The secret war is silent

Chapter 298 People from the Wang family

Xueren, is that radio station still active recently?

There are always activities. Wen Xueren nodded. Although the deciphering work was suspended, the monitoring and interception of messages did not stop.

I understand, just keep working.

The communication time is relatively short and it is difficult to fix the position through a direction finder, so it is difficult to find the location of this hidden secret radio station.

This is a real dilemma.

Now, we can roughly determine the location of this underground radio station in the South Bank area. It's hard to say the specific location. There are many villas in this area. It is a wealthy area of ​​​​the mountain city. Most of the people who live here are either rich or noble. If If we use military police to search, I'm afraid we'll get into trouble before we can find the radio station!

At the case analysis meeting, Wen Xueren introduced the technical investigation of this spy secret radio station.

Should we try to use interval blackouts to narrow the scope? Shen Yu suggested. After all, he has experience in this area.

No, some of the villa areas over there draw electricity directly from the power plant. We cannot control the power outage in the interval. Some even have their own generator sets.

Even so, can we get a feel for the situation first? Gong Hui suggested.

Well, the work can be done, but the place chosen by the other party is so complicated, just because they have the idea that we might use a trap. Luo Yao nodded.

What's going on with Li Fu?

That Gao Tiankui has changed his method and has already dragged him into the water. It depends on his next move. So far, we can only find evidence of his cheating for personal gain, which is of no use to us at all. Luo Yaodao.

I have also collected some information about his past. Do you want to take a look? Shen Yu said. He was also very interested in Gao Tiankui and quietly collected information about him.

Okay. Luo Yao nodded. Regardless of whether Gao Tiankui was the Japanese spy they were looking for, he was very interested in this person.

His intuition told him that there was something wrong with this person.

Shen Yu directly handed a document to Luo Yao. Luo Yao immediately started reading it and suddenly frowned: This Gao Tiankui actually had some history with the Wang family in the past?

Although he does not have a high military rank, he has seniority. He has people he knows in both the military and political circles, and he has considerable energy. Shen Yu said.

Does this guy have a place to live on the South Shore?

Yes, he built a three-story villa by himself on the south bank of the river. When he is not living in the military camp, he basically lives there. Shen Yu nodded.

Can you find a way to enter this villa and investigate?

Gao Tiankui is very rich and has many bodyguards. The villa he lives in is also heavily guarded. It would be difficult to sneak in. Shen Yu shook his head.

It depends on people. If you think of a way, will his bodyguards be loyal to their duties? Luo Yao chuckled, We can also try to bribe his bodyguards to provide us with information.

This is a way, why didn't I think of it? Shen Yu said with an expression like I have a stupid head.

Luo Yaodao: Gao Tiankui now fits the characteristics of the spy and traitor we are looking for, but he has a deep network of connections, is very cautious, and rarely comes forward on his own. It is difficult for us to catch him with direct evidence and force him to act on his words. , fearing to trigger a chain reaction, how many people are watching every move of our military commander in the mountain city.

Shen Yu nodded.

If ordinary people arrest someone and then investigate, there will be no problem, because ordinary people have no backstage and no network of connections. If they are arrested, they will be arrested without any worries.

And for people like Gao Tiankui, if you force yourself, it might directly trigger a bloody conflict. The other party also has people and guns.

The net was really broken, and no evidence was found in the end. The military commander was not only under pressure from public opinion, but also criticized by political opponents.

Half of the Central Commander's attention is now focused on the military commander, and the other half is dealing with the Communists. As for the Japanese, they are now helpless.

Did you report it to Boss Dai?

Well, Director Dai also tends to get certain evidence before taking action. The best way is to trap and arrest people without bloodshed. Luo Yao nodded.

Then just wait patiently for a few days? Shen Yu said.

Brother Six, is there any news about Beichuan? After the meeting, Luo Yao left Shen Yu behind and asked.

It's difficult, you just gave me a sketch of a mountain city with hundreds of thousands of people, and no other information. It's like looking for a needle in a haystack!

Have you checked the person who entered the mountain city officially? Luo Yaodao said, I think he should have entered the mountain city with a formal identity and took a regular means of transportation.


It is easier to operate in a mountain city with a formal identity that is not suspected. This is the best choice for spies. Luo Yaodao, If there is a problem with your identity, you will definitely need to hide. This will easily reveal flaws and expose you. The risks would also be great.”

Okay, I will investigate secretly in the direction you said. As soon as I have any news, I will inform you immediately. Shen Yu nodded.


Beichuan poses a greater threat to Luo Yao than the spy and traitor they are looking for. The spy and traitor threatens the safety of the National Government of the mountain city and all the people in the mountain city, while Beichuan threatens the safety of Osborne, him and Gong Hui.

He was not sure how much intelligence the Japanese had on Yanagawa Jinxiong's murder in Hong Kong.

But it's obvious that Osborne's secret in the mountain city has been leaked. This American is so good at making friends, and he likes to make friends. His physical features are so obvious that you can guess his identity with just a little comparison.

It is estimated that the CIA also knows about it, but everyone is tacitly aware of it.

Another situation is that Gao Tiankui is also a frequent visitor to the Germanic Building where Osborne often goes, and I heard that he has a regular lover.

Osborne is Luo Yao's other line. He has always adopted a laissez-faire strategy, just wanting to know who is interested in him, any stranger who appears next to Osborne.

It is possible that Beichuan is disguised.

However, so far, no particularly strange people have been found around Osborne. Basically, they are still people he knew in the past.

Only Gao Tiankui got to know him after he was picked up by Wei Daming and went to the German Mansion to have a good time.

Although Osborne sneaked out from time to time, he did not forget his own job and did a pretty good job. He seemed to know a truth.

If he is useless, he will probably be kicked back to the United States. Not only will he not be able to make money, but it will also discredit his career.

This is unacceptable to him who values ​​​​honor, so he is still very concerned about work. He also gives dedicated guidance to the training of new employees without hiding anything.

As for Gao Tiankui's matter, he didn't tell Osborne, not intentionally hiding it, but telling him, which may not be a good thing.

Osborne didn't know anything, so there would be no problem or life-threatening in interacting with Gao Tiankui. But once he knew about it, he would inevitably become wary when interacting with Gao Tiankui, which would easily arouse the other party's suspicion. Osborne Ben is just a code-breaking expert, not a real agent. Once he is suspected by the other party, it will be difficult to tell.

Luo Yao focused his investigation on Xu Zhen, the woman Osborne was in love with. This woman was not suspicious at first, but her past identity with Wang made him more concerned.

Why would a woman who has already left the mountain city take the risk to come back?

Isn’t Hong Kong safer than here?

Even if she had a relationship with the Wang family in the past, she would be targeted. As long as she didn't tell herself, she would be able to live a peaceful life. Even if she found someone to marry, no one would know.

Motives questionable!

Even though she knew Osborne before going to Hong Kong, they probably didn't have such a deep relationship, otherwise, she wouldn't have gone to Hong Kong.

What did she do in Hong Kong?

When she was in Hong Kong, Wang was not there. What was her purpose? Was she transferred from Hong Kong to Hanoi?

It was impossible. The person in Wang's family would probably not allow the existence of wild flowers that Wang raised outside. She couldn't be so stupid.

At that time, the Wang family had not decided to go to Jinghai, but the chance of going to Europe for inspection was greater...

And if Xu Zhen is a traitor who has been bribed by the Japanese a long time ago, all this will be explained. She went to Hong Kong to accept a mission.

After accepting the mission and returning to the mountain city, as for what excuse to use, that is secondary.

The Japanese had long been secretly connected with the Wang family, otherwise there would be no reason for the Wang family to immediately publish pornographic messages in response to the Japanese after suddenly fleeing Hanoi.

It is very possible that Xu Zhen is a member of the Wang family and was bribed by the Japanese.

Her acquaintance with Osborne may be a coincidence, but it may also be a deliberate arrangement. Everything now is just speculation.

Xu Zhen’s identity is suspicious!

There were many difficulties in entering the German Building for investigation. Luo Yao thought about it and decided not to waste any more time and secretly arrest Xu Zhen.

No matter who she is, bring the person back first.

It is a bit difficult to arrest people from the German Mansion, and it is not easy to keep it secret. Once the information is leaked, Gao Tiankui will be shocked.

Fortunately, the place where Osborne and Xu Zhen had a private meeting was no longer the German Building, but the hot spring hotel on the south bank.

This is simply a perfect opportunity.

Luo Yao told Gong Hui about this idea, and Gong Hui's eyes lit up. She had been resting for half a year, and the injury on her shoulder had long since healed.

Despite her desperate efforts to train new recruits, this job is not exciting at all for her, and her body is almost exhausted.

As for the security work of the Secret Interpretation Room, it is really difficult to get an action.

No one should compete with her for this job. She wanted to personally deploy and lead the team to secretly arrest Xu Zhen. She also wanted to bring the newly trained action team out for some actual combat training.

According to Luo Yao's requirements, actions must be swift, decisive, and highly confidential!

There is also a principle not to alarm Osborne.

After receiving Luo Yao's authorization, Gong Hui immediately began to make plans and arrange manpower, waiting for Osborne to secretly go out to have a private meeting with Xu Zhen.

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