The secret war is silent

Chapter 1062 Game (4)

Miss Catherine didn't come?

Oh, she had other things to do today and didn't come over. Coreville explained. In fact, he was also very annoyed.

Today is the first day of official cooperation, and Catherine is absent, which is so rude.

Oh, it doesn't matter. Luo Yao chuckled and didn't care at all. If you don't come, don't come. No one is begging you to come.

Everyone, for the sake of confidentiality, this place is declared to be the Institute of Geology. Therefore, if you work here for a period of time in the future, you must respectfully claim that you are experts in geological research. Luo Yao reminded seriously.


Items need to be registered for entry and exit. You are not allowed to leave with any items that belong here, unless you have special authority. Luo Yao said, Please don't break the rules.

Does your Excellency General also need to comply? Lord Gordon asked.

Of course, I set the rules, and of course I have to abide by them. Otherwise, how can I get the people below to abide by them? Luo Yao nodded.

This first courtyard is the main administrative office area. My office, conference room and the fifth general affairs team are all in this area...

Luo Yao took Coreville and took a quick look around.

A layman watches the excitement, and an expert watches the door. Although Correville is an intelligence officer, he is not very familiar with the field of deciphering, so he just watched the excitement, but overall he felt that the working atmosphere of the people here It was very nervous, everyone walked and spoke faster, but everything seemed orderly.

More importantly, these people had rosy faces and looked very healthy, unlike the sallow and skinny Chinese people he had seen.

What's more, they actually have a dedicated waiter. Usually there is a dedicated waiter for each room.

But I didn't see any guards. Of course, this place must be heavily guarded and confidential, and outsiders would never be allowed to come in at will.

In addition to wine, they can drink coffee, milk and tea at work, and even have a special fruit supply...

Coreville has visited Radio X, the most mysterious department of British MI6. It is also heavily guarded, similar to here, but it is relatively more depressing.

As a professional, Lord Gordon's views were not superficial. He was deeply shocked.

He himself works for Radio X, a secret agency of MI6. In his eyes, this place is not inferior to Radio X where he works. Are the people here working and pretending to be senior secret coders? A codebreaker, he can tell it at a glance.

Although the staff here are young and dressed simply, their passion for work cannot be concealed.

Moreover, the tools in their hands are familiar to them. Although the words are different, they can still recognize that these are shifted digital alphabets...

These are all tools used in deciphering secret codes.

He wanted to know more about it, but this was not allowed. The waiter standing at the door would reach out and block you directly from the door.

No mercy.

Although there are only forty or fifty people in this group, which seems to be much smaller than Radio X, Lord Gordon's intuition tells him that there are not a few messages deciphered here every day.

The Chinese people's division of labor is still somewhat different. Lord Gordon only observes it and does not make any evaluation. After all, each country's own working methods cannot completely copy others'.

There are two research and translation teams, one responsible for Japan and one responsible for domestic affairs. This is very interesting. Correville also knows some about the situation in China and is not puzzled by this setup. It is Lord Gordon who is puzzled.

Of course, Luo Yao couldn't expose his family scandal. He explained that the second research and interpretation team was mainly responsible for deciphering the secret codes of the Wang puppet in Jinling and the domestic intelligence agencies.

Lord Gordon didn't ask much. After all, the British intelligence agencies are also divided into domestic and foreign intelligence agencies. The domestic MI5 and the overseas MI6 also operate separately.

The statistical compilation team has no technical content. When there is a lot of work, just increase the manpower. The third team can just pass by.

What Greville and Lord Gordon are most interested in is the level of electronic detection technology in the military technical room.

However, they could only see part of it, and most of it was inside the mountainside behind Liu's Garden. Luo Yao spent more than half a year digging a large hole there, which contained an underground shelter and electrical detection platform.

Luo Yao stuffed the best equipment inside, and most of the four teams were working inside.

In addition, an underground tunnel was dug, leading directly to each group in Liu's Garden. In the event of an air attack, all personnel could evacuate to the heart of the mountain through the underground tunnel.

This work started after the merger of the military technical room, and was almost completed not long before the last night bombing raid by Japanese planes.

This is the biggest secret in the military technical room. How can these big-nosed British people see it?

After the tour, we returned to the conference room and started talking about business.

This British intelligence team came to the mountain city to stay for three months, not really for a vacation. They always had to bring something back for business.

Lieutenant Colonel Greville, according to the agreement signed by both parties, the cooperation between you and us will officially begin today. On behalf of China, I welcome you all! Luo Yao, as the host, spoke first.

Applauded, and then Lieutenant Colonel Coreville also said a word of thanks and hoped that the cooperation would be smooth and happy.

This is an exchange schedule drawn up by us. Please take a look at Lieutenant Colonel Coreville and Lord Gordon. If you have any suggestions or changes you want to make, you can put them forward. Luo Yao signaled, and Wang Weijun handed over a copy that had already been drawn up. The timetable was handed over.

This is for this half month. The next one, we need to discuss and decide based on the previous communication results. Luo Yao picked up the teacup, blew the tea foam on it, and said slowly.

Since you're on your own turf, you have to follow your own rules.

Since it is for British people, Wang Weijun changed it into English, so the other party can understand it at a glance without having to translate it.

Coreville was shocked. He never expected that Luo Yao had already prepared an itinerary and clearly stated what he would do every day.

But they still don’t know what they want to do here. What the cooperation agreement says is that China will pass on its technology and experience in deciphering Japanese diplomatic and military-related secret codes to the British side, and ensure that the British side can Have the ability to independently decipher Japanese diplomatic communication codes.

But the British didn't know this, because the person who signed the agreement only signed the agreement.

It's not him who does the actual work, so naturally he can't care about such details.

Along the way, Lieutenant Colonel Coreville frequently discussed this matter with Major Catherine and Lord Gordon.

However, none of the three people reached an agreement, and finally decided to wait until later. After all, they were here to be students this time. Since they were students, they naturally listened to the teacher.

They don’t know what technology and experience they want to learn, so how can they make demands?

I think your need for deciphering Japan's diplomatic secret messages is more urgent. Therefore, our exchange and study arrangements will start with Japan's diplomatic secret messages. We will arrange for dedicated personnel to give you classes. The class location will be where you live...

Wait, Mr. General, shouldn't we be here? Lord Gordon interrupted.

This is waiting for you to master certain skills before you come here. Of course, if you are not too tired to run around, you can also come here to take classes. I have no objection, but you have to pay an extra fee! Luo Yao laughed. .


Gasline costs, the daily journey back and forth is not short. Our gasoline fuel is very tight, and there is a quota. If you use it, we will have no use. Luo Yao is not afraid of crying, anyway, these things, the other party is a little bit You will know if you ask around.

How much does it take...

The gasoline required for a round trip every day is about 50 gallons, half a month is 750 gallons, and a month is 1,500 gallons.

When he heard that it was only 1,500 gallons of gasoline, Greville breathed a sigh of relief. He thought it was a lot, but it turned out that it was so easy to get rid of just this little gasoline.

Luo Yao calculated that it actually took about twenty gallons of gasoline to go back and forth every day. If he quoted fifty gallons, he could already earn twice as much.

The water flows slowly, so don't scare people all at once. Time goes by and you have to slowly gather the wool.

If you pluck it hard all of a sudden, you will feel pain, and then it will be difficult. Anyway, the wool of the British Empire will not be plucked until it is white.

Can we discuss this schedule first? Greville asked.

Of course, but give me an answer tonight at the latest, because I have to make tomorrow's work arrangements according to my schedule. Luo Yao nodded.

Thank you General Luo.

You can have a meal in our canteen today at noon. We don't have Western food here. I hope everyone can understand. If you are really not used to eating, we can provide biscuits and cans here. Luo Yao said.

General Luo is very thoughtful.

Then I won't disturb you all to discuss the schedule. Lunch will start at 11:30, and someone will come over to inform you. I will leave deputy team leader Zhang and two translators, Qin and Yan, to accompany you and answer all your questions. Luo Yao stood up and said, I have something else to do, so I'm sorry.

General Luo, please!

Lieutenant Colonel Coreville, this geological institute is not simple. I just took a brief tour. They should all be professionally trained personnel. We may have underestimated their ability in deciphering coded communications! Lord Gordon quietly said He pulled Lieutenant Colonel Coreville to the corner of the conference room and whispered.

Sir Gordon, do you feel this way too?

Did you see it too? Lord Gordon asked in surprise.

Although I don't know much about code deciphering, I just felt like I had walked into Bletchley Manor. Coreville said.

Really? I feel the same way as you. Maybe we are really in the right place this time. Lord Gordon said thoughtfully.

Sir Gordon, what about this itinerary?

Since we are guests, we naturally have to follow the host's arrangements and see if they are sincere in passing on their skills and experience to us. Lord Gordon said.

Your Excellency, do you agree to their arrangement?

Well, we don't have any arrangements, we can only follow their arrangements! Lord Gordon said.

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