The secret war is silent

Chapter 1097 Doubt

You doubt Han Yun... After hearing Luo Yao express his doubts, Gong Hui took a deep breath.

Originally, I suspected Su Qing because there were indeed many doubts about her, so I arranged for Yu Zhen and A Xiang to learn soup making from her, but so far, no concrete evidence has been found, or she knew that Yu Zhen and A Xiang were The person I sent over was on guard, so naturally it was impossible for me to find any evidence. Luo Yao said, Now Amamiya Mu told me that Michiko Uchiyama's disguise technique is magical, and she can turn herself into someone with a similar face to her without revealing it. Flaw, Tamae Kobayashi also said that Michiko Uchiyama has the reputation of 'the mountain with a thousand faces'. None of us have met Michiko Uchiyama, and based on Mu Amamiya's description, I drew a sketch...

Luo Yao took out the sketch and showed it to Gong Hui.

Gong Hui took a closer look and found that the outline of the face was indeed somewhat similar to Han Yun, and she couldn't help but feel suspicious.

How about we strike first, rather than miss, so that we can take the initiative? Gong Hui suggested.

What if I catch the wrong one?

It doesn't matter if the arrest is wrong. Han Yun is not a good person anyway. She is related to Xiaolin Yuzhi. Gong Hui said.

Okay, let's catch him. Luo Yao made up his mind.

I'll make arrangements. Gong Hui nodded. Han Yun was not an ordinary woman. If he wanted to catch her, he had to choose a good time.

It would be best to conduct a secret arrest without alerting the Central Command.

We must make careful arrangements, act decisively, and don't give Zhongtong any chance to intervene. Luo Yao warned.

I know.

Gong Hui is also an action person. After taking over the task, she immediately went out to make arrangements. Anyway, Han Yun's whereabouts are under surveillance.

Arresting people depends on the timing.

Antique house.

At noon, the clerk in the store was lying on the counter, drowsy, when suddenly a figure walked in.

Sir, what can I help you with? Suddenly he heard a knock on the counter. The clerk looked up, saw the person coming, and immediately reached out to wipe the water stains from the corner of his mouth.

Where's your shopkeeper?

The shopkeeper is not here, if you need anything, you can tell me.

I have a painting that I need to put on consignment in your store. Do I need to see your boss? the person said.

That's it. Have you brought your painting?

Of course, if you don't bring me here, what will I do to your boss? the person said.

Then wait a minute, I'll ask our boss to come over. The clerk said hurriedly. If it were to buy antique calligraphy and paintings, he could make the decision, but if it was consigned, it would involve some procedures and agreements, and he couldn't make the decision.

Okay, I'll wait for him at Yide Teahouse in front. If he doesn't come in half an hour, I'll find another place. The visitor nodded.

Okay, don't worry. The guy agreed immediately.

Brother, wake up, that man is out. Yang Fan, who was lying under the shade of the eaves behind the watermelon stall, was gently pushed.

These days, his identity is the small owner of the watermelon stall, and his partner is still Xia Fei, who sells newspapers in the morning and works as a mobile cigarette vendor during the day.

The two of them had one mission, watching every move of Fangu Zhai and the owner of Fangu Zhai.

Xia Fei sells cigarettes and walks around the street, mainly watching the movements of Xianguzhai, while Yang Fan has a fixed stall, which is located near Zhu Wanchuan's home.

Follow him and see where he goes. Yang Fan whispered. There are many places where mobile cigarette vendors can go, especially places like teahouses where many people gather.


Xia Fei followed.

On Yang Fan's side, he soon saw the guys from Xianguzhai coming to Zhu Wanchuan's house. In fact, Zhu Wanchuan lived very close to Xianguzhai, and it only took two or three minutes to get there by walking.

After the waiter entered, he saw Zhu Wanchuan and the waiter coming out together within a short time. The two of them left in a hurry.

When Yang Fan saw it, he immediately stood up, thought about it, picked up the straw hat to protect the sun, and followed him all the way.

Zhu Wanchuan came to Duyide Teahouse all the way, looked back, and walked in. Yang Fan looked at his own attire. It was obviously not okay to enter the teahouse like this.

After tidying up a bit, I was about to go.

But he saw Xia Fei being kicked out of the teahouse. This kind of place must have been booked for a long time.

Xia Fei, a foreigner, wants to go in and do business, but he doesn't touch other people's cheese. It's good that he doesn't punch it out.

Without revealing his identity, Xia Fei could only stay outside the door.

Yang Fan quickly stepped forward and made eye contact with Xia Fei. Xia Fei immediately understood, cursed at the people inside and left.

When Yang Fan entered the teahouse, no one stopped him. Ordinary people could enter the first floor of the teahouse. As for the private rooms and private rooms on the second floor, only the rich went there.

But as soon as Yang Fan came in, he saw Zhu Wanchuan's figure disappearing at the stairs to the second floor, and two people were standing at the stairs to the second floor, obviously blocking guests who were not qualified to go to the second floor.

Those who can go to the second floor can wear ordinary clothes, but at least they are clean and decent people. Like Yang Fan now, with the smell of sweat, if he wants to go to the second floor, he will definitely be stopped immediately.

what to do?

Yang Fan's mind quickly turned around, and he saw a tea doctor walking past him, with a glimmer of light in his eyes.

After a while, Yang Fan, who was wearing Dr. Tea's clothes, went up to the second floor smoothly, and the two people at the stairs didn't stop him at all.

Probably, they didn't know Dr. Tea in the tea house, or they never thought that someone would pretend to be someone from the tea house.

Come up to the second floor.

Yang Fan frowned slightly. The second floor was full of private rooms and private seats. The private seats were okay, they were open and you could directly see people's faces.

But private rooms are difficult. The doors are closed and you don't know who is in the box unless you knock on the door one by one to get in.

But this is too risky and can easily arouse the other party's vigilance.

The Dr. Tea serving on the second floor was not alone. Yang Fan saw a Dr. Tea coming out of the box and walked over: Brother, I'm new here and I don't know much about the rules of our teahouse. Can you help me?

New here, why don't I know?

I took a little back door...

Oh, I understand, I understand, you were introduced by shopkeeper Pei, right? Dr. Tea said with a knowing expression.

Yang Fan immediately hit the snake on the stick and quietly stuffed a banknote in it: Brother, please take care of me more in the future.

Too polite……

Within a few words, Yang Fan knew the box where Zhu Wanchuan was.

Yang Fan did not dare to get too close. He knew that the people inside were talking, and their voices were very low. His hearing was not as good as that of people with extraordinary talents such as Luo Yao and Wen Xueren.

However, he still heard a few key words.

Must report immediately.

I've lost track of you. Usually everyone boasts better than anyone else, but at the critical moment, you let me down! Gong Hui was extremely angry.

She arranged a team to follow Han Yun, but in the end she was lost.

Why, you didn't say anything?

Each and every one of them looked like eggplants beaten by frost, not daring to raise their heads. It was embarrassing and embarrassing. There were seven people in the tracking team, all of whom had received professional training.

To be dumped by a woman was a great shame and humiliation, especially in Shancheng's own territory.

Sister Hui, I'm sorry, we will help you find him.

Who are you looking for? Arrest them! Gong Hui snorted coldly, As long as Han Yun shows up again, just bring him back.

Sister Hui, Han Yun is under the protection of Zhongtong. If we arrest him, should we communicate with Zhongtong?

What do you mean, when did the military commander have to discuss arrests with the central commander? Gong Huixing stared, But when arresting people, it is best to avoid the central commander's people to avoid direct conflicts.


Sister Hui... Jiang Xiaoyu hurried in and said a few words in Gong Hui's ear. Gong Hui's eyes lit up immediately.

Find Han Yun first and wait for my order. Gong Hui ordered and called to Jiang Xiaoyu, Let's go back.

Tiger, are you sure what you heard is correct? At home, Yang Fan had been waiting for a long time. When he saw Gong Hui, he quickly reported what he heard.

Although their conversation was very low, I could still hear them talking about 'piano' and some music scores, especially when Zhu Wanchuan repeated it in surprise. Then I was sure that the person who met Zhu Wanchuan was a woman disguised as a man, and her voice characteristics It’s obvious.” Yang Fan said.

It seems that Brother Yao's guess is right. There is indeed a big secret hidden in this staff. Gong Hui said to herself after listening.

Xiao Yu, inform Lao Lu and ask Hu Yingjie to get ready, and we'll wait and wait! Gong Hui turned to Jiang Xiaoyu and said.

Yes, Sister Hui!

Go back and find out the identity of the person who met Zhu Wanchuan. If you have a rest, report back immediately. Gong Hui ordered.

Luo Yao went to a meeting and still hasn't come back after a whole day. She is the only one who can make the decision at home.

Xiao Fei is following. Yang Fan nodded.

Be careful and stay safe.

A dark cloud came from the sky, and the sky and the earth were dark and windless.

Apart from plainclothes patrols and police officers, there was almost no one on the street. Of course, you could still hear the sound of cars passing by from time to time.

These are privileged people.

The small building rented by Kondo Sakurako (Su Ying'er) has been sealed off by the police station, and a seal is posted on the door.

A few days ago, she was a famous movie star, but now she is a prisoner. This incident caused a huge sensation, and even caused a collective protest in the film industry, demanding that the authorities stop the persecution and release Su Ying'er.

But as soon as this matter was raised, it was suppressed. The relevant people were severely warned, and it was quickly settled.

Very weird.

But the sound did disappear a lot. Most outsiders believed that the police had found conclusive evidence that could accuse Su Ying'er of committing a crime. The prince broke the law and the common people were equally guilty. No matter how much they protested, they could not change this fact.

But there are still some people who don't think so, but these people can't do anything.

After the small building was sealed, no one went in again.

The small building has long since been transferred to the name of Su Ying'er, and it is only claimed to be rented to the outside world. Otherwise, why would the original landlord ignore Su Ying'er's overhaul and decoration of the small building?

A black shadow climbed over the courtyard wall like an ape, landed gently on the ground, then pried open a window with familiarity, and got into the small building.

The whole process takes less than a minute.

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