“The meal is almost eaten, rest for the night, and it’s time to leave tomorrow.” Solon took a sip of the wine and said contentedly.

“That’s right, but, Solon, what do you think of Usopp?” Luffy asked suddenly.

“Although he seems timid and loves to lie, he is unexpectedly a very reliable man!”

“Hee-hee! Do you think so too, then I decided, I want that guy to be my partner! Luffy said with a grin, baring neat big white teeth.

Luffy, who woke up, regretted that he could not beat up a pirate like Chloe with his own hands.

There are many pirates on this sea, and Chloe is the one he hates the most, using other people’s feelings at will.

Count your own companions, if the situation is slightly bad, you will erase your companions at will!

This is the most typical kind of pirate on the sea, but Luffy’s imaginary pirate and partner are not like this, and the two are contrary in concept.

“You are the captain, you decide!” At this time, Solon respects Luffy’s captain powers.

At this moment, Usopp is saying goodbye to his three friends.

They recalled the past, bitter, but in fact knew from Usopp where his father was and what kind of person he was.

After seeing Luffy and their pirate friendship, and the man showing the true demeanor of a sea warrior.

His heart was already about to move, and he could no longer calm down, and his heart burned an impulse to go to this brilliant sea to see it.

Now he is hot in blood and wants to travel far, but he has not yet thought that he can join that monster team.

I just want to pack my bags and set sail.

Although there is an age difference between Usopp and the three youngest, they are true best friends and complete friends.

For Keya, his original purpose was only because he had compassion for the same illness and did not want her to be depressed, so he gradually established a relationship.

To put it bluntly, it’s kind and nosy!

And with the three little ones, it can be regarded as a life-long friendship, especially in this battle, each of them is not afraid of death.

In the past, they always showed their specialness childishly, chased an ordinary puppy, and lied that it was a three-headed dog in hell.

Catch a chameleon and say it’s a real dragon!

Today’s Upsoe would never have dreamed that all this would become a reality in the near future.

Including the story of the huge goldfish and its rice field that he had lied to Koya not long ago.

It was a very beautiful childhood full of big words, and now the Usopp Pirates are disbanded.

Usopp feared that when this blood was over, he would not have the courage to venture out to sea again to realize his dream of becoming a brave sea warrior.

“You must take care! Woohoo! Usopp snorted and tears welled down, and for the first time since knowing Onionhead, they had truly separated.

“Captain!! Take care too! The three little ones also cried into tears.


“So you’re here.” Koya and Meili pushed the door in.

Reika and Nami also happened to return and encountered.

“Yo! Miss. Luffy raised his right hand and greeted nonchalantly.

“Is it okay if you don’t lie down and rest?” Nami said with concern, they all knew that this young lady Koya was weak and sick.

“In the past year, my illness has been caused by the loss of my parents, and I have also received a lot of encouragement from Upso, I can’t continue to be so coquettish, it really caused you a lot of trouble, if it weren’t for you, I’m afraid I don’t know what would become now, thank you very much.” Miss Keya sincerely thanked her.

The words fell, and the sight finally fell on Reka, full of fiery and adoration!

Reka’s heroic posture during the day was imprinted in her eyes, engraved into her heart and could not be erased.

She is a big lady who likes to read and listen to stories, and in her life, I don’t know how many times she has fantasized about a man like a hero!

Usopp was fine, but both of them knew that it was a kinship-like affection derived from a feeling of sympathy.

Unlike the feeling that this domineering man gave her, he was like a faith and did not have any reason to help others.

Will you be able to become such a person one day? Are there people in this world who encounter their own situation?

But those people, haven’t anyone helped yet?! Keya was suddenly full of yearning for the outside world!

“Is there anything else going on with Miss Keya?” Nami looked at Koya, feeling that her eyes seemed to be a little too hot, and her heart was slightly uncomfortable, but she couldn’t say why.

“Sorry, Reka-san saved me during the day, I haven’t thanked me properly.”

“Don’t care, I also overdid it during the day.” Reka smiled kindly.

This look made Keya stunned for a moment, was he so easy to talk to?

How it feels completely different from the day!

“Don’t care, he’s like this, night and day, there are two personalities Oh, hee-hee, isn’t it funny, this is my first partner!” Luffy said proudly.

Said and slapped Reka on the shoulder.

“So that’s the case, Reka-san is really an interesting person, this time I came here to prepare a gift for you, it is a little bit of my heart, please accept it!”

“Please come with me.” ……

Several people followed Koya to the nearest coast, to the southerly location.

“Wow!! Light sailboat!! When Nami saw the brand new ship in front of her, her face was full of amazement and joy.

The ships had mainmasts and dhows, which were not huge, but many times more luxurious than the ships they had used before.

Especially the overall design makes everyone dazzle and amaze, and the processing in each place is very exquisite!

“Can we really take it?” Luffy opened his hands excitedly, and he fell in love with this sheep-headed light sailing ship at a glance, and the materials looked very unusual.

And this, it may be, is the first ship that truly belongs to them!

“Yes, please use it.” Keya said with a gentle smile.

“Although the style is a little old, it is a boat that I designed with my own hands, and the skeleton structure uses the stern central rudder of the spinnaker to form a light sailing boat, it is called the Golden Melly, first in terms of power regulation and starting…”

“No, no, tell me about the ship.” Nami saw Luffy listening to Meili’s introduction with a blank look, and at a glance she could see that this stupid captain didn’t understand it at all.

So she took the matter alone.

“What a cool bow.” Luffy is not interested in how to maneuver the ship, only thinks that the sheep’s head of the new ship is really handsome!

Under the sheep’s head, there is also a main gun!

“Everything you might need in sailing has already been loaded.” Koya said.

“Your family is indeed not generally rich.” Although it is a remote mountain village, there are also institutions such as banks in this world!

I don’t know how many assets Keya’s parents left her, although this is a light sailing ship, I am afraid that I will not be able to take it without tens of millions of Bailey.

And look at them can take it out now, presumably it was built before.

“It’s not much, it’s all parents, bank deposits and other fixed assets, probably almost a billion Baileys.” Keya ruffled her hair and said truthfully, answering the curiosity in Reka’s heart!

Reika finally knew why Chloe’s guy was willing to lurk for three years, and if he really wanted to succeed, I am afraid that he would not have to worry about it in this life.

“In the past, the old man was doing business outside, but after having a young lady, in order to live a cleaner life, he moved here, but it’s a pity…” Mei Li recalled the past, and couldn’t help but feel a little sad, the old lady was gone, and now only the young lady remained.

“The eldest lady has everything ready, what a curse!” Luffy laughed.

“It’s thoughtful, idiot!” Solon struck out speechlessly.

“Let’s have a banquet on board tonight!! Hee-hee!! Luffy said excitedly.


“Then I will order people to prepare more drinks and food!” Meili took the initiative to say that the boat she designed could get their favor.

For him, it is also a recognition!

“I’m spending the night on the ship tonight!”

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: August 13th to August 15th)

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