The secret war is silent

Chapter 572 Secret Agreement

Kuroki Yi, you are the only one left in this group. Are you going to continue to resist, or are you going to gain freedom with everyone else?

The five people selected for the Y work are all targeted to a certain extent and include everyone. This is also experimental in nature.

The most difficult person to work is Kuroki Yi. The simpler the mind, the easier it is for someone to get into trouble. The same principle applies.

Once such a person identifies with a certain person or a certain doctrine, he will definitely be the most loyal and not afraid of sacrifice.

Kuroki Yi is this type.

Although Kuroki Yoshi is a Japanese ninja warrior, his native family is also poor. He embarked on the path of ninja because he had no way to survive.

As long as they can survive, no one wants to let their children have to endure that kind of hardship since childhood. Ninja warrior training is very hard, with various cruel trainings, and those who fail to pass will be eliminated directly, and the eliminated ones will be very miserable, and people like him With this kind of background, you can only be a genin in your life. If you want to be a chuunin or jounin, you have to look at your background.

Samurai like them without much formal education were not qualified. The task they were sent to China was to plunder all kinds of wealth for their masters and then send them back to Japan, but they had no share of this wealth at all.

Tian Shoushan's work was still effective, at least he used his identity to learn more about Kuroki Yi's past.

These are not as simple as what is written in the information.

Luo, please stop talking. I will not betray the Japanese Empire. This is my dignity as a samurai. Kuroki Yoshidao.

It seems that you are stubborn to the end. Luo Yao sighed. Heo Muyi's stubbornness surprised him and made him feel frustrated.

In his opinion, this kind of stubborn persistence is extremely stupid behavior, and he may also pay a huge price for it.

If he had been captured, he might have made the same choice. Regardless of right or wrong, his foolish loyalty is still worthy of regret.

In the first month of the year, don't kill. I'll give you a few more days to think about it. Luo Yao decided not to waste time on Kuroki Yi. Such a stubborn person would have no choice but to die. There is no such thing in China. So much rice and noodles feed him.

What a waste of food.

Mr. Imano, congratulations on making the right choice. Sign this confession and repent, and you will be free. Luo Yao originally came for Kinoshita Jishui today, but he didn't expect that he also brought Imano Yongqiu with him.

Chief Qin, can I really be free?

Of course it's not complete freedom, it's limited freedom, because the war isn't over yet, what do you think? Luo Yao chuckled.

That's, that's... Konno Nagaaki adjusted his glasses. The legs of the glasses were broken when his son was captured. They were wrapped with a piece of wire and put on his eyes. There was always a little bit of incongruity. .

According to the rules, you must have a Chinese name when you live in the mountain city. This will also facilitate your future life and communication. Luo Yao called Imano Yongqiu and Kinoshita Shisui together, In principle, you can choose Chinese names by yourself. If you If you can't get up well, then I'll help you get up. The Chinese names on your ID documents are also in Chinese.

Kinoshita Shosui and Imano Nagaaki looked at each other and began to think.

Konno Nagaaki originally had a Chinese name, but that was his name in Dongchuan Company. Obviously, that name can no longer be used and must be replaced.

Muzi Li, there is water in my name. My name is Li Qiushui, right?

As soon as Kinoshita Zhishui's words came out, Luo Yao took a sip of tea. Before he could swallow it, he couldn't hold it in and almost spurted it out.

Li Qiushui, why don't you call me Li Mochou?

Sir Qin, is my name so funny? Kinoshita Zhishui didn't understand.

No, it's not funny. Is this name more suitable for a woman? Luo Yaodao said, There is a saying in the Book of Songs: The beautiful woman in the autumn water is on the other side of the water. Is it possible for you to give yourself such a girly name?

Kinoshita Zhishui smiled coquettishly and said hurriedly: Instead of calling her Li Qiushui, call her Li Qiu.

Autumn represents the withering of flowers and the rustling of endless fallen trees. This seems to have a bad meaning. Today you are free and say goodbye to the past. It represents a new life. This name is not good, so let's change it. Luo Yaodao.

Then tell me, what's a good name?

Li Yuchun, how about it? Luo Yao had an idea flash in his mind, Rain means water, which echoes the water in your name. The plan for the year lies in spring, which also indicates a new beginning for you, how about it?

Li Yuchun, Li Yuchun, okay, then I'll call you this name. Kinoshita Zhishui thought for a moment, nodded and agreed.

Mr. Konno, what about you?

Kinoshita-kun, can I choose a last name with you? Imano Nagaaki suddenly asked Kinoshita Shosui.

Kinoshita was stunned for a moment and didn't understand why Imano Yongqiu asked: Mr. Imano, you can do whatever you want.

Sir Luo, I still have to ask for your help. Give me a name. Imano Yongqiu bowed to Luo Yaoyi.

Okay, if you also use the surname Li, how about you call me Li Jin? It happens to be the first character of your Japanese surname. It also has a good meaning to start a new life from today. Luo Yao thought for a moment and said.

Li Jin, this is a very good name. Imano Yongqiu touched it and said with bright eyes.

Okay, you two have chosen their names, so pack up and prepare to leave with me. Luo Yao ordered.

Sir Luo, your phone number... Luo Yao was about to leave when prison elder Liu Huchi ran over.

My phone number? Luo Yao was startled. No one except Gong Hui knew about his coming to the Xiaohei Coal Mine.

Unless there is an emergency, Gong Hui will not call.

Hello, I'm Luo Yao, sir...

The caller turned out to be Dai Yunong. Luo Yao immediately stood at attention subconsciously and his face became serious.

Prison elder Liu, who was listening outside the door, was even more frightened. Boss Dai personally called Luo Yao, and even called him, a small black coal mine. What does this mean?

Sir, we must get this censorship power in our hands, and we must write it down in black and white. It's just a secret agreement, and it doesn't have to be known to the outside world. We can accept this...

You Ning, regarding the female reporter named Jiang Lin, her family has some background. They hope that we can be lenient and punish her lightly? Dai Yunong asked. After all, Luo Yao is the party involved. How to deal with Jiang Lin? If not If you ask him for his opinion, it would seem disrespectful. Even if you are your own student and subordinate, you still need the respect you should give him, and you also need the right to know.

I obey everything you say, sir. Luo Yao knew that what Dai Yunong wanted was the right to inform and review the Central News Agency's reports involving military unification in the future, and that his personal political intentions also required the cooperation of the Central News Agency.

Then fire these two journalists involved from the Central News Agency! Dai Yunong said.

Okay. Luo Yao nodded.

For such a big matter, if these two people continue to stay at the Central News Agency, it will be a slap in the face of the military commander.

Therefore, losing a job is certain, but as long as there are no additional penalties, it is not difficult for two people to find a job, as long as they stay on their own terms from now on.

Luo Yao couldn't do it just because of one report. He was not a Japanese invader, so there was no need.

If you do something too ruthless, the big guys will automatically stay away from you. Who knows that one day they will offend you and end up dead without a burial place?

Dai Yunong was also worried that Luo Yao was young and energetic and would not agree easily after suffering such a big loss. Who would have thought that he would be so generous.

It seemed that he had thought wrong before. Luo Yao came here to persuade him to reconcile with Wang Xueting sincerely for the sake of military unification, instead of testing whether he would give up protecting the interests of his subordinates for the sake of profit.

Sir Luo, was Boss Dai calling just now?

Yes, you didn't know the call you answered? Luo Yao asked strangely.

Old Warden Liu's face turned red instantly, and he wished he could slap himself. If he had known it was Boss Dai calling, he would have said a few more words.

Old Liu, it's time for me to leave. A group of new prisoners are expected to come here soon. Please keep an eye on them. Luo Yao said.

Hey, don't worry, Sir Luo, I promise there won't be any mistakes. Old Liu said excitedly. What he just heard was true. Luo Yao called himself student when talking to Boss Dai on the phone. This is a very close relationship. , are ordinary people qualified to call themselves students in front of Boss Dai?


This is like, only Huangpu students are qualified to call themselves students in front of the old man, and they must be from Huangpu.

Mr. Dai is looking for you in a hurry. I can only tell him about your visit to the Xiaohei Coal Mine. Gong Hui saw Luo Yao coming back and hurried up to greet him.

I understand. Sir, the call was made directly to the Xiaohei Coal Mine. Luo Yao nodded, It should have been negotiated with the Central News Agency. The newspaper clarified and retracted the previous false report, and the two people involved were If the reporter is fired, this matter will be settled.

Is this the end? Gong Hui's eyes widened, obviously very dissatisfied with such a solution.

Actually, there is one more thing, that is, we will reach a secret agreement with the Central News Agency in the future. I don't know the specific terms of the agreement, but from now on, all news reports involving the Central News Agency involving military commanders must be approved by the military commanders before they can be published. Luo Yao whispered in her ear Talk.

Gong Hui covered her mouth in shock. This was incredible. If this agreement was really reached, then the military commander would definitely have made money by making this concession.

My husband called me because he was afraid that I would have ideas. In fact, I don't care about personal honor or disgrace at all, and my reputation will not be ruined just because of this report. I am fair and just. I am not that kind of person. I What are you afraid of? Luo Yao smiled and said, But the longer it goes on, the current merger of cryptographic organizations will have a big impact. When the time comes, there will definitely be someone who will make a fuss about this matter.

They will question your character, and then your leadership ability, and exclude you from the leadership list of the new organization. Gong Hui said.

My merger plan has been submitted, but there has been no movement on theirs. For some reason, either they don't have a good plan, or their plan is too good to compare with ours, and it can only serve as a foil. Luo Yao He chuckled, However, with their work efficiency, I really don't know when their plan will come out.

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