“Hey, boy, come be a navy!” But Karp ignored Reka’s request to deal with it at this time.

Instead, the invitation was sent out very abruptly.

“Don’t! When you are in the navy, you don’t know when you will die! Reika had a feeling that his mind couldn’t turn.

I’ll talk to you about compensation, and you tell me to be in the navy, all because what just happened hasn’t happened, right?

Reika immediately and decisively refused.

However, Karp’s seemingly inconsistent operation fundamentally solved the problem.

If Reka is a vicious criminal or something, stay around, and once discovered, Karp has the ability to clear such a danger on his own.

If not, then train to become a good navy!

Look at how immature he is, with a little training, he must be an extremely good navy!

It’s just like Luffy in the future!

It’s just that Karp didn’t expect the other party to refuse so crisply! Hello to think about it?

“What do you mean by that?” Karp was immediately uncomfortable, and how to get a navy would definitely die.

“The meaning is obvious, with my strength, it is more than enough to be a naval admiral in the future!” Reka’s words sounded so unknown to the navy!

This guy knows what it means to be an admiral! That’s the highest combat power of the naval headquarters!

He said it lightly like this, what did he think of himself?

“And then?” Karp doesn’t hate people with lofty ideals, and it’s so powerful at this age.

It is not impossible to become an admiral in the future!

Others can only feel that Leika should be very strong, but how strong it is, they can’t feel it before they fight.

But Karp can perceive it more clearly!

“Then wait for the people above, one day give the order to send death!” Reka said disdainfully.

Then he leaned close to Karp’s ear, lowered his voice, and continued with a slightly unsettling voice.

“Or, in the midst of the power struggle, they killed them!”

Karp’s pupils shrank suddenly, this guy is young, but he has seen so thoroughly?

Such a thing, not without occurrence at the headquarters of the Navy, in the world government!

And as the Draco royal power becomes more and more corrupt, there have been more and more similar cases in recent years.

It’s just that not all of them are admirals, but there are indeed many high-ranking naval officers.

It is impossible for Reka to join the Navy, let alone the other admirals who will not be safe in the future.

Even Karp, the legendary navy, may be “sacrificed” in the future!

After all, grandpa sacrifices to the sky, and his mana is boundless!

The only safe thing is the protagonist group, and the rest, no matter how powerful it is at the moment.

There is no guarantee of absolute immortality in the future.

Karp was stunned for a moment, and the other navies showed shock, this guy, really dare to say anything!

If there are spies from the world government, just slandering the world government like this, not to mention execution, it is certain that you will be imprisoned!

“So, Navy Hero Karp, your request is no less than letting me die, you say, why do I promise you?” Reika spread her hands and said slowly.

“The Navy is not as bad as you think, if you don’t want to be taken care of, it’s good if you don’t rise too high!” Just do it like me! Karp smiled confidently and proudly.

Reka’s words can be seen from another angle.

Can it be understood that he has studied the world pattern, the world government and the headquarters of the Navy?

No! It should be said that the research is very thorough!

This is a good seedling to be a navy!

Karp’s eyes became hotter and hotter!

“You think I’m idle and have nothing to do? If I don’t get promoted, what am I joining the Navy for! ”

“For justice!”

“I don’t even know if I have this thing!”

“The pay is good! Work with your strength for a few years, what castle villas, all can afford it, catch pirates and commission! ”

“Want money? I can get rich overnight! ”

“Take me… Ahem! So what do you want? Karp asked rhetorically.

“You invited me, shouldn’t that be something you have to consider? If you can’t say it, what happened just now, you can make compensation at will, and then I will leave!” Reka looked at Karp like a fool.

You want me to join the Navy, and I want to convince myself of an excuse? Outrageous!

Sure enough, the people with the Monchi family, probably, can’t try to be reasonable or something!

When Karp heard this, he was so anxious to scratch his ears and cheeks, this is not okay, that is not okay.

Do you want to miss such a young strong man in vain!

“Then we fight, I win, you join the Navy?” Karp rolled up his sleeves, exposed his fists, and asked tentatively, with a discussative tone, not sure!

Obviously, soft can’t work, we can come hard!

In this sea, strength is respected, and most people who are quite confident in their strength often love to eat this set!

But Karp has no bottom in his heart, after all, no matter what, this seems to be a bit of a bully!

Even he, the proposer, has no confidence at all!

“Capusan, that’s a bit too much! How many people in this world dare to punch and kick you! A subordinate and little fan brother said a little speechless.

It’s not that he looks down on Reka, but Karp has been famous for a long time!

“It’s a bit of a bully, people are still young!” The adjutant was also a little unable to stand it.

Although he has long been used to it, Lieutenant General Karp sometimes really jumps off!

If you change to a normal person, you will not agree to such a request!

This method should only work for those who are fighting freaks!

But seeing that this kid is young and handsome, it should have nothing to do with people like battle maniacs.

“Uh-huh!!” Listening to the adjutant’s words, the other navies also nodded in approval!

Old Karp’s face turned red: “It’s noisy!” Hurry up and clean up! ”

“Urgent, urgent! Capsang is in a hurry! ”

“You stinky imps!!” Karp directly waved the iron fist of love and rushed over, catching one and beating one!

“Hahaha!!” The navy scattered and fled!

“Then let’s do it!!” But Reka’s answer surprised everyone! If you really want to get sleepy, come to the pillow!

You are so cooperative, if you don’t wool once, how can it be worthy of this coincidence.

“No, I just said I was playing!” Sensing the playful eyes of the crew, Old Karp’s face turned red, what a fight?!

If you really fight, in the future, before these subordinates, won’t you fall behind the reputation of bullying the weak?

“This kid wouldn’t be stupid, would he?” The navy stopped and looked at Reka in disbelief!

How confident and arrogant does this have to be to think that he can fight Lieutenant General Karp?

Don’t you really think you can win!

Even One Piece was chased by Vice Admiral Karp before!

The existence of Lieutenant General Karp is a living legend!

Karp refused, but Reka’s next sentence directly surprised everyone: “Now you can’t help it, you have to fight, if you don’t fight, you have to fight!” ”

Rumble!! Reika’s whole body burst out of raging sun magic flames!! The foot stomped suddenly, the entire warship shook violently, and with a forward rush, the divine axe Rita swept the air with a thunderous momentum!

Bombard Karp with overwhelming power!

“Groove!! This kid is also too brave! “The navies present were stunned, this guy said he would do it! Without hesitation!

The gesture was as arrogant as if he was the one who had just challenged him!

This axe made the navy’s face change slightly, and the strength is really good!

“Not bad!” Karp showed a satisfied smile, with this courage to defy strong enemies!

In the future, it will definitely become a pretty good navy!

Peng! Karp threw out an unpretentious fist and punched Reka’s axe, and the two collided violently, and suddenly a storm of fists escaped from the confrontation between the two!

Reika held Rita’s hand, and suddenly numb! Snort at the same time!

Like an unpretentious fist, a punch slammed on the face of the axe, and a terrifying fist force was like a high-speed electric drill, directly penetrating through the air!

“Let me teach you naval justice! Come on! Come on! Join me in the Navy! As soon as Karp made a move, he gradually became a little excited, and walked over.

After all, as a man, since he chose to take the initiative, he should also pay respects!

This is respect for manhood!

Karp’s obsession made Reka feel “terrible!” “!

Not a fear of its strength, but Nima, this guy is a little obsessed now!

“It’s just a naval hero Karp! I’d rather see if you’re qualified to be a card character with me!” Dust chop! “An axe breaks through the air!

“Don’t underestimate it!” Karp’s face sank, his fists tightened, and the skeletal muscles instantly gushed out powerful power!

Peng!!! Reika rushed up and was once again shaken back!!

This was followed by a series of booms!!

Reika onslaught, Karp is a backhand and then counterattack! Hit after blow to repel Reka’s onslaught!

“This kid is really good! But it seems to be a bit powerless! “At this moment, the sun has long passed noon!

Leika’s strength is gradually declining, and he can’t enter the [Heaven and World, Solipsism] mode at will like the previous battle with Hawkeye!

“Normal, Capusang’s punches are not so easy to bear! However, for his age, with this strength, it is really amazing, if you fight, other lieutenant generals, I am afraid that they will not be able to take him in a short time! ”

“Not happy! The sun without mercy!! “Reika is being counterattacked and suppressed everywhere! Can’t explode the strongest combat power! Naturally not hearty enough!

Reka also found a problem, that is, the role value, the arrogance value did not rise much!

The reason Reka has discovered, because he can’t let the crime of arrogance penetrate into the hearts of these people!

Not enough awe, not enough admiration, after all, who would admire a man who has been pressed and beaten by Lieutenant General Karp?

At most, “Bullish!” ”

But for Reka, this is not enough!

Reika slashed out with an axe, and a fan-shaped energy wave burst out, which made Karp suddenly startled: “Capable people?!” ”

This energy blast is dangerous for this ship!

Karp punched out, there was a faint armed color domineering entanglement, in a hurry, a heavy punch hit Reika’s chest, knocking Reka out, and a mouthful of blood also gushed out!

“Are you all right!!”

“I was so depressed, I thought I had caught a big fish, but I didn’t expect it to be a shark! Let’s go!! Stinky old man, be a navy when you are in the navy, don’t always think about digging other people’s corners, and still dig the corners of your own grandson !! Reika wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth!

With this flying force, he quickly took off and left!!

“Sturdy punched me, can you still jump alive?! …… No, no, what did he just say?! Karp was quite shocked by Reka’s physical fitness, but suddenly realized that was not the point!

“He said, you dig your grandson’s corner!” Adjutant said.

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