The secret war is silent

Chapter 451 It’s great to be alive!

Eat an apple? Li Fu diligently peeled an apple and handed it to Luo Yao. He was now accompanying him throughout the whole process.

Luo Yao reached out to take it, took a bite and asked, What did the doctor say? How long do I need to stay in the hospital for this injury?

In addition to hurting your head, you also have a lot of scratches all over your body. Fortunately, your bones are fine. Li Fu said, But you will still have to be observed in the hospital for a week.

A week takes so long. I feel that two or three days is enough. A week is too long. Luo Yao said.

Do I follow your advice or do I follow the doctor's advice?

Where did this apple come from?

Stationmaster Li gave it to you this afternoon, and you forgot it so quickly? Li Fu chuckled, It's not easy to buy this thing on the market now.

Thank you later for me. Luo Yao gnawed on the apple carelessly.

The apples are a bit sour, but quite crisp, but these things are indeed not something that ordinary people can eat, especially since Xiangcheng has just experienced a war and there is a shortage of various materials. The outside ones cannot enter and the inside ones cannot get out. This situation cannot be relieved for a while.

Mr. Qin, it's time to take medicine. At this time, a young and beautiful nurse came in, holding a tray with a medicine bottle placed on it.

Ms. Nurse, what medicine did you give me? Luo Yao asked.

This is for lowering blood pressure. Mr. Qin, your blood pressure is a bit high. The nurse explained, Also, the medicine is for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis. You have many bruises on your body. After taking the medicine, the blood stasis will disperse faster.

My blood pressure is high?

Mr. Qin, don't worry. Your blood pressure is a sequelae caused by traumatic stress. If you don't have high blood pressure, it will disappear soon. But you still need to take medicine to lower your blood pressure, otherwise you will have certain symptoms. risk.

Oh, that's right, it scared me. Luo Yao nodded. He had high blood pressure at a young age. Then wouldn't he have to cultivate himself in the future? How would he live his life?

Mr. Cheng, Mr. Qin has just woken up. He needs to rest. Don't talk for too long. The nurse watched Luo Yao finish the medicine and warned Li Fu again.

Oh, got it.

Brother, is this little nurse very attentive? Li Fu looked at the graceful figure of the little nurse leaving, turned around and said.

Don't have that evil thought. If you let me know that you have done anything to disgrace your siblings, I will break your legs. Luo Yao gnawed half of the apple in the blink of an eye, Do you have any battle reports for the past few days?

Hehe, no.

Okay, I understand, rest, can't I sleep? Luo Yao lay down, pulled the quilt, covered his head and fell asleep.

He was also tired, and after a while he started snoring slightly.

All in all, it’s good to be alive.

Xiangcheng Provincial Government.

Xue Boling also serves as the chairman of Xiangcheng Province. Now that the Japanese troops have withdrawn to the north bank of the Xinqiang River, China and Japan have basically returned to the pre-war situation.

The offensive and defensive positions were also changed, but the Japanese army returned to their original defense area, and the logistics support was smooth. Although the Chinese army attacked fiercely, they could not do anything to the opponent.

Therefore, Xue Boling did not want to waste his combat power in vain, and ordered the 15th Army to withdraw to the south bank of the Xinqiang River and continue to strengthen the original defense line.

The frontline fighting was basically over, so he naturally had to return to work at the provincial government. The war was over, and now it was time to focus on people's livelihood.

The work after the war was even more tedious.

If the provincial government didn't have so many attachés, and Xue Boling could handle it all by himself, he wouldn't be able to handle it all even with his three heads and six arms. (Xue was in charge of Sanxiang, and received mixed reviews. Personally, I feel that he was successful in resisting Japan, but in other aspects...)

Xue Boling's residence in the provincial government was a small building, with guards living downstairs. He lived upstairs, and his daily life was quite simple.

He doesn't like socializing, so after get off work, he goes back to the small building.

Sir Xue, I just received a call from Xiangya Hospital. Staff Qin has woken up and is fine. He only needs to stay in the hospital for observation for a few days. Wu Xuexin came upstairs and saw Xue Boling practicing calligraphy in the study and came forward to report A sound.

Here comes the new student. Let's take a look. How does my handwriting look? Xue Boling chuckled and stretched out his hand.

Wu Xuexin came forward and saw a poem written by Xue Boling on the snow-white rice paper. It was one of the poems from Out of the Fortress by Wang Changling, a poet of the early Tang Dynasty:

The bright moon of the Qin Dynasty passed the Han Dynasty, and the people who marched thousands of miles have not yet returned.

But the flying generals of Dragon City are here, and Hu Ma is not taught to cross the Yin Mountain.

This poem obviously expresses Xue Boling's mood at this moment. In the Battle of Hunan and Jiangxi, although the Japanese army was repelled, considerable victory was achieved on local battlefields.

However, he did not achieve the strategic goal he wanted in his heart, that is, to encircle and annihilate the Japanese main Sixth Division and Nara Detachment under Xiangcheng City.

As a result, the main forces of the two Japanese troops retreated to the north bank of the Xinqiang River, which was quite regrettable.

Good calligraphy. Can Mr. Xue give me this calligraphy? Wu Xuexin said. Although Xue Boling's calligraphy is not considered to be popular, but due to the celebrity effect, his calligraphy is still not what people want. However, he has never No inscriptions are given to people, and the manuscripts for daily calligraphy practice are never saved and are all burned.

This is also a habit developed through years of service in the military and keeping secrets.

Okay, I'll find someone to frame it later and send it to you. Xue Boling promised.

No need, I'll take it back and frame it myself after the ink is dry. Wu Xuexin didn't know yet. If he waited for Xue Boling to frame it and give it to him, that would probably be the end of the matter. It would be best to just take it away and frame a set of words. , how much can I ask for?

Under Wu Xuexin's supervision, Xue Boling reluctantly stamped his personal seal and inscribed his name.

You're a newbie. I feel like you're as good as a bandit. You came here to rob me. The guard brought water and a towel, washed his hands, and wiped them clean.

I'm here to congratulate you.

What happy event?

The Chairman called us to commend us and said he would come to inspect us soon. Wu Xuexin sat down and said.

Don't take the old man's words seriously. Xue Boling chuckled. He was not that respectful to Lao Jiang.

Also, the Chairman is very concerned about the 'X' group and has sent three telegrams asking about Qin Ming's situation.

Oh? An advance team was preparing to bypass Mufu Mountain and blow up a Japanese storage warehouse. During the march, they accidentally exposed themselves, but they also shot down a Japanese plane. The plane crashed and fell behind, but they obtained from the wreckage. Okamura Neiji issued a personal order to retreat to the frontline troops.

This document played a key role in the subsequent adjustment of the national army's combat plan. Although this advance team failed to complete its set tasks, it inadvertently made a great contribution. (The Japanese troops retreated, and their previous missions no longer had any meaning)

It is undeniable that the 'X' group led by Qin Ming played a key role in this Hunan-Jiangxi battle, and the chairman of the committee should be concerned, Xue Boling continued.

Fortunately Qin Mingren has woken up, otherwise we really don't know how to explain to Chairman Chiang that something happened to people in our war zone, and we are responsible for failing to protect him. Wu Xuexin said, Chairman Chiang's secret code Deciphering is given considerable importance.”

Who would have thought that these Japanese agents could sneak in disguised as soldiers of the national army and pass through our blockade.

These people are well-trained agents, not ordinary soldiers, and the time they chose happened to be when we were strategically retreating. Many troops had no time to retreat, and there were so many laggards that the rear couldn't identify them one by one, so they let this small group go. The troops penetrated into our hinterland, we must keep this lesson in mind, otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous next time. Wu Xuexin said solemnly.

You are right. To prevent the infiltration of sporadic small groups of Japanese troops, we need some screening methods. If we can detect them in time, this kind of thing will not happen again. Xue Boling nodded.

Captain Sun of the Secret Service is still in confinement. Although he made a mistake, there was a reason for it, and he arrived in time to repel the enemy. Objectively, he also played a rescue role. Can he be released? Wu Xuexin.

Captain Sun of the secret service was imprisoned under the order of Xue Boling. How to deal with it depends on whether Luo Yao can wake up.

If Luo Yao wakes up, it's easy to say anything, but if he doesn't wake up, someone needs to take responsibility.

Captain Sun obviously had an unshirkable responsibility for not arriving at the agreed time, regardless of whether there was an objective reason or not.

The order to lock people down was given by Xue Boling. No one else had the power to release people, not even Wu Xuexin, the acting chief of staff.

Now that the person has woken up and is learning new things, you can take some time tomorrow to visit on my behalf and express my condolences. Xue Boling said.

Okay. Wu Xuexin nodded.

Then you can send a telegram to Chairman Chiang to report the victory, and use the title 'Battle of Hunan' to achieve a major victory. Xue Boling said, You draft the telegram, I will review it, and then it can be sent to the mountain city.


Hengyang Hotel.

Miss Gong, your phone number is from Xiangcheng. Gong Hui flew directly to Hengyang Field Airport. After getting off the plane, she originally wanted to go straight to Xiangcheng.

But at this time, there is no car, and even if there is a car, I will not go. It is not safe to drive at night.

Therefore, I can only stay in Hengyang for one night and leave the next day.

She called the people in Xiangcheng and told them that she had arrived in Hengyang, and also told the people in Xiangcheng the contact number.

In this way, if there is any situation in Xiangcheng, she can be notified as soon as possible.

She was already prepared. If there was no car to go to Xiangcheng tomorrow, she would get a military horse and ride to Xiangcheng.

But she didn't expect that not long after she stayed, the hotel clerk knocked on the door and asked her to answer the phone.

Hey, it's me...

Great, I understand. Gong Hui was so excited that she almost shed tears when she heard the news that Luo Yao had woken up.

It's okay now, as long as Luo Yao is fine, everything will develop in a good direction.

She would rush to Xiangcheng early tomorrow morning, but her mood was completely different, and the gloom in her heart was swept away.

The whole person became happy.

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