Nami came for the Great Route Chart, which is valuable in the East China Sea.

In the sea area from where Yarrita’s attack was located, other towns can be reached in multiple directions.

The town of Shells is just one of them, and this can happen?

“Is that guy named Solon in the base?” Luffy walked up to the fruit vendor, picked up the fruit, and gave him a coin, Bailey.

Just opened his mouth to ask, but it scared the boss and the people around him with a look of horror.

Some even avoid it like femme fatale.

“Luffy-san, do you really think about finding that dangerous guy as a partner?”

“I don’t know yet, if he’s a good guy.”

“It’s because of the bad guys that they get caught.” Kebi’s idea is still relatively simple.

“Would be a good partner.” Reika interjected, and then subconsciously glanced around

It seems that someone was staring at him just now? Is it because you and others are outsiders?

Reka didn’t think much of it.

“It’s risky, do you want to get out of here first?” Nami hid by a window.

Fortunately, the response was timely just now.

She often chooses places where it is convenient to escape and has a good view when eating, in order to prevent various situations.

“You see, Reika said that he would be a good partner.” Luffy said with a smile.

Kirby was also very surprised to look at Reika, from the realization now.

He rarely affirmed others, even Luffy-san, who was often hit by words.

Unexpectedly, he was so optimistic about pirate hunters.

It’s just that it’s a man who crushed the corpse of a pirate, and he was caught by the navy, no matter how you think about it, it is unlikely to be a good person.

Standing in Shells Town, you can easily see the naval base that is not small.

“Let’s go to the naval base first, just so you can enter the navy.” Luffy didn’t feel much and walked towards the naval base with a big grin.

Kebi thought about it, and it didn’t seem to be a problem; “I heard that there is a colonel named Monka here.”

When pedestrians heard this, they also leaned back in fear.

“Haha, the people in this town are also too interesting.”

“It’s also too strange, I am afraid to hear Solon’s name, so why are they also afraid when they mention the name of the captain?”

“Did he do something bad?” Luffy said whatever came to mind.

“How is that possible!” Kebi is still very confident in the Navy.

“Arrived.” The Reka people quickly arrived in front of the naval base.

“Woo-hoo, it’s finally here, we’re going to part here, Luffy-san, Reka-san.” Kebi looked at the naval base and felt a lot of emotion in his heart.

This period of pirate career completely changed his life, making him think that he would never survive again.

Now it’s quite a bit of a bright feeling.

“Where is Warcraft?” Luffy jumped lightly and climbed up the wall, ready to go over it.

“Luffy-san, what are you doing, this is a naval base, and prisoners are generally not likely to be here, they are usually held in cells.” Kebi said immediately.

Reka jumped lightly, sat on the wall, and looked at the figure tied to the stake on the naval field.

The imperial deputy who can defeat the embers of the three plagues in the future is slightly immature and embarrassed at the moment.

“Yes, found it, you see, it’s the guy.”

“How is it possible, it really is!” Kerby didn’t believe it, and climbed up the wall, only to see Solon’s shape, black turban and belly belt, and the beastly aura, exactly as rumored.

“Just untie that rope and let him go.”

“Don’t do stupid things!”

“Don’t worry, I’m strong!”

“No, this person is no longer saved!” Kebi felt powerless.

I can only subconsciously look at Reika with a help-seeking look.

Hopefully, Reika can help persuade Luffy.

After all, this kind of guy is very dangerous at first glance, and if he does this, he will also be forced to follow and become a criminal.

“Nice breath, Luffy, you go untie his rope.” Reika rightfully commanded Luffy.

Commanding the captain is the fastest shortcut to the rise in the role of the crime of arrogance.

For the sake of your own strength, Captain-san, I have wronged you!

“No, this person is even more helpless.” Kirby became more and more desperate, and Luffy planned to see if this person was good or bad.

Reika directly planned to skip this process and release this monster.

“You think that guy is good too, hee-hee, look at me.” Luffy said as he stretched his arm.

Unravel and ask him again whether he is good or bad.

If it’s a bad guy, bring it down, and if it’s a good guy, recruit as a partner.

“Hey, those few over there, you guys are too much of an eyesore, hurry up and fuck me.” Solon had the strength to raise his head, looked at Luffy Reka and the three with sharp eyes like a knife, and directly opened his mouth and reprimanded.

Kebi was a little flustered by this look: “Luffy, we still …”

Before the words were finished, a ladder came up next to them, and a little girl raised her finger at them, signaling them to be quiet and not to attract attention.

Then he threw a rope along the wall, climbed over the wall, followed the rope, came to the field, and ran towards Solon with the rice balls.

“Luffy-san, stop him, that little girl will be killed.” Kebi was taken aback.

“How?” Solon looked up at the little girl.

“You’re hungry, I brought rice balls over.”

“Little ghost, do you want to die, get out of here.” Solon still said unkindly.

However, the little girl turned a blind eye, but continued to move: “Big brother, you haven’t eaten all this time, although this is the first time I have made it, but I made it with my heart, give!” ”

Saying that, he opened the rice ball and handed it to Solon.

Solon’s face changed slightly: “Go back, I don’t want it, you are very eye-catching, be careful that I beat you.” ”

“But…” The little girl was not afraid, still worried about his stomach.

But at this moment, Hrumeber came over with two guards and teased: “Don’t bully people, Roronoya Solon.” ”

Summer three-day promotion, charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: August 13th to August 15th)

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