The secret war is silent

Chapter 1137 Angels and Demons (3)

Luo Yao was silent.

Even the chewing movement of eating stopped.

Gong Hui's words touched his heart.

He did ignore this problem. Of course, when his manpower was exhausted, he was not a god and could not really be foolproof.

It is very important for Gong Hui and other people around her to check and fill in the gaps.

The situation Gong Hui mentioned is not a problem at all for normal people to think about. Kondo Sakurako was suddenly arrested and had no time to hide the piano sheet music that contained major secrets. Then, the person behind her, Arrange for someone to pick it up from his parents.

After all, it is normal for a piano sheet to go unnoticed. If it is taken away secretly, isn't it something that no one knows about?

But the person who took the piano score actually ignored one detail. If he had just pretended to look for it, no one would be suspicious.

But he went straight to the piano.

Of course, this may also be his subconscious thought. It is normal for piano music scores to be placed together with the piano.

The question is, how did he know the location of the piano in Kondo Sakurako's house? Someone told her, even so.

He goes so directly to the goal, why not go somewhere else?

If you don't want to eat, bring that Kimura over and interrogate him again! Luo Yao put down his chopsticks and stood up directly.

No, it will take time to bring someone up. After you have eaten, do you still have the strength to interrogate?

When Luo Yao looked at the food in his bowl, he thought it was right. He sat down and took three bites into his stomach. Then he licked his lips and said, Time is tight. Before interrogating Mie Nagatani, let's interrogate this Kimura first!

Wait for me……

Kimura, that night, you went to Sakurako Kondo's house to steal the staff. Do you still remember what the painter told you?

Kimura thought for a moment and realized that he had already confessed everything anyway. It would be okay to confess it again. He said, At noon that day, the painter came to see me. We met at a small restaurant in front of the power plant. The task he gave me was that he had an extremely important task. I need to pick up the documents, and he also said that the documents are in the piano shelf in the study room on the second floor, just under the cover.

that is all?

That's all. I didn't know what the document was or who the owner of the house was. But when I saw the seal on the door, I realized that this was not an easy matter. But this was a mission, so I decided to go in. , I will be caught by you later. Kimura said with a bitter smile.

Are you sure he told you the specific location of the file?

Sure, if he hadn't said that, I wouldn't have gone upstairs to the piano in the study. Kimura said.

Okay, I understand, take it away. Luo Yao ordered.

It seems there is a real problem here. Why don't you call Matsuo Yasunari over to ask some questions? Gong Hui suggested.

No, Tamae Kobayashi is familiar with the situation at Sakurako Kondo's home, but Tamae Kobayashi was arrested first. How could she notify Yasunari Matsuo? There must be someone else who knows the situation at Sakurako Kondo's home? Luo Yao analyzed calmly. .

Could that be Han Yun?

She is not trusted by Kobayashi Tamae. She would tell her such an important secret, and would she still be asked to contact Matsuo Yasunari?

This really doesn't make sense. Let's call Matsuo Yasunari over and ask. We don't seem to have grasped this detail.

Well, Matsuo Yasunari was interrogated by Xu Aliang, right?

It's normal for a young man to be a little irritable. He has done a good job, so don't be too harsh. Gong Hui said, We also have things we have overlooked.

I know, but there is still a lesson to be learned, otherwise how will he improve in the future? Luo Yao nodded.

I don't know that Tamaki Kobayashi has been arrested, but it is possible that she sent the news in advance. I have a dead mailbox that can be used for contact in emergencies. The task I gave Kimura Shita is also based on the news delivered by the dead mailbox. of.

Why didn't you say anything during the previous interrogation?

You didn't even ask.

That is to say, it is possible that Xiao Lin Yuzhi put the letter into the dead mailbox in advance, but it is also possible that there is someone we cannot control who is working for her? Gong Hui said, Otherwise, just put Xiao Lin Yuzhi in the box Come out for interrogation?

Do you think she can say it? Luo Yao asked.

It's hard to say, but I have to give it a try. Xiaolin Yuzhi has already bowed her head once for Yu Zhen. What can she do if she doesn't tell her? Gong Hui said.

Okay, you and Luo Xue go and give it a try. If she is willing to say it, everyone will be happy. If not, we have to find another way. Luo Yao nodded.


In the interrogation room.

Xiao Lin Yuzhi, who are you still protecting, Han Yun? She is not trusted by you at all, and she was also arrested.

Mr. Palace, the order to the painter to send someone to steal the music score was indeed my order. I didn't mean to protect anyone. Xiao Lin Yuzhi said.

Before Sakurako Kondo was arrested, how did you know that she would be exposed and arrested, and why did you arrange for someone to go to her house in advance to steal the musical score? Gong Hui asked.

I know that you have been keeping an eye on her, and she will be exposed sooner or later. Xiao Lin Yuzhi said, So naturally I have to prepare in advance.

When she was exposed, you were exposed, so why didn't you take the music score from her in advance? Gong Hui asked, Is there a conflict between you and she didn't want to give the music score to you?

What's the use of getting the music before it's finished?

Then how did you know that Sakurako Kondo would definitely put the music score under the piano lid and let someone steal it in advance? After all, Sakurako Kondo had not been exposed at that time?

I know she has already completed the music score, so I started it in advance, can't I?

Although Matsuo Yasunari will not pay attention to the dead mailbox all the time, he went there not long after you were arrested and there was no secret message in it. He didn't know this, but we know clearly whether you have the ability to clone yourself or not. That's not how you make up lies and teleport things through the air, Xiaolin Yuzhi, when you make up lies to deceive others, you are actually insulting your own IQ. Gong Hui sneered.

The corners of Xiaolin Yuzhi's eyes twitched back slightly.

The lie she made up was full of loopholes, and it was based on the fact that the other party didn't know the inside story. Now that they have even arrested Matsuo Yasunari, it is obvious that they can no longer make up the lie.

Xiao Lin Yuzhi, it's already this time, what's the point of hiding it anymore? Gong Hui said.

I don't know her identity in the mountain city. I only know that her code name is 'Ye Xiao'. She is an intelligence agent of the empire lurking in the mountain city. She is also my liaison in the mountain city. Xiaolin Yuzhi said, Once I am exposed, she will Take my place and continue the mission I have left unfinished.”

Can you provide information about him?

Every time we meet in church, she always dresses like a nun. I think she is young, she should be much younger than me...

What about height?

A little shorter than me. By the way, she seems to be short-sighted and wears glasses. Xiao Lin Yuzhi mentioned another characteristic.

How many times have you met?

Three times, she asked me out every time, always in church. I guess she might be the nun in the church.

Gong Hui asked Luo Xue to record it, but according to her judgment, the woman codenamed Ye Xiao could not be a nun.

Such characteristics are too obvious. Wouldn't it mean that he was actively exposed to Xiaolin Yuzhi? As long as he is a trained agent, he will not do this.

How much do you know about Michiko Uchiyama?

I have heard about her, but I am not familiar with her and have never seen her.

But her disguise skills are on par with yours, or even better than yours. Wouldn't you be interested in such a person?

My disguise skills and hers are not at the same technical level. I use modern technology, but she uses ancient ninjutsu, which needs to be practiced since childhood. It is much more difficult. Of course, there are fewer flaws. This, I feel ashamed of myself. Xiao Lin Yuzhi said.

I hope what you said is true, otherwise, you will suffer. Gong Hui waved his hand, Take him away.

The world only knows that the 'Fox of Juntong' is powerful, but they don't know that there is a powerful confidante beside him. We did not lose unjustly.

Thanks for the compliment.

Drink some water. Luo Yao pushed the enamel cup in front of Hase Mihui. There was half a cup of cold boiled water in it.

Thank you. Hase Mie still maintained an elegant demeanor. Although she was a prisoner, her temperament was so good that many women felt ashamed.

I still don't understand why you chose to stay when you had the chance to leave? Luo Yao asked.

Didn't I say, if you can't escape, why ask for trouble?

That's not the real reason.

Hase Mihui was silent for a while: I want to see the teacher again. Only in this way can I have a chance.

Are you not afraid of death? Also, are you sure I will give you this opportunity? Luo Yaodao said, Or is there some secret agreement between you and Michiko Uchiyama?

I don't know what you are talking about. What does Michiko Uchiyama have to do with me? Mie Hase's eyes gleamed. Obviously, she was extremely sensitive to the name Michiko Uchiyama.

Michiko Uchiyama was also a student of your teacher Amamiya Mu, and she also fell in love with your teacher, and had a sweet past with your teacher, but later they separated for some reason. Am I right? ? Luo Yao asked slowly.

I'm not sure about this.

Not only do you know, but you also know the reason why your teacher broke up with Michiko Uchiyama. You two came to Yamashiro with only one purpose, to rescue Amamiya Mu. Luo Yao said.

Hase Mie did not deny it, nor did she speak out, but this was actually the acquiescence.

You have tried so hard, but you can't get close to me or find out where Yu Gong Mu is imprisoned. You can only risk your troops and sacrifice one person to be caught, so that you can find a way to know where Yu Gong Mu is imprisoned. Because, if I knew about your relationship with Yu Gong Mu, I would definitely ask Yu Gong Mu for confirmation. To a large extent, you have a chance to meet. However, the idea is beautiful, but the reality is cruel. , I can also think of what you think of, and I think more and further than you. Luo Yao said with a smile on his lips.

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