“What did you say?!”

“I’m asking you, can money fill your stomach!!” Yamaji was like a black phantom, flicking his long legs and kicking out like lightning!

“Find death!” Finbudi roared, daring to move his feet on himself and look for death! He is a captain at the headquarters of the Navy!

A waiter dares to make a move, even if he slaughters him, it will be fine, and he can be charged with attacking the navy!

He is known as the iron fist Finbudi, and his fists are practiced.

So he confidently punched out, and then with a click, Sanji kicked his arm into ruins, and blood flowed!

Fembudi was stunned for a moment, as if he couldn’t accept this reality for a while, and then he screamed loudly!

As soon as he screamed, Yamaji’s big hand covered Finbudi’s face and lifted it up easily.

“Let me teach you a truth, don’t waste food, go against the chef at sea, but you are seeking your own death!” Sanji said indifferently!

Finbudi wanted to struggle, but there was nowhere to struggle!

“Sanji, what are you doing to our valued guest?! This is a captain in the Navy! At this time, the long-looking Popeye-like Paddy came out of the bathroom, and when he saw this, he was immediately shocked!

In his life credo, rich customers, that is God and food and clothing parents, how can this guy Yamaji treat the customers in the store like this!

“Why don’t you call me by name, smelly cook.” Sanji said arrogantly.

“Oh, this character is a bit of a shadow of Rekasan!” Solon said meaningfully.

“That’s right, that’s right, but if you really want to say it, it’s still Rekasan’s stronger, ahem… That Rekasan, I’m not saying you’re bad, I’m saying you’re very good! Usopp nodded approvingly.

But looking at Reika, who had a calm face, he quickly explained.

On this ship, he was most afraid of Rekasan, and Chloe’s fate, he did not forget.

That bad character burst out, but it is not something that ordinary people can stop.

“Aren’t you also a smelly cook, don’t call me a smelly cook.”

“Do you know that there are guests to have a restaurant, what is going on with you!!??” Paddy said angrily.

“What about the guests, the guys who waste food are not worthy to be my guests!” Although Sanji spoke, he gave Paddy a face and released the hand that was pinching Finbudi’s neck.

“Bastard, shops like yours are never allowed to exist, I must notify the naval army, wipe out all of you here, you wait for me!” As soon as Finbudi was freed, he immediately became angry and cruel.

“In that case, then only here to solve you!” Sanji said, walking towards Finbudi step by step.

“Huh?!” Finbudi thought that a little cook would be terrified, and knelt down to beg for forgiveness.

I didn’t expect to destroy my own mouth, what is going on in this store? It’s as barbaric and unreasonable as a pirate ship!

And it seems that he is not bluffing, and Finbudi panicked at once.

“Sanji, what do you want to do, and you still want to make a big deal out of it, stop him quickly!” Patrick hugged Yamaji, and the other chefs rushed forward to stop him.

“Let go of me!! Who do you think you are, it’s really exciting to see a self-righteous guy like you! Sanji struggled.

“Sanji stop, you’re going too far!”

At this moment, there was a pop from the ceiling roof.

Two people fell from above!

“What’s going on this time? Huh? Luffy? Usopp ate the melon with interest, only to find that among the two people whose ceiling had fallen, there was an acquaintance like Luffy.

“Boss, what are you doing?!” A chef asked, looking at Tetsuo who had fallen from the ceiling with Luffy.

“Damn, the ceiling of my restaurant is all your fault, stinky boy!” Tetsuo growled at Luffy.

“It’s clear that you kicked it through yourself!” Luffy retorted.

He didn’t resist in the slightest just now, just dodged and avoided Tetsuo’s series of kicks as much as possible.

“Boss, come and stop Yamaji.” Patrick felt a little unable to stop Yamaji at this time, and quickly asked the boss for help.

“Sanji, you stinky imp is beating someone in my shop again?” Tetsuo is furious, he is also a violent boss, and his prosthetic leg is raised and Yamaji is kicked out.

Seeing this, Finbudi’s face was delighted, thinking that this restaurant owner was going to make his own decisions.

As a result, his face just turned happy, and before he could say anything, he was also kicked by Tetsuo: “And you too, give me a roll!!” ”

Tetsuo knows Yamaji, Yamaji uses his feet to beat people, and the other party is probably not a good product.

“You guys…” Finbudi got up and looked at the unreasonable boss!

He was going crazy, what the hell was going on in this store!

Even the boss is so rude, without asking, he directly kicked himself!

Darn!! This kind of shop will not come to death in the future!

Tap-da-da… Just as he was about to leave, a drenched navy suddenly ran in with a frightened face and said: “Captain Finbdi, the big thing is not good, the big thing is not good, our ship has sunk inexplicably, and the pirate of the Klick pirate group that was captured before also took the opportunity to run!!! ”

“What?! My ship sank!? How is this possible!! That’s a new ship that has only been in service for half a year!!! How can it sink, what are you talking about, are you drunk !! And the captive of the Klick Pirates, when we caught him, he had not eaten for several days, and after that he did not feed him anything, how did this run away !? “Finbudi is going crazy!

What is going on!

“What’s going on in this shop? It looks so lively, hey, Reka, Solon, what are you guys eating, so cunning! Call me too! Luffy looked around for a week and said with great emotion.

When he saw Reka’s table, he quickly ran over, picked up the bone-in meat on the table, and ate it in a big gulp, ready to see the liveliness.

“For the first question, maybe I can answer it.” Reika saw that there were many people, holding the plan that no matter how small the mosquito was, it was meat.

At this moment, he clapped his palms and slowly stood up and said.

This moment instantly attracted everyone’s attention!

“Oh my God!! That man is so handsome!! How did I not find it just now! ”

“Their table is in the corner, only I can see it!” A beautiful young woman said triumphantly.

She was in a happy mood just now!

“Reka’s great… No, Rekasan! Sanji, who was clamoring to kill Finbudi, stopped struggling at this moment and became honest.

The look is respectful!

This scene made Paddy and other chefs stunned, and even Tetsuo was stunned!

Does Yamaji know this man? Why is the expression so respectful?!

You know, even to him, Sanji has always been the name of a smelly old man and a smelly old man!

“What the hell is this?” Patrick scratched his head and looked at Sanji suspiciously.

“His axe is so beautiful!! Like a work of art, it must be worth a lot, is this a noble son? Handsome as a god, I want to give him a baby. A young girl Huai Chun said.

“Wouldn’t it be the prince of some kingdom!!” Many people speculate about Reka’s identity.

“You mean you broke the ship?!” Finbudi remembered that there was such a person on the ship of the nameless pirate he met earlier.

This kind of ship is broken, and he will be responsible for it.

“When a creature without personality speaks to me, be humble!!” Reika said with a faint arrogance.

“Humility you…” Finbudi just wanted to scold this pirate boy who didn’t know the height of the sky.

Do you really think that you, a captain in the navy, can be kneaded at will?

I can’t get this group of pirate-like cooks.

Can’t kill your little-known pirate?!

But before the words were finished, Reka looked over with one look, and the invisible sense of oppression was countless times more terrifying than that cook.

A demon-like aura instantly enveloped him, as if it were substance!!

In an instant, he felt that his soul was about to be frozen! Or maybe thousands of purgatory ghosts are tearing his soul!

He was directly scared to pee!! Weak and crawling on the ground, his eyes filled with unprecedented fear!! More humble than dogs!

“The captain of the Navy was directly frightened by his eyes?!” Everyone present was instantly stunned, and their hearts suffered an unprecedented impact, which was also too exaggerated!

“When did the East China Sea come out of such a strong person!” Tetsuo, who has always been irritable, completely calmed down at this moment!

The momentum alone was so oppressive that he felt extremely strong pressure after a hundred battles.

“The boat, I split it, and you people, I also sent away, no, people, you are not qualified, I didn’t count with you before, it’s that you are too small, but unfortunately, now I’m not in a good mood, circle my body, treat myself as a ball, maybe you still have a chance to live!”

Reka walked towards Finbudi step by step, and Finbudi shivered with fear!

“No, no, you can’t do this to me, I’m the headquarters of the Navy …”

“Circle, or die, choose for yourself, there is still five steps away.” Reika said lightly, every step he took was like thunder exploding in everyone’s hearts!

This man is also too arrogant, arrogant, and crazy!!

Even the captain of the Navy did not look at him, and let him circle it as a ball, it was too overbearing!

“I, I…”

“Three more steps!!”

“I circle, I circle!” Finbudi hugged his legs in frustration and buried his head in it, and he felt a fatal crisis.

Those lofty eyes looked at him, and he knew that if he didn’t do it, he would definitely die!

“Very good!” Reika said, kicking him on the body, kicking his whole person or the whole ball directly out!

With a whoosh, it shot out of the gate with precision, and then disappeared into the sky.

“It’s crazy to be kicked like a ball! Will invite retaliation from the Navy! A businessman said with some horror.

“So handsome!!” The beauty brought by Finbudi looked at this young and powerful man, all demented!!

“Just now he said that the boat was split by him? With that ax in your hand? This can’t be!! That’s a warship!! ”

“It’s worthy of Rekasan, and he acts crisply and neatly!!” Sanji said with great admiration.

“Stinky boy, you took the wrong medicine today!” Patrick asked Yamaji again.

“Get out!”

“Bang!” But at this moment, a sudden gunshot suddenly came from the doorway.

The navy who came to report the letter just now suddenly turned pale and fell in a pool of blood, and the bullet passed through his back and burst out of his chest!

The entire noisy restaurant fell into deathly silence because of this gunshot!

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