The secret war is silent

Chapter 425 Refugees


Japan learns Chinese culture and also celebrates the Mid-Autumn Festival.

In the evening, after taking a special bath, Okamura Neiji put on a clean kimono and invited his chief of staff and senior military staff to have dinner together.

A senior officer like him naturally has no worries about food, and the food is flown in from Japan, including fresh fish roe and sashimi.

The mooncakes were made according to his taste by a local shop in Xianning. Adjutant Ogasawara tasted them for him and was very satisfied.

Raise your glass, face the northeast, wish the Emperor from a distance, and then wish the Empire of Japan a long military destiny.

The war was tense, but he didn't dare to drink too much. Halfway through dinner, the adjutant Major Ogasawara came in a hurry.

After whispering a few words into Neji Okamura's ear, he showed a hint of surprise and immediately announced that the dinner was over.

There's obviously something important.

In the backyard of the headquarters, a man wearing a black windbreaker walked over with his head lowered under the guidance of Ogasawara.

In the private living room, Okamura Neji sat on the tatami, his skinny arms supporting the low table.

The sliding door was opened, and the man in black trench coat came to the door, lifted his hat, and escaped from the trench coat, handing it to Major Ogasawara who was following behind.


Kondo-kun, why are you here? Neji Okamura asked first, and the person who came was clearly Kondo Keiichi.

Your Majesty Commander, I have to come. Kondo Keiichi quickly walked into the small living room and walked to the edge of the couch.

Please take a seat.


Kondo Kei nodded, walked to Okamura Neji and knelt down opposite him. This was a kind of etiquette, especially when facing a superior.

I have an opponent who is in Xiangcheng right now, so I'm here. Keiichi Kondo explained.

Oh, who is it?

His name is Luo Yao, and his internal military codename is Diting.

Listen carefully, that mythical beast next to Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva can detect the three realms and hear people's hearts? Neji Okamura said in surprise.

Commander, you must have experienced his power. Kei Kondo said, On the night of the 23rd of this month, the Qingtian detachment of my Shangcun detachment attacked the Chinese army's Yinlongshan position at night. Almost all of them were wiped out. It was the detachment he led. The special team deciphered our army's secret communications and learned the entire attack plan, which made our night attack fail and even plunged into their preset ambush circle.

In this way, you already knew all this, why didn't you tell me in advance? Okamura Neji remained calm, but he was actually angry.

I only received the relevant information after the fact, but it was too late.

Okamura Neiji nodded. He had already received the secret message from Keiichi Kondo. The reminder was indeed late, but it was considered timely. The Yinlong Mountain situation did not appear again in subsequent combat plans and orders.

This shows that our own communication codes were indeed intercepted and deciphered by the Chinese army, but there are still people in the Japanese army who do not believe it. They do not think that the Chinese are able to crack their communication codes at all.

But Okamura Neiji believes in you. If a nation can stand for thousands of years and its civilization continues to this day, there is definitely something special about it.

Japan has also learned from China for thousands of years. It was not until modern times that it became possible to transcend by learning from Western science and industrialization.

If China can also learn from the West, improve society, advocate science, and promote industrialization, Japan may not even dare to have the ambition to annex China.

Your Excellency, Commander, this person is a huge threat to the Empire of Japan. Although we have changed the secret code now, as long as he exists, our secret code may be deciphered, so getting rid of him is the only way to get rid of him once and for all. Kondo Keiichi solemnly said said.

Are you sure that he alone deciphered our secret code?


It should not be one person, but a team led by him. Keiichi Kondo said, He is the soul of this team. If we get rid of him, the team will fall apart.

What do you need me to do?

Commander, please open an opening on the front line and let me blend in with the refugees and go to Xiangcheng. I have made corresponding arrangements there. One of my intelligence teams can cooperate with them to bring him and the team he brought this time. Behead them all! Kondo Keiichi solemnly bowed and requested.

Is your intelligence reliable? Wouldn't you let your men die? Okamura Neji was not optimistic about such an action.

Xiangcheng is now a place where heavy troops are stationed. If a small team infiltrates into it and launches an attack on important missions, there is no chance of returning.

Okamura Neji doesn't like this style of play very much.

Now every imperial warrior is a valuable fighting force. If one is lost, how much manpower and material resources will be needed to cultivate one, not to mention that people are not grass in the field that can be harvested one crop after another.

Your Excellency Commander, I am confident, not to mention that the sacrifice this time is absolutely worth it. Kondo Keiichi said.

Okay, since you insist, I can't stop you, Commander. If you need cooperation, I will ask Adjutant Ogasawara to assist you. Okamura Neji thought for a while, and finally nodded and agreed.

Kondo Keiichi's plan will benefit him without any harm. If it succeeds, it is good, but if it fails, it will not hurt his own people.

He really couldn't find any reason to oppose his plan.

Thank you, Commander. I have brought my men. They are the most elite and loyal warriors in the empire. Kondo Keiichi stood up and bowed deeply.

How can you guarantee that they will not be discovered among the refugees?

They have all received strict training and can live among the Chinese for a period of time without being discovered by the people around them. Otherwise, I would not have such a guarantee that they can complete such a seemingly impossible task. Mission. Keiichi Kondo explained.

So that's it. It seems that Kondo-kun is also a thoughtful person. No wonder Tokyo praises you so much. Okamura Neji nodded.

Your Excellency, Commander, you are ridiculous. Everything I have done is for the Empire to become the true master of this land! Kondo Keiichi said enthusiastically.

Okamura Neji frowned slightly. As a soldier, what he needs most is a calm mind and objective analysis. There are more and more fanatics like Kondo in the military. This is a double-edged sword. These people are It is definitely very useful when it comes to expanding territories, but on the other hand, their fanaticism can make them lose their minds and fail to recognize the facts, which ultimately leads to failure.

What we fear most is the presence of such fanatical and radical generals on the front line, which can sometimes be a disaster.

Kondo-kun, if you need help, please speak as soon as possible. Okamura Neiji once again lowered his evaluation of Kondo Keiichi's plan. Originally, he thought they had a chance of success, but now, he is not optimistic about it.

Since you can't stop it, you can only let it go.


Ogasawara, hello Kondo-kun, don't let anyone know that he has been to my place. Okamura Neiji waved his hand, called Ogasawara to the front and gave instructions.


Early morning on the 28th.

Team Qin, I called home and said everything is going according to plan. Chen Zerong (Sun Qian) reported.

Got it, call back to the deputy stationmaster of the palace, put the long line, don't be anxious, wait for my order before closing the net. Luo Yao ordered while lowering his head to drink millet porridge.


Brother, what kind of riddle are you making? Why can't I understand? Li Fu was confused.

We will know later. You should study Okamura Neji's tactics. We will continue the deduction in a while. Luo Yao said with a smile.

This time you play Neji Okamura, and I want to be Commander Xue. Li Fu said unconvinced, You win every time. It's so boring.

Haha, okay, this time you will play Commander Xue, and I will play Okamura Neji. Luo Yao laughed.

After receiving the order to retreat, the 15th Army retreated to between Miluo and Uesugi City last night to build a defensive position...

After the Japanese Sixth Division fully broke through the New Qianghe defense line, the troops divided into two groups and went south along the Guangdong-Hankou Railway and the highway to pursue the 15th Group Army. The forwards of the Japanese Nara detachment had already reached Changle Street...

Chief Xue ordered the 15th Army to hold on in Miluo and Xinshi until at least October 2nd...

Xinshi is the intersection of east-west and north-south highways. The Miluo River here is about 600 meters wide from north to south. A military pontoon bridge that can pass cars connects the north-south highway. Not far from the shore is Xinshi Town.

The highway passes through the west of the town and goes to Xiangcheng to the south.

It can be said that once you pass the new city, you can rush to the city of Xiangcheng in a straight line. The position of the new city is crucial and must not fall into the enemy's hands.

Stationed at the pontoon position is a battalion of the 60th Division of the 37th Army.

The battalion commander was looking outside the fortification in the direction of the pontoon bridge.

Behind them, at noon, the soldiers on the position were preparing to eat. The food was delivered directly to the trenches. The large retreating troops had already passed the pontoon bridge. Behind them, there were some scattered small groups of troops retreating south with the national army. of refugees.

Orders were received to resume fighting in the afternoon, as the Japanese would most likely follow the retreating troops and attack.

This cannot be taken lightly.

When the troops withdraw, the pontoon bridge must be removed as soon as possible and cannot be left for the Japanese army.

Their pontoon bridge unit was lost by the 95th Division a few days ago. It was difficult to cross the river quickly.

A mouthful of spit hit the ground.

Battalion Commander Yang cursed and was about to turn over and go back to eat. He was also hungry. How could he fight if he didn't eat?

Suddenly I saw two reception vehicles swaying from the other end of the pontoon. The vehicles were loaded with wounded soldiers from the national army who had fallen behind. There were refugees in civilian clothes in front and behind, with children and women in tow. The team was pretty good. long.

They have been guarding this bridgehead for the past two days and have seen many such scenes. The Japanese army burned, killed, and looted in the Xiangbei area, committing all kinds of evil. The common people had no choice but to drag their families and families to flee into the areas controlled by the national army.

Don't embarrass these fellow soldiers, it's not easy for them either. Battalion Commander Yang greeted his soldiers.

Don't worry, battalion commander.

Human hearts are made of flesh, not to mention that if the Japanese invaders had not invaded China, many of these soldiers would have been farmers with hoes, and now they were forced to take up guns and fight against the invaders.

Not so long ago, they were all the same people.

As for the wounded soldiers of the national army, although they don't know each other, Pao Ze on the battlefield will naturally not be embarrassed.

Because I learned from the wounded soldiers who left just now that the Japanese forward was only twenty or thirty miles away from the pontoon bridge.

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