The secret war is silent

Chapter 636 My hands are itchy

came back?

Well, is there nothing going on at home? Luo Yao got out of the car and was met by Gong Hui who came out of the house.

That tiger, fill up the gas tank, we have to go out tomorrow.

I know, Brother Yao. Yang Fan agreed and drove the car into the yard.

Xiao Nan said that I have to wait for you to come back before going to bed today. Gong Hui said while taking the coat that Luo Yao took off.

Then I'll go take a look. Luo Yao nodded. He has been busy working these days. When he came back at night, his children were asleep. He got up early in the morning. The children hadn't woken up yet, so they didn't even see him.

Wait a minute, rinse your mouth, your mouth smells of alcohol.

Yes, yes, I understand...

Children are very dependent on their parents. Xiaonan lost her biological parents and transferred all her feelings to him and Gong Hui. This is understandable.

Although she is very sensible, she is still a child after all, and a child should have a child's life and emotions.

In the study, Gong Hui is waiting for him.

How are you, sleeping?

Well, I just fell asleep. Luo Yao nodded. After coming in, he took off his coat and hung it on the hanger.

This afternoon, Xu Zhen came to see me. She told me that Osborne may have secretly reached a secret agreement with the Americans and agreed to provide some top-secret information about Japan to the United States, Gong Hui said.

It's not surprising. He is an American. It's not surprising that he cooperates with Americans. Luo Yao nodded. Americans are also very wary of Japan now. Although they pursue isolationism, they are not in danger to themselves. It’s normal to know nothing and want to obtain information through Osborne.”

Do you want to report this matter to Mr. Dai?

Of course, but we have to get conclusive evidence. We may still have value for Osborne. Luo Yao said.

Well, what about Xu Zhen, still not moving?

Could she come to you today to test our attitude towards her? Luo Yao asked after being silent for a while.

It is possible that Osborne's secret meeting with Major Barrett, the assistant diplomatic attaché of the US Embassy, ​​happened three days ago. She has only come to report now. It is clear that she is waiting for a price. Gong Hui said.

They are now husband and wife. Although they have lost their original relationship and still have their own secrets, guess what Xu Zhen's next plan is?

I don't know about this. This woman is very good at acting. So far, we haven't really figured out her identity. Gong Hui said.

Have you checked those times?

Well, she happens to be not at home, and considering the time, it's enough time for him to rush back from the south bank. Gong Hui said.

Where's today's lunch?

Yes, I haven't been out all day.

What's going on with Jiang Xiaoyu? Luo Yao asked.

Jiang Xiaoyu went to Songlinpo in advance and didn't see Xin Xiaoyu. Later, when she ran out of time, she went to Fanxing Cafe. Waiting for her there was the girl she had seen before who claimed to be Xiaomei. Ask her to investigate and understand your daily routine. Time and itinerary. Gong Huihui reported.

What do you think?

Their target is you.

This is interesting, why are everyone staring at me? Luo Yao raised his head and said with a smile.

You can still laugh. You almost caused Keizo Kondo to be sent to a military court. How can people not hate you?

What's going on with Old Liu and Station Master Tang?

There is nothing going on in Jiangcheng at the moment, but there is news that the Japanese army may want to change the commander of the Eleventh Army. I don't know whether it is true or not yet, Gong Hui said.

This information is very important. I must let Lao Liu confirm it. If Okamura Neji resigns, I want to know who will replace him as soon as possible.


After the disastrous defeat in the First Battle of Xiangcheng, China immediately launched the Winter Offensive and fought the Japanese army at Kunlun Pass. This gave the arrogant Japanese army a blow to the head, but they would not stop their aggression and would definitely do so. Waiting for an opportunity to seek revenge.

If the Japanese army changes its generals, there will definitely be a large-scale military operation. If the new general comes over, he will not fight against the ninth theater with high morale after winning the battle of Xiangcheng. He will definitely choose another battlefield.

This battlefield is the northwest region of Hubei, which is the territory of the fifth theater.

Have the rescue and evacuation routes been arranged?

Arrangements have been made, one waterway and one land route, and there are people to take care of them. There is no big problem in terms of safety. However, Jiang Xiaoyu's parents are already very young. Are they worried that they will not be able to bear the long journey?

If that doesn't work, you can go separately. It won't attract attention easily. It won't be too late to meet up again when we get to the mountain city.

Okay, I'll write back to them later and ask them to prepare more.

Did the other party tell Jiang Xiaoyu how to report my schedule and schedule? Luo Yao asked.

There is a Shanlong Tobacco and Liquor Store on Minquan Road. Just put the information you get in the banknotes and give it to the clerk in the store.

It can't be the one whose boss is called Xu Huanshan, right? Luo Yao's mind turned and he asked in surprise.

You guessed it right. I heard Jiang Xiaoyu say this name, and I immediately called Deng Yi to verify it. The signboard of Xu Huanshan's tobacco and liquor store is called Shanlong. Gong Hui nodded with certainty. .

Originally I wanted to move Xu Huanshan, but I can't move it now. Luo Yao said with a tsk.

Do you know who the other party is now?

Not yet. The other party has been sending messages through this girl named Xiaomei and has never revealed her true identity.

Did someone follow this little beauty?

In order to avoid alerting the enemy, we haven't taken any action yet. Gong Hui said. They have all lurked in enemy-occupied areas. Since the other party does not meet directly, they pass the message indirectly through others for two purposes. The first is that they are afraid of exposing their identity and being attacked. The other party recognized him, and he hid in the dark to observe and confirm safety.

These are all normal means.

If you rashly send someone to follow Xiaomei, it will be equivalent to exposing Jiang Xiaoyu, and the other party will know that Jiang Xiaoyu has informed or revealed his identity, and the line will be broken.

Did Jiang Xiaoyu fail to ask the other party's identity? Luo Yao asked.

Although that girl looks very immature, she is very vigilant and has not mentioned a word about her identity and origin. Someone must have warned her a long time ago.

What about the characteristics of clothes, shoes and hats?

Xiao Yu said that her clothes were very ordinary, but the handbag in her hand looked extraordinary. It should be a high-end brand name and worth a lot of money. Gong Hui said, But she doesn't recognize the brand.

What brand is it? Does it have a label?

Yes, she also wrote one for me, and I didn't recognize it either. Gong Hui said, walked over, picked up the pen on the table, and wrote a word on the manuscript paper.

Prada, an Italian leather goods brand, I really want to see this logo somewhere? Luo Yao recognized it after just one glance.

Yes, yes, come to think of it, I saw a leather bag similar to this one in the small stone village warehouse we checked. They bought a lot of this brand of leather bags. I estimate that the entire Shancheng market also has They are the only ones who have this brand of leather bags. Luo Yao thought about it carefully, and then he remembered, This leather bag is not cheap, and there will definitely be a sales record when it is sold in the mall.

Then I'll send someone to check?

No, you can't check directly. Direct checking will easily alert the enemy. Luo Yao shook his head.

Then how can we know who the other party is without checking? How do we know who is behind this little beauty? Gong Hui said.

Check, of course we have to check, but we can't do it blatantly. Our opponents are hiding in the dark. Once they are discovered, the lives of Jiang Xiaoyu and her parents will be in danger. Luo Yao said, This is not what we want to see.

This brand of leather bags must not be cheap, and not many people can afford it. We can just get the purchase records and investigate secretly. This shouldn't be difficult, right? Luo Yao said, We have now grasped the source. Then through which channels these bags will be sold, this is no problem for us.

That's true. It's convenient for us to investigate this, and it won't arouse others' suspicion. Gong Hui nodded.

By the way, what did you tell Xu Zhen?

I asked her to continue to monitor Osborne's every word and deed, and report it immediately if there is any situation. Gong Hui said, In addition, I also affirmed her work during the previous period.

Ah, very good.

It's been a little quiet recently. It seems like all the Japanese spies have disappeared from the mountain city. Gong Hui said.

The calmer it is, the more dangerous it is. We must pay attention to the confidentiality of the subsequent relocation work. I am worried that the lurking Japanese special forces will secretly cause sabotage. Luo Yao reminded.

Don't worry, I understand. I have made a detailed relocation plan. I call him building the plank road in the open and building the warehouse secretly!


Brother Yao, we found out that the three injured men under Ye Chuan were hiding in the suburban yard where reporter Jiang Lin once lived. Someone would bring them food every day. Two days later, Yang Fan came to report to Luo Yao. .

How did you find it?

These three people are injured and have difficulty moving. There must be someone to take care of them. They also need medicines to treat gunshot wounds, especially anti-inflammatory medicines. If you are evil, you will not go to regular hospitals and pharmacies to buy medicines. Then this That's easy to handle, our military commander is a local snake after all, how difficult is it to find someone who secretly sells gunshot wound medicine? Yang Fan chuckled.

It seems that your opponent is not cautious enough. Did you catch his tail?

That's true. Everyone has discovered it. Do you want to bring it back? Yang Fan asked.

No, just do this first... Luo Yao whispered.

I understand. Yang Fan understood.

Tiger told me that he found the three injured Ye Chuan's men. I didn't ask him to bring them back immediately. Instead, I stayed nearby and waited.

Catch that Axiang? Gong Hui understood Luo Yao's thoughts immediately.

Yes, Axiang is Ye Chuan's most capable assistant. If she is caught, he will have to do many things himself, or let others do it. His subordinates may not be as good as Axiang. So what can we do? There are more flaws found. Luo Yao nodded.

Okay, I want to take part in the operation myself.

You can't trust tigers?

No, I want to catch this Axiang with my own hands. Gong Hui said.

You haven't moved for a long time, your hands are itchy...

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