“The first bounty, the bounty is as high as 100 million Bailey! Even if it is a strong person like His Majesty Qiwu Hai and Boyahan Cook, the first reward is only 80 million Bailey! A newcomer in the East China Sea, just the first bounty directly 100 million Bailey?! ”

Looking at Reika, who had the highest bounty among the three people in front of him, a major general objected.

There are only questions about Reka’s wanted bounty, and there is no problem with the bounty for the other two.

“High? Rear Admiral Loki, didn’t you read the report carefully, this guy has fought with such strong men as Hawkeye and Vice Admiral Karp, and do you know what Vice Admiral Karp said when he wanted to invite him to become a navy? ”

“What did you say?!” Rear Admiral Loki knows the report from the East Sea, but some verbal assessment!

Usually not written into the report, to evaluate the pirate, do not need the main opinion of the individual, just report the facts.

How to assess this pirate, that’s what Navy Intelligence professionals need to do.

“As long as he promised at the time, Vice Admiral Karp would immediately ensure that he became a vice admiral, and asserted that within a few years, he was expected to become the youngest admiral in the naval headquarters!”

“What!!” Major General Loki looked shocked, Lieutenant General Karp had such a high opinion of this newcomer pirate!

“If it weren’t for the first reward, if it weren’t for Vice Admiral Karp once saying that in the battle with him, he burned his vitality and caused irreversible damage, if it weren’t for the fact that he had saved the navy, although his strength was high, but the degree of danger was relatively average, he single-handedly chiseled through 17 branches, and Vice Admiral Karp bombarded hundreds of moves undefeated, almost razing the entire island!”

“His bounty can’t be only 100 million Baileys! When it was initially formulated, it was more than 300 million Bailey! ”

As soon as Lieutenant General Stoloberg’s words came out, many naval officers were shocked.

But he didn’t say anything more, just thought, if someone really offered a reward of 300 million Bailey for the first time, I am afraid that even some old monsters in the new world would immediately notice this unprecedented dark horse!

But even 100 million Bailey, in the East China Sea, is very exaggerated, even in the first half of the great voyage.

Such bounty offenders are not common, not to mention, it is the first time to offer a reward!

Usually the first reward, the Navy will give it very conservatively.

Because newcomer pirates are extremely easy to fall, if the bounty given is too high.

As a result, the other party was slaughtered by ordinary bounty hunters within a few days, and the ability of the Naval Intelligence Department would be questioned.

And the low giving, once the bounty hunter, or the navy can not catch, and then gradually increase it, but it is nothing.

“Lieutenant General Karp also said, although because the other party is a pirate, he opened a killing ring and had to offer a reward, but don’t give up recruiting him as His Majesty Qiwuhai, but now there is no vacancy in the position of His Majesty’s Qiwuhai, so no one sent an invitation post!”

“The little East China Sea actually produced such a strong person! And the name of this pirate captain is also very familiar! ”

“That’s Lieutenant General Karp’s grandson!”

“Nani!?” The conference room was suddenly shocked!

“It’s the grandson of Vice Admiral Karp again, and the incident of Fire Fist Ace’s great voyage a few years ago can be remembered!!”

“Is there something wrong with Lieutenant General Karp’s education?” muttered a major general in a low voice.

When everyone heard this, they were silent, and for a moment they didn’t know what to say.

“Do you have any other questions? If not, the wanted order is so decided! ”

“No objection!” ……

A little earlier.

“So fast! This is it, Great Manatee, goodbye!! “The Golden Melly successfully reached the village of Cocoa West as quickly as possible.

They had previously beaten the sea cow moo and ordered it to pull the boat for them, so it saved a lot of time than expected!

Moo returned to the sea with a grievanced look.

After all, it’s just a pet, doing what you are told, but when you get back here.

It found that the owner was gone! No one blows the horn anymore to tell it to come back for dinner!

“That’s it!!” As soon as they came to this island, Luffy, Solon, Sanji, Usopp and others saw the collapsed dragon park on the coast!

There are also many fish-man heads, cut off by angry villagers and inserted into the coastline as a deterrent.

“Huh!! Fish head?! Seeing this, Usopp was frightened.

“It seems that Rekasan has already dealt with things, it’s a pity, and I still think about the opportunity to warm up!” Solon immediately judged that the Evil Dragon Pirate Group had probably been annihilated.

“You better recuperate your injuries, it’s not so easy to recover from your injuries!” Usopp was speechless, how Solon wanted to fight every day!

“Where are the villains who hurt Miss Nami, for the sake of Lord Reka, I will resolutely eradicate all enemies that threaten Miss Nami!” Sanji smoked a cigarette and said with a deep face.

“Brother Cook, why do you call Mr. Reka a great god?” Johnny and Joseph asked curiously.

“You mortals can’t understand it, Lord Reka, but you are arsonists, my generation model!!” Sanji said with a look of adoration.

When Solon heard this, he was confused after facing Johnny, Usopp and others.

“Stupid cook!” Solon even added directly.

“What do you say? Stinky green algae head! ”

“What?! Chlorella head? Solon raised his eyebrows, feeling the urge to pull out his knife and cut people.

“It’s you, have an opinion?”

“The smelly cook is not small!”

“Why, do you want to do it?”

“Do it, do it!”

“Okay, come on!”

“That… Should we think about landing first! Usopp said weakly.

“Hmph!” Sanji and Solon snorted coldly, but did not continue arguing.

Luffy laughed and was very happy to see it, this is his ideal partner!

When the boat landed, as soon as they set foot on the land, they were surrounded by thousands of villagers!

The entire newly liberated island, the inhabitants of dozens of towns, are immersed in the joy of freedom.

But at this moment, there was another pirate ship!

“Folks, fight with them, no matter what kind of pirate it is this time, don’t want to dominate this island again!”

“That’s right!! We’ve had enough!! Any pirate dares to commit another crime! If you spare this old life, we must also make them pay a heavy price, so that they dare not easily bully us again! ”

“That’s right, that’s right!” So the mighty villagers, armed with various weapons, surrounded Luffy and the others who had landed at the beginning!

“What’s going on here!?” Luffy asked with an innocent look.

“We are pirates, people surround us, what’s the problem?” Solon said calmly.

“Oh, so it is!” Luffy knocked his fist into his palm and suddenly came to his senses!

“Pirates, get out!!” A villager said with anger on his face!

“Get out!!” Everyone else hates pirates just as much!

“What happened?” Nami and Noki Gao, they hurried here!

After Reka left, Nami has been waiting for him to return in Kokoasi Village.

She was worried, the naval base, it was something for war!

Even if it is the Evil Dragon Pirate Group, if it rushes into the naval base, I am afraid it will be wiped out!

And Reka, this fool, actually went like this!! What if he doesn’t come back!

Nami is full of anxiety and fear!

It wasn’t until someone said that a pirate landed on the coast that she temporarily woke up from this state.

Hurriedly led people to the shore, and she even wondered if Reka had returned on someone else’s boat.

Nokigao and Ah Jian see everything in their eyes!

Even when Nami decided to join the Evil Dragon Pirates when she was a child, she didn’t seem to be so apprehensive!

The news that the Evil Dragon Pirates were defeated by Nami’s partners in Kokoasi Village.

It has already spread throughout the island, and Nami’s rebellion and the rebellion of Kokoasi Village have made them veritable heroes in people’s hearts!

When Nami arrived, even the residents of other towns gave way to her.

They all already knew about Nami’s deeds of joining the Evil Dragon Pirates, and they only respected and admired Nami in their hearts!

Not to mention, now the entire island is saved because of her.

“Yo, Nami!!” Luffy greeted with a smile.

But Nami’s face was a little unnatural, and Luffy looked like he didn’t care about the past, and he looked big and grinning, which made Nami feel guilty in her heart!

They didn’t even dare to admit their relationship with Luffy anymore, after all, except for Rayka, they should all think that they were traitors!

She even said to the villagers: “Everyone lay down their arms, they are Rekasan’s partners!” ”

It’s Reka’s partner, not his own! Are you still eligible!

“So it is! I said, these people don’t look like bad people! ”

“It turned out to be the benefactor’s partner! Let’s put away your weapons everyone! ”

“Thank you so much!”

After hearing Nami’s words, all the villagers immediately became amiable and grateful to Dade.

There were even those who knelt directly for them.

“No, no, no… We didn’t do anything! The guy who bullied Nami is not something we brought down! Luffy was immediately a little confused.

“That guy who cheapened the evil dragon, he died really early, otherwise Uncle Ben appeared, and he must be made to kneel and beg for mercy!” Usopp was very comfortable enjoying the praise of the villagers.

“How do you know about dragons?” Nami was stunned for a moment, then asked Usopp about them.

Reika knew that it was because he had chased him, and Nochgao had just said that he had met him!

Then it’s not surprising to know about her!

But Luffy they just landed, how do they know?

“You told us everything about Rekasan!”

“What?!” Nami was shocked, he had already considered his problems in this team at that time!

This meticulous thoughtfulness and gentleness makes Nami’s whole heart warm, and she feels protected by him all the time!

“By the way, why didn’t you see Rekasan?” Solon asked after looking around.

As soon as these words came out, Nami’s face changed slightly.

“Did something happen?”

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