The secret war is silent

Chapter 1144. Could it be her?

Luo Yao smoked one cigarette after another, leaning against his desk. The ashtray on the desk was already full of cut cigarette butts.

The windows are open to let in the cold air.

The smell of smoke in the house has dissipated a lot.

Brother Yao, haven't you slept yet? Gong Hui walked into the study wearing a nightgown and a coat, and saw Luo Yao in the same state as before she went to bed.

Well, why are you here?

When I woke up, I saw that the light in your study was still on, so I knew you were still awake. Come and take a look. Gong Hui said, What time is it now? If you don't sleep, how will you work tomorrow?

It's okay, I'll go to bed soon. Luo Yao nodded.

It's already four o'clock in the morning, and soon it will be dawn. Go to bed quickly. Gong Hui urged, Look, how many cigarettes have you smoked this night? Are you dying?

I know, there are just some things I can't figure out...

I don't understand. How can you figure it out without sleeping? Gong Hui said, Maybe you figured it out as soon as you woke up?

Okay, okay, I'm going to wash my face, brush my teeth and go to sleep. Luo Yao compromised. He admitted that what Gong Hui said made sense, but if he continued to think about it like this, it would be easy to get into trouble.

Where's You Ning? Why didn't you see him come out for breakfast? Was he on duty last night? Yu Jie asked during breakfast in the morning.

He didn't go to bed until four in the morning. I asked him to sleep a little longer, but I didn't call him. Gong Hui explained.

Or for that case?

Well, this has become a knot in his heart now. Gong Hui said.

He, sometimes he just puts too much pressure on himself. Yu Jie nodded. As a student, he sometimes has a tendency of perfectionism.

The Fog City No. 1 plan does pose a huge threat to the party and state, and it is of great significance to crack it as soon as possible.

Then we can't put all the burden on him alone? Yu Jie said, Is there no one else in the party-state?

This case was basically handled by him. He knows the inside story best. How can he let others take over?

That's true, but why did this Japanese spy come to him?

The deciphering ability of the military technical room can influence the situation of the war. How can the Japanese not hate him to the core?

Hey, I, a student, could have taken other paths, but I chose this most difficult path. Yu Jie sighed.

Teacher, taking the technical route is the most suitable for me. At least I don't have to do things against my will. Luo Yao's voice came from behind.

Get up, come on, come have breakfast.

Yes, come on. Luo Yao nodded, walked over and sat next to Gong Hui, picked up a steamed bun and took a bite.

You Ning, don't put too much pressure on yourself. The safety of the party and the country is not supported by you alone. Yu Jie took a bite of pickles and said.

I know, teacher, but I have always been investigating this case. Be careful from beginning to end. I can't get to this point, so I'll give up.

Okay, I know you can't be persuaded. If you need anything from me as a teacher, just ask. Yu Jie said.

Don't worry, teacher, I can forget everyone, but you and I can't forget. Luo Yao swallowed a night of millet porridge.

Eat slowly and chew carefully. Otherwise, you will understand when you reach my age.

Luo Yao smiled.

Everyone understands the principle, but it’s hard to say whether they will do it or not.

Xiaohui, where is our dad?

I went to the clinic early in the morning. I said there have been more patients with coughs recently and there are not enough time to see the doctor every day. Gong Hui replied.


After breakfast.

Xiao Hui, I'm going to Danzishi today. If you need anything, just call me. I have a meeting at the attendant's room in the afternoon. I don't think I'll be back until later.

Okay, I understand. Gong Hui nodded. Although Luo Yao is the deputy director of the military technical department, he is actually the director.

In addition, I would like to remind Lao Huo that the Japanese army is likely to know their existence, so be careful and don't be careless.

I'll call Li Fu and ask him to take care of him.

Well, I always feel that Commander Xue may suffer a big loss this time. This Anami Yuki is not Sonobe Kazuichiro. He is a difficult guy to deal with.

You, a little deputy director of the military technical department, have the heart of the theater commander?

I am worried about the safety of Lao Huo and the others. I want to remind them that their own safety is the top priority in everything. Their value is not comparable to that of a division or even an army.

Yes, I understand. Gong Hui handed over the briefcase and said, After the meeting, come back early.


Chang Gu Shoushan, someone wants to see you?

It turns out to be Chief Luo. It's been a long time. Changgu Shoushan is no longer as mellow as he was when he was arrested. He has lost a lot of weight. It seems that the life in prison is not easy.

Hasugu Toushan, you should be familiar with the code name 'Painter', right?

Changgu Shoushan's mouth twitched slightly: Sir Luo, are you here to show off to me?

That's right. In fact, you are the soul of this organization lurking in the mountain city. In fact, including the 'painter', they all operate within the framework of your command. Am I right? Luo Yao nodded.

Since you have caught the 'painter', why do you need to ask me? Hase Shoushan asked back.

How about we talk?

What do I have to talk to you about? Chang Gu Shoushan smiled contemptuously.

Luo Yao took out the photo of Chang Gu Shoushan and his young daughter and handed it over without saying anything.

Changgu Shoushan's face changed slightly: Sir Luo, what do you mean?

Don't you understand?

What do I understand? This is a photo of me and my daughter when they were ten years old. You searched my place and found it. Isn't it surprising?

Don't you want to know where your daughter is?

Chief Luo, do you consider this a threat? Hase Toushan laughed loudly, My daughter is fine in Japan.

What about this? Luo Yao placed the photo of Canggu Meihui in front of Changgu Shoushan.

What does this mean? Changgu Shoushan was stunned. The woman in the photo gave him a familiar feeling.

Your daughter's name is Hase Mie.

How do you know? I have never told anyone... Chang Gu Shoushan's face suddenly changed and he asked in surprise.

Your daughter followed the same road as you and also came to the mountain city. Luo Yao said slowly.

No, no, this is impossible, how could Meihui come to China... Hase Shoushan suddenly became excited.

Obviously he couldn't accept this fact.

If she didn't lie, I think this is a fact. Luo Yao said slowly. Hase Mihui's identity was based on her own confession, but there was no circumstantial evidence.

But Mihui Hase is the daughter of Hase Shoushan. As a father, his daughter should be able to recognize her, even if they haven't seen each other for ten years.

Chief Luo, you arrested my daughter, right?

Luo Yao nodded. If he denies it, Chang Gu Shoushan may not reply. Of course, he may not completely believe it.

I want to see her.

What about the conditions?

I know there is a person who you are definitely interested in. How about this in exchange? Hase Toushan said.

Oh, tell me?

Ye Xiao, she is an intelligence agent from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and she is in the mountain city. I know where she is. Hase Toushan said, As long as I pick up Meihui, I will tell you.

Ye Xiao, whose real name is Mizuhara Hezi, is twenty-eight years old and is from Aichi Prefecture, Kyoto... Luo Yao talked.

You, how did you know? Chang Gu Shoushan was horrified.

Now, except for 'Qiangwei' who has not yet been brought to justice, everyone else is under my control. Luo Yao said with a smile, If you know the clues about 'Qiangwei', maybe I will give you this opportunity.

'Qiangwei', Chief Luo, you all know this. It seems that the plan we worked so hard to formulate is going to fail, hahahaha... Chang Gu Shoushan suddenly laughed.

Chang Gu Shoushan, this opportunity is given to you. If you wait for me to catch Qiangwei, it will be difficult for you to see your daughter.

Sir Luo, I only know the code name 'Qiangwei'. I have never met this person. I don't have direct contact with him. All orders and messages she gives me are conveyed through 'Ye Xiao'. Chang Gu Shoushan said.

Night Owl never mentioned 'Rose' to you?

I mentioned it, but she doesn't seem to know the true identity of 'Qiangwei', but what is certain is that 'Qiangwei' was sent to the mountain city by the military, and the time should not exceed a year.

One year?

Yes, based on the time of my arrest, if you push it forward for half a year, wouldn't it be no more than one year?

One year, the person who appears next to me?

these two key factors.

Then the scope of this person is much smaller.

If you add the attributes of a woman, it will be easier to narrow down the scope.

Yang Zhaojie was one of them, but they had known each other since they were in Xiangcheng, and Luo Yao had worked with Yang Zhaojie and got along day and night. If she was Qiangwei, she would have been involved in the military from the beginning.

And Yang Zhaojie is older than them, so it shouldn't be her.

The rest is easy.

Huang Ying has been confirmed to be Night Owl, her real name is Shuiyuan Hezi, and her relationship with Liu Baimin is more advanced, so the time does not match up.

Who else is left, Hu Xiaoling and Zhou Ran?

Hu Xiaoling is the wife of Yan Feng, his roommate's brother. They have been a couple since they were students. There is no way they can be Rose. What's more, Hu Xiaoling's body and the blows she suffered are definitely not fake?

Could it be Zhou Ran?

He has never doubted this. Her parents are both in the mountain city and have a certain reputation. In any case, she cannot be a spy, let alone a Japanese.

And Luo Yao basically determined that Michiko Uchiyama is Qiangwei. If Zhou Ran is Qiangwei, then who is Michiko Uchiyama?

Doesn't this make sense?

There is already a Night Owl, so there is no need to doubt another person, not to mention Zhou Ran's relationship with them cannot be said to be very close.

She just had a crush on him.

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