Rumble!! A solar magic fire formed by the burning of life force rose from Reka’s body!

Solipsism for the ultimate mode! Need to burn life force!!

A stronger force that shocked Karp pervaded!!

Reka’s body seemed to have a sun furnace steaming.

The terrifying energy drumming in the body can be clearly heard, like a loud thunder being suppressed in the body, emitting a dull and surging muffled sound.

In addition, Reika’s body and muscle fullness once again expanded to the extreme.

The undulating lines of the body highlight the most pronounced aesthetic of violence.

Just by looking at it, you can feel that every muscle is full of explosive power.

The whole person is also like a little giant, the breath gushes, and the air is distorted.

The inscription-like flame was attached to Leika’s body, and the surrounding mountains and forests had not yet touched the flames, and they gradually burned up due to the high temperature!

Even in his eyes, it was like hiding two small suns, with an indifferent expression, like a god who dominated the sky.

This is the first time that Reika has activated the Ultimate Mode!! This feeling of life force being directly overdrawn into power!

Let Reika fully feel what is truly powerful!

It feels like the whole person’s body has been reborn and has unparalleled strength.

The empty hand, just subconsciously clenched into a fist, the air buzzed softly in his hand, and it was directly pinched and exploded!

He even had an urge to try to see if he could pinch Lieutenant General Karp.

But Reika feels that this kind of thing is good to think about, and it is only close to 20% of the play progress at present.

Even if you enter this mode, you can’t be really invincible.

And there will be a time limit, once it is used for too long, the life force burns clean, and his life will come to an end! He doesn’t want to die yet!

“What the hell is going on with you guy, what is the structure of the body!?” Seeing this, Karp couldn’t help but ask curiously.

In this short period of time, there have been two changes, and each time there is a change, the strength has increased exponentially!

What an exaggeration! It’s so perverse!

Reika didn’t answer Karp, now every second counts!

Raising Rita’s divine axe, he used the skill used to fight Hawkeye, only more powerful: “Sun Saint King! Arrogant explosion! ”

Rumble!! Endless energy condensed on the tip of the axe, a huge fireball, with the sun’s various colors of flames, rolling in distinct layers!

Karp sensed the danger, and he first flicked his left arm, and a tornado-like wind tore apart the entire forest that was set on fire nearby!

So that the flames do not spread and burn the entire island!

“Then the old man will also take you down seriously!” Karp tore his clothes with one hand, drumming up the top domineering, his body energy boiled to the extreme in an instant, and his broad chest rumbled with a loud bang!

Whoops… One after another domineering energy is like a steam heat flow, in this instant, bursting out from Karp’s pores!

You can imagine how terrifying the energy boiling in his body is!

“Fist bone. Black Star Wyvern! Karp threw out a fist, and the fist intent and the top domineering energy converged into a black dragon, wrapping around his entire arm!

One blow, the stone breaks the sky! Collid with the giant sun of Reka!

The sun was blasted, like a meteor volcanic bomb, exploding in all directions.

Landing, burning the whole island! Like thunder and fire colliding, destroy the sky and the earth!

Swish! The two made eye contact and disappeared at the same time!!!


In the next second, a punch and axe exchanged blows in mid-air, and the ripples of destruction energy rippled around, and all buildings, trees, and peaks that were higher than ten meters were all cut off and swept away within two thousand meters!

Karp’s fist was covered with a layer of black-red armed color domineering, and he actually shook the sharp mouth of the divine axe with his bare hands, instead of the axe face!




Karp punches two punches, three punches… The fist was wrapped in overwhelming power, shattering pieces of air, and each blow hit an extremely terrifying air cannonball!

Reika is just an axe after an axe split, each axe, the axe light flies into a shadow, sharp as light, continuous!!

Both were furious, and the impact of each collision reverberated throughout the island!

As the battlefield of the two spread outward, one after another, hundreds of meters, and even a steep mountain peak thousands of meters high.

In the exchange between the two, it gradually collapsed and tore apart, and the large floor block rose and fell with them, and the super foot force stepped on the displacement.

It also burst out a series of hideous earth ravines, as for the forest boulders.

In the aftermath of the fight between the two, it turned into powder.

The two were like two violent gods, and a war of destruction broke out.

The navy in the naval base showed an incredulous expression.

Even Karp’s adjutant was no exception: “This guy can fight with Lord Karp so much, and he only suffered a small loss, and he has never really been injured!” How is this possible!? Such a powerful guy, never heard of before, just went to sea! ”

Only having just gone to sea can explain why such a powerful person has never heard of it before!

But alas, it hasn’t really started to shine in the world, it’s about to end.

No matter how strong he is, in front of Lieutenant General Karp, who has experienced hundreds of battles, he will definitely lose!

If he is not defeated, I am afraid that after this battle, this man will become famous all over the world!

“Hahaha!! Carefree!! Reka enjoyed the ultimate thrill of fighting, even as the crisis approached step by step, under Karp’s fist.

His counterattacks are getting less and less, but every counterattack is to do his best and exceed the limit!

If this kind of combat power becomes the norm one day, Reka feels that he can face the admiral head-on!

“Polynuclear flare!” The energy in Reka’s body boiled to the extreme, and when he opened his mouth, a world-destroying, spiraling three-color flame beam of energy

Immediately hit Karp!

Karp greeted it with a punch, and there was a boom, but the armed color domineering was actually shattered once!

“Scary rampant imp!!” Karp stepped on the ground, the earth exploded, and the whole person was like a shooting star, straight towards Reka, and both fists burst out at the same time!

“Double Dragon Fist Star!” Two fists blasted out at the same time, Reika blocked, but the whole person was hammered into the ground from the air.

The ground is like the surface of the sea, setting off a huge wave ten meters high and spreading outward, pushing everything around!

“God is angry. Residual Fire Shining Sun! “Reka burst out of the ground, facing Karp in mid-air, bursting a string of solar fireballs, a line of fire connecting all the fireballs, the top is the divine axe rita, the whole forms a sun fire gun that looks like it is about to shoot down a meteorite!

Reika himself is in this gun’s edge! This divine fury spear has the penetrating power to penetrate the sky!

“Fist Blast!” Karp grinned, feeling the joy of fighting for a long time!

A punch with his legs, waist, in one go, the energy of the fist boils, thunder and fire jump, wrapping around his fist!

A punch slammed down, directly hitting the tip of the gun, the ultimate terrifying power, so that the atmosphere instantly appeared cracks!

Although it has not yet reached the level where the four emperors broke through the sky and the abyss cracked the sky, it has already stunned everyone!

And after Karp’s onslaught, he also found that Reka’s state was unstable: “Your combat power is temporary, exchange it for life force, continue to fight, even if you don’t die, you will never be able to burst this kind of combat power in this life!” ”

“Grab it, as long as what you said about the corruption of the navy is true, I can save your life and become a navy, and I can at least ensure that you become a vice admiral now!” Admiral for you, a few years at most! ”

Karp’s heart is not dead! The surprise that Reka brought him was too great!

When he first arrived, Reka said that he was helping the Navy clean up the garbage, and that the rear admiral was corrupt!

Karp is skeptical, but once again deeply appreciates Reka’s straightforward way of fighting!

Karp gradually believed it! In a death battle, a person’s way of fighting can roughly reflect what kind of person the other party is!

The arrogance, arrogance, arrogance, arrogance, roughness, etc. that he felt from Reka was enough to prove that he probably wouldn’t lie about that kind of thing!

With his strength, there is no need for this!

And he stops now, don’t overdraw his body to burn life, this potential, become an admiral, I’m afraid it really won’t take a few years!

Then he will become the youngest admiral in the history of the Navy!

Thinking of this, Karp once again exported to persuade!

“No need! My life cannot be left at anyone’s disposal! ”

“Are you so distrustful of justice in the world government and naval headquarters?”

“Do you fully believe it then?” Reika had already asked a rhetorical question, leaving Karp speechless in an instant!

Poof! As soon as the words were over, Reka couldn’t help but vomit blood continuously, and his life force was also consuming extremely fast!

What Karp said is true, but what he doesn’t know is that as long as he doesn’t die, as the progress of the play increases.

His strength will increase, and so will his vitality! It can be recovered! Unless it burns to the extreme, burns out!

“Let’s fight!! I decided! “Reka launched another onslaught, and the divine axe slashed down, breaking the mountain and breaking the ground, easily!

Karp is still fierce, fighting with his bare hands, as if to capture Reka, the raptor.

“Decide what?” Karp is extremely distressed and regretful, now Reka’s vitality is still burning at an accelerated pace, I am afraid that it will soon run out of oil!

If you don’t stop now, you have already hurt the origin, and even your life will not be long! It’s a pity!

“I didn’t have a goal before, but now I have my first small goal, and I think it must be something worth looking forward to overcoming you in the future!” Reka’s eyes are shining!

Two rays of sunlight burst out directly from Reka’s eyes and hit Karp, only to be scattered by Karp again!

Karp was stunned for a moment, he wanted to knock himself down?? And bluntly for small goals! So arrogant!!

“Hahaha!! Interesting! How many years have I not heard such words!! But you have to have a future! Do you really think you can escape from me! Or do you think that’s my full strength? ”

“Lieutenant General Karp, don’t lose to anyone else until I win you! Don’t make me look forward to it in vain! ”

“Want to go?”

“You can’t stop me!” Reka’s body suddenly bloomed with dazzling light, and the whole person was like an expanding sun, surging with energy that was about to get out of control!

“Do you want to blow yourself up!? Are you crazy, dead but nothing! “This energy exploded, and Karp also felt very dangerous!

Even more dangerous, the whole island!!

“Boom !!!” The terrifying explosion centered on Reika exploded, and an energy shock wave spread out in a semicircular shape, covering the entire island!

“I’m not going to die!!”

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