate agent on Earth. Furthermore, as the government manages and sells the goods, I felt that there was no possibility of fraud from the perspective of users and that it was more efficient.

'Hmm... let's see. I hope it's a house Lena would like.'

After 20 minutes of looking through the list, I finally found a house that really hit my heart. A building that is very close to the Night Illusion Clanhouse, although it is located outside the castle. Moreover, the scenery was beautiful and beautiful in its own way because it only had a small lake on the site.

The total area is about 2,000 pyeong.

The five-story mansion, which was as dazzling as a palace, was splendid and beautiful as anyone could see. Moreover, the most amazing thing here was that most of the minerals that make up the building were made up of and jewelers.

According to the explanation, the jeweler's department and the earth's chief engineer worked hard to make this house. That was great. I really liked this one.

"I like this house a lot. What do you think?"

"Oh? You chose that house...!" This is Choi Min-hyuk, the living legend of Estvalde. You really have a good eye, don't you? This whole thing is just admirable. It is the highest quality of all the properties of the mansion, and it is a cultural heritage site with artistic value. It's Estvalde's finest mansion."

Oh, my. I like this guy more and more.

My tongue is so smooth that I really feel like this mansion is the best.

Seeing that the skill of licking the boss's back is art. I'd be loved everywhere.

Isn't this a real Annalseeker to the bone? He's a coveted talent.

I nodded.

"Good. I'd like to buy this mansion right away. Can you tell me the price?"

"It's currently priced at 54.327 billion kruns. I dare to underestimate Minhyuk's greatness, but it's too expensive to pay at once, so it's going to be hard to pay in a lump sum."

"I'll make it a lump sum."

When I took something out of my arms and held it out to him, the man shook his whole body and glared his eyes, and took it cautiously with ecstatic eyes.

For your information, the rating can be seen as a super-luxury credit card used only by the highest-class of Estvalde. Goods whose minimum assets do not exceed 100 billion won will not be allowed to use. The government office spends 10 billion won to purchase cards.

The man bowed to me.

"I am ashamed that I was worried for a moment about the wealth of great Min-hyuk, who is as humble as a worm. I'll pay you in a lump sum right away. After tonight, this beautiful and ecstatic mansion will be owned by Minhyuk."

Oh, no. I can't do this.

It's not uncommon for people to be this good.

Abu could almost be seen as a place of art.

A man more suited to a negotiator, lawyer, or industrial spy than to a civil servant.

I can't believe such talent was buried in Jaeya.

"Good. Very good. More than that."

I grabbed the man's hand and raised him up.

"Do you have any intention of working as a butler in my house? I've never seen anyone like you who has excellent speech and slavery. How much do you get paid monthly at the government office? Three million kruns? Four million Krun? If you come to me, I'll pay you 100 million kruns on a monthly salary. I'll apply the four major insurances as well. How is it?"

A man who shakes himself lightly at my words.

He tore the badge off his chest and threw it coolly back.

And I was tongue-tied at his bold action.

A man who thumps his forehead roughly on the floor.

And the hammer didn't stop until I stopped him.

"Mi, Minhyuk's humble butler! I'd like to formally say hello to my master! I will serve you with all my heart and soul until the day I die of this humble body! Hooray! Hooray!"

What is this guy?

You're changing your attitude like Woodir.

Ha, I think I'm really going to get addicted to this.

Skill auction (4) is over.

by world manners

work review

I came here to buy a house and got a great talent.

a figure optimized for Korean society

Thank you so much for recommending me your previous work. ^ᄉᄉ

Thank you so much to those who gave me the manuscript fee coupon!

Have a good night, everyone!

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