The secret war is silent

Chapter 300 A woman with a story

In a dark dungeon.

Xu Zhen was very uneasy, and could even be said to be panicked. Living in this troubled world, the people she met were not ordinary people, so she naturally had some knowledge.

She didn't know that young man at all.

Moreover, judging from the voice, it sounded more like a woman, a Xibei girl disguised as a man.

Is it jealousy?

Among her patrons, there seems to be no one who can cause misunderstandings. She is definitely not the kind of woman who keeps her integrity, but at least she is not that casual.

The women who live in the German Mansion are at least very good at choosing customers. They don't accept ordinary customers, and they rarely deal with two different customers at the same time.

They are not the kind of low-level pleasure women. Although their essence is the same, their styles are completely different. After all, those rich and powerful patrons also want to save face.

This kind of anxiety and uneasiness didn't last long. The dark door was opened, a beam of light shone in, and two men with flat heads wearing black silk trousers walked in.

What are you doing... Ignoring Xu Zhen's screams and resistance, the two of them took her out.

They didn't walk very far, only about twenty or thirty meters, and turned a corner and came to a house with an exhaust fan. It was larger and much more spacious than the room where Xu Zhen had just detained her.

At the same time, there is no musty smell.

The ground was obviously dry.

Table, chairs, and a lamp.

sit down!

Xu Zhen was forced to sit on the chair, and then locked, unable to move. The two people who escorted her in were lined up one step behind her.

There were footsteps outside the door and the sound of the iron door being pushed open.

An extremely tall woman walked in, and Xu Zhen recognized it immediately. This was the female gongzi who captured her.

Who are you? Do you have the right to arrest people at will? Xu Zhen fought hard and asked Gong Huidao.

Gong Hui chuckled: Miss Xu Zhen, you are also a smart person. At this time, you are telling me the king's method. Don't you think it's ridiculous?

What do you mean?

Okay, I won't beat around the bush. It takes so much effort to invite Miss Xu here. Of course there is something very important. Gong Hui came in alone. The less people know about today's conversation, the better.

You two go out first.


Gong Hui and Xu Zhen were the only two people left in the room.

Miss Xu, you will know who I am in the future, but now, you must answer my question first. If the answer satisfies me, I will naturally not embarrass you. If you do not cooperate or even deliberately conceal it, this You know the consequences. Gong Hui said in a calm and cold tone, The corpse collectors on the Jialin River will pull up many nameless corpses every day. I don't think you want to be one of them, right? ?”

What do you want to know? Xu Zhen turned pale with fright. Everyone has the fear of death.

Ms. Xu, we have checked your past. You have a good education and have gone to college. Logically speaking, it is not difficult for you to find a job or marry a decent man. Why did you choose to take this path now? Where is the road? Gong Hui came up and asked directly.

Xu Zhen smiled coquettishly: If there was a better choice, which woman would be willing to live this kind of life?

Can you tell me your story?

Sir, you brought me here because you wanted to hear my story, right? Xu Zhen asked with surprised eyes.

Gong Hui chuckled: We are both women, and I really want to get to know you.

Xu Zhen didn't know why Guang Hui was interested in her history, but if she didn't tell her, she might not be able to get through it.

give me a cigarette.

Gong Hui stood up, opened the door and went out. She asked the guard at the door to bring a pack of cigarettes and matches in. She didn't smoke because of Luo Yao's influence.

She firmly believed that women's smoking would affect their fertility.

Go over in person and light a cigarette for Xu Zhen.

I come from a wealthy family, and my parents have always supported my education. When I was eighteen years old, I went to the provincial capital to study at university. It was the only university in the provincial capital. Not only did I have good grades, I was also the most beautiful in the class. There are many male classmates pursuing me... Xu Zhen took a few puffs and became emotional, as if she had gone back to the good old days of studying.

Xu Zhen is very eloquent and talks about her past experiences. This also shows that, as she mentioned in her self-report just now, her grades were very good when she was in school.

When did you come to Shancheng?

At the beginning of the 27th year of the Republic of China, I also came here to escape hardship. The factories and schools in Jiangsu and Zhejiang moved westward, so I came here. I hadn't graduated yet.

How did you live in the German Building? With your financial strength, you may not be able to afford a high-end apartment like the German Building? Gong Hui continued to ask.

Yes, I can't afford to live in a high-end apartment like the German Building. Someone gave me money so that I can afford to live there. Xu Zhen replied.

Who gave you the money?

The man who takes care of me.

You can obviously support yourself, why do you want to find a man to support you, just for the sake of corruption and enjoyment, getting something for nothing?

I also want to support myself, but I can't do it. Xu Zhen smiled, In troubled times, the more beautiful a woman is, the more people are unable to do this, because as long as they are powerful men, they will covet you. Although I have read a lot of books about her beauty, they can’t help me.”

Can you resist?

Yes, I can resist, but I don't have the courage to die. Xu Zhen said, So, I have no choice but to live like this. This is also my life.

If I were you, no one can force me to do something I don't want to do, even if it means fighting to the death. Gong Hui was silent for a while and said solemnly.

You have more courage than me. Xu Zhen was stunned for a moment and said enviously.

Who is the man who makes you irresistible and supports you? Gong Hui brought the topic to the point.

You have investigated me, don't you know? Xu Zhen smiled sadly.

I want you to say it yourself.

Wang Zhaoming. Xu Zhen hesitated for a moment, but still said it.

You had some admiration for him in the beginning, right?

Yes, he is mature, elegant, and personable. He is the ideal partner in the minds of many women. I am the same. I was easily fascinated by him. Xu Zhen did not deny that she was not forced to be Wang's lover. . person, but later, she gradually recognized this person, but it was too late.

Wang Zhaoming fled, why didn't you go with him?

I'm just a shady woman. Do you think he would tell me about such a top-secret matter in advance and take me away?

What happened after that? Did you still keep in touch?

No, I don't even know where he went, how can I contact him? Xu Zhen said with a smile.

Wang's escape, you have no income, how do you live?

He left me a sum of money, which shows that he still has some affection for me.

So, your life in the mountain city is supported by this money?

That's not entirely true. If he doesn't leave me alone, I can't just sit back and have nothing. Naturally, I need to find other ways. Because I can speak English, George Kevin introduced me to an American who is very rich. Xu Zhen was very happy. She relaxedly explained her relationship with Osborne.

How long have you two been together?

It's been half a year. I was quite resistant at first. I only wanted to be friends with him. After all, I don't really like being with foreigners...

Ahem, can you not be so specific about this topic? Gong Hui's cheeks turned red.

Sir, you look young, so you haven't experienced sex between men and women yet? Xu Zhen smiled, a little bit anti-customer,

Xu Zhen, I'm asking you, not you! Gong Hui's face turned cold, Do you know what this American does?

You want to know about Osborne?

Don't interrupt and answer my question. Gong Hui scolded.

He is a very mysterious person. I don't know what he does specifically. She told me that he is in business, but he often disappears for several days and then suddenly appears again. He is in our line of work. He covets my body. I We need his money, and everyone gets what they need. There is really no need to know each other's secrets, that would be good for everyone. Xu Zhen said.

It seems that you understand human nature very well.

Sir, what else do you want to know? Xu Zhen asked in turn, You guys have arrested me anyway. Whatever you want to ask, I will tell you everything I know.

Have you ever left the mountain city?


Where to go?


Why go to Hong Kong?

I heard someone said that he went to Hong Kong. I went to look for him, but later I found out that he was already in Jinghai. Xu Zhen nodded.

Who told you he was in Hong Kong? Gong Hui asked.


How did he know that Wang was in Hong Kong, and why did he tell you this? Gong Hui asked.

I have no idea.

Don't you usually listen to the radio or read newspapers?

Rarely, occasionally.

What do you usually do to pass the time?

Play cards, write, read, and sometimes go shopping and watch movies. Xu Zhen thought for a while and said.

Well, thank you, Miss Xu, for your cooperation. That's all for today. We hope to meet again soon. Gong Hui ended the conversation directly and stood up.

What do you mean, sir, I know I've told you, won't you let me go? Xu Zhen asked excitedly.

Don't be impatient. There are some things that require Miss Xu's cooperation in the investigation. Let's feel aggrieved for a while. Gong Hui called someone and took Xu Zhen out and continued to imprison her.

Gong Hui returned in a hurry.

This is the interview record I wrote from memory. Take a look. Gong Hui walked into Luo Yao's office like a gust of wind and placed an interview record in front of him.

Luo Yao put down the work at hand and looked through it carefully.

Gong Hui rushed back all the way without drinking a sip of water. She picked up the water glass on the table and drank it all in one breath.

Luo Yao caught this scene with his peripheral vision and said nothing.

Judging from your question to Xu Zhen and her answer, this is a woman with a story. Luo Yao hurriedly flipped through it, closed it and said.

She is a woman with a story, but I have an indescribable feeling for her. Gong Hui said, putting down the water glass.


Anyway, this woman is unlike anyone I've ever seen. It's very strange. Gong Hui shook her head and said, I really can't describe it in words.

Gong Hui's words aroused Luo Yao's interest.

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