The secret war is silent

Chapter 634 Breakthrough

You're good at drawing. When did you learn it? You still have this ability. Why didn't I know about it? Luo Yao saw Yang Fan actually sketching portraits with a pencil in his notebook.

It looks like he is no longer a newbie.

When I was in the Guizhou training class, sometimes it was too boring, just a little hobby. Yang Fan chuckled. He was a blacksmith. He didn't swing a hammer that day and felt uncomfortable all over. But in the secret service training class, there was no hammer for him. Swirled.

In addition to training, which can consume some physical energy, what else can make a person concentrate?

He learned psychological profiling and sketching from a special training teacher.

He Chao, Meng Guangyi, and a man named Liu Chuntian. The physical characteristics and portrait sketches of a total of three people were recorded one by one.

After confirmation by doctors and nurses, Yang Fan's painting was very similar and basically close to the real person.

Okay, doctor, it's best not to tell anyone about what we're here to do, and keep it confidential. Luo Yao warned before leaving.

Don't worry, we know. The attending doctor has seen the world. After all, he performs gunshot wound surgery. He has contact with a wide range of people and understands the dangers involved.

Brother Yao, these three people must have secrets, otherwise Axiang wouldn't have picked them up from the hospital the next day. Yang Fan said to Luo Yao.

There are no three hundred taels of silver here. They are witnesses and may know the inside story. If it is confirmed that Ye Chuan personally participated in planning and instigating the kidnapping of Jiang Lin, then Ye Chuan will face prison. Luo Yao said, Unlike now , he can blame everything on that Guo Xiang.

But he is also charged with smuggling and selling tobacco?

As long as someone is willing to take the blame, he can get away with it. The lawyer he hired, Lu Fang, is the best at this kind of case. Luo Yao explained.

Then the unsold cough water found from Nanhua Trading Company can't convict him? Yang Fan said.

Yes, Nanhua Trading Company has found that it contains highly addictive D-drugs that are banned internationally. However, in addition to proving that Ye Chuan acquired Nanhua Trading Company and is the largest shareholder, he is actually responsible for Nanhua Trading. The person running the company is that Hu Youjia, by the way, does this Hu Youjia control it?

It's under control. He's being held in another place. Brother Wen San is taking over the interrogation. Yang Fan nodded.

In a while, I'll go to his place in the evening.

Okay, why don't you give Sister Hui a call? You won't go to dinner and she is worried about you. Yang Fan reminded.

We'll talk about it when we get to Wen Laosan. Luo Yao said as he opened the door and got in the car.

A large warehouse on North Sichuan Road used to store grain. After it was bombed by Japanese planes, the grain burned.

It's safe here. Such a good location by the river can only be abandoned and the army is under control.

I don’t have any plans, I just feel that this land is relatively large and may be valuable in the future and can be used as a training ground.

A wall was built to enclose it. This time Luo Yao wanted to find a place to detain people, and Mao Qiwu thought of this place.

Just give it to him directly.

Then Luo Yao called Wen Zishan and seconded Wen Zishan. It was just a greeting from Shen Yu.

The entire garrison headquarters inspection office is under the control of the military.

The strength of the police detective brigade alone is not enough. It is necessary to increase strength, and the Shapingba Special Group of the Juntong Shancheng Special District is also involved.

The surveillance of Brother Shancheng Pao is carried out by the Shapingba Special Team of the Military Command. The movements of these people must be grasped immediately to prevent problems before they occur.

Everyone in Zhuangzi who discovered Jiang Lin and Xie Daba are detained here, as are the main leaders of Nanhua Trading Company and Tiantong Pharmaceutical.

Except for a few individuals who were held in solitary confinement for fear of collusion in confession, the others were all locked up in the main room.


How is the trial of Hu Youjia from Nanhua Trading?

He refused to admit it and said that the cough water they imported from abroad did not have any banned ingredients and was imported through legal channels without any problems. Wen Zishan said.

Whose idea was it to import cough water, him or Ye Chuan? Luo Yao nodded. He had already expected it. Who would readily admit the fact of the crime.

He didn't say that.

Does he think he can escape punishment if he refuses to confess? Luo Yao snorted coldly, Has everyone from Nanhua Trading Company arrived at the case?

There are still a few people who have not yet been arrested. They are all working undercover. It was at night when the seizure was carried out, and most of the people were off work. We only arrested them later. Wen Zishan explained.

Where's Tiantong Pharmaceutical?

We have not moved the workers. We have brought the main person in charge and the middle management. Wen Zishan said that the workers in the pharmaceutical factory are basically members of Anshe. Although these people have participated in crimes, most of them are unaware of it. The above Just do whatever you ask them to do. If all these hundreds of workers are arrested, big trouble will happen.

The factory is closed, and the workers are effectively unemployed and have no food to eat. How are their emotions?

It's okay for now, but I don't know what will happen in the future. If there is no work and no food to eat, someone will definitely make trouble. Wen Zishan nodded.

Go and talk to the workers' representatives and give the workers an extra month's wages, so that they have no reason to cause trouble. Luo Yaodao said, In one month's time, it is estimated that this case will be almost solved. By then the factory will After the lockdown is lifted, work resumes, and other medicines are made, the workers will naturally not have to worry about their livelihood.

Are we concerned about this matter? Wen Zishan asked in surprise.

We are the ones who started the matter. We can just slap the ass and leave, but leave the problem to other brother departments. Can other people have a good impression of our military commander? Luo Yao asked rhetorically.

Yes, brother. Wen Zishan said, But who will pay for it?

We sealed the pharmaceutical factory. Is it possible that we didn't find any money at all? Luo Yao glared at him, Are you still asking me?

I understand, I understand... Wen Zishan smiled sarcastically.

Don't spend this money indiscriminately. Maybe we can take over this pharmaceutical factory ourselves in the future... Luo Yao stopped talking in the middle of his words.

I'll take care of this matter tomorrow, and I'll make sure there won't be any trouble. Wen Zishan nodded, showing a knowing smile.

The eldest brother has begun to understand that he has to think about himself, which is a good start.

Where's Luo Xue?

She is in the interrogation room, interrogating Hu Youjia. Wen Zishan explained.

Take me to see it.

Okay, brother, please. Wen Zishan led the way.

In the interrogation room, Luo Xue was dressed in a smart military uniform of a second lieutenant of the national army. She faced Hu Youjia in prison uniform and handcuffs with a cold face. Obviously, this interrogation was going to last for a long time.

Hu Youjia was very handsome. If she put on women's clothes, she would look like a great beauty who would conquer the entire country.

It's a pity that he is indeed a man. Wen Zishan and others have already experienced this.

Brother, I'm going to...

Luo Yao reached out to stop Wen Zishan and shook his head at him. He wanted to hear how Luo Xue (Takahashi Sakurako) interrogated Hu Youjia outside.

Manager Hu, do you need me to remind you again? Luo Xue's voice sounded, You and Nanhua Company are suspected of smuggling and selling tobacco and toxic cough drops. This is a serious crime, and you will pay a heavy price for it. ?”

Haha, tobacco is banned repeatedly in mountain cities and other places. In many places, local governments even encourage people to plant it. It is also an important source of fiscal and tax revenue for the government. Those who can grow it and sell it, why should I No, as for the cough drops, I only know that it is a medicine that can treat coughs and can also refresh the mind. I am not a doctor, so how do I know that it contains banned ingredients? Although Hu Youjia looked embarrassed, he It’s about maintaining an unhurried voice.

You are sophistry. Don't you know the dangers of tobacco? Don't you know that the mountainous city and even the whole country have issued laws against smoking?

So what about laws? Can you get people like Ling Yun and Liu Xiang to stop cultivating YP? Hu Youjia said with a smile, Your anti-smoking laws are just to attack us people and protect them. To put it bluntly, you are actually with I am also committing a crime.

What about adding contraband to the cough water?

I have already explained that the cough water was brought in through regular channels and was not smuggled. As for the ingredients in it, that is not something I can know. Hu Youjia's answer was as always, denying the addition of contraband in the cough water. I don’t know.

Brother, Nanhua Trading Company's import of this thing does have customs approval, but it is obvious that someone has handled the relevant import documents in violation of regulations and tampered with the ingredient testing report... Wen Zishan explained to Luo Yao quietly.

Can you find the relevant person?

Yes, the customs import and export documents are all signed by someone. You can arrest the person just by comparing the person on the document. However, if this happens, the matter may be serious. Wen Zishan reminded.

First arrest the customs inspection and quarantine personnel to clarify the matter. Do you want to touch other people? Wait for my notice. Luo Yao thought for a moment and said, this matter is a big deal and he must report it to Dai Yunong before he can make a decision. .


It seems that Luo Xue can't deal with this Hu Youjia. This guy has excellent mental qualities and excellent eloquence. No wonder he can become the general manager at a young age. Luo Yao analyzed and judged.

After all, Luo Xue doesn't know much about our national conditions, and this kind of case is not her specialty. No wonder she is, Wen Zishan said.

Well, let's go in... Luo Yao was about to go in, but he heard Luo Xue's question from inside, Nanhua Trading wasn't called Nanhua Trading before. It was renamed after you took over, right?

Yes. Hu Youjia did not deny it.

According to the documents we have, you are only the general manager of Nanhua Trading, not the boss. Can you tell me who your boss is?

I'm the boss.

You are the boss, that means you are responsible for all of this, including the original cough solution and other contraband we seized in the Zhuangzi warehouse in Xiaoshi Village. Do they belong to you? Luo Xue continued to ask.

What little stone village?

The cough water on the market in Shancheng shows that you are the source. People from Tiantong Pharmaceutical have confessed. They bought the original solution and ingredients of the packaged cough water from your Nanhua Company, but the person in charge of Xiaoshizhuang Zhuangzili said These raw liquids belong to Young Master Ye Chuan. They just went through a formality at your Nanhua Trading Company. In fact, they didn't go through your hands at all. How to explain this? Luo Xue asked.

I don't know about this. Are you mistaken? In the mountain city, only our Nanhua Trading Company has this kind of original cough solution!

I think you won't shed tears until you see the coffin. I have a set of data here. Do you want to read it to you?

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