But soon, the evil dragon was next, and when the chaotic knife came to him, he looked fierce and struggling!

Or rather, simply don’t know what to do! As soon as he raised his hand, he killed his own compatriots!

Can’t do it! Can’t do it!

The evil dragon roared inwardly, but when one of the blades forced his neck.

A strong desire to survive, so that the evil dragon still subconsciously shot, no, out of the foot!

He kicked the fishman’s chest violently, and the powerful force directly knocked the fishman’s chest down.

The collapsed ribs pierced the heart inside, and the fishman was stunned, and then spit out thick blood and fell to the ground.

Even if the dragon’s hands are wasted and only its feet remain, its explosive power is still amazing.

“Fellow countrymen!!” The evil dragon kicked the dead man, but he was in a hurry, wanting to reach out and pull him.

As a result, more blades slashed and bullets began to fly.

The evil dragon opened its mouth and bit many blades, pressing up and down, and the blades exploded.

“Stop!” The evil dragon tried to persuade these fishmen, but there was no turning back arrow when he opened his bow.

They all know the character of the evil dragon, offending him, it is not far from death, and all they can do now is to solve him!

“Well said, Evil Dragon Sang, you haven’t killed your own compatriots yet!”

“I…” the evil dragon muttered, not knowing how to answer this.

The facts are in front of you, how else can you explain it!

“While he is seriously injured now, we will have no chance after that, and you don’t know how strong the dragon’s recovery ability is.”

“!!” His own desire to survive made the evil dragon unable to truly lead the neck to be killed, and he began to fight back like a madman!

I couldn’t think of much anymore, and after a while it was stained with the blood of my compatriots.

Many fish people also began to hesitate a little because of the strength of the dragon.

“Stop, stop!!” The dragon seemed to have gone crazy, and then looked in Nami’s direction again.

He had just fallen to his knees, begging Nami to let the man end this crazy game!

It’s just that before Nami could answer him, the fish people couldn’t wait to attack him!

Now the evil dragon saw that Nami still didn’t react, and ran directly to kill it.

Taking Nami may be able to be used to threaten that madman and win a glimmer of life for everyone.

Otherwise, his hands will be stained with the blood of more compatriots.

And as time went on, his injuries got worse.

Either he killed all his compatriots, or he died at the hands of his compatriots, there is no third possibility.

“It seems that for ordinary fish people, even if you don’t have hands, you still have outstanding combat power.” Reika said lightly.

Sticking out his finger, a line of sun fire burst out with a swoosh, directly piercing one of the thighs of the evil dragon, making him suddenly bend his knees and kneel!

It is difficult to move quickly, the sword beckons, cut out many wounds, only with one mouth, unable to move for a while, no matter how strong, it is just waiting for death.

Killing him depends on how many fishman’s lives need to be paid, but even if he pays it all, for Reika, he is happy to see it.

These fish people are to be killed in the plan themselves.

The kind Nami, at the moment when the evil dragon begged for mercy, there was indeed a touch of unbearability in her eyes.

But seeing that Reika still had his own blood on her body, this kindness and unbearability were all hidden by her!

To be merciful to the enemy is to be irresponsible to themselves and to Reka’s life!

“Nami, don’t listen to him, don’t forget how Bermel died in the first place, and don’t forget how they forced you to draw pictures and break the agreement all these years!” Nokigo looked at the cannibalistic fishmen.

There is only pain in the eyes! These fish people are full of evil, and they don’t deserve sympathy no matter how they die!

Or in other words, only this method of death can be called punishment.

He killed so many people, how many families lost loved ones, how many people lived in fear.

Ordinary dead, that’s cheap him!

“I know!” Nami nodded firmly.

If it weren’t for Reka, maybe now the entire Kokoa West Village died at the hands of the evil dragon, and the despair they felt, Nami is not so easy to forget!

Now looking at the tragic situation of the evil dragon, her heart has never been more relaxed!

It’s good to have him! As long as he is there! Even if the sky falls, it doesn’t matter!

Nami looked at Reka obsessively.

“Ahem… But then again, Nami, how did you meet this friend, why, I feel that he is more murderous than these pirates such as dragons! Ah Jian couldn’t help but ask curiously.

He is considered to be the father of Nami and Nokiko after Bermel’s death.

Now that the evil dragon could have such a disaster, of course he was happy, but as a bystander.

But he felt that this handsome young man, the means were indeed not kind.

“He’s not ferocious!!” When Nami heard this, she didn’t answer the first question, and subconsciously refuted Ah Jian’s words.

“Oh… Is that so…” Ken choked a little unconfident by Nami’s words.

Isn’t that murderous? This is a torture that is worse than death.

Let racists like the evil dragon kill their compatriots, and just now they have to kowtow and beg for mercy.

In the past, even if it was a dream, they had never had such an outrageous dream.

In this situation, if nothing else, the evil dragon is certain to die!

“Abominable!! I knew this would happen, I should have killed you all in the first place! Kill them all! The dragon saw Nami’s determined eyes.

He immediately understood that no matter how much he prayed, Nami would never forgive him!

Put yourself in your shoes, he can’t forgive either!! But when people have the advantage and the odds are in hand.

How is it possible to put yourself in the shoes of the victim!

Now it’s useless how he regrets it!

The evil dragon said, biting a fellow fishman to death with his mouth.

He knew he shouldn’t do it, but his instinct to survive still forced him to do it.

If he doesn’t resist, he doesn’t have the slightest chance to catch Nami and lift the crisis, but as one of his legs is interrupted by the line of fire shot by Reka.

He immediately understood that he had no one and hope! Can’t get close to Nami at all!

So while biting his compatriots to death, he cried sadly, laughed wildly for a while, roared, and the whole person’s spirit was already a little abnormal!

One fishman after another died in his mouth, even if he kept his distance, but one leg kick could make him move in a short range.

But it is no longer possible to get to Nami by surprise.

And that devil is still watching everything from the rooftop.

There is no possibility of success at all!.

“You devil, I curse you not to die well!!” The dragon looked at Reika and uttered a vicious curse.

“You’re ahead of me.” Reika just looked at him lightly.

“And, how does it feel to be hacked to death by your own people? Isn’t it very comfortable! Feeling like you’re dead? Or do you want to kill all your compatriots? Then you are really a [hero]! ”

“You you… Poof!! “The evil dragon directly suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, touching all the wounds on his body, and he was half dead, but his heart couldn’t help but tremble with fear!

This is the devil, not a creature on earth: “The devil… Hehe, devil, scared hahaha…”

He was half crazy and half mad, and finally among the less than ten remaining Fish-Terran survivors, he was hacked to death by a random knife!

“Congratulations on successfully killing your boss! There are 9 people left, but there are only 3 survivors! Reka’s faint voice sounded.

The other fish people had already killed red eyes, and when they heard this, they didn’t even have the strength to scold Reka.

Don’t dare to scold! Instead, the fight began, and soon there were only three exhausted lucky ones, who looked forward to it, and knelt down, looking at Reka and Nami!

Hope they will let them go!

“Evil dragon, just died like this?!” Ah Jian and Nokigao, as well as Nami, are all evil dragons who look miserable to death with an incredulous face!

It felt like a dream, the evil dragon pirate group that had dominated the entire island for so long was so easily destroyed in the hands of this man!

Ah Jian pinched his arm hard: “It doesn’t hurt, what’s going on!?” It won’t really be a dream! ”

“Ah Jiansang, you are too excited!!”

“Isn’t it a dream?”

“It’s not!”

“Cocosia Village saved?”

“Hmm!” Nami nodded emphatically!

“Saved, finally saved, Belmer, do you see!! Nami, Noki Gao! And us, all free! Ah Jian couldn’t help but kneel on the ground and cry.

Nami and Nokitaka also shed tears of excitement and relief.

At this time, other towns around had already noticed the abnormality of Cocosia Village.

Many people knew that the village of Cocoa West was about to launch a counterattack, plus the matter of Gosa Town.

More towns are already unable to tolerate this domination and are ready to find out.

Some even plan to join the village of Coco Yasi to set off a fire of resistance together.

“Can you let us go?” A fishman asked in a low voice.

“Of course, but what they will do is none of my business!” Reka looked up at the group of villagers approaching around him.

Among them were the people of Kokoasi who gradually woke up, and they woke up blankly.

After going to the Evil Dragon Park, he pounced on the void, learned the situation from the dying Croobi and killed him.

He hurriedly turned back to Kekoa West Village, preparing to find the evil dragon gang and fight to the death.

“No, no…” When they saw so many villagers around, only the last three lucky ones left let out a terrified scream!

They were rightfully drowned and killed by the villagers!

“Wait for me here, I’ll be back soon.” Reka came to Nami and said.

“Where are you going?” Nami’s heart suddenly appeared uneasy, hasn’t the evil dragon already been defeated?

“There’s a guy who took your money!”

“No, don’t go! No more money! Nami quickly took Reka’s hand.

Killing pirates, and killing the navy, is completely different!

The former usually kills and kills, and the latter will cause a series of troubles as soon as it kills.

It is the whole system that offends, and Nami does not want Reka to take any more risks!

“He made you cry, this account, can’t be counted!” Reika said, and the whole person rose to the ground.

“Don’t…” Nami didn’t have time to stop it.

At the moment, the 17th branch of the Navy, which is the naval base directly under the headquarters of the Navy.

In a sophisticated and luxurious office, Colonel Rat tastes food and wine, and holds a reluctant female navy woman.

Meizi looked at Bailey, who was stained with blood on the table: “I didn’t expect the money to be so easy to earn this year, but it’s a pity, I let that octopus divide half of it and give it to the evil dragon before!” ”

“I heard that Navy Hero Karp is also active in this sea area recently, if you pass by here when the time comes, if you can climb some connections, no matter how much money it costs!”

“Woman, don’t look reluctant, who let your ensign husband gamble, and still owe me a debt, can only obediently give you to me!”

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