The secret war is silent

Chapter 687 Arrogant

In Shulu Dai Yunong's study.

This guy really said that? After hearing Mao Qiwu's report, Dai Yunong was a little surprised, although his relationship with the Kong family member was now a bit weak.

But after all, he was the old man's eldest brother-in-law. He had broken bones and connected tendons. In the previous dynasty, he was a relative of the emperor.

This relative of the emperor also holds financial power. At present, that department is struggling, the Japanese are pressing harder, the domestic economy is in a mess, foreign aid is getting less and less, and the military commander is in desperate need of money.

Therefore, even if he was unhappy, he could only endure it.

Moreover, everyone knows that Lin Dongchuan is actually working for the Kong family secretly. Otherwise, he comes from a small family and has a clean family background. How can he become the director of the Transportation Department of the Central Trust Bureau?

That was the core department for the Kong family to make money. How could Ye Chuan's smuggling be cleared all the way without Lin Dongchuan based on his connections?

When it was time to get off work, Luo Yao drove simply and took Yang Fan with him to the Shancheng Hotel for an appointment with Director Lin.

Brother Yao, bring a gun with you. When they arrived at the door and were about to get out of the car, Yang Fan took out a Browning pistol and handed it over.

No, Lin Dongchuan really wants to take action. I don't have any guns with me. Just keep it. Luo Yao weighed the gun in his hand and returned it to Yang Fan.

Yang Fan didn't insist and put the gun back: Then I'll be guarding the door for a while. If anything happens, just call me.

I know. Luo Yao nodded.

Luo Yao has been to the Mountain City Hotel a few times, but they were always treated by others. He didn't like eating and drinking in such a luxurious place.

However, it cannot be said that such a large mountain city should not have such a place for dining and leisure. Otherwise, it would be detrimental to the country's face to receive foreign guests in small, low-end restaurants.

He doesn't like it, but that doesn't mean there is no need for it to exist.

Sir, do you have a reservation?

If you don't make a reservation in advance to eat here, unless you are a big boss, there will be a private room reserved for you.

Otherwise, no one can come.

Director Lin from the Central Trust Bureau. Luo Yao nodded slightly and reported Lin Dongchuan's name.

Are you Mr. Luo, please!

The waiter led Luo Yao upstairs and brought Luo Yao into a rather luxurious private room. There were Persian carpets that felt like you were sinking into them when you stepped on them, velvet curtains, and imported crystal lamps hanging from the roof. The whole room is illuminated with brilliant light.

There are also several ink landscape paintings hanging on the walls, which Luo Yao doesn't quite understand. Even ordinary calligraphy and paintings in such a place are probably not cheap.

Otherwise, it will be difficult to reflect the nobility of this place.

Mr. Luo, please have tea. Director Lin has told me that he will be here in a moment! The waiter made tea for Luo Yao.

Okay, thank you.

In the western restaurant, Lin Dongchuan has actually arrived, but he is eating with someone, and this person is naturally his girlfriend, Miss Kong Er.

Miss Kong Er has standard short hair and wears men's clothing. If you look carefully, you really can't tell that she is a woman.

Opposite Miss Kong Er, there sat a handsome man in a white suit, looking at her affectionately: My dear, can you tell your father again? Mr. Ye is my business partner. In the past six months, I have made a lot of money by cooperating with him in business. My favorite perfumes and leather bags were all brought back from Europe, and the Ye family's power in Marais, as long as they are willing to cooperate, then You can make more money!”

Dongchuan, I told you, this matter is a bit difficult. So why did Ye Chuan provoke the military commander? Miss Kong Er said while eating the steak elegantly, You don't know, I Is dad also tolerant of that Dai Yunong?

Let's admit the mistakes we should admit, and punish them if they deserve it. As long as we can release Ye Chuan, it's easy to discuss. Lin Dongchuan said, If we keep people locked up, I'm worried that we will damage them. If you don’t, it will be difficult to do business in the future.”

Okay, for the sake of treating me to a big dinner, I'll help you when I get back. Miss Kong Er said lightly, Isn't it just smuggling and kidnapping? If a person is fine, how big of a problem can it be?

Thank you then.

You and I are still talking about this, are you going to watch a movie with me after dinner?

This is a bit unfortunate. I have an appointment with someone and I want to talk about something later. I don't know how long it will last, so...

If anyone or anything is more important than me, reject it. Miss Kong Er said domineeringly.

Lin Dongchuan wondered: This is not good, okay, everyone is here, I will go meet you, say a few words, and I won't delay spending time with you. What do you think?

Okay, go ahead, I'll wait for you here. Miss Kong Er glanced at Lin Dongchuan and nodded.

My dear, you're so kind. I'll come as soon as I go. Lin Dongchuan stood up and said with a flattering smile on his face.

Luo Yao waited for almost a quarter of an hour before he heard footsteps outside the door. The waiter opened the door first and came in.

Immediately afterwards, a young man in a white suit, with red lips and white teeth, and a face as beautiful as a crown jewel walked in. The hair gel on his hair looked like it was oiled, and there was a kind of condescending contempt in his eyes.

When he was in the detective brigade of the police station, Luo Yao secretly met Lin Dongchuan and recognized him naturally. Lin Dongchuan had not met Luo Yao, but this did not prevent him from recognizing Luo Yao's identity. After all, tonight he would invite Luo Yao came alone.

If not him, who could it be?

When the host comes, the guests naturally cannot stand, so they naturally stand up too. This is a matter of etiquette, and Luo Yao doesn't want to let the conversation fall into the hands of others.

Are you Luo Youning?

Luo Yao frowned slightly. Lin Dongchuan's successful attitude made him feel disgusted. Can the director of the Transportation Department of the Central Trust Bureau be so arrogant?

That's right. Luo Yao didn't get angry immediately. He nodded and said calmly, Director Lin, do you have any advice?

I'm also talking nonsense to you. My friend Ye Chuan has offended you before, but you were arrested and the goods were seized. For my sake, can you let this matter go away? Lin Dongchuan said forcefully and Said domineeringly.

How did Director Lin want to get there? Luo Yao was stunned. How could Lin Dongchuan have the courage to say such a thing to him?

I'll ask Ye Chuan to apologize to you in the newspaper and compensate you a sum of money, and then let this matter go away. What do you think? Lin Dongchuan said.

Ye Chuan violated the national law. If I show favoritism, wouldn't I be the same as him? Luo Yao said slowly.

Luo, I'm here to give you a step down. Don't toast or eat as a penalty. Do you know what will happen if you offend me? Lin Dongchuan leaned forward slightly, approached Luo Yao and threatened.

Director Lin, I have no personal grudges with you. Can I think that you are threatening someone who works for the country? Luo Yaoyan raised his head slightly and asked.

This is just advice, not a threat. Of course Lin Dongchuan refused to admit it. He was arrogant, but not stupid.

Director Lin, anyone who breaks national laws must be punished by law. You and I are the same. Luo Yao pointed at Lin Dongchuan and then pointed at himself.

Luo, don't be shameless. You were lucky this time. The second time, there will always be a time when your luck runs out. Lin Dongchuan threatened.

It seems that I can understand that this time Ye Chuan used Reporter Jiang to attack and frame me in the newspaper, and Director Lin also contributed to it? Luo Yao smiled slightly, he still didn't know how to implicate Lin Dongchuan, this guy He actually took the initiative to hand the handle into his own hands.

You can understand it that way. Lin Dongchuan didn't feel anything was wrong at all. To many people, the military command was a terrifying devil's cave, but to him, it was nothing.

Thank you, Director Lin, for clarifying my doubts as to why Ye Chuan refused to confess. It turned out to be to protect you, Director Lin. Luo Yao said.

Luo, letting him go is your only option. Don't make yourself uncomfortable, Lin Dongchuan said.

Director Lin, I'm curious, who gave you the courage to say these things to me? Luo Yao said tit for tat.

Luo Youning, don't risk your own way, Lin Dongchuan said.


Lin Dongchuan sneered, turned around and left, saying that he was inviting him to a meal. The table was empty, so how could he have any intention of treating him?

Brother Yao, what do you mean? As soon as Lin Dongchuan left, Yang Fan rushed in and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Luo Yao was safe.

I am also a bitch, hoping to turn the conflict into friendship, but in the end, I came here to listen to the lesson. Luo Yao smiled bitterly.

Who does Lin teach you? Yang Fan became anxious upon hearing this.

Forget it, at least I know that if you have any sympathy for this kind of person, you will be sorry for your own conscience. Luo Yao said.

Brother Yao, what do you mean by this? It's such a roundabout way... Yang Fan understood.

It means that we have been tricked and we should go home for dinner.

Gong Hui returned home from the hospital and saw Luo Yao sitting on the sofa in the living room, wearing pajamas and slippers, reading the newspaper leisurely.

He clearly looked like he had returned a long time ago.

Brother Yao, how was the conversation?

The talks collapsed. Luo Yao chuckled, When they came, they gave me a warning and told me to let Ye Chuan go quickly, otherwise I would bear the consequences.

What, is Lin Dongchuan out of his mind? How dare he say that to you? Gong Hui was extremely surprised that there was such a person.

Maybe he is used to being arrogant and arrogant. He has long been accustomed to being aloof and doesn't take anyone seriously at all. Luo Yao said.

Isn't it because the villain is successful because he has the Kong family behind him? Why is he so crazy?

Don't mention him anymore, how about Ye Yun? Luo Yao put down the newspaper. Lin Dongchuan would soon understand that military commanders were not so easy to bully.

The specific cause of pneumonia is not very clear. It may be due to acclimatization. Fortunately, the hospital was sent to the hospital in time. If it had been delayed, the problem would have been serious. However, it would have taken at least a week to be hospitalized, Gong Hui said.

The current confession is enough for us to contact Ye Chuan directly. Luo Yao said, Have you made an appointment with Osborne?

I called the Military Communications Office today, and Osborne agreed to come tomorrow. Gong Hui nodded.

Okay, let's meet Osborne together tomorrow. Luo Yao decided.

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