The secret war is silent

Chapter 288 Welcome Ceremony

What's going on with this Chen Zuxun? So many people are waiting for him, why hasn't he come yet? Gong Hui's pretty face was filled with frost.

Today is a welcome ceremony for the new members after the merger of the research laboratory and the Secret Research Group. Luo Yao originally invited Mao Qiwu.

But Mao Qiwu excused himself as unavailable and couldn't come.

In fact, it wasn't that he didn't want to come, but after thinking about it again and again, he gave up on this tempting idea. Dai Yunong handed over the secret translation team to Luo Yao. If he had to meddle in, he might arouse suspicion.

After so many years of being cowardly, this time was no different. If he attended such a meeting to establish his authority, wouldn't he be making himself uncomfortable?

If Mao Qiwu didn't come, Luo Yao couldn't force him. Chen Zuxun was the other deputy director besides him, so he naturally sent someone to notify him.

He also agreed to attend, so his place was naturally assigned to him on the front row of the podium.

Who knows, this guy either forgot the time or was just trying to show off. It was already past the time and no one showed up yet, so he asked 70 or 80 people in the large classroom to wait for him.

Isn't this little trick just to give people the illusion that he is the most powerful deputy director of the Secret Interpretation Room?

According to some bad customs in the country, the person who arrives last is naturally the official and the most powerful.

Don't be impatient. When will we start? Luo Yao didn't care and asked calmly.

Nine o'clock.

Then we'll start on time at nine o'clock. Luo Yao was not used to waiting for someone, not to mention that he was a subordinate who wanted to give himself an ugly look.

Although Chen Zuxun is also the deputy director, he is the actual person in charge of the secret translation room, and he is his subordinate.


Gong Hui was certain in her heart that she had always followed Luo Yao's instructions to the letter.

It's a little after nine.

All newcomers who participated in the welcome ceremony were seated in the large classroom. Luo Yao and Gong Hui were seated in front of the stage. The welcome ceremony was presided over by assistant Qi Zhibin.

Colleagues, ladies and gentlemen... Qi Zhibin was a little nervous when he did this job for the first time. If he hadn't read from the script, he would have been able to speak fluently.

Qi Zhibin briefly introduced the process of developing the Secret Research Group into the Secret Translation Laboratory from scratch, then growing it and incorporating the research laboratory.

Everyone in the audience listened attentively. They all knew that they were not in an ordinary unit now. They were in the Military Command Bureau, and the budget was not much higher than it.

In addition to the operations department and the telecommunications department, the military command rarely has an internal support unit with more than 200 people.

Field work does not count.

It is normal for hundreds or even thousands of people to be alone in the field.

Qi Zhibin's introduction was coming to an end when he heard the door of the large classroom being pushed open from the outside, and a voice came in: I'm sorry, I'm late.

Chen Zuxun's figure appeared at the door, looking like he was strolling in the divine court. How could there be any hint of coming late?

It's clearly I'm here, come and greet me quickly!

There was no sound in the entire large classroom, and you could hear a pin drop.


Qi Zhibin, who was standing on the podium, also opened his mouth and could not make a sound. He turned to look at Luo Yao, who was sitting on the podium, expecting to receive some instructions.

Chen Zuxun was also stunned. The scene he imagined should not be like this.

He stood at the door, neither entering nor retreating. Suddenly he felt that he had dug a hole for himself by being late on purpose today.

Three seconds!

Just these three seconds, which seemed longer than three days and three nights, Luo Yao said: Deputy Director Chen is here, come in and sit down. Section Chief Cao, bring a chair to Deputy Director Chen and let him sit in the first place. Middle of the row.”

Yes. Cao Hui stood up, moved a chair over, and placed it under the podium, in the middle of the front row.

Looking down.

Chen Zuxun's position was right under Luo Yao's eyes and nose, and in front of everyone in the audience.

This is rather like a public trial, with the presiding judge sitting on the stage, the criminals being tried sitting below the stage, and behind them are the bailiffs and the hearing officers.

Chen Zuxun's face turned green when he saw it.

According to the rules, he should sit on the podium, side by side with Luo Yao, but now he has to be humiliated like this just because he came a few minutes late?

This is too much!

If he sat in this position, he would probably become a joke in the military command.

Since I'm late, I'd better sit in the back. When Chen Zuxun saw that there was still a seat at the back of the big classroom, he reacted quickly, said to himself, and walked towards the back.

Luo Yao really didn't mean to humiliate Chen Zuxun, but Cao Hui misunderstood. He moved the chair like this, which was really intentional.

Regardless of whether it was intentional or not, you have done it, why are you still afraid of him?

Even if Chen Zuxun went to his old boss Wei Daming to cry and complain, it would be useless. Don't you know what he was thinking, treating others as fools?

This is self-inflicted humiliation.

Now let's invite Deputy Director Luo Yao of our secret interpretation room to give a speech! After Qi Zhibin made the announcement, he took the lead in applauding!

Liar, even the name is fake!

When Jiang Xiaoyu was sitting below and heard Qi Zhibin introducing Luo Yao, she lowered her head and murmured softly. This sound could not be heard by others, but Luo Yao could not hide it at all.

His eyes swept over slightly.

Maybe because she sensed it, Jiang Xiaoyu didn't dare to raise her head anymore, just like an ostrich, lowering her head. The people next to her saw that she was unusual and didn't dare to ask more questions. They could only push her gently as a reminder.

First of all, let me introduce myself. My name is Luo Yao. I am the person in charge of our newly formed organization. Welcome everyone to come here. From now on, we are a family. If you have any problems in work, study or life, you can contact us. Come to me, I will try my best to help you solve the problem within the scope of my authority...

Luo Yao's words were short, without any preaching. They were all truthful and practical.

Won bursts of applause.

Deputy Director Chen, it's your turn, come up and say a few words to everyone. Luo Yao directly named Chen Zuxun.

Okay, I'll just say a few words. Chen Zuxun quickly adjusted his mentality. He was in charge of political thought, so naturally he couldn't miss this opportunity.

Just now, Deputy Director Luo talked about a lot of things to pay attention to in terms of work, study and life. He said it very well. As for me, I would like to give you some suggestions from a political perspective. We must keep in mind Mr. Sun Yat-sen's instructions and firmly adhere to the Three People's Principles. Believe and practice President Chiang’s new life movement...

No one is allowed to read red newspapers and periodicals, and no one is allowed to privately possess brochures and books about **...

Chen Zuxun was obviously well prepared. His speech was full of iron and blood, and was a policy of intimidation and high pressure.

He was in charge of ideological dynamics and discipline inspection, so Luo Yao couldn't say much, otherwise he would be in trouble if he sued the superiors.

Okay, this is the end of the welcome meeting, adjourn!

I'm afraid this Chen Zuxun will do something wrong again... Gong Hui followed Luo Yao into the office and said angrily.

Deputy Director Luo, are you free? Just as Luo Yao was about to answer, a voice came from outside the door. It was Chen Zuxun who also arrived at the door of his office.

It's Deputy Director Chen, he's free.

May I come inside?

Please come in.

Gong Hui glared at Chen Zuxun who opened the door and walked out of Luo Yao's office.

What's wrong with Deputy Station Master Gong? You seem very angry? Chen Zuxun asked, pretending to be confused.

She's just like that. Nothing's wrong. Luo Yao greeted calmly, Deputy Director Chen, please sit down and I'll make you a cup of tea.

No, Deputy Director Luo, I'm not thirsty.

Okay, Deputy Director Chen, is there something wrong?

As for work matters, I am in charge of the publicity and disciplinary inspection of the secret interpretation room. I have some ideas that I would like to report to you. Chen Zuxun sat upright and said.

There is no need to report. What ideas does Deputy Director Chen have? Let's discuss it with you. Luo Yao chuckled, knowing that the person in front of him was not easy to deal with, but he still had to keep his smile on his face. There was no other way, since he was sitting in this position. , it has to be like this, even if you don’t adapt, you have to adapt.

I want to set up a disciplinary team in the secret interpretation room and set up an inspection team. Our secret interpretation room is a confidential unit. In addition to strict discipline, there is also counter-intelligence work. Although we have not yet had spy infiltration, we need to prepare for a rainy day. , do the work up front, I still have some experience in this aspect, and I can take on this job. Chen Zuxun recommended himself.

Disciplinary group, this suggestion is very good and can be established. We have been doing counter-espionage work. Deputy Station Director Gong has always been in charge of security work. This is her responsibility. Although Deputy Station Director Gong is young, She has the experience of lurking behind enemy lines and fighting with Japanese intelligence agencies, so I believe she should be able to do the job. Luo Yaodao said, any disciplinary team is a trivial matter, but security work is a big deal.

Chen Zuxun knew that he had no chance to interfere in the core work of the code translation room, so he thought that if he had a small circle and mastered the security work, then he could arbitrarily intervene in the code translation for reasons of safety or finding Japanese spies. room work.

This guy has pretty good ideas.

It's a pity that Luo Yao will not give him this opportunity. He will supervise the work of the secret interpretation room. Yes, he wants to be a villain and no one can stop him.

But it is impossible for him to get involved in the core power of the Secret Translation Room.

Chen Zuxun smiled coquettishly and thought to himself, this boy named Luo is really hard to fool. No wonder Wei Daming was made disgraced by him. He saw through his little plan at a glance.

Deputy Director Chen has just arrived. The rules and regulations of our secret interpretation room are inherited from the previous secret research team. They are somewhat different from those of the research office. Our rules are more detailed. I have a set of detailed rules and regulations here. Deputy Chen Director, you can take it back and study it first. How about we have a special meeting to discuss this issue later? Luo Yao took out a thick booklet from the drawer and handed it over, and reminded, Deputy Director Chen, this booklet is confidential material. , you can only watch it here, you can’t copy it, and you can’t take it home.”

So strict?

Of course, I have to abide by the rules I set. All entrances and exits must be searched. Our confidentiality measures are the strictest in the military. Luo Yao nodded.

Okay, Deputy Director Luo, I will read it carefully. Chen Zuxun said after taking the booklet of rules and regulations.

Ask for a guaranteed monthly ticket!

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