The secret war is silent

Chapter 216 Osborne’s complete defeat

Osborne looked depressed.

Luo Yao quietly pulled over the translator Qin Pu and asked, What's going on? Why are you wilting?

Miss Lu rejected him. Qin Pu said with a shrug.

Luo Yao felt like his teeth were sore again. This old man had never done anything serious since he came to the mountain city except going out every day.

If this old man hadn't still had some use value, he would have been kicked back to the United States long ago based on his temper. Fortunately, he only signed a one-year contract.

Okay, let's talk about this later. Luo Yao also understood how torturous it was for Qin Pu to accompany Osborne and act as his translator.

Mr. Osborne, I have something to talk to you about. Luo Yao said solemnly.

Oh, Luo, can you help me regain my mood? I'm very sad right now. Osborne said with a look of rejection.

Luo Yaodao: Do you want to know why Miss Lu rejected you?


If you want to know, just follow me. Luo Yao snorted coldly. You can't tolerate this kind of person. The more you accommodate him, the less he will take you seriously.

Luo, you must tell me why. I'll buy you a drink... Osborne caught up with Luo Yao. Obviously, in his heart, picking up girls was much more important than his work in China.

Close the door.

Luo Yao asked seriously: Mr. Osborne, how old are you this year?


I'm asking you, Mr. Osborne, what is your age this year? Luo Yao asked again.

Fifty, what's wrong?

How old is the Miss Lu you know?

About twenty years old. Osborne thought for a moment and said.

In China, chastity is very important to girls. A woman has only one man in her life, and this man must be her future husband. Can you tell me, will you marry Miss Lu? Luo Yao solemnly said asked.

I... Osborne was stunned. He had never thought about this. He simply enjoyed the pleasure of picking up girls, and then came sex. As for what happened after that, it was beyond his control.

Isn't it common to break up?

Osborne, if you are serious and plan to marry Miss Lu, then I will not stop you, but if you are just playing for fun and then go back to your country in the United States, I think you should not do it again. You're wasting your time on Miss Lu, otherwise you will ruin a girl's future! Luo Yaodao.

What's the matter? Love knows no age. Miss Lu may not think the same as you, Luo, you are too old-fashioned. Osborne retorted.

The cultures of China and the United States are different. You see, how many times a person has been in love may be a sign of maturity, but we are different. We pay attention to the purity and loyalty of feelings.

But you Chinese men can marry many concubines. Why is that?

I know that polygamy is indeed incompatible with modern civilization, but changing all this requires a process. If Miss Lu doesn't care about all this, why should she keep her distance from you? Luo Yao asked.

Luo, you are so amazing, I can't beat you. Osborne admitted defeat.

If you two are consensual, I will not interfere, but if Miss Lu is not willing to continue developing with you, I suggest you not to harass others. This is good for both of you and me, isn't it?

Well, I will seriously consider your suggestion. Osborne nodded seriously.

Also, have you read your physical examination report? Luo Yao's point was not about Osborne's emotional entanglement with Miss Lu.

What's really at issue is his health.

He didn't want Osborne to die before completing the contract with the military commander. In that case, the money spent would not be worth it.

What's wrong with the physical examination report? Osborne said very disapprovingly, My body is very healthy, there is nothing wrong with it.

I have seen your physical examination report. You have high blood pressure, fatty liver, coronary heart disease and rheumatism. Your internal organs are all overloaded, and you continue to drink, smoke, indulge in sex, and live a Irregular, and by the way, you still have gonorrhea! Luo Yao pointed at Osborne's nose with his physical examination report.

Oh, Luo, this is my privacy, how can you know? Osborne's old face turned red. He had gonorrhea. Only he knew this, and he had never told anyone except his friends in the United States. Doctor.

Do you think I don't know what disease you take secretly every day?

Oh, Luo, you actually peeked at me...

Do I need to peek? Luo Yao snorted coldly, You didn't avoid me at all when you took the medicine, okay? I'm not blind.

Luo, this matter...

Mr. Osborne, I am not interested in your privacy, but I am deeply worried about your health. If you continue like this, I am afraid your health will get worse and worse. By then, let alone drinking, there will be beautiful women all over the street. You can only take a look.

No, this is impossible, you are alarmist!

You can regard my words as alarmist. As long as you sign this disclaimer, apart from completing your job, your private life has nothing to do with us, including your health? How could Luo Yao be unprepared? I had known for a long time that Osborne would not give in easily.

I won't sign this statement! Osborne took the statement, took a look at it, and refused directly.

If you don't sign the declaration, then you have to follow our previous agreement. Luo Yaodao, From now on, you must get my permission for any outings, and you must be accompanied by someone of mine for any activities you go out. You are not allowed to spend the night outside. , the daily supply of alcohol is rationed, except for special events, regular physical examinations, and the daily amount of exercise is not equal to one hour...

Oh, No! After hearing this, Osborne was confused. If he followed this, his freedom in life would be completely gone.

When did I sign such an agreement? Osborne even wondered when he had ever signed such a contract that was close to selling oneself.

Luo Yao smiled: In Haiphong, we had an agreement. You signed the agreement happily at that time. If you don't believe me, can I show you the text of the agreement?

... Osborne was stunned.

Luo, you are a liar, a big liar!

Aren't you Americans the most particular about the spirit of contract? I think, Mr. Osborne, you must be a gentleman who keeps his promises. Luo Yao smiled slightly, can't you deal with a Yankee like you?

I want to see your boss Dai and accuse you!

Okay, do you need me to help you arrange it? Luo Yao really wasn't afraid that Osborne would go to Dai Yunong to complain. He was doing it for Osborne's benefit and did not write any unfavorable terms for Osborne in the agreement.

Osborne has the right to self-renounce.

Luo, I know you do it for my own good, but if you don't let me drink, don't let me play poker, and keep me away from those beautiful women, what's the point of my life?

You can choose to sign that statement. Luo Yao said word for word.

I won't sign. Osborne's head was shaking like a rattle. He was not stupid. He declared that he had signed. It seemed that he was free and no one cared about him. But if there was something wrong with his body by then, he would be in trouble. .

Mr. Osborne, you are the consultant of our secret research team. We hope that you can have a healthy body and devote yourself to work, instead of drinking, gambling and playing with women all day long. There is an old saying in China, which is called playing with things to lose one's spirit. Our mission is to decipher the Japanese military's communication code. If you want to leave your name in the history of code deciphering, right? Luo Yaoxiao said with reason and emotion.

Yes, Luo, you are right. I accept your criticism, but it is a bit difficult for me to change it all at once, isn't it?

In addition to playing with women, I have not completely banned you from the other two hobbies. You can drink in moderation, and the same goes for gambling. Small gambling is pleasant, but big gambling is harmful to the body. Luo Yao said, To be polite, Osborne Sir, you can’t beat me when it comes to drinking, and the same goes for gambling.”


Mr. Osborne is not convinced. Do you want to give it a try? Luo Yao smiled contemptuously.

Of course, my drinking and gambling skills are unmatched by anyone in the United States! Osborne said proudly, looking more confident than anyone else.

Okay, if you can beat me in both of these two items, then I won't have any restrictions on you. But if you lose, just follow the agreement and you won't go back on it?


Should the two of us compete in private, or should we find someone to bear witness? Luo Yao asked.

You don't need to find anyone else. Just ask Miss Gong Hui to be a witness. This will save you some face. Osborne also said very confidently.

Okay, let's ask Gong Hui to be a witness! Luo Yao nodded. He didn't want everyone to know about the bet between him and Osborne.

Osborne's proposal was exactly what he wanted.

Gong Hui was called over, and after hearing their thoughts on the bet, she looked at Osborne with a look that was pity and pity.

Others don't know, but Gong Hui knows that Luo Yaona used to get himself drunk with strong liquor before he could fall asleep. His alcohol capacity was astonishing, and he could drink three kilograms of old wine, which was very easy.

Osborne's drinking capacity is indeed good, but compared to Luo Yao, it is not enough.

As for gambling.

She had also seen Luo Yao's gambling skills with her own eyes, which were miraculous. Although she didn't know if Luo Yao was a cheat, he didn't notice it anyway.

Audi was a gambler, and she knew it, but intelligence showed that his record at the gambling table didn't seem to be very good.

What a big heart.

Poker, Pai Gow, Mahjong, you name it. Of course, if you want to play something else, you can. It's also very easy to find a casino in a mountain city. Luo Yao said.

Poker! Osborne naturally chose poker, and the poker was still his own.

Although we don't gamble, you only have three chances. If you lose all three times, Mr. Osborne, then you will lose this one. Luo Yao explained the rules and could not accompany him endlessly. Keep playing.

Game 1: Comparing size.

Osborne loses!

Game 2: Stud.

Osborne still loses!

Game 3: Texas Hold'em, Osborne's best.

There is no doubt that Osborne still loses!

After losing three games in a row, Osborne was frustrated and gave up on the gamble aspect, just as he was preparing to win back on the drinking limit and at least get a draw.

But when he saw Luo Yao drinking three bottles of Scotch whiskey in front of him without changing his expression, he immediately gave up.

Because he knew that three bottles of Scotch whiskey was his limit. After drinking it, he would definitely vomit so much that he wouldn't even recognize himself.

Total defeat!

This is more frustrating than being politely rejected by Miss Lu.

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