The secret war is silent

Chapter 580 Coordination Meeting (3)

Even though he knew that the coordination meeting was just for him, Luo Yao was not that good-tempered, so he still had to be angry.

He has no intention of competing for the top position in the new organization. He has a good attitude. You don't want to talk about it, or he has just scratched the surface.

I'll dig them all out for you.

If you don't say anything about some things, you can avoid them. Luo Yao is not afraid of offending people. Anyway, whether it is Wen Yuqing or Mao Zongxiang, their relationship with him is not much better.

Since you can't pee in a pot, just don't pee.

Wang Jinglu said nothing, but gave Luo Yao a How dare you say that look. He was not under much pressure anyway and was ready to leave afterward.

As for the specific details, we can slowly formulate them in detail later. This will not be discussed at today's coordination meeting. Lin Weiwen, the host of the coordination meeting, concluded, setting the tone for today's meeting, which is to be pragmatic rather than pragmatic.

What else do you want to say about the plans for the post-merger organizational structure?

Director Lin, what I want to ask is, once our four companies merge, how will the staffing be done? Wen Yuqing asked.


I think it can be based on proportions. For example, the secret inspection office can have four floors, 30% of the secret code unit of our confidential room, 20% of the secret interpretation room, and 10% of the 43rd station of the Military and Political Department! As soon as Mao Zongxiang said this, Luo Yao and Wang Jinglu's faces changed. How ugly.

In particular, the four cryptographic code deciphering organizations in the cryptography room now have the largest number of people and are the strongest. If this ratio is used, a large number of people in the cryptography room will have to be laid off. Of course, there will definitely be places for these people to go, but the jobs in the future will definitely not be as good as Current.

I object. Code deciphering is not about recruiting big-time recruits. What we need are high-quality talents. I suggest that everyone should take exams to get jobs. Those who are capable will be promoted and those who are mediocre will be demoted. We should not let the incompetent sit idle and waste national public funds! Luo Yao stood up and said directly.

What, taking the exam to get a job? Wen Yuqing suddenly became angry, Director Luo, are you kidding?

I'm not joking, this is the fairest way. When the four major institutions merge, some people will definitely come in and some will leave. But who will leave and who will come in? This is a very difficult problem to solve, because everyone has relatives and friends, leaving this , giving up the other will inevitably lead to disharmony. However, the examination and merit-based recruitment methods are impersonal and prevent mediocre people from entering. I have calculated that the total number of people in our four institutions is no different. There are more than 600 people, and we can only keep less than half of them in the end. I think the three officers have a hard time weighing who will go up and who will go down. They might as well use the simplest method to filter out the people we need. Wei Sir, what do you think? Luo Yao was well-founded and eloquent.

What about elderly people with special talents? If they fail the exam, must they be excluded? Mao Zongxiang asked.

Special talents, special treatment, this is not a difficult problem to solve, but there should not be many such special talents, I guess there are no more than ten people, right? Luo Yao said.

Lin Weiwen also had a headache. The smell of gunpowder was very strong from the beginning. I am afraid that today's coordination meeting will be very difficult.

If the old man hadn't chosen the generals himself, he wouldn't have been willing to take a trip into this muddy water.

Admission is determined by examination.

This is fair, no one says it is unfair, so why does the country set up an examination bureau?

Even if, as Director Luo said, we employ people through examinations, who will issue the test papers, who will grade them, and what if someone cheats? Wen Yuqing stood up and asked, And this method may not necessarily You can select real talents. Do you want to know our secret code? Decoding is definitely not reflected in a test paper. Many people are monks in the middle. They work hard. You can wipe out their hard work over the years with just one test paper. Is it fair to go down?”

There is no absolute fairness. The encryption codes in today's world are becoming more and more complex and more and more difficult to decipher. What we need are more professional talents. This is the general trend. I think Dr. Wen should agree with my point of view, right? Luo Yao He calmly replied, Then the encryption technology of the past may be useless against the current encryption technology. It is useless. What else are left to do to support idle people? It is better to let them go to suitable positions to make their due contributions. .”

Director Luo, if you feel that the staff allocation ratio we followed before is inappropriate, can we adjust it? Mao Zongxiang said, This method of using examinations to decide whether to stay or leave is really not in line with our current situation. Everyone knows that your secret interpretation room also operates night shifts. If we use examinations, wouldn’t it mean that by then, the majority of the people in your secret interpretation room will be occupied?”

I didn't say I would take the exam now. Anyway, it's still some time before the official merger. Let's all compete fairly!

Director Luo, your method of examination and recruitment can be done in the future, but it is not suitable now. I hope you can understand. Lin Weiwen said, if this argument continues, I am afraid that the argument will last for three days and three nights without any result.

However, the distribution ratio mentioned by Brother Zongxiang is quite unfair to the code interpretation room. As we all know, the number of coded messages deciphered by the code interpretation room ranks first among our four major institutions, which also shows that its ability is outstanding. Yes, just giving 20% ​​of the share is not enough, I think at least 30% is enough.

Although our 43 stations have not made much achievements in deciphering, there is no doubt about our ability in interception. Interception requires manpower. Isn't it a little less to only give us 10%? It has been a long time. Wang Jinglu said without speaking.

Then Director Wang, how many do you want?

Director Luo, what do you mean? Wang Jinglu turned to ask Luo Yao.

Wangtai, please tell me. Luo Yao bowed slightly politely.

We and the people in the secret interpretation room will account for half of the people in the new organization. Wang Jinglu said slowly as he raised his head.

Wen Yuqing and Mao Zongxiang both had strange expressions on their faces. They couldn't tell this situation, so they might as well just buy a piece of tofu and get hit to death.

This is a joint effort between the Secret Interpretation Office of the Military Command and the 43rd Channel of the Ministry of Military Affairs.

When did they hook up, and why was there no news about it before?

Lin Weiwen, who presided over the meeting, was also surprised. He really looked down on Luo Yao. Unexpectedly, he quietly attracted the Ministry of Military and Political Affairs.

Two disadvantaged people joined forces, and their momentum suddenly overshadowed the other two. Is this forcing the secret inspection office and the secret office to also join forces?

But can these two families be sincere?

Dr. Wen, Brother Zongxiang, what do you think? Lin Weiwen asked, and everyone explained what he said.

Wen Yuqing and Mao Zongxiang looked at each other and both knew that if they continued to object on this matter, they would bear all the blame for the collapse of today's coordination talks.

They are all capable in business, one is first in business, and the other has special skills. Even if we compare the actual number of people, they still account for half. It is unreasonable to insist on overpowering them.

If Channel 43 didn't stand on the side of the secret interpretation room, even if he just acted like a transparent person and didn't speak, they would have been able to suppress Luo Yao today.

Now not only are they not holding back, they are also firing on all cylinders.

Okay, since you two have no objections, I will just assume that you agree and move on to the next topic. Seeing that both of them were silent, Lin Weiwen said directly, As for the issue of department setup and functions, what do you think about this? If you have any opinions on the plan, you can speak freely.”

I have no objection. This is a proven and mature setting that is in line with our current situation. Wen Yuqing said first.

I support Dr. Wen's view. Mao Zongxiang said immediately.

Director Wang, what do you think?

I can still say that I have some experience in detection, but for deciphering, our 43 units have made too little achievements and have no mature experience for everyone to refer to. However, Director Luo's code interpretation room is quite successful. Why don't we listen to him? What’s your opinion?” Although Wang Jinglu didn’t say it clearly, everyone could tell that if he voted, he would definitely vote for Luo Yao.

Dr. Wen, may I ask you a question? Luo Yao sorted out his words and asked.

Director Luo, please speak.

What do we look at in the design and function allocation of an organization? Does it allow everyone to perform their duties, or does it ultimately reflect in specific results? Luo Yao asked.

When Wen Yuqing heard this, his expression immediately changed.

Mao Zongxiang also heard it. Luo Yao's question was so sharp that it directly hit Wen Yuqing's core.

Your design and configuration are so great, what are the results?

No results, just talk nonsense!

If your design is so awesome, why are you being beaten back by the code translation room and being followed every time?

Why do we still cling to the same old practices of the past when there are more scientific and efficient design and configuration methods?

Director Luo, the design can be adjusted. Our current goal is to merge our four institutions together first to ensure stability. Moreover, the establishment of a new institution also requires a process of mutual understanding and integration. Wen Yuqing is worthy of being a doctorate in the United States. Eloquence and quick wit are also excellent.

I understand that this can be done in peacetime, because we still have time, but now, Dr. Wen, do you think the enemy will give us time? Luo Yao said, This is like seeing a doctor, knowing that you will be stabbed. The problem can be solved, but if you want conservative treatment, in the end the condition worsens, and you have to have a knife, and if this knife is used, the patient is likely to suffer even more pain?

Director Luo, your idea is too radical. I can't say that your plan will definitely be suitable, right? Mao Zongxiang asked.

Director Mao, at least I have practiced it myself and it has proven to be effective.

The merger of new institutions should not be done too hastily, lest it takes the wrong path. By then, it will be too late to regret...

Time is life. The more we can save, the less sacrifices will be made by the soldiers at the front!


Huangkou kid, what do you know? I have more salt than you eat rice. What qualifications do you have to talk to me like this...

Wen Yuqing, you can't speak well of people, so you start to curse them. I respect you as a senior, and I don't have the same experience as you!

Dr. Wen, calm down...

Director Luo, please stop saying a few words. Look how angry you are at Dr. Wen...

The conference room suddenly became very noisy. At first there was a quarrel, but everyone was trying to reason, but in the end it became a quarrel between the market ladies.

When Lin Weiwen saw this scene, he felt his temples beating suddenly, and he had the urge to burst his blood vessels.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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