The Skill Maker

jump over a class (4)

Bers infection rate 99.99 percent.

The chairmen of the Billimant Assembly, in this worst-case scenario, grabbed their heads and twisted their faces.

the embarrassment of unforeseen mixed expressions of dismay

The chairmen were just sitting at the table in a daze.

I didn't doubt that all the cases would be resolved in no time by placing orders for and the emergence of a large number of outside scholars. Currently, the virus has soared by a whopping 69 percent, from 30 percent to 99 percent in just a week. And the cause was so self-evident without anyone saying anything.

An unidentified silver cloud that swept through the entire area not long ago.

It was certain. The cloud carried Bers all over Billimant.

In just a week like a lie.

The situation is simply at its worst.

"Ma, that's ridiculous. This is absolutely ridiculous..."

"I didn't even imagine [confused] that I would get infected with Verses either."

"I've had a headache for a long time. Rain, damn it! I never thought we'd get infected with Versus."

"Chi, what about the cure? How's the cure going? 99% infection rate. This is ridiculous!"

"It's sad, but we haven't had any special results yet."

"We've started a new study of silver clouds taken from the sample. I don't know how long it'll take to develop the cure."

"The biggest problem right now is that many of the outside scholars have become infected with Versus. Maybe they're also suffering from stomachaches and high fever, which is quite disturbing to their research."

"Oh, my... oh, my. Ooh, ooh! Now, let me go to the bathroom for a second... Kuck!"

The moment when the city's chairman stormed out of the room.

The chairmen of each city faced each other with a haggard face.

The faces of the members of the National Assembly, all of them.

the forehead slightly distorted by abdominal pain

I didn't expect them to get infected with Versus.

The first-hand illness was clearly beyond imagination. I only listened to him. Who would have expected that it would suddenly contaminate the whole area? I thought it would work out if we just ordered quests, controlled diseases, and collected scholars.

"Damn it..."

"What the hell was that cloud?"

Although Versus was highly contagious, it had only shown a 30 percent infection rate in two months. In addition, although it was known as the worst disease that kills both the public and the competent in 80 days, there were no cases of the disease among those capable of beyond the [confusion] of controlling the power of the people.

In fact, that's why I was relieved in many ways.

Even in the worst-case scenario, they don't die.

Above all, I thought that even if I got the virus, I wouldn't die within 70 to 80 days, so I just needed to show the results of the treatment development somehow before that. It is also true that they were psychologically relaxed enough to even consider stealing research data from scholars from other regions and turning it into a secret achievement.


The silver clouds changed all this plan completely.

Now it was only one thing that they, like all the other powers, had become time-limited lives.

A fate that walks steadily towards death persistent pain Now that this has happened, there was only one way.

To produce a cure in a short time, no matter what luminescence.

Now that I'm infected, I realize the monster.

How scary and dangerous this is.

Jesus Christ...!

The city's president, Eun, crumpled up the documents on which the research results were recorded.

[A]Berse-related data gathered, analyzed, and studied by scholars above the rank. But so far, there was not a single piece of information available here. The research hasn't progressed a bit in a week.

Stupid. Definitely stupid themselves.

I never dreamed that this would happen. I thought the best geniuses in the universe would find a solution in no time. With no progress made in research, only infectious diseases spread on a large scale throughout the bilimant region.

The cure... is no longer the case with or without it.

Divide the clans into a grading system?

All this was a stupid idea.

At this rate... ...there was a chance that it would really end.

Charlotte felt a pain in her abdomen and had to admit it to herself.

"Ha, I can't. From now on, let's raise the support for scholars to the highest level! It doesn't matter what grade or field you're in! It's good for the general public and it's good for the talented! Let's bring in experts from all fields who have the potential to solve this problem here in Harum City! Four, prize money! Yes! Let's raise the rewards, too! 700 billion...! Why don't we raise the compensation to 700 billion from now on?"

"I think we'd better do that."

"Wow! I'm going to use the bathroom for a while..."


Lawmakers running outside.

Things were certainly getting worse day by day.

Ron, chairman of the city's governing body, opened his mouth.

"Shouldn't we also investigate where the silver clouds came from?"

"Ee, I've already sent an investigation team. Whoo-hoo!

"Good job. Whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

[A]A space where the best clans with medical grades above the rank are gathered.

At present, this place has been absolutely tumultuous with scholars' opinions.

an unsolvable conundrum

A disease that does not respond to any existing treatment.

The death rate reaches 100 percent, so it is impossible to extract antigens from survivors.

There is no information that can be obtained by examining the components of Versus extracted from samples of dead bodies.

It's just that I'm gonna lean on you now... It was just analyzing the silver clouds over and over again.

The situation is literally all over the place.

Scholars have distorted the forehead a lot when they saw the data produced the data.

Not enough. Neither is satisfactorily satisfied.

The research is... It was simply the worst of the worst.

In addition, the infection rate reached 99.99 percent, it said.

More than anything else, the parliament has begun to rush in.

"Damn it. It's impossible to interpret even with wave recognizers... You mean this?"

"Even with the super-dense amplifier, I couldn't read the structure of the bus. It can't be possible with a wave detector."

"Our Krod galaxy. You have good eyes. But Vers. You can't see. Desperate."

"It's at least a billionth of a billionth smaller than nanoparticles. This is incomprehensible."

"Because it doesn't respond to external stimuli at all."

"...for Christ's sake."

Doctors above [A]ank held their heads together and uttered a groan of complex feelings.

an unidentified disease that cannot be interpreted even by the best science of the universe

In particular, not only is it impossible to observe individual objects at all, but each particle size was so small that hundreds or hundreds of billions of objects had to be gathered to create a figure of smoke as small as dust. This challenge was becoming a sheer constraint in solving the situation.

If you can't check it out in detail, it means you're just an unknown being even in front of your eyes.

It's worth the name, "Damn it."

"It's way beyond the level of the World Quest."

"It's just an impossible quest."

"If I'd known this would happen..."

I'd rather not come here.

People understood the back of what he was trying to say almost simultaneously through someone's retraction.

It means that everyone feels the same way, and that it is almost impossible to attack Bers.

Especially the most difficult part for the medical professionals of each clan now.

The most hopeless thing that everyone thinks about with their heads wrapped around their heads.

That's what Berth... It was that.

Electrical stimulation, light source, fire, water, sound wave, mana, divine.

No matter, no energy, no wavelength, was really affecting Verses.

Normally, normal objects in the natural world are subject to external influences no matter how small they are. But for some reason, it seemed that Bers had a natural tendency to ignore or pass through external stimuli. As if it doesn't exist just like a mirage, it keeps wandering around in patients' bodies as small particles. without any interruption

No, the truth was I just assumed he was wandering around.

A small sheep is invisible even to the eye, so not even that part can be assured. It's just a pile of wild guesswork.

a pathogen that cannot be concluded at all.

That was the very identity of this damn disease.

"Anyways, it's clear that the silver cloud is the identity of Berth. Whether it's timing or whatever. It's true that the infection rate has skyrocketed."

"If you keep digging into the silver clouds, you'll see a clue, right? We have to find a substance that causes a reaction."

A few medical professionals who step forward to boost the morale of their colleagues.

But others shook their heads from side to side at their words.

It's easy to say, but in reality it was almost impossible.

We've already used more than 700 space-class analytical equipment, but we haven't made any progress, and it's impossible to get a clue now. In the first place, science is based on experience, research, and improvement. There is no such thing as science to apply to objects that are significantly out of the box. In fact, many of the medical professionals were already in a state of desperation.

No. This is... There was no way.

I've never given up in my life.

This time, my head found out first that it was too much.

"It's impossible."

"We don't have time."

"To find the answer in the way you apply. It's going to take another 30 years to find the answer to this rare wave of material. That's impossible."

"But I can't sit around making my best analysis equipment right now."

"What difference does it make? It's not a problem that can be solved by seeing this. Damn it!"

"Wow! Whoo-woo-wow! Well, I need to go to the bathroom for a moment...!"

The atmosphere in the lab quickly became heavy again when an infected scholar ran outside. They, too, were infected with Verses when silver clouds came upon the city. In fact, headaches and stomachaches were still accompanied intermittently. The symptoms are less yet, so everyone is just working patiently.

Everyone was like a patient. Now.

"It's impossible to reverse the data. At this rate, we'll we... It's all over."

"I can't believe there's no answer to 10,000 of the best brains in the universe..."

Skip the class (4) end.

by world manners

work review

Thank you so much to everyone who recommended the pre-written comment! ^ᄉᄉ

Have a good night!

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