The secret war is silent

Chapter 208 Removal of stitches

Mountain City, Army General Hospital.

Madam, which doctor stitched your wound? The doctor asked in surprise when he saw the stitches on the wound on Gong Hui's arm.

Gong Hui raised her head and glanced at Luo Yao behind her, then pointed her hand and said, He.

Your husband is also a doctor? The doctor was surprised.

Ah, no... Gong Hui was about to deny it when Luo Yao suddenly interrupted: Yes, I am also a doctor, but unlike you, I am a veterinarian.

It's really impressive that a veterinarian can sew up the wound so beautifully. The doctor exclaimed.

There's no way, practice makes perfect. Luo Yao smiled sarcastically.

Gong Hui didn't understand why Luo Yao said he was a veterinarian. However, although this man spoke and acted in a strange way, thinking about it afterwards, it was all logical.

This veterinarian can also remove sutures, right?

No, but when it came to suturing, I had to obey the authority. I need to remove the sutures now. It's better to see a regular doctor to see if there are any sequelae.

Well, madam, your husband is really attentive to you. The doctor nodded, full of praise for Luo Yao.

Thank you. Gong Hui's cheeks turned slightly red. The doctor's misunderstanding was actually exactly what he wanted, and she suffered no loss at all.

In fact, Luo Yao had already thought about it. The secret research team would have to have a public identity in the future. Of course, it couldn't be listed directly, otherwise Japanese spies would know what it was doing at a glance.

A “veterinary station” is a good idea.

Madam, it hurts a little. How about I give you a local anesthetic? the doctor asked.

No, doctor, just move faster. Gong Hui shook her head. It's not like she had never been injured or had her stitches removed.


The doctor still has some tricks, after all, he has been doing it for so many years.

After a while, the stitches on Gong Hui's wound were removed, but it was a bit ugly after being removed, and the wound looked like a centipede.

The doctor disinfected the wound and bandaged it: Don't allow water to enter the wound, and don't eat spicy food recently. Remember to ask your husband to help you change the dressing. It's estimated that it won't be a big problem in half a month.

Thank you, doctor.

You're welcome, by the way, which veterinary station does your husband work at? The doctor was very curious about Luo Yao. He seemed to think that it was too unqualified for such a young man to become a veterinarian. If he could return to the right path, maybe he could Become a serious doctor.

Oh, I work at Veterinary Station No. 84.

No. 84 Veterinary Station, haven't you heard of it? After hearing this, the doctor shook his head slightly and said to himself.

Oh, our veterinary station mainly serves military horses. It's normal that you don't know. Luo Yao explained hurriedly.

It's understandable that it's a classified unit of the military.

Cousin, you said my scar is too ugly. I wonder if it can be removed? Gong Hui put on her clothes and came out of the hospital with Luo Yao.

Women love beauty, especially this scar on the left arm. If it persists, many clothes that expose the arms will no longer be wearable in the summer.

Don't worry, there is a 'Yitieling' plaster here to ensure that your scar will disappear soon. Luo Yao comforted, Now that your arm has also had its stitches removed, shall we find a place to eat?


After lunch, Luo Yao and Gong Hui separated.

Gong Hui is not an ordinary girl. Even if one of her arms cannot move as expected, there is no need to worry about her safety. Therefore, he can go to the Longmen Huguang Guild Hall with peace of mind.

His rank is within the military system, and he can already borrow a lot of confidential documents and materials.

Of course, he had already said hello to Mao Qiwu before going there, otherwise, even if your level is high enough, the people in the Archives Department might not let you in.

During this Chinese New Year, everyone is still thinking about work, except those on duty, who have no choice but to go home early to reunite with their families and watch the New Year together.

Mao Qiwu already regarded Luo Yao as one of his own, so he naturally took good care of him and even asked him to have dinner at his house on New Year's Eve.

Luo Yao declined politely. He was joking. There were a lot of people at the mansion and he was the backbone now. What could he do if he didn't show up on New Year's Eve?

One by one, who has no home and who doesn’t want to go home to celebrate the New Year? The question is, who can go back now?

Luo Yao's position as leader of the group directly under Jiangcheng has not been revoked. This time he returned to Jiangcheng in the name of reporting on his work. Therefore, he came to Huguang Guild Hall in this name.

Team Leader Luo, Director Mao has already explained that he has given you director-level authority. You can check all the information here that you have permission to see, but taking it out is not allowed. If you have anything you want to take back, you can Transcript, but we have to check it before you can take it away. A deputy section chief of the Archives Department received him and led him into the archives of the Military Command Headquarters.

Chief Zeng, let me ask, where are the messages about Japan that our military commander has intercepted in the past stored? Luo Yao asked.

Why is Team Leader Luo interested in these things? Deputy Section Chief Zeng asked strangely.

In my spare time, I like to study secret communications.

Our military command intercepted not many Japanese military secret messages. Most of them are stored in the Special Technology Research Laboratory, and some of them are stored in the Archives Department. But that is all in the past. Now they have changed the secret codes long ago, so , it won’t have much effect.” Deputy Section Chief Zeng.

I just need these to do some basic research. Luo Yao said, Can Section Chief Zeng help me find them?

That's no problem. However, we have very little information here. What you are looking for is collected most by the Secret Code Inspection and Interpretation Department of the Military Commission.

Well, thank you, I understand.

The information Yardley brought about the Japanese diplomatic code he deciphered back then was a bit old. Although it had certain reference value, he still needed to understand the development of Japan's code, so he could only obtain the information from other places. The first thing to fight is naturally your own idea.

This is easy to say and not easy to do. The military commander himself also has a special technology research laboratory. This laboratory is controlled by Wei Daming. In the past, it was also engaged in deciphering secret codes, but its main focus was on deciphering Chinese secret codes. It is mainly aimed at intercepting and deciphering secret codes of other domestic warlords and the Communist Party.

In deciphering Japanese secret codes, neither Wen Yuqing's Secret Code Inspection and Interpretation Institute, nor the Military Commission's Secret Code Research Group (Mao Zongxiang), nor the Ministry of Military Affairs' Interpretation Office and other secret code deciphering institutions have made much achievements. Only the Code Interpretation Institute has made great achievements in deciphering Japanese secret codes. There have been some breakthroughs in deciphering diplomatic secret codes, but the deciphering of Japanese army secret codes, navy, and air force codes has been slow. Occasionally, the deciphering of secret codes by mistake can only be attributed to luck.

Team Leader Luo, the secret messages you want are all on this shelf. No one has sorted them out, so it's a bit messy... Deputy Section Chief Zeng led Luo Yao to a dusty bookshelf and said a little embarrassedly.

Understandable. Luo Yao nodded. He didn't care about this, as long as he could see the information he wanted.

Chief Zeng, do you have the Japanese code books that were seized in the past?

This is really not the case. Deputy Section Chief Zeng smiled. Even a fool knows how important this codebook is. How could the Japanese let such an important thing fall into the hands of the enemy so easily?

Even if the entire Japanese army is wiped out on the battlefield, they will desperately destroy all important items, including code books, before they die.

Therefore, it is very difficult to capture the Japanese codebook on the battlefield, and it is even more difficult to capture the enemy's communication codebook on the counterintelligence front.

Luo Yao cracked the ghost radio case in Jiangcheng and the subsequent Kappa organization lurking case, but did not seize a code book.

Before being arrested, these Japanese spies destroyed the code books at all costs. This was something more important than their lives.

On the contrary, the same is true. Once the enemy masters the secrets of his communications, his own deployment on the battlefield will have no secrets at all. So how can we fight this battle?

Team Leader Luo, take your time and take your time. If you need help, I'll be in the office and I'll be on duty tonight. Deputy Section Chief Zeng said.

Okay. Luo Yao said, Can you prepare some paper and pen for me?

It's a small matter, I'll bring it to you later. Deputy Section Chief Zeng nodded. Even though Luo Yao is young, the younger he is, the less likely he is to be offended easily. Who knows where he will go in the future, but now he is offended, In the future, if people don't remember you, just pay them back. If they still remember you, it will be bad luck.

Although the job in the Archives Department is a bench job, who wants to sit on a bench for the rest of their lives?

Luo Yao spent the whole afternoon in the archives. It wasn't until Gong Hui came over that he realized that it was getting dark outside. Today was New Year's Eve, so he couldn't stay here to celebrate the New Year.

Chief Zeng, can you please take a look at what I copied? Luo Yao handed the message he copied all afternoon to Deputy Chief Zeng.

Deputy Section Chief Zeng looked through it casually and gave it back to Luo Yao: No problem. Team Leader Luo can sign it and take it away.

This was a procedure, and Deputy Section Chief Zeng didn't dare to waive it for him. If this was investigated in the future, he wouldn't be able to afford it.

Luo Yao signed.

Gong Hui bought a lot of things, big and small, and even hired a Bangbang to help her carry them. It was obviously a big purchase this time.

After buying so much, do you plan to stay in the mountain city and not go back? Luo Yao said.

Didn't you tell me? We may have to stay in the mountain city. If I don't make some preparations in advance, I won't buy a lot of things yet. Gong Hui said.

Then there is no need to buy so much. This is not in Jiangcheng. We have no other sources of income now. Luo Yao said.

I know, it's not that I don't know. What I bought are all necessities. Gong Hui said, I have to buy a new dress for the Chinese New Year, and gloves. Are the socks on your feet torn? Hole?

How do you know? Luo Yao frowned slightly. His socks were on his feet but not exposed. How could Gong Hui see them?

I saw it when you got up and brushed your teeth in the morning.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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