The secret war is silent

Chapter 1066 Acting

Wen Zishan was dismissed from his post due to love issues and was subsequently imprisoned in Wanglongmen Detention Center. This incident quickly spread within the mountain city military system.

Many students in the temporary training class knew the news and came to Qi Zhibin to inquire about the news. After Wen Zishan was imprisoned.

The daily affairs of the Shancheng Temporary Training Class Alumni Association were handed over to Qi Zhibin.

Qi Zhibin's answer was: There is a problem, but it is not that serious. We are trying to find a solution. Mr. Dai is so angry now that no one can intercede, including Luo Yao.

In addition, Qi Zhibin also sent a message privately that no one should go to Wanglongmen to see Wen Zishan. That would not save him, but harm him.

The people in the temporary training class are not stupid either. Wen Zishan violated the prohibition and fell in love with outsiders in secret, which was such a serious violation of family rules.

You rushed to the detention center to check on him. Isn't that to sympathize with him?

There is nothing wrong with it, and I am not afraid of it, but Mr. Dai remembers that it requires wearing small shoes. If there is a problem, I don't dare to look at it. Will I be the next person to deal with it?

Of course, there is indeed a person detained in Wanglongmen Detention Center. This person is said to be Wen Zishan, but I don't know whether this is true.

Anyway, Mr. Dai personally ordered this person to be imprisoned for self-examination. He was not allowed to go out or visit, and no one was allowed to talk to him.

The real Wen Zishan had actually used a pseudonym to attend the game tactics training as a transfer student at the Hengshan Guerrilla Training Class thousands of miles away.

Only a few people in the Ninth War Zone knew this secret.

The deciphered message will be sent to Shangqing Temple immediately and will be delivered to me within half an hour! Luo Yao instructed on a document.


There are not enough cars. Two are undergoing major repairs, and one keeps stalling and has constant problems. Parts have to be replaced, but we have no parts, and it is too late to import them now... Automobile Banhui reported.

Can you go to other auto repair shops and look for it?

I called and asked, but they didn't have any. I can only dismantle the old ones and use them. I have to wait for the return.

If you don't have a car, then you can ride on horseback. Let's use local methods. Luo Yao said, I'm going to find a military horse farm to think of a way to get some military horses for us.

That's great, but we can only drive but not ride horses? the squad leader of the car class was dumbfounded.

Will you learn? From now on, everyone in the car class must learn to ride a horse. This is an order. Luo Yao ordered.

Yes, Director Luo.

It's the deputy director.

Yes, Director Luo, it's the deputy director. The car squad leader repeated solemnly, which also made Luo Yao angry.

Forget it, I won’t correct it.

Now there is not only a shortage of gasoline, but also a shortage of auto parts. I don’t know what else will be lacking in the future. Fortunately, the authorities have negotiated assistance with the United States. The aid supplies from the United States should be shipped from the other side of the ocean soon. .

However, the Japanese will definitely not let China easily accept this batch of material support from the United States. With assistance, China will be able to support it for a longer period of time. This is by no means what the Japanese military base camp wants to see.

Therefore, keeping an eye on the movements of the Japanese navy is also a task of the military technical room. If these Japanese are intercepting American cargo ships aiding China at sea, it will be troublesome.

Don't think they dare not, the Japanese also want the supplies on the ship.

The British intelligence team's visit to the military technical room caused quite a stir at first, but then it calmed down.

Lieutenant Colonel Coreville, Lord Gordon and others seemed to have put away their arrogance and disdain and began to communicate and learn seriously.

I have to say that the British are still good in some aspects, that is, when you are better than him in some aspects, he can really lower his head and learn from you.

On the other hand, the deputy leader of the intelligence team, Major Catherine, and her female translator assistant rarely come over. Basically, when they come, they have no interest in studying. Their biggest interest is still in the habit of wandering around.

However, the military technical room is a confidential place, not a scenic spot. Wandering is not allowed. Moreover, the intelligence team is not allowed to stay in the military technical room overnight. They must rush back every day.

Therefore, they basically stopped coming. Anyway, Correville and the others also have translators here, so they might as well enjoy the local customs here.

But Luo Yao did not let down his guard against this Catherine. A woman like this who could become a major in the Royal Air Force was definitely more than just a vase.

The British are not that stupid. What is the purpose of sending a vase? Is it a honey trap? Not at all, at least they will not use their official officers to do this. Instead, the translator named Zhang Dai is the suitable candidate.

Therefore, Luo Yao secretly sent someone to follow Catherine and Zhang Dai.

This task was given to Yang Fan and Ai Fei, who had just recovered from their leg injuries. They were now in a relationship, so they used this identity to avoid suspicion.

A full week.

Yang Fan came back to report the relevant situation to Lu Yao.

Brother Yao, this Catherine and Zhang Dai visited Boss Dai at the Luojiawan Military Command Headquarters, and were personally received by Boss Dai. After that, they stayed at the military headquarters for a long time. I asked someone to inquire about it, and Boss Dai arranged They were taken to visit the headquarters of the Military Unification Bureau, and then they went to Ciqikou and Ma'anshan.

Well, contact those people? Luo Yao asked.

In the past few days, I have been accompanied by a man from the headquarters of our Military Command Bureau. He seems to be the English translator from the headquarters. His surname is Wang. He came back from studying in the UK. Judging from the way they talked, they should have a good conversation.

Has the translator named Wang come here for a history check?

I have limited connections. I don't know anyone in the bureau headquarters, and I don't dare to alert the snakes and let them find out, so it's not clear yet.

I'll give you a connection, you go find him. Luo Yao thought for a moment and gave Yang Fan a name. There are many students in the temporary training class at the bureau headquarters. It's not difficult to find someone to ask.

Okay, I'll go then. Yang Fan glanced at the name on the note and said immediately.

Today, the teacher and Sister Xing had a big fight in the office. Was it you who instigated it? Gong Hui stared at Luo Yao and asked during lunch.

What do you call me encouraging? This is wisdom.

Come on, the news will spread soon. Maybe the couple will get divorced.

Trouble has come... Luo Yao pouted and said behind Gong Hui.

Gong Hui turned her head and saw Shen Yu's face, which was almost as black as a coal head. He had obviously come to ask for punishment.

Brother Six, why are you here? You didn't even make a call before you came. You didn't prepare anything... Gong Hui quickly stood up and said hello.

Xiaohui, this matter has nothing to do with you. I'll settle the score with him. Shen Yu pointed at Luo Yao.

Brother Six, you have something to say. You haven't eaten yet. It just so happens that today we have roasted pork with beans and it's delicious. Luo Yao stood up and greeted him with a smile, Xiao Hui, why don't you go get a meal for Brother Six? ?”

Okay, Sixth Brother, just wait a moment, I'll be there right away. Gong Hui said immediately.

Shen Yu didn't stop him. He was indeed hungry. If he didn't eat this meal, wouldn't it be an advantage for Luo Yao?

Brother Six, sit down, sit down and say, this is the canteen, don't let so many people see my joke? Luo Yao stepped forward and pulled Shen Yu to sit down.

Shen Yu also knew that Luo Yao was no longer what he used to be. There were several hundred people in the Military Technical Office, which was no smaller than his Inspection Office.

Behind closed doors, you can do whatever you want, even if it's a fight, but in public, you have to worry about the impact and can't act recklessly.

Gotta show some restraint.

You said you were fine, why did you have to bring my fourth brother and my sister in? Did they provoke you? Shen Yu sat down and asked in a low voice.

It's not that the teacher always feels old and is taking care of himself at home before he reaches retirement age. If it were you, would you be willing? Luo Yao said.

So, you found such a job for him? Shen Yu asked.

This task belongs to the teacher alone, no one else can do it.

Do you know how much harm this will cause to my nephews and nieces? Shen Yu said through gritted teeth.

Indeed, the arrow is on the string and has to be fired. I can't withdraw it now. Luo Yao also knew that this incident may cause some emotional harm to those children, even if it can be explained clearly later. , but the damage has been done and it will still leave a bad impression.

If you suspect someone, won't it be over if you arrest them?

It's easy to arrest people, but if you can't find anything after arresting them, what should you do? Keep them locked up or kill them. Just like a butcher, you'd rather kill three thousand people by mistake than leak one person? Luo Yaodao said, There are some things we need to do. Don’t think about yourself, but also think about future generations. Sixth brother, you are different from those in the military. We still have to pay attention to the bottom line when doing things.

Shen Yu was immediately stunned by Luo Yao's question.

People at the bottom won't think about this, they haven't thought about it at all, but how can someone who has reached Shen Yu's level not think about what's behind him.

Is fourth brother in danger?

Of course there is danger, but as of now, at least there is no risk to one's life, and it is not yet to the point of being exposed. Luo Yao said.

Where's my sister?

There is no problem with Sister Xing. She is just cooperating in the acting. However, I have already made arrangements for her safety, so there will be no problem. Luo Yao said, On the children's side, you are my uncle. You can help me care more.

Emotion, have you also arranged a task for me?

You are an uncle, so you should take care of your nephew. Luo Yao chuckled.

At this time, Gong Hui brought Shen Yu's portion of food into the pot, including beans stewed with meat, fried cabbage, and radish soup.

Two dishes and one soup are already very good. It would be good if ordinary people can see meat and fish in their meals now.

What's more, eating big chunks of meat is too luxurious.

Let me tell you, this matter can't be solved with just one meal. You have to treat me to at least three big meals with wine! Shen Yu raised three fingers and said.

Okay, no problem. Luo Yao agreed.

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