The secret war is silent

Chapter 1079 The identity of the hidden person

Although Luo Xue's analysis made some sense, Luo Yao didn't completely believe it because what she said only represented one possibility.

Of course, any possibility must be investigated and tested.

Is it really the right touch?

In many cases, isn't this how the experience of the ancients came about? For example, with herbal medicine, the ancestors may not know the true healing principle of a certain herbal medicine, but through attempts, this attempt may be intentional or accidental.

But the result is that ancient people discovered the efficacy of herbal medicine, and then continued to summarize and improve it.

Even if Luo Xue's analysis is a bit far-fetched, the various conditions for exclusion she set up don't seem to be that rigorous.

But her spirit of exploration and investigation is also worthy of recognition.

What you don't do, someone else does. Even if she doesn't do it well enough or is not perfect enough, you shouldn't deny it. You should encourage it and even help improve it together. This is the right approach.

Luo Xue did this to help Luo Yao, and of course, she was also helping herself.

During the interrogation, Luo Xue discovered that Hase Shouwen, the latent Japanese espionage organization, had secretly planned to assassinate her father, Takahashi Toshio, and of course herself.

The person behind Hisashi Hase is also a huge threat to her.

Brother, during the comparison and screening process, I found a person who is both a frequent visitor to Jufeng Restaurant and has a close relationship with Sanhe Pawnshop. His surname is Zhu, and his name is Zhu Wanchuan. He is forty-two years old this year. He is an antique calligraphy and painting shop owner. The owner of the store came to Shancheng three years ago and bought the poorly managed antique restaurant...

Xianguzhai, isn't this a calligraphy and painting shop that sells imitations of calligraphy and painting? Luo Yao asked with a slight hesitation.

Yes, some people like the originals of these antique calligraphy and paintings, but some people like imitations. If you can't afford the originals, it's not bad to buy a good imitation. Anyway, how many people are willing to hang them out, so Zi Fang Gu Zhai Business was good in the past, but since the government moved westward, real antiques, calligraphy and paintings are no longer valuable, let alone imitations. Therefore, the original owner could no longer operate the antique restaurant, so he sold the antique restaurant to this businessman named Zhu Wanchuan. Zhu Wanchuan was also an antique dealer. He came to the mountain city to seek refuge. When he saw that the Antique Zhai was being transferred, he paid for it and used a batch of antique calligraphy and paintings in his own hands to quickly stabilize the business of the Antique Zhai and gain a firm foothold.

This brother Zhu Wanchuan is a businessman. The items in his store are either purchased by him or bought on the black market. There are inevitably a lot of stolen goods of unknown origin. Anyone in this business knows that, and Sanhe Many dead items purchased by pawnshops will be traded on the market, including normal auctions and black market transactions. This is also a channel for the pawnshop to make money and repay itself. Sanhe Pawnshop has sold dead items to Zhu Wanchuan in the past three years. There are quite a few items…”

So, you think there's something wrong with Zhu Wanchuan of this imitation ancient restaurant, right?

Yes, he is a frequent visitor to Jufeng Restaurant and has business dealings with Sanhe Pawnshop. Even if such a person is not the person behind Chang Gu Shouwen, he is still worthy of our attention and investigation. Luo Xue explained seriously.

Well, before you came to see me, you must have had a preliminary investigation and understanding of Zhu Wanchuan, right? Luo Yao nodded.

Yeah, but I don't dare to investigate in depth for fear of alerting the enemy. If the other party is really the person we are looking for, it would be too dangerous.

What you did is right. Before you can determine the identity of the other party, you should be cautious. Luo Yao said.

Although I only made a simple investigation, I still found that Zhu Wanchuan's identity is very suspicious. Although he is just an ordinary businessman, he has some connections in the mountain city's three religions and nine circles. It can be said that he is a very powerful low-key person. He doesn't gamble or go whoring, and he doesn't have any bad hobbies. The only activity that can be called a hobby is fishing. He often goes to a grass pavilion by the river to fish alone, sitting there for an entire afternoon.

With that said, Luo Xue also took out a photo and placed it in front of Luo Yao.

The photo was taken from a long distance. It shows a small pavilion slightly protruding out of the river. A man is sitting on a horse, holding a fishing rod in his hand. Microwaves ripple on the river, and several birds fly over at low altitude. It is quite interesting. A hint of artistic conception.

What's this opposite?

Coral Dam.

Luo Yao moved slightly. There is an important facility on the Coral Dam, which is the famous Coral Dam Airport in the mountain city. This is an important civilian airport in the mountain city. It is located on an oasis in the center of the river. Civil flights have stopped long ago after the Anti-Japanese War. The airport was transferred to military use and is an important supplement to the mountain city military airport.

There are not many fighter jets taking off and landing here, mainly transport aircraft. Of course, the Coral Dam Airport is relatively low-lying. During the summer floods every year, the river will flood the entire Coral Dam, and then the planes will transfer to Jiulongpo, Baishiyi and other airports to take off and land.

The photo Luo Xue gave was a coral dam that was submerged when the summer floods came.

Is it a coincidence that Zhu Wanchuan chose the location for fishing? It happens to be opposite the Coral Dam Airport. So, wouldn't he be able to observe the takeoff and landing of planes at any time?

Moreover, this is the riverside and is no longer a military restricted area. It is hard to say anything if he fishes here.

But has no one checked it?

In other words, he has already bought the relevant relationships, and an ordinary angler who likes fishing is not worthy of attention?

Besides this Zhu Wanchuan, do you have any other discoveries? Luo Yao asked.

At Zhu Wanchuan's age, he should have started a family long ago, but in the three years since he came to the mountain city, no one has heard that he has a wife, let alone a child, and there is no external communication. This is very strange.

Is it because of your health that you can only stay alone?

This is unknown.

Luo Xue, I understand the information you provided. Don't take the risk of in-depth investigation. Leave it to me to handle. Luo Yao said solemnly, No matter whether there is any problem with this person, we must investigate first.

Then can I participate in the investigation? Luo Xue asked.

You don't want to stay in the Inspection Office anymore, right? Luo Yao could tell at a glance what Luo Xue was thinking. She didn't want to stay in the Inspection Office.

Although Shen Yu and Deng Yi were taking care of her, they were not Luo Xue's direct superiors after all. Her environment in the inspection office was obviously much worse than when Wen Zishan was there.

I don't have a suitable position for you here for the time being. Otherwise, you can stay in the Inspection Office for the time being. I'll tell Brother Six and I'll loan you out for use. What do you think? Luo Yao discussed it and said.


That's it. Don't be too busy going back. At noon, your sister Hui and I will treat you to dinner. Luo Yao ordered, It's a rare time to come back. In the afternoon, you go to the medical clinic and meet our old man.

Yeah. Luo Xue nodded.

Luo Yao thought twice about the situation reported by Luo Xue and decided to leave it to Yang Fan to investigate. This guy should be able to stand alone by his side.

Moreover, he was brave and careful, and with Xia Fei, he was even more reassured. These two people could bring Mr. Luo Han back to the mountain city safely from Hong Kong, and they had resolved all the difficulties and obstacles they encountered along the way. , which is enough to illustrate their abilities.

He called Yang Fan over, handed him all the information left by Luo Xue, and then explained the mission and purpose.

Yang Fan took the task without saying a word.

After having dinner with Luo Xue at noon, she sent Luo Xue to the medical clinic. Gong Hui also knew why Luo Xue came here, and she was also very interested in Luo Xue's analysis and statement.

Luo Yao has been searching for the owner of Fangtian Huang Seal Yishui Jushi, and also knows that there is another person behind Changgu Shouwen. This person may be more hidden than Changgu Shouwen and has a higher level.

But after searching again and again, there are no clues.

There is also top-secret information sent by Nail about the top-secret Fog City No. 1 plan. The specific content of this plan and its implementer are still unclear.

All we know is that once this Fog City No. 1 plan succeeds, the overall situation of the Anti-Japanese War will definitely undergo earth-shaking changes.

There are only a few possibilities that can drastically change the overall situation of the War of Resistance. The Yamashiro authorities suddenly switch sides and surrender to Japan. This is obviously unlikely. Although the old man is relatively passive in the fight against Japan, he wants him to surrender to the Japanese and give others As a puppet, he can't do it yet.

Furthermore, the appeasement policy of Britain and the United States towards Japan has changed, especially the power of the US embargo against Japan has been revealed.

The secret negotiations between Japan and the United States are not progressing very smoothly. The Americans obviously do not want to give the Japanese what they want, and it is impossible for the Japanese to agree to the American demands.

It was only a matter of time before the negotiations finally collapsed. Even now, they are still negotiating. It is estimated that both sides are stalling for time and are just preparing for war.

However, in this matter, Japan has not yet firmly determined to go south. It is only making various preparations to go south. Of course, as long as Japan and the United States cannot reach an agreement, the Japanese army, which is short of oil and iron, will go south.

Judging from the frequent mobilizations and exercises of the Japanese Navy in recent times, the southward strategy has gained the upper hand internally.

Although the plan to march into the Far East of Soviet Russia and join the German army in Moscow was very tempting, the German army failed to achieve its set strategic goals on the Western Front battlefield, and the Northern Group was blocked in Leningrad.

As time goes by, except for some fanatics in the army who still dream of marching north, most people are looking to South Asia, where there are oil, steel, food and other strategic materials. Japan desperately needs it.

Behind closed doors, Luo Yao and Dai Yunong analyzed and speculated on this top-secret plan codenamed Fog City No. 1.

If the mountain city authorities cannot turn around collectively to achieve the goal of reversing the situation of the war, then the only way to achieve the goal is to change the people in the authority who can make the decision.

Methods such as bombing and massacre can no longer scare the people in mountain cities and the entire Chinese people.

How to change the mountain city authorities?

Overthrowing the old man and supporting the capitulationists to come to power seems like no one with the qualifications and prestige can do it now.

The War of Resistance is the consensus of all Chinese military and civilians, as well as the mountain and city authorities, and the basis for the existence of the government.

Unless there is only one possibility.

Both Luo Yao and Dai Yunong knew that if the Japanese could really do it, it would really be possible to change the situation of the Sino-Japanese war.

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