For the first time, everyone has a completely new understanding of the word weak!

If this battle is spread, Reka will immediately become a hot figure in the world.

Both the navy and pirates will want to get him!

If Hawkeye himself admits how terrifying his talent is!

In the Navy, he will be groomed as a future admiral, perhaps even higher.

Among the pirates, all the four emperors who do not hate Reka’s character will extend an olive branch to him.

How old is Leika, and he can already fight with the world’s number one swordsman to this extent, and he is not satisfied?

But Reika said that it was weak, not a false statement, even just now, the progress of the play has reached 18%.

And the crowd, who gradually got used to Reka’s strength and arrogance, slowly became numb and provided less and less play value.

It’s just that 18% of the role value, even if it is the ultimate heaven and earth, solipsism mode.

The gap is still not small from the world’s number one swordsman.

It is still necessary to increase the role value as soon as possible, and if it reaches more than 30%, it should be enough to deal with most of the crises on this sea.

Now, compared to the average strong person, he is naturally strong.

But with the New World and many strong people in the naval headquarters, it is not strong enough.

Hawkeye saw that the aura on Reka’s body gradually subsided, and finally returned to the harmless and personable noble posture at the beginning.

After a silent glance, without saying a word, he jumped on his coffin boat and left here.

This trip out, both physically and mentally have been greatly satisfied.

Unexpectedly, after many years, such terrifying seedlings appeared in the East China Sea!

No, Luffy and Solon may be called seedlings, but Reika has already grown!

Constantly approaching the world’s top powerhouses: “What an ocean full of miracles!” ”

East China Sea, after the fierce man of One Piece King Roger, after Roger’s death, the entire East China Sea was swept up by the world government.

The powerful pirate group was almost uprooted more than twenty years ago, and only later was it called the weakest sea.

But history… It seems that a new chapter is about to begin.

“I’m really looking forward to it!”

“Luffy, I’ll leave it to you here, after solving it, follow up!” Although Reka’s breath is no longer so violent, it is all the power into the body, especially the legs!

“Don’t worry, just leave it to me!” Luffy waved his hand and said.

Sou!! Reika took a month and disappeared in an instant!

Wait for both Hawkeye and Reka to leave.

Everyone woke up like a dream, if it weren’t for the high temperature of the sea, the wreckage would be more and more broken, and the sky clouds would be shattered!

They even wondered if what they had just seen was just a dream.

“Huh?! What about people? Disappear? Miscellaneous, you guys… No, no, Luffy Jr… Eldest brother! After Patrick came back to his senses, his address to Luffy changed.

Now where else would he dare to say that Luffy was a miscellaneous person.

Even reason told him that Luffy, even if he was the captain, could not be one hundred percent stronger than the Reika just now.

After all, from Luffy’s expression and behavior just now, he could also guess one or two.

However, after all, he is the captain, there must be something outstanding, who dares to underestimate it!

“!! What about people!? If you want to kill Uncle Ben, Uncle Ben slaughtered you first! “Chief Klick sprang out of the ruins of Bharati!

“Oops, Chief Klick is still alive!!” A chef’s face changed dramatically!

Fang Click was kicked and crashed into Bharati, and he didn’t move for a long time, they thought that Klick escaped, or was killed in seconds!

From the strength of Reika in the back, he can fully do this.

And under that kind of god-like battle, Klick, the original overlord of the East China Sea, gradually marginalized.

But now the two powerhouses have left!

Chief Klick is still an unprecedented enemy for them!

“He just fainted!”

The leader of Klick, who had just woken up from his coma, was furious, but he didn’t expect that guy’s speed to be so fast! And even the golden armor was kicked by him, and it also imprinted a deep footprint!

However, it is not broken, as long as you pay attention to yourself and strengthen your defense, you may not have the power of a battle!

The leader Klick, who did not see Reka and Hawkeye duel, is still full of confidence at the moment!

“At this time, if you wake up a second earlier, it is estimated that no Klick leader will be enough for others to pinch!” A chef whispered!

“What about people, no more?” Chief Klick came out and saw that Reka and Hawkeye were gone.

His brows frowned slightly, and then he looked at Tetsuo and Luffy: “I don’t have the patience to talk nonsense with you anymore, the opportunity has already been given to you, little ones, grab this ship!” ”

“Oh!!!” The pirates shouted that Klick was their leader after all.

No one dares to resist easily, and those who resist will only die faster.

In addition, they also need a killing to relieve their inner trepidation and fear!

This emotion must be vented!

The remaining pirates are only forty or fifty people, but in the face of the cooks, they still have several times the numerical advantage!

“Guard Bharati!!” Paddy and the others returned to real life.

What happened was too far away for them!

What is right now is real!

“Akin, what are you still doing over there? Don’t forget, who saved you in the first place! Do you want to betray me? Chief Klick looked at Akin with a tangled look of pain and said in a deep voice.

“Don’t forget, you’re a pirate just like me!!”

When Akin heard this, his face became more and more painful, but finally he got up and walked towards the leader of Klick!

Pirates, there has never been real freedom and choice!

With lifesavers on both sides, Akin can only take the ship first, and then beg the leader of Klick to let them go.

After all, the chief also said just now that all he wanted was the ship and the logbook.

As long as you win and get the log, there is no need to kill them all!

“Uncle, I’ll help you drive them away, can you not have to do miscellaneous?” Luffy asked Tetsuo with a smile.

“As you wish.”

“Okay, then it’s settled!” Luffy grinned and looked at Chief Klick confidently.

“I can’t ask for it, if I really want you to work here for a year, even if my ship is not snatched away, I will definitely be messed up by you!”

“Uncle, it’s too much for you to say that, obviously I’m trying to say it!” Luffy pouted and said.

“Straw hat boy, do you want to be my enemy too? This should have nothing to do with you! Hearing Luffy say this, Klick’s face was not good-looking.

Although he didn’t see the battle between Reka and Hawkeye later, Reka’s kick and Pirate Hunter Solon, the strength of these two made him extremely jealous!

Pirate hunters now look powerless!

But that arrogant and arrogant little devil doesn’t know where to run, will he be hiding in the secret, ready to sneak up on himself at any time?

If the Straw Hat Kids and his gang could not mix, Klick would be more satisfied.

“No, if you want to become One Piece, then it has something to do with me! Moreover, this is also the trial that Rekasan’s gave me! Luffy said, holding his straw hat.


“That’s right, Reka-san wants me to beat you in five minutes!” Luffy honestly stretched out his palm, put up five fingers, and said as a matter of course.

“Find death!” Klick’s face turned completely gloomy, who did he look down on?!

“Little ones, take that ship, as long as you have that ship, the great voyage is not worth fearing! Compared to a ship disguised as a navy and a pirate ship pretending to surrender, this ship can better approach the enemy and launch a surprise attack, no one would have thought that such a strange ship would have pirates inside! Klick encouraged the pirates.

But as soon as they heard about the Great Voyage, the pirates’ blood suddenly cooled by half: “Chief Klick, do we really want to enter the Great Voyage again?” Wan has repeatedly encountered people like Hawkeye and that anti-axe…”

“Yes, Chief, you didn’t see it just now, it’s simply not a human battle!!” When the other pirates heard this, they also came to their senses!

Bang! But a gunshot rang out, and the pirate who spoke first was shot by Chief Klick!

Luffy’s face immediately became ugly! Such a pirate who ignores his partner!

It’s the group of people he hates the most.

“Are you still afraid of that kind of guy? Do you think ordinary people can cut off a galleon? That should be the ability of the Devil Fruit, the Devil Fruit ability in this world should be as many as cattle in the great voyage, what strange ability should Mihawk use when cutting the ship! ”

“That guy with an axe, or this straw hat kid in front of you, these people, once they enter the great voyage, they are just ordinary pirates!”

“But Tetsuo has been sailing in that sea area for a whole year, I think Tetsuo must have a way to fight against these capable people, and this method must be recorded in the logbook, as long as you can get the logbook, these guys will never be our opponents!” Chief Klick is not a completely ignorant pirate.

Everything he said was clearly organized, but his horizon was limited.

“So it is, worthy of being the leader of Klick, brothers, take the logbook and this ship!” Cadre, Tie Bi Balu said with admiration.

Fight, break out again …

Here, when the smoke of war is thick.

At this moment, a naval warship with a dog’s head bow was sailing in the East China Sea, and a tall vice admiral wearing a dog-headed hat, with a broad chest, was standing at the bow of the ship blowing the sea breeze, eating sweethearts, eating and eating, and fell asleep standing up.

The adjutant came to the side and called several times in a row without waking up, and finally he suddenly woke up: “Ah, where is this, to the windmill village?” ”

“Vice Admiral Karp, there is news from the Navy headquarters, let you go home, by the way, investigate the corruption and behavior of Colonel Monka in Shellz Town, and find out the cause of death!” After Monka’s death, the local navy reported Monka’s actions to its superiors.

“That old boy in the Warring States is a love messenger, obviously this thing can be done by others, I will go home on vacation!” Don’t let me relax yet, when I return to the headquarters, I must drain all his snacks! Call Xiao Tsuru together! Karp scratched his nose and said nonchalantly!

The adjutant looked calm, he had long been accustomed to Karp’s complaints about the Marshal of the Warring States!

Karp’s face suddenly sank: “Be careful and vigilant, something powerful is approaching at great speed!” ”

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