The secret war is silent

Chapter 472 Cooperation

Arrange a room for guests and ask him to go there first and make a cup of tea. I'll be there in a moment. Luo Yao ordered.

You can't meet guests in the guest room where you sleep.

This is inappropriate and disrespectful.

Yang Fan agreed and went.

Yang Fan will follow him from now on, as well as the twelve people under him. Counting himself, he is a bit like the Thirteen Taibo.

With these thirteen people accompanying him along the way, he dared to take the X group all the way back to the mountain city. Otherwise, most of the group were technicians and women with little combat effectiveness, and he would not dare to take risks with these people.

If anything happens to anyone here, it will be an unbearable loss.

No matter who the person was, he couldn't lose his etiquette first. Luo Yao specially changed into a Chinese tunic suit. Gong Hui Xiangcheng bought it for him because of him.

I guess if I really can't wake up, this outfit will be...

The materials used are good, but it shouldn't be done in a short time. This is not Gong Hui's intention. She must have been looking for a tailor for a long time.

She was just waiting for him to go back. Who knew that before he could go back, she had already gone to Xiangcheng herself and brought this set of clothes with her.

It seemed that she had also made some mental preparations.

Some of these thoughts and words can only be understood in the heart, and it is not good to say them out.

Luo Yao is not taboo about this anyway. Clothes are meant to be worn by people, whether living or dead. The reason why people break away from primitive and low-level tastes is that they have a sense of morality and a sense of shame.

The reason why Luo Yao wears the Mao suit is to conceal his identity to the other party. People who wear military uniforms are usually soldiers, while those who wear the Mao suit are naturally party and government officials.

In a sense, Luo Yao can also be regarded as a government official.

Deng Yi, come with me to meet the guests. Luo Yao told Deng Yi, But you have to change your clothes first to avoid misunderstanding.

Understood, I'll go right away. Deng Yi agreed.

After a while.

Luo Yao and Deng Yi went to the temporary reception room.

Apart from Yang Fan, there were two guests in the reception room. Luo Yao knew that they were here in disguise.

The slightly younger one was sitting on a chair, wearing a pair of half-worn leather shoes on his feet, but they were polished to a shiny shine.

It seemed that the guest had made preparations for this visit, and it was not an impromptu visit.

The older one wears a black turban, a navy blue double-breasted local costume, a pair of cloth shoes, and a pipe and pot on his waist. Standing behind the young one, he looks to be fifty years old, but in fact Probably less than forty years old.

The mountains and rivers here are poor, the products are not rich, and people age relatively quickly. People in their forties are as normal as those in their fifties and sixties.

Of course, human lifespan is also very short. Those who can live to the age of fifty are basically considered to have a long life.

It is very common for a minor illness to take away a life.

Who is Mr. Wu? Luo Yao walked in with his feet raised and asked first with his fists clasped.

The slightly younger man sitting on the chair immediately stood up holding the chair: Wu Zheng, I have met Boss Qin.

Luo Yao chuckled. It seemed that he had done his homework, otherwise he wouldn't have come to visit rashly.

Mr. Wu, please sit down. After Luo Yao came in, of course he walked to the master's seat and sat down.

Thank you. After Wu Zheng thanked him, he sat down again.

Mr. Wu, Qin and you have known each other for a long time. I don't know why you came to see Qin? Luo Yao asked.

Boss Qin, Wu came here not only because he has something to ask for, but also because he has something rich to offer as a gift. Wu Zheng said.

Oh, what kind of wealth?

I wonder if Boss Qin has ever heard of the bandit name 'San Cun Ding'?

How can you not hear his name when you are walking around in western Hunan? Luo Yao chuckled, Mr. Wu, if you have anything to say, just say it.

Wu Zheng nodded and said straight to the point: I want to cooperate with Boss Qin to destroy the 'San Cun Ding' bandit that has been causing trouble to western Hunan for many years! Wu Zheng said.

Luo Yao smiled, stood up and said: As far as I know, that 'San Cun Ding' now has thousands of soldiers and horses under his command, and he has also appointed himself a commander. If you provoke such people, you are not just eating arsenic because you think you will live longer.

If Boss Qin were an ordinary citizen, Mr. Wu wouldn't be here today. Wu Zheng also stood up, Besides, 'San Cun Ding' is actually not as powerful as the legend says, and his bandits are full of enemies. Four to five hundred people.”

Mr. Wu, even if I have other identities, your proposal puts people like me in danger.

Boss Qin, you probably don't know yet, but you have already been targeted by San Cun Ding's men. Tomorrow, they will be waiting for you on your way back from the ancient town, Wu Zheng said.

Really? I have no enmity with San Cun Ding. Why did he block my way?

Although Boss Qin has no grudge against San Cun Ding, you do have a grudge against the Winged Tiger, the fifth master under him. Boss Qin and his subordinates fought against the Winged Tiger more than a month ago. At that time The winged tiger almost had its wings cut off by Boss Qin, isn't this considered grudge? Wu Zheng said with a smile.

Mr. Wu knows quite a lot. You can find out all these little things clearly. How can I say that after the defeat of the winged tiger, he took refuge with the 'San Cun Ding'? He is coming to find me again. Trouble?

That's right, Winged Tiger hates Boss Qin very much. He has learned that you have returned with people from the original route, but he will not let this opportunity pass by.

How did the Winged Tiger know that I would pass by the ancient town again?

With such a large convoy like yours, how can you cover up your whereabouts along the way? Wu Zheng said, Besides, there are 'San Cun Ding' spies along the way, and you have long been in their sights.

Of course Luo Yao knew that the whereabouts of his team had long been exposed to the eyes of careful people, treating his hearing as a decoration.

It's just that he didn't tell anyone, for fear of causing panic in the team.

In fact, troops and generals have already been deployed secretly.

If this Three-inch Ding really comes to provoke him, he doesn't mind killing him casually. Others can't do anything to him, which doesn't mean he can't do it either.

However, the eldest young master of the Wu family actually came to him, which was really beyond his expectation.

When someone comes, it's not appropriate to turn him away. At least for the time being, the young master of the Wu family seems to be someone he can cooperate with.

Of course, he would not trust the other party unconditionally. After all, Wu Zheng had been fighting Three-Inch Ding for so many years. How much of his original intention of revenge was left?

The reason why he has been able to fight against Three-inch Ding for so many years is because there are too many local people who have been harmed by Three-inch Ding. He has money and guns, so naturally people are willing to follow him. This is why he is like a fighter. Just like the immortal Xiaoqiang, the reason why he keeps failing and getting up again and again.

Mr. Wu, we just want to return safely. You and I have different demands. On the contrary, if you come to me, you will drag me into a dangerous situation.

Boss Qin, if you don't have this idea, why do you need to see me? Wu Zheng seemed to see through Luo Yao's heart.

Mr. Wu, let's be honest. How much do you want me to pay to help you? Luo Yao chuckled. This Wu Zheng is really extraordinary.

I have people, but I don't have enough weapons, but I know that Boss Qin should be well-equipped in this regard. Wu Zheng said.


This time, in addition to Winged Tiger, there was also Ding Heizi who ambushed Boss Qin on the way. This man is the brother of 'San Cun Ding' and the third leader of the bandit village. This man has extremely accurate marksmanship and is the leader of the bandit village. A famous sharpshooter, he controls an elite team in the bandit village. The number is about seventy or eighty, but he can command at most half of them every time he comes out. Plus the troops under Winged Tiger's current command, the maximum number is only about half. There are only about one hundred and fifty people. Wu Zheng said, And our total number plus Boss Qin's people is about the same.

So there are more than a hundred of you?

To be honest with Boss Qin, I only have about thirty people with guns, and the rest don't have guns.

In other words, as long as you are given enough weapons, you will have enough people? Luo Yao asked.


Your plan should be to use us walking in front as bait to lure Winged Tiger and Ding Heizi to ambush us, and then you flank them from behind, right?

Yes, Winged Tiger would never have thought that you and I would join forces. Wu Zheng nodded.

Since 'San Cun Ding' can know our whereabouts at any time, he will naturally not be unaware of your coming to visit me. Are you sure he won't be wary of it?

I was kicked out of the inn, so naturally there is no such thing as 'cooperation'. Wu Zheng smiled slightly.

What a good strategy. Luo Yao clapped his hands and praised.

Did Boss Qin approve of Wu's plan?

Excuse me, Mr. Wu, what did I get from this cooperation? I also want to send out a batch of weapons. This batch of weapons must be impossible to take back, right?

You wiped out the 'San Cun Ding' bandit camp in western Hunan. This is a great achievement. It is natural that you will be promoted and make a fortune in the future.

Get promoted and make a fortune, do you think Qin is interested in this? Luo Yao laughed loudly. The eldest young master of the Wu family obviously didn't understand who he was, which was not surprising. The information was not equal, and he knew too little.

Wu Zheng and the old man who came with him both showed surprised expressions. Obviously, they did not expect this at all.

What kind of identity does Mr. Wu think Mr. Qin is?

Boss Qin has brought so many female relatives and so many armed guards. He should be an important government official. Wu Zheng said after thinking about it.

Mr. Wu has seen the market, are there many people like me?

Not much. Wu Zheng shook his head.

You have all been cornered by the 'Three-Inch Ding'. Do you really think I am so easy to deceive? I wonder what your situation is now? Luo Yao sneered.

Wu Zheng's facial muscles stiffened rapidly. What was just a conversation was now filled with embarrassment.

Boss Qin, if you have our help, you will have no problem reaching the Wujiang River safely. Wu Zheng said.

With so many of us, as well as cars and horses, we can't take small roads, we can only take big roads. What's the difference with you and without you? Luo Yao asked rhetorically.

We can pretend to be your people, walk in front of you, and help you distract Winged Tiger and Ding Heizi. Wu Zheng gritted his teeth and said dejectedly.

Luo Yao understood in his heart.

The eldest young master of the Wu family is really good at deceiving others. He might have been fooled by another person. If he hadn't already known the situation, it would have been easy to be persuaded by him.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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