The secret war is silent

Chapter 239 The war breaks out

Boss Dai, this is from the Veterinary Station No. 84. In Dai Yunong's office at No. 19, Luojiawan, Mao Qiwu knocked on the door and came in, handing over a document.

Oh, let me see. Dai Yunong chuckled, This kid turned the high-end secret research team into a veterinary station, and you also follow suit?

Mao Qiwu smiled: I think it's good, at least it can confuse Japanese spies.

Well, this guy has a lot of clever ideas, and some places are really eye-catching. Dai Yunong picked up the document and read it carefully.

This guy actually predicted that the Japanese army might make big moves recently, and even told the location where the war might break out. I really underestimated him.

Yes, according to the intelligence we have, the Japanese army is very likely to adopt the strategy of attacking from the west and attacking the east in an attempt to capture Nanchang in one fell swoop. Only the top brass of the national army knows about this situation. He can make this decision just by relying on the secret communication within the Japanese army. Even I admire your accurate judgment!”

I saw this kid right. Dai Yunong nodded, How is Zhou Xiaoying doing with him?


Why, is there anything you can't say?

He lost his temper and made all kinds of unreasonable demands. I heard that Luo Yao was put in solitary confinement, Mao Qiwu said.

This kid is crueler than me! Dai Yunong muttered to himself.

Boss Dai, as for how to deal with Miss Zhou, I think this kid may not be able to decide what to do. What do you mean?

I told her when I was with her, what kind of person am I, and besides, what do I give her? She is so greedy, can you blame me? Dai Yunong's face darkened slightly, and he was a little unhappy, If She won’t be bothered anymore and you can consider giving her a home.”


Dai Yunong had strict standards for choosing a mate, and Mao Qiwu, his confidant, knew this. Zhou Xiaoying was just a plaything for him, and he abandoned her when he got tired of playing with her.

Zhou Xiaoying can't affect the work of the secret research team. If it doesn't work, lock her up and let her calm down.

Although this approach is simple and crude, it is the most effective.

Abnormal, devil...

Luo Yaoneng often heard words like this from the students from the Qianyang class he brought back. He was not here at all. During the war, it was not the time to talk about love and kindness.

Since you choose to contribute to the country, you must bear this responsibility and honor.

Two days passed in the blink of an eye.

After dinner, Luo Yao learned about the progress of the work in the research and translation room, and then went back to his office to handle official duties. He now goes to bed after twelve o'clock every day and gets up at six o'clock in the morning.

For a young man, six hours of sleep a day is a little less, but there is nothing to be done about it. Who said that now is the time when the country's survival is at stake?

There were quick footsteps outside the door, and it sounded like they belonged to Wen Xueren.

Please come in.

Webmaster, the Japanese military's secret communication has stopped. After Wen Xueren came in, he opened his mouth and reported to Luo Yaohui.


Yes, we have searched many times, and all the radio communication signals we found before have disappeared, almost completely. Wen Xueren said.

Luo Yao suddenly stood up. This phenomenon was very strange. If it was not a machine failure or the Japanese had changed the secret communication channel, then there was only one possibility!

Before the war, radio silence!

The Japanese are about to take action.

Luo Yao grabbed the red telephone on the table: Hey, call me to Secretary Mao's office.

Soon, the phone number in Mao Qiwu's office was connected. It was a confidential phone number, so there was no need to wait in line and the call was answered immediately.

Hey, Secretary Mao, this is Luo Yao. There is a situation now. Please inform Director Dai immediately. Luo Yao finished his judgment and hung up the phone.

On his side, he could notice that the Japanese army suddenly entered a strange state of radio silence. The front line was closer, and they had a variety of reconnaissance methods. They should have discovered the clues of the Japanese attack earlier. The army also has an electronic reconnaissance department, so they should have discovered it too. Come on.

Because the focus of the secret research team was to decipher the Japanese Army's secret code, the focus of Wen Xueren's monitoring during this period was the secret communication status of Japan's Eleventh Army.

After Mao Qiwu received Luo Yao's call, he thought it was a bit of a fuss at first. Isn't it normal for the radio signal to disappear? It's not a large-scale battle. At least there is no big battle on the front line.

After thinking for a while, he still called Dai Yunong to inform him of the situation.

Dai Yunong was much more sensitive than Mao Qi. After hearing the news, he immediately called Tang Zong from the Sixth Group of the Attendant's Office of the Huangshan Mansion on a confidential phone and told him about the situation and Luo Yao's judgment. Please He reported it to the old man.

Even though Tang Zong was reluctant to report Dai Yunong's matter, he still had to report it. After all, the old man now trusted Dai Yunong and was a bit doting on him. If something really happened, he would not be able to bear the responsibility.

However, although he is the leader of the Sixth Group of the Attendant Room, if he wants to see the old man, he cannot do so anytime and anywhere. He has to wait for the guard to inform him.

What's the news from Yunong? Lao Jiang was a little surprised after hearing Tang Zong's report.

Yes, Principal.

Lao Jiang immediately called his confidential secretary.

Immediately send a telegram to Xue Boling of the Ninth War Zone to remind him that the Japanese army may launch a surprise attack on me. All departments must be vigilant. If the Japanese army launches an attack, they will resolutely fight back as soon as possible!

Xue Boling, who was thousands of miles away at the headquarters of the Ninth Theater Command, also received some reports from the intelligence department below. He judged that the Japanese army might launch an attack on itself first, but he was not sure for a while. After all, he was not ready, and the Japanese army was not ready. It is disadvantageous to launch an attack hastily without preparation.

While he was hesitating, a message from the old man came over.

He was not yet sure that the Japanese army would launch an attack before him, but the old man from the mountain city actually knew about it in advance and sent a telegram to remind him.

Give me the confidential section!

Confidential department, I am Xue Boling...

Okay, I understand. Xue Boling put down the phone with a gloomy face. The mountain city was actually able to monitor the Japanese military's secret communications on the frontline battlefield.

I don't know anything about it yet, and I have no vigilance at all. This is a serious matter. If the Japanese army launches a surprise attack, my own losses will definitely be considerable.

Get me Chief of Staff Wu of the former enemy headquarters in Nanchang immediately! Xue Boling was also decisive. At this time, even if it was a misjudgment, he had to be ready for battle. If he was delayed for one second, countless soldiers might be killed or injured on the front line.

Xue Xing, it's me, Xue Boling, receiving the report from Chairman Chiang that the Japanese army may launch a surprise attack on you tonight or at dawn tomorrow. I hope your troops will be ready to fight!

Sir Xue, many of our arrangements are not yet fully in place? Wu Xuexing said.

I don't care. You go find Luo Zhuoying now. The two of you will discuss it and give me a plan to fight immediately. If heavy losses are caused due to your indifference, I will only ask you!

Yes, Commander Xue.

Luo Yao is just a small person. There are some things that he can't control, but he can do his best. As for what happened later, he didn't expect it.

This phone call of his actually prevented heavy losses for the front-line national troops. Because of the advance warning, the front-line soldiers all entered a defensive state.

The Japanese army made a surprise attack early the next morning. What they encountered was not the unsuspecting Chinese army as they imagined, but the prepared Tigers.

As a result, the surprise attack failed, and the losses were considerable, so it could only be turned into a violent attack, and the battle situation suddenly entered a state of anxiety.

The Battle of Nanchang broke out.

The war ahead was raging, but the early spring in the mountain city was very quiet. The Japanese bombing seemed to have stopped, because a large amount of air power was transferred to cooperate with Nanchang.

Naturally, there were fewer planes bombing mountain cities.

The secret research team was further strengthened by the addition of Zhu Shaoxian and Zhang Chuande, two classmates studying in Japan. Although it was not a strong force, it could be considered as a fledgling team.

Japanese typewriter? Chi An posed a problem to Luo Yao. The secret research team needed a Japanese typewriter, even if it was not the most advanced one.

But he has never seen this thing before, where can he find it?

Japan's cryptography system was born out of the German Engoni cipher system. If we can obtain an original Engoni cipher machine and study it, it may speed up our research. Osborne was not worried and also asked Luo Yao asked him to develop the Engani cipher machine.

Of course Luo Yao knew that a Japanese typewriter would help to understand the Japanese coding system and draw parallels, which would be of great help in deciphering Japanese secret codes.

As for the Engini cipher machine, it is not only useful for deciphering Japanese messages, but the Engini cipher machine is an important military item in Germany. Although there were some civilian models in the past, they were too simple. Now they have developed to It's hard to say what model it is.

However, one thing is quite advantageous for the Secret Research Group, because the Germans will not sell their most advanced cipher machines to Japan.

At least one generation behind technologically, possibly more.

I will try my best to meet your two requests, but you have to give me time. Both of these things are difficult to deal with. Luo Yao reassured.

He knew that these two things, let alone the military command, would not be their turn even if they did.

Dong Dong...

The knock on the door rang at the right time, which finally solved Luo Yao's problem. God knows what kind of problems these two people will cause him if they continue.

Who asked him to tell all the big words? Now it's too late to take them back.

Gong Hui came in. Chi An and Osborne both got up and walked out. Osborne, a damn American, walked to the door and winked at Luo Yao with a smile that was as malicious as it could be. With bad intentions.

His relationship with Gong Hui was deliberately spread by this Yankee. Everyone in the veterinary station knew about it, but what should he do with this Yankee?

The good thing is that at least Yu Shuheng is no longer hanging around in front of him.

Xia Fei and I are following and investigating the places Guo Ming has been to and the people he has met after get off work. As for his other social relationships, we are not very clear yet. Gong Hui handed Luo Yao a piece of paper. Is there any news from Brother Shen?

Not yet. He told me three days. It's not time yet, so I can't ask further questions. Luo Yao opened the note and browsed it.

He's a local and he lives with his family?

Yes, I have a wife, a lovely daughter, and an old lady at home who is in good health. Gong Hui nodded.

Did we make a mistake? He just secretly sent telegrams for others to make some extra money? Luo Yao wondered.

We followed the past two days and found a very interesting situation, that is, every time he went to the telegraph office to work the night shift, he would go back to this noodle shop called 'Shangzhiwei' to eat a bowl of noodles. I asked people nearby , he is a regular customer here and basically goes there every other day. Gong Hui said, And other than that, we didn't find that he had contact with anyone else during this period.

He doesn't go out or buy groceries after he comes home?

I didn't find it. I asked Xiao Wen and he didn't stop sending reports. So, I think there is something wrong with this 'Shang Zhiwei'.

Are you doubting the information they exchanged in Shang Zhiwei?

I asked Xia Fei to pretend to be a cigarette seller and keep an eye on him. Gong Hui nodded.

Keep rolling around and ask for monthly votes!

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