The secret war is silent

Chapter 1090 Success

Miss Yingzi, next, please tell me about your mission in the mountain city? Axiang asked as if talking about family matters.

What do you want to know, senior sister? Sakurako Kondo asked.

Everything you know?

Kondo Sakurako condensed slightly: Senior sister, I want to see Chief Luo or Chief Gong.

Why, you can't trust me? Axiang asked.

Kondo Sakurako didn't speak, the expression on her face was obvious.

Okay, in this case, I will report to you, but I don't guarantee that they will come to see you. Axiang said.

Thank you, senior sister. Sakurako Kondo nodded slightly.

She is smarter and knows that once her identity is revealed and she is caught, unless she wants to die, she will eventually speak out.

Rather than opening your mouth after being frightened and tortured, it's better to be happy. Even if you die, it doesn't have to be so painful, right?

Want to see either Xiaohui or me? Luo Yao was surprised after hearing Axiang's report. Su Ying'er, no, it should be Kondo Sakurako now. Why would she do this?

At the same time, he also understood how Kondo Keiichi escaped in Xiangcheng, and the person in charge of the spy who was lurking in Xiangcheng, the person who would rather die than tell the truth, should be Kondo Sakurako.

Once Kondo Sakurako's identity is revealed, many mysteries can be revealed.

Yes, sir.

Well, let's meet then. I won't come forward yet and let Xiaohui talk about it. Luo Yao thought about it for a moment. It's not impossible for him to come forward, but some questions are better asked between women. Gong Hui is the same as him. of.

Yes, sir, should I report to Commander Hui?

No, I'll give her a call. You go wait outside first. Luo Yao ordered, picked up the intercom on the table, and dialed a number.

What's the matter, are you so anxious to find me? Soon, Gong Hui knocked on the door and walked in with a document.

Su Ying'er, no, it should be Sakurako Kondo who wants to see us. Luo Yao explained.

Sakura Kondo, the adopted daughter of Keiichi Kondo who has disappeared for a long time? Gong Hui was surprised. She was also a little surprised by this situation.

Well, she is still Axiang's junior sister. Luo Yao said.

She is also Mrs. Aoki's student?

Probably, but there is a difference between Axiang and Kondo Sakurako. Luo Yao said, I think Kondo Sakurako may give us an unexpected surprise.

Since you said so, I'll go see her and see what she has to say. Gong Hui thought about it for a moment and nodded in agreement.

Well, if you have anything, call me anytime. I'll be here and I won't go anywhere.

Kondo Sakurako was once again taken into the interrogation room.

Facing the walls full of torture instruments, although the heat outside was unbearable, it was so cold here that people couldn't help but feel a chill in their hearts.

This time, she met Gong Hui, and of course Axiang was also there.

Su Ying'er, maybe I should call you Kondo Sakurako. Gong Hui sat behind the interrogation table and looked at the other party levelly.

Sister Hui.

Gong Hui wanted to speak to stop her, but when the words came to her lips, she shrank back. Ever since she met Su Ying'er, that's what she called herself.

Listen Axiang, you want to see me?

Yes, I told Senior Sister Axiang that as long as I can see Sister Hui or Chief Luo, I will tell everything I know. Kondo Sakurako glanced at Axiang and nodded.

I'm here now. If you have anything to say, you can say it. I'm listening. Gong Hui nodded. A Japanese female spy took the initiative to confess. This was the first time she had seen her, even though she didn't quite believe her in her heart. However, if the other person is willing to speak, she should listen.

Kondo Sakurako said: Can you give me a glass of water?

Gong Hui thought about it and nodded. Axiang put down the pen in her hand, got up and got an enamel jar, poured a glass of cold water and opened it.

Thank you, senior sister!

Sakurako Kondo picked up the enamel cup and drank more than half of the cup in one go.

Senior sister, can you have another drink?

A trace of displeasure flashed in Axiang's eyes, but she finally held back. She stood up again and went over, pouring half a cup of Liangbai over.

This time Sakurako Kondo just took a small sip and then put it down. She held the enamel cup between her hands and turned it gently.

The atmosphere was somewhat quiet.

A little girl, her father passed away when she was three years old, and her mother also died when she was eight years old. She became an orphan living on the streets from then on, and she was sent to an orphanage... ... Sakurako Kondo said slowly.

Axiang frowned and wanted to interrupt, but Gong Hui raised her hand to stop her. Kondo Sakurako should be talking about her own childhood and her experience of being adopted and trained.

This experience may always be a pain in her heart for her. If she is unwilling to tell it, no one can force her to tell it.

Now that she took the initiative to say it, she must have carefully considered it.

She actually had hatred in her heart. Kondo Keiichi adopted her and taught her all her skills, but he also ruined her future.

She cannot fall in love, get married, or have children like a normal girl.

However, she knew that she could not break away and change her destiny, so she could only accept it all and silently hide her inner thoughts.

Until his identity was exposed and he was caught.

So, you think being arrested is a relief? Gong Hui asked after listening to Kondo Sakurako's story.

Yes, I did what I should do, and I tried my best to complete the task he gave me, but I failed and was caught. The responsibility is not on me. Sakurako Kondo said.

How do you know your exposure was not your fault?

I haven't seen the teacher for several days. I guess the teacher has fallen into your hands? Kondo Sakurako asked back.

Well, Mrs. Aoki has been secretly arrested by us. Gong Hui nodded.

Actually, whether the teacher has been arrested or not, you have already suspected my identity, right? Sakurako Kondo glanced at Axiang, Sister Hui, when did you suspect me?

What do you think?

It should be after Chief Luo went on a mission to the fifth theater last year, right? Sakurako Kondo looked at Axiang and said.

Axiang didn't answer. Although she didn't know when Sakurako Kondo was suspected, it was definitely before this.

You must know that before Luo Yao went to the fifth theater to perform his mission, she had been arranged to familiarize herself with the relevant information about Sakura Kondo.

So doubting her identity must have occurred before this.

Isn't it? Sakurako Kondo was surprised.

After Liu Weiming suddenly committed suicide and died, we became suspicious of your identity. However, at that time, we did not have any evidence and could only observe you secretly. Gong Hui said, Then we operated A Xiang to lurk. By your side.”

Liu Weiming... Sakurako Kondo murmured to herself.

He must have told your secret that you killed him, right? Gong Hui asked.

I don't want to kill him, but I have no choice. If he doesn't die, my secret will be completely exposed. Sakurako Kondo said.

A murder must be paid with a life. You must be responsible for the sins you committed. Gong Hui said.


Of course, if you are willing to help us and make meritorious deeds, we will still give you a chance to atone for your sins.

“Do you know about the ‘Fog City 1’ plan?”

Gong Hui nodded.

Do you know the specific content of this plan? Sakurako Kondo asked again.

Gong Hui asked: Do you know?

I don't know either, but I am one of the key pieces in the execution of this plan. Although my teacher, Mrs. Aoki, did not tell me the specific content of the 'Fog City 1' top secret plan, I have also received professional training. From the tasks you accept, you can analyze some clues.

What did you analyze?

The task I accepted is to finally get close to 'Madam' through Miss Kong Er, so as to understand Madam's living habits, work and rest patterns, and travel arrangements. From this, it can be inferred that the top secret plan of 'Fog City 1' should be communicated with 'Madam' related.

Go on.

Gong Hui signaled Axiang to record it and asked Sakurako Kondo to continue.

I think they may want to hold Madam hostage and control her to achieve what they want.

Why not assassination or assassination?

Killing 'Madam' is by no means a good choice. It will even lead to a violent reaction from the highest authorities. This is not worth the gain and is not conducive to resolving the war between China and Japan.

But what if they just want to provoke our authorities so that they can continue to increase the number of Chinese dispatched troops and occupy China by force? Gong Hui asked rhetorically.

I don't know about that. I'm just a pawn. I can't guess what the higher-ups are thinking. Sakurako Kondo shook her head.

How do you contact the outside world?

Broadcasting, all tasks and orders are conveyed through code words and secret commands in the broadcast. Sakurako Kondo said.

As for feedback, don't you contact your superiors? How will they know the progress of your mission?

Publicly published newspapers are taken out directly and no one checks them. If it's quick, you can know it in three to five days.

Don't you need a radio?

There may be radio stations, but I haven't seen teachers use them, Sakurako Kondo said.

Other than that, what else do you have to say. Gong Hui didn't have much emotional fluctuations. Mrs. Aoki basically said what Sakurako Kondo said, and the content was basically the same.

You all know what I did, so what else is there to say?

We know that telling you is two different things, do you understand? Gong Hui said coldly, You'd better not hide anything, otherwise the consequences will be serious.

Gong Hui stayed until after dark and got the confession signed by Kondo Sakurako, and then returned home.

You haven't eaten yet. I left some food for you. Eat it quickly. Luo Yao took the document package from Gong Hui's hand and said.


After Gong Hui finished eating, Luo Yao in the study was still looking at Kondo Sakurako's confession under the lamp, interrogating it for nearly an afternoon.

There are still a lot of things that Sakurako Kondo explains, and you need to read them carefully one by one to understand the causes and consequences.

You went to the trial. How did you feel? Luo Yao finished reading the remaining pages.

It went so smoothly, it feels a bit unreal. Gong Hui sat down and breathed a sigh of relief. This interrogation was too mentally demanding, much more tiring than a fight.

Why does she want to see the two of them?

Maybe she doesn't quite believe Axiang. She will tell the truth only when she sees us. Gong Hui frowned.

Luo Yao nodded: The reason makes sense, but I always feel a sense of unease in my heart.

Did Sakurako Kondo lie?

It's hard to say. It stands to reason that she and Mrs. Aoki were arrested separately and had no chance to make confessions at all. Or maybe they were already prepared to be exposed and arrested and thought about their confessions in advance. Luo Yao analyzed. .

It is not impossible. We are not arresting people at the same time. Kondo Sakurako has not seen Mrs. Aoki for several days. She may have been mentally prepared. When we came to arrest today, she did not resist at all. Gong Hui pointed out. nodded.

Mrs. Aoki has been caught, and Su Ying'er has been exposed, but there is another person we still don't know where she is?

Are you talking about Michiko Uchiyama?

Yes, we have no information about where this Japanese female spy is hiding. Luo Yao said.

Is it possible that we are going in the wrong direction?


Gong Hui felt a little regretful as soon as she opened her mouth. She couldn't figure out what direction they should investigate next.

I want to go to Kondo Sakurako's residence tomorrow. Luo Yao said.

Didn't we conduct a search today?

I think I might have left something behind. It would be safer to go there in person. Luo Yao said seriously.

After Mrs. Aoki was arrested, he personally searched her home but found no useful clues.

He did not go to Kondo Sakurako's home, but Axiang and Yang Zhaojie led a search. Of course he believed that they would not let go of any clues, but he still wanted to go and see for himself.

Okay, I'll accompany you tomorrow. Gong Hui nodded.

Early the next morning, Luo Yao called Axiang and Yang Fan, and drove to the small building where Kondo Sakurako rented with Gong Hui.

Axiang has lived here for almost a year, so she is naturally familiar with it. Although the small building has been renovated later, the overall layout has not changed much.

Gong Hui had been here before, but not since the renovation. This was Luo Yao's first time. Along the way, Axiang explained the layout of the house in detail.

The second floor of the small building is Kondo Sakurako's living area, which includes a bedroom, a study room, and a small living room. This small living room was converted into a piano room after renovation.

There is a white piano inside, imported from Germany. Although it is a second-hand piano, it is not something ordinary families can afford.

Can she play the piano?

Yes, but I haven't seen her play before. There was no piano at home before. Axiang explained.

Xiaohui, don't you know how to play the piano? It's a pity to leave this piano here. Find someone to carry it back later! Luo Yao said.

I was just playing blindly...

Is this a piano score? Luo Yao saw a handwritten piano score on the piano and took it over casually.

He doesn't understand piano, so he can't read music scores, but he understands passwords and knows that music can hide unknown information.

Take it back and study it.

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