“Redeem the junior overlord color domineering! And a beginner look domineering! “Reka is not lacking in frontal combat power!

On the contrary, it is the domineering of these multifunctional functions, which is what Reka needs.

There is no need to mention the overlord color domineering, the late overlord color is entangled, there is penetrating damage, and deterrent mental oppression.

It can embody the original sin of arrogance.

And seeing and hearing the domineering can make Reka’s magic exploration clearer and more detailed, and it can play an early warning role in critical moments.

After all, bright arrows are easy to dodge, dark arrows are difficult to prevent, otherwise Reika would not have thought of going with Luffy’s ship.

After all the exchanges, the 1500 arrogance points were squandered, although they were only beginners.

But in Solon and Luffy’s opinion, Reka’s mental outlook changed at this moment, and his eyes became deeper and deeper.

“You…” Solon looked at Reka, a little hesitant, trying to ask something.

But this is a feeling, difficult to describe.

“You’re not the only ones improving.” Reika said indifferently.

Although in Reka’s heart, he wanted to continue to suck their wool, but he also knew.

Now they have not even fully digested what is under the moment, and continue to cram in the words taught to them.

On the contrary, they will not be able to improve, and even make them feel confused, so it will be difficult to reap arrogance values.

Only when they have digested all the knowledge and perception they have, and then they will teach them the right thing at the right time according to their process.

Let them have a feeling of rapid improvement in strength, and their admiration will be strong and endless.

Only then can the arrogance value roll over.

As soon as these words came out, Luffy Solonami looked at Reka in disbelief, a monster like you is going to become stronger?

Give back no one else to live.


“If you want to reach the Great Route by relying on such a small boat, you don’t have to think about it, it’s too dangerous…” said Nami holding the chart to the Great Voyage.

Although she intends to find an opportunity to leave.

But it doesn’t prevent them from giving a wake-up call to their group of unreliable guys before leaving.

Even if they are powerful, the three of them’s attainments in navigation are simply terrifyingly low.

Even Nami didn’t know why she was worried about them.

“It seems that we have to get a ship that can really sail as soon as possible.” Solon suggested.

“Let’s go a little south, there is a small inhabited island there, if only we could get a boat there.” When not parting ways, Nami naturally played the identity of their navigator all the time.

If you let them know that they are leaving, maybe they will have a problem, after all, they can’t beat any of them.

“And meat!”

“And wine!”

“Superficial, of course, there must be beautiful and pleasing ladies!” Reka said disdainfully.

“You three…” Nami clenched her fists and almost knocked them down.

Fortunately, she comforted herself in her heart, and when she arrived on the island, she found an opportunity to slip away.

Sirobu Village.

Sunny and peaceful, the scenery is picturesque, the air is fresh and pairs of birds roost on the branches.

It’s like an indisputable paradise.

But suddenly an exclamation sounded: “Everyone, the big thing is not good!” The pirates have attacked! The pirates have attacked! Everyone, run! ”

A boy wrapped in a light coffee-colored headscarf, carrying a satchel, dark-skinned and with a long nose ran and shouted through the quiet village streets.

He ran until he couldn’t run himself: “The pirates want … If the pirates are coming, of course, they are all lying to you! Hahaha! ”

Peng! But before the laughter stopped, a small cauldron flew directly and hit him in the back of the head, and Usopp screamed in pain.

“You liar, I must teach you a lesson today!”

“Teach him a lesson!”

“Don’t think about running away today!” The doors of every house opened, and some with brooms, others with pot lids, rushed angrily towards Usopp.

Seeing this, Usopp not only was not afraid, but his face was full of anticipation and excitement: “It’s coming, it’s coming!!” ”

“Stop, you stinky brat!!”

“Kind of come and get me, come and get me!” Usopp turned and ran.

“Damn, did you let him run away again? If you catch him, don’t spare him lightly! “After the villagers searched again, they found nothing.

Usopp, who was hiding in a tree, smiled secretly: “Today is also a good day, I brought a burst of excitement to this boring village!” ”

The villagers cursed and left, just as soon as they left.

The villagers had smiles on their faces, not really annoyed.

They were able to understand the child.

At a very young age, Usopp’s father went to sea and never returned until his mother’s death.

When his mother was dying of illness, in order to keep his mother going, he lied that the pirates were coming.

However, my mother eventually went to another world, and since then, this peaceful village has had such a teenager calling pirates every day.

Usopp also always believed that his father was a good man on the sea, and his mother said so.

So he has always longed to go to sea, dreaming that he can also become a pirate and become a brave sea warrior.

“Found it!” At this moment, a slightly childish voice sounded.

At first, Usopp was startled: “What, it’s you, green pepper head, turnip head!” ”

“Good morning, Captain Upso, the Usopp Pirates are on board!” The little ghost, named Turnip Head, shouted with a wooden dagger.

Seeing that it was his “capable subordinate”, Usopp breathed a sigh of relief: “What about onion heads? ”

It’s just that this breath has just loosened, and the onion head ran from not far away in a panic: “It’s not good, it’s not good, the pirate is coming!” The ship with the skull approached from the north coast! ”

“Lie.” Usopp, who has just deceived people, certainly does not easily believe that this is true!

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