The silver fox general of the pirate

Chapter 688 Talking about the Holy Land, Three Fires

The next day, Holy Land Marie Gioia!

Foxy, wearing a marshal's uniform and a coat of justice, followed Crane to the Holy Land.

As the new Marshal, it is necessary to come to the Holy Land to meet with his immediate boss, Wulaoxing.

In Wulaoxing's office, Foxy and Crane were sitting on the sofa, and on the opposite sofa were Birthmark Wulaoxing and Guiche Wulaoxing. As for the other three Wulaoxing, they were either standing or standing.

I have seen Master Wu Laoxing.

Foxy made a salute, and the etiquette was in place.

sit down!

Several five old stars nodded in response, and the birthmark five old stars reached out their hands to signal.

Now that you are the Admiral of the Navy, what plans or actions does the Navy have next?

Guiche Wulaoxing looked at Foxy and Crane.

Crane didn't speak, after all Foxy's identity was different now.

Foxy didn't hesitate either. Knowing that this was a small test, he frowned and pondered for a moment, The current situation of the navy is very delicate. Both prestige and morale are very low. The most important thing at present is to restore the navy's majesty to the past.

The five old stars nodded.

As Foxy said, the situation in the Navy is not very good now.

Especially because of Utopia's bounty.

I plan to attack the Five Emperors.

Foxy's eyes were burning and determined.


Both Wulaoxing and He frowned, they didn't expect Foxy to be so arrogant and fierce as soon as he took office.

Wan Guo, Big Mom.

BIG MOM is the weakest among the five emperors now. As long as BIG MOM is destroyed, the navy's prestige will be restored even if it cannot reach what it was before.

Do you know the consequences of taking action against BIG MOM? The balance may be broken.

Birthmark Wu Laoxing frowned.

You are wrong, I will not launch a large-scale war against all nations.

Foxy raised his chin slightly and was sure of winning.

you mean?

Guiche Wulaoxing's eyes flickered, obviously guessing Foxy's plan.

I will take the naval heroes, three generals, three quasi generals, and twenty lieutenant generals to destroy the entire top management of the BIG MOM Pirates at lightning speed. As for the follow-up caused by BIG MOM's death, it may not be as big as we imagined.

Don't forget about the legendary monsters in the city of advancement. As long as the operation is good, the five emperors may fall into a war for the territory of all nations. In addition to the monsters in the city of advancement, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

What's more, the navy needs a victory to restore prestige, self-confidence, and morale.

As the admiral of the navy, I need three fires, and the first fire is Wanguo.

Foxy suddenly put down the coffee cup in his hand with a firm tone.

For a while, needles could be heard in the office, Wulaoxing and He both frowned and thought.

What if it fails or the situation gets out of control?

The blonde five old stars looked at Foxy expressionlessly.

There is no failure in my dictionary, you need to be tough with pirates. The navy was too pedantic and gentle before.

In addition, advancing the city needs new criminals to enter to deter the sea, and a Five Emperors is very suitable.

You want to capture BIG MOM alive?

Wulaoxing and He were startled, they thought Foxy killed Big Mom.

A living Big Mom entering the city is more valuable than a dead Big Mom.

Foxy leaned back on the sofa and spoke very plainly, but he was extremely confident and domineering.

Among other things I will reform the navy.

All the five old stars stared at Foxy.

The navy must develop technology, and Utopia is at the forefront of this. Whether we admit that the naval equipment is inferior to Utopia, I don't want the navy to use fire sticks to compete with pirate missiles, and I don't want the navy to use the current wooden warships and pirates. Concrete aircraft carriers collided with each other.

In any case, the Navy must be reformed, especially the Ministry of Science.

In addition, I hope to add one more general to the seat of general. The army has four generals, and there is no reason for the navy to lose one, especially in the face of the current situation.

The office was quiet again, Wu Laoxing pondered for a moment and then looked at each other, and finally Guiche Wulaoxing coughed lightly, You are the admiral of the navy, we agree with the above plan, as for the admiral, there is no need to mention it.

I hope the final result is as you said. Once you fail, you should know what the consequences will be. The remaining prestige of the navy is likely to fall to the bottom, and the world government will also be greatly affected.

I see.

Foxy nodded and did not continue to ask about adding the general.

Then everyone discussed some other things, such as the criminals in Infinite Hell, the situation of the Five Emperors, etc., until Foxy and Crane left Marie Gioia when they were three hours old.

Both Foxy and Crane were preoccupied on the way.

After a long time, Foxy took the initiative to say, Master Lieutenant General, are you really planning to retire?

It's not just me, Karp also thinks this way.

Crane collected his thoughts and smiled.

I can't agree. Teacher Zefa has retired. If both you and Lieutenant General Garp retire, it will be a huge loss for the Navy.

We are all old, not to mention that the five old stars have already agreed.

Crane shook her head, which was the result of several discussions between her and Karp.

Go back and talk about it.

It is impossible for Foxy to let Garp and Crane go so easily, even for Zefa.

Even if he retires, he will deduct a few drops of oil, because according to He's meaning, this retirement means nothing at all.

How can this be.

After returning to Marin Vanduo from the Holy Land, the next step is the selection of generals and associate generals, as well as the reform of the navy, especially the Ministry of Science!

Now Foxy will meet the world's number one scientist and one of the most mysterious people in the Pirate World.

Is it BOSS, or just a scientist.

There is also the power of the Marshal who needs to feel it well, but with power comes responsibility and obligation, and after all the incidents are over, it will be dumped on Katerina.

This guy's ability and acting skills are incredible!

As long as you don't make a big deal with others, the chance of being discovered is very small.

The selection of admirals began on the second day, Momotu gave up automatically, and Kuzan was promoted to the new admiral to completely replace Foxy's previous position.

Foxy came to Crane Villa that night and notified Garp and Zefa in advance.

A sumptuous dinner prepared by Taotu, several people sat at the table and ate and drank wine.

Karp and Zefa did not change their previous attitudes because Foxy became the marshal, and they were still the same, especially Karp.

Foxey, is there something wrong with you?

Zefa sipped his wine and looked at Foxy in casual clothes.

Teacher Zefa, I do have something to do.

Foxy nodded at Cap and Crane.

Why are you looking at me?

Cap picked his nose as he ate and glared at Foxy angrily.

I don't agree with the two of you retiring, especially Lieutenant General Karp. In addition, if Lieutenant General wants to retire, he must at least find me a chief of staff.

Foxy put down his wine bowl.

I thought what was it?

Garp turned his face away and raised his mechanical arm with a look of loneliness in his eyes.

This is not a trivial matter. If you two retire as soon as I take office, what will other people think? What's more, Lieutenant General Garp's strength and the resourcefulness of Lieutenant General are indispensable to the navy.

Especially when I have to deal with the Five Emperors next.

You want to attack the Five Emperors?

Both of them looked sideways, even Taotu, only He looked calm.

If I want the Navy to return to its previous prestige, I must start a fire. The Five Emperors are the most suitable!

There is no doubt that the banquet was a bit late.

The final result was that Karp failed to retire, and Crane was only half successful.

Why say half, that's because someone needs to replace He's position, and there really isn't any suitable candidate for a while. .

When my wife was nine months pregnant, one day after dinner, when she was about to go to bed, my wife suddenly held her stomach and said that her stomach hurts, my husband, I may be about to give birth! Seeing her painful face, I dared not wait too long. My friends and I hurriedly sent her to the hospital. After several rounds of checkups, the doctor finally frowned and said to me: Don’t panic, your wife is just fed up! I:……

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