The secret war is silent

Chapter 1100 Solving the case is not the goal

The location of the stolen confidential documents is Yunxiu Tower.

Deputy Director Luo, Madam wants to see you.

Luo Yao was stunned.

He had no interaction with his wife. Apart from that dinner party, rumors spread that his wife listened to Miss Kong Er's slander and expressed dissatisfaction with his character.

Later, as Su Ying'er was arrested, the rumors naturally disappeared.

Of course, Madam has a high status and she will definitely not apologize to Luo Yao for such a trivial matter.

She didn't say this in public.

The theft of confidential documents had nothing to do with her. When she saw what she was doing, she had a trace of doubt.

Luo Yao followed the female housekeeper and walked over.

On the first floor, there is a small living room.

Luo Yao also saw an acquaintance at the door, Jin Minjie, Luo Yao's martial arts instructor in the temporary training class and one of the few female martial arts instructors in the military.

A master who has cultivated dark power.

Although it had been three years, he and Jin Minjie had no interaction. Jin Minjie was forced to transfer because of Yan Ming's incident.

Didn't expect to meet it here.

Jin Minjie is one of Madam's personal bodyguards.

When she saw Luo Yao, she was slightly surprised, but she immediately regained her composure. Her holiday with Luo Yao had long passed.

What's more, her current status cannot be compared with Luo Yao's, and she has never thought about revenge or anything like that. That's because she is uncomfortable.

Ma'am, he's here.

Invite him in.

Luo Yao waited at the door for a short while. The internal staff who went in to report came out and invited Luo Yao in.

Luo Yao has met Madam. Luo Yao walked in and saw the graceful Madam wearing a cheongsam. After standing still, he bowed slightly.

My wife is not a soldier, so he does not need to give a military salute.

Luo Yao, I seem to have seen you before at General Chennault's banquet last time, right? Madam looked at Luo Yao carefully and said.

Madam, you have a good memory. I am honored to accept the invitation.

Zhiqing mentioned you to me many times, saying that you are a rare talent for the party and the country. The lady said with a smile.

Madam, you are so complimentary.

Zhiqing handed you the stolen case last night?

Yes, madam, the commission has trusted us and handed over the case of the lost confidential documents last night to a humble investigation. Luo Yaodao.

Well, if that's the case, then you should investigate carefully. No matter who is involved, they will be severely punished. I also ordered everyone in Yunxiu Tower to cooperate with you. No matter whether it is a search or an interview, there is no resistance. Madam. said.

Thank you, madam. Luo Yao thanked him. Although the old man gave him great power, Yunxiu Tower had another owner, and that was the madam. The madam also had many followers and security personnel.

Before the investigation, these people were also suspected. If the wife did not nod and these people did not cooperate, it would cause a lot of trouble for their investigation.

I know you have a tight time frame for investigating the case, so I won't disturb you. If you need anything from me, just come to me directly. I'll stay at the mansion today and won't go anywhere. Madam explained.

Yes, madam, I will definitely solve the case as soon as possible and arrest the thief! Luo Yao said.

Okay, I'm waiting for your good news. The lady smiled.

I resign from my humble position.

Coming out of the small living room, Luo Yao bumped heads with Zhang Xiaozheng, the aide-de-camp sent by the old man to assist him.

Before Cai Xiaochun and the others arrived, Luo Yao decided to go to the crime scene to take a look.

The area where the crime occurred has been cordoned off.

Adjutant Zhang, how many people have been at the scene since the incident? Luo Yao put on his shoe covers and walked into the blocked scene and asked.

This is a secret room specially used to store confidential documents... Adjutant Zhang explained to Luo Yao as he walked.

The defense is so tight that people can sneak in and steal documents. If there is no insider, no one will believe it.

Are there no guards at the door of the secret room at night?


Luo Yao nodded. To come in from the outside and reach the secret room, you need to pass through several doors. This is the living area of ​​the old man and his wife. Don't you want privacy?

Therefore, it must be tight on the outside and loose on the inside, which also gives the enemy an opportunity to take advantage of it.

Other than the envoy and the people around him, who else can come here? Luo Yao continued to ask.

Apart from the envoy and the people around him, there are only cleaning staff who come to clean at fixed times.

Are the cleaning hours and personnel fixed?

Fixed, there is no need to clean this place every day. Under normal circumstances, it is done once every three days and twice a week. Mainly the corridor outside the secret room. There are dedicated people cleaning the secret room. Deputy Director Luo, please... In Adjutant Zhang's words Under the leadership, the chamberlain responsible for keeping the secret rooms opened the secret rooms and let them in.

The secret room is not big, with a desk, a chair, a phone, a lamp, etc. on the desk, and then a row of filing cabinets.

The filing cabinets are obviously all open, and as long as you enter the secret room, you can take away the confidential documents in the cabinet at will.

In addition to the file cabinet, there is also a safe that is as tall as one person. Judging from the manufacturer's nameplate on it, it seems to be made in Germany.

General confidential documents are stored in the file cabinet for review by the committee at any time. Only particularly confidential documents will be stored in the safe. Adjutant Zhang pointed with his hand.

Where are the files you lost?

This is a top-secret document. It cannot be disclosed to the public at least for now. It is naturally hidden in a safe. Adjutant Zhang said.

Who discovered that the file was missing?

This morning, the commission sent someone back to pick up a document. After entering the secret room, they found that the document on the filing cabinet had been tampered with. They immediately checked until they opened the safe and discovered that this top-secret document was missing. Deputy Zhang explained .

In other words, if the committee does not send someone back to retrieve the documents this morning, it is possible that the loss of confidential documents will not be discovered for the time being. Luo Yao said.


When was the last time the secret room was opened before the commission sent someone back to retrieve the documents? Luo Yao asked.

Every entry and exit into the secret room is recorded, and there is also a body search to prevent anyone from sneaking away the confidential documents inside.

Well, is there no one on duty here?

Under normal circumstances, there will be, but if the committee member is not in the mansion... Adjutant Zhang said with a stern expression.

No wonder.

This thief chose a good time, the best time to sneak in and steal the confidential documents.

Who knows the key and password to this safe?

There are two keys in total. One is held by the confidential officer guarding the secret room, and the other is held by the adjutant. The two keys must be combined to open the safe. Zhang Xiaozheng explained.

Where's the password?

The password is jointly controlled by the Confidential Office and the Adjutant's Office, and is changed once a week. Zhang Xiaozheng said.

Is the password random, or who sets it? Luo Yao asked.

Draw lots.

Luo Yao nodded. This method is not bad. It is similar to buying lottery tickets. The probability is infinite and there are no specific rules to follow. Unless you bribe the person who set the password and drew the lot, it will be extremely difficult to know the password.

On the contrary, the keys to the safes held by the confidential room and the adjutant's office are the easiest to be copied.

The key kept in the confidential room cannot leave this secret room. The key in the adjutant's office will only be taken when it is used. Once used, it will be put back. Three people are required to open the safe. Two people are required to be present. Give me the key and password! Zhang Xiaozheng said.

Luo Yao nodded after hearing this. Even with such strict measures, the top-secret documents in the safe were still stolen. This shows that this thief is very powerful and must have been planning for a long time.

Someone jumped out of Luo Yao's mind unconsciously.

Michiko Uchiyama!

She took action, and once she took action, it was a blockbuster.

Tamae Kobayashi told him a story. Michiko Uchiyama once sneaked into the British Embassy in Tokyo and easily stole the navy code, becoming famous in one battle.

That was ten years ago. Ten years later, how powerful will Michiko Uchiyama become?

The embassy's defense and confidentiality methods were no less than those of Yun Xiu Lou's secret room. Michiko Uchiyama was able to sneak into the British Embassy, ​​and it seemed that she could not be troubled by sneaking into the Huangshan Mansion.

The question is, how did she do it.


Even if she is very skilled at picking locks, she can open the door to the secret room and the door to the safe.

How did she avoid the tight security at Yunxiu Tower?

Also, the internal situation of Yunxiu Tower is not something that outsiders can know. If he didn't get permission, he might not know the furnishings and layout inside for the rest of his life.

There must be a mole, otherwise, she quietly entered the Huangshan Mansion under another identity. People who can enter here must have been strictly reviewed. People with problems will be eliminated as soon as possible. .

Moreover, the old man likes to use people from his hometown, so it is difficult for ordinary people to sneak in.

Especially the various internal staff, guards, servants, etc., all come in after numerous selections and assessments.

Even if he is a sweeper here, he may have an unusual status.

In addition, there are military personnel who secretly monitor all suspicious people and things. It can be said that the security force is airtight.

In this way, someone took advantage of the loophole and stole top-secret documents. How could this not make the old man angry?

Finished surveying the site.

Luo Yao came out of the secret room.

Cai Xiaochun, Yang Zhaojie and Hu Yingjie rushed over immediately after receiving the order.

Xiaochun, go find Tiger and ask him to lend me Xia Fei for a while. Luo Yao started assigning tasks directly.


Chief Yang, your task is to be responsible for questioning. All personnel who have access to the secret room and are related to the secret room must be questioned.

Yes, Deputy Director Luo. Yang Zhaojie nodded.

Hu Yingjie, you are here to do the external investigation. I will ask Adjutant Zhang to provide a list later. You will investigate the people on this list one by one, mainly about their personalities, preferences and social relationships. The more detailed the better, Luo Yaodao said.

Understood, but in terms of manpower?

If you don't have enough, go find Xiaohui. Xiaohui will send you manpower. Time is very tight. I hope the sooner the better! Luo Yao said.


Deputy Director Luo, is this useful?

This is a conventional method. Although it may not be useful, it is necessary. Luo Yaodao said, Solving the case is not the purpose. The focus is to recover the stolen top-secret documents. In such a short period of time, the thief has not been able to deliver the things. go out.

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