The Second Male is Dedicated To His Career

Chapter 68: Demon Monk Male 2: Fenai I am 1

"where is this place?"

Qin Yuyao, Sun Yugui, Han Muyuan and the Queen opened their eyes and found that they were in a very strange place, with constantly scrolling codes, a huge glass space cover, a black box at the center of a black hole... Here it looks like It's a very technological place.

Just when the four of them wondered if they had left the game world, they saw the original untraceable appear out of thin air.

The NPC Yuan Wuji is still in the game, but now Yuan Wuji has taken off his dragon robe. He is wearing a shirt and trousers, and he doesn't look much different from an ordinary human youth.

The four of them also remembered that Yuan Wuji knocked them out before...

Yes, knocking dizzy, one person and one hammer, Yuan Wuji definitely did not favor one over the other.

So, where did this NPC take them?

" the control center of this game!" Qin Yuyao couldn't help but exclaimed.

"We are in the control center of the game, so are we still in the game now?"

To Qin Yuyao's surprise, Yuan Wuji actually answered her question.

"Otherwise, don't you all know that I'm just an NPC? I'm here, and you're still in the game."

Seeing Yuan Wuji calmly saying that she was an NPC, Qin Yuyao was still shocked. This NPC is really clear about his position.

"So you really have developed self-awareness, right?"

In the third dimension, Qin Yuyao had social fears and was not good at communicating with others, but now the other three people did not know what they were thinking and kept silent. Only Qin Yuyao was actively communicating with Yuan Wuji.

"You can say that if you want."

"Now NPCs can really be so smart, so what do you want to do? This is again..."

Qin Yuyao had a lot of questions, and Yuan Wuji felt that if he continued to ask questions, he might have to make up 100,000 whys. He interrupted Qin Yuyao.

"You have too many questions for me to answer. I just want to ask you now, do you want to go out?"

"Of course."

This time not only Qin Yuyao, but several others also answered this question. No one wants to be stuck in a game forever or die in a game.

"I want to get out, just like you. This is the main control center of the game, so if you figure out the right way, you should be able to leave from here."

After Yuan Wuji finished speaking, he pointed to another pile of things.

"Those who died in the game, their bodies were disassembled and reorganized. I suspect that the makers of this game are trying to use this game to resurrect someone."

The idea of ​​Yuan Wuxi is crazy. It is difficult for normal people to directly associate so much from a game, but his guess is reasonable, and the reorganized body is even placed in front of them.

"You mean... all of us participating in this game are just containers or sacrifices."


Yuan Wuji didn't say anything to death, because everything was his speculation, but he felt that his speculation should be inseparable.

No one wants to be a victim. Under the circumstance that Yuan Wuji explained everything clearly, everyone is the same. If you want to leave this game, you want to find out the behind-the-scenes producer and convener of this game, maybe the same person, this kind of behavior is absolutely unforgivable.

"You knew it from the beginning?"

"I don't know, but I do need you to give me trial and error and clues for me to find the answer."

Yuan Wuwei is not a saint, he will not harm his own interests for the sake of others.

Telling them this is also so that they can walk out of this broken game with themselves.

"What do you want us to do?"

Han Muyuan naturally also knew that Yuan Wuji would not tell them all this for no reason. Equivalent exchange is the most real thing.

"I need you guys to open that box for me, anyone can?"

"I have a question……"

Sun Yugui asked, "Why don't you open it yourself? What's in the box? Will it be dangerous if we open it?"

"I'm not sure if there is any danger, and I can't open it myself. I'm just an NPC after all, and I can't touch that thing. As for I want you to open it... Do you think you still have a choice?"

Yuan Wuji became strong again, and he clearly told Qin Yuyao a message: If you are interested, you can discuss it well. If you don't know your taste, you can only negotiate by force.

Qin Yuyao laughed and laughed, negotiating by force or something... She didn't want to make the atmosphere so bad. She must be unable to persuade Yuan Wuji. Although this NPC now has human consciousness, his emotions... Qin Yuyao thinks that he may not have human emotions or worldly desires.

Qin Yuyao didn't want to die, and didn't want to put herself in danger, but someone had to try it first. Rather than being stuck here, he might as well try it first, maybe he can really open the black box.

Obviously that black box looks very close to them. But Qin Yuyao felt that it was difficult to walk, and it seemed that it was extremely difficult to even approach the black box.

Han Muyuan saw Qin Yuyao's difficulty. As soon as he grabbed Qin Yuyao's hand, he took two steps forward, preparing to approach the black box. However, he also failed.

Even Han Muyuan went up, and Sun Yugui also went up, but as expected, he couldn't get close to the black box.

For a time, everyone's eyes fell on the queen.

"No, I don't think I can do it either."

The Queen is resigning, and if the other people can't do it, if she does, then almost all the risks will be placed on her alone.

Moreover, Qin Yuyao, Han Muyuan and Sun Yugui obviously belonged to the same group. The queen felt that she was alone, and no matter how she looked at it, she was at a disadvantage...

The queen wants to chat with Yuan Wuji alone, no matter how this NPC is alone, it's better than those three guys who hug together for warmth...

The queen even felt that she could form an alliance with Yuan Wuji again, and it was not the first time to cooperate anyway.

The queen gave Yuan Wuji a look, but Yuan Wuji did not respond to her at all.

Before Yuan Wuji was willing to protect the queen for a few rounds, this did not mean that the queen was special to him, and he wanted someone who could open the black box for him.

Yuan Wuji's eyes gradually became sharp, and the queen had no choice but to try it forward, but the result was still the same, and she couldn't get close to the black box.

The queen was a little disappointed but at the same time fortunate, at least he didn't have to be the first person to eat crabs.

None of the four can...

Yuan Wuji fell into contemplation.

Qin Yuyao has been observing Yuan Wuji since she woke up, so she also noticed the undisguised maliciousness in Yuan Wuji's eyes when she looked at them...

Qin Yuyao is really afraid that this NPC will directly destroy humanity and kill all four of them later.

After all, if he can't get out of the game, he can only be an NPC.

But if he walks out of the game, he is a piece of data, an NPC, does he really have a future?

Although Qin Yuyao thought this way, she also knew that this was a question that should be considered without trace, not something she should consider.

"Don't worry, is this black box really the only way to get out?"

Qin Yuyao comforted Yuan Wuji because she wanted to stabilize Yuan Wuji first. No matter what, I can't let him lose control of his emotions and kill him.

"Oh? Then what else can you do here?"

Yuan Wuji is very much looking forward to what the heroine can do for him.

How could Qin Yuyao have any good ideas? He just wandered around in this space. This place looks really technological.

Qin Yuyao wandered around and felt her hands everywhere, and then she didn't know which switch she pressed...

The black hole that was originally surrounded by the black box seemed to be faster, and it actually sucked Yuan Wuji directly into it.

Yuan Wuji: "..."

other people:"……"

"Yaoyao, you did a good job, we are now trying to find a way to get out of here quickly!"

Sun Yugui wanted to take Qin Yuyao out of this place first. Even if he couldn't leave the game, he had to leave this general control center. He always felt that this place was very dangerous.

"Wait a minute and get rid of this woman first."

When Han Muyuan said these words, the whole person gave the impression that he was on the side, which was in line with his identity in the game, but it was a lot different from his gentle and caring appearance offline.

"You, you don't come here..."

The queen shouted as she stepped back, she knew that such a situation would happen!

The little gang hugs are so disgusting! These three people are a group, but unfortunately the emperor NPC is unwilling to cooperate with her, otherwise the two of them would not be like this... Now, the emperor NPC was killed by the jade beauty, and he himself To follow in the footsteps of the emperor NPC.

No need to guide at all...

Qin Yuyao and the four of them quarreled again.

Yuan Wuji found that he seemed to be in an unfamiliar environment that he had never been to before.

If Yuan Wuji guessed correctly, this should be the offline world.

Game cabin... Yuan Wuxi is all too familiar with this!

After all, he is not a real NPC. In the last world, he became the richest man in the world by relying on the game cabin! This is naturally too familiar to be more familiar.

When Yuan Wuji walked out of the game cabin, he heard the system's prompt sound, and the task had been completed.

"Does this even complete the mission?"

Yuan Wuji felt that the completion of his mission was not high enough. He just came out of this game world, and there are still some things he didn't understand.

[Of course it's done. The wish of the quest petitioner is just to get out of the game, he wants to see the world. 】

According to this, Yuan Wuji has indeed successfully completed the task.

But who is the originator of this game? With so many players' bodies, who wants to be resurrected?

Qin Yuyao, will the four of them still have a chance to come out in the game?

These questions... Yuan Wuji was naturally curious, but he couldn't figure it out in a short period of time, so he didn't bother anymore and went back to his system space. If there is a chance in the future, come back to this world.

Before Yuan Wuji returned to the system space, Xiaoqing collapsed onto the sofa...the posture was extremely standard.

"Get up, let's talk?"

Xiaoqing was startled, what is there to talk about?

His little snake body arched on the sofa, and then rubbed the original without a trace as if to please.

"Xiao Jiu, I haven't done anything bad recently!"

This guilty little appearance must have done something bad.

Xiaoqing did not do anything bad, Yuan Wuji was too lazy to take care of him, he didn't care and didn't care. What he cares more about now is...

"After eating so much, can you change shape?"

"Hey, this..."

Xiaoqing began to move his little snake's body. After a burst of blue smoke, in front of Yuan Wuji, stood a four or five-year-old child.

Yuan Wuji: "..."

Why is it a child again?

He really has no interest in being a father...

"Can't you transform into a bigger body?"

"To become an adult, I need to spend more energy. Xiao Jiu, no need, really no need! I think children are very good."

Xiaoqing really thinks that children are very good, people can be unprepared, and they can act coquettishly. In short, they can do a lot of things. Even if they do bad things, others will think that they are still young... Where can I find such good things?

Of course, all these benefits add up to less energy consumption.

"Okay, let's take your child's image as a child, but why do I find your image a little familiar?"

A naive smile appeared on Xiaoqing's little face: That's right! Exactly what you think it is!

Yuan Wuji: "..."

"In this way, when I say that you are my father in the future, everyone will believe it!"

Xiaoqing praised her wit.

"I think you want to beg for a fight!"

Yuan Wuji said that he would fight, and there was no ambiguity at all.

Xiaoqing is not stupid either, Yuan Wuji wants to beat him, so he naturally wants to resist.

After the two fought, when they finally stopped, the entire system space was like... a tornado had just passed through, and it was a mess.

Xiaoqing shrank her head and said pitifully: "This, this can't be blamed on me, you hit me first..."

Yuan Wuji didn't blame Xiaoqing, the sofa was turned over by the aftermath of the fight between him and Xiaoqing just now.

He and Xiaoqing had a purpose to fight against each other. Since he started to practice the dragon song, he had the spirit of a real dragon in his body.

The Qi of the True Dragon can protect the body and also turn it into an attack, but Yuan Wuji is obviously not proficient in how to use it.

It doesn't matter if you don't know how to use it, isn't there a ready-made dragon like Xiaoqing!

Xiaoqing looked at Yuan Wuji and went into a state of meditation again. When he was bored, he could only remove his arms and legs to play...

Xiaoqing tried to put her hands and feet next to her head, and then looked... so ugly!

After Xiaoqing played with her body for a long time, Yuan Wuji finally opened her eyes.

The first sentence he opened his eyes was: "System, where is my quadruple reward?"

The first reaction of the system is to play dead...

Four times the reward, the heart is bleeding... if the system has the heart.

Although this reward is mainly for points, the system can get a commission for the task, but once the quadruple reward is issued, the system has almost no commission.

"Pretend to be dead?"

There was a mocking expression on Yuan Wuji's face, and then he raised his hand directly...

【Etc., etc! 】

The system is really afraid that Yuan Wuji will blow up the system again, and it doesn't want to be sent to format again...

The system used its mechanical sound to broadcast the reward to Yuan Wuji, which was really heartbroken. This time Yuan Wuji only had 20,000 points.

After the system finished speaking, Yuan Wuji checked his current attribute panel.

Name: The original no trace.

Age: 19.

Grade: 7.

Skills: Acting (Master, can be improved); Art of War (Intermediate, can be improved); Writing (Elementary, can be improved); Long Yin (Beginner, can be improved); Accumulation of Wealth (Intermediate, can be improved); can be raised).

Weapon: Heart of Resentment.

Pet: Qinglong cub (can grow)

Free attribute points: 4.

Credits: 25342.

Yuan Wuji looked at his points. This time, the points are really a lot. It is estimated that he can buy a lot of things he wants.

Yuan Wuji took another look at his skills...

Forget the previous skills, the two skills added this time...gaining money and opening the game?

Because Yuan Wuji became the richest man in the CEO world, he was automatically promoted to the intermediate level.

How to explain this game crash?

[The host has subverted the entire game in the NPC world very well, and let the NPC go out of the game world, but... Given the host's game level is too poor, the skill of the game master can't be activated, so he can only be the next best thing to activate the game The skill of opening and hanging...]

Original no trace: ? ? ?

"What do you mean? Is my game level so bad?"

The system was silent for a while before speaking again.

[The official certification is very poor. 】

The system's words, it is considered that there is no desire to survive, but as long as the original game level can be slightly better, the system will not be like this.

Yuan Wuji felt that it was pointless to tangle with the system on this issue, so he simply ignored the system.

Yuan Wuji took another look at the progress bar of Longyin's skill, and it was already on the verge of upgrading. This time, he didn't hesitate, and directly added all four free attribute points to Longyin's body. Sure enough... Longyin's skill Promoted to Intermediate.

This time, Yuan Wuji bought a lot of cheat books to help him cultivate Longyin.

Then there is the heart of resentment... Yuan Wuji still has no clue as to how to control the heart of resentment.

But he knew he couldn't ignore it like before.

If you meet someone with good skills again, will you stab him directly in the middle of the forehead?

Yuan Wuji didn't want to experience the feeling that his head was split again, and several voices in his head were talking frantically.

It is necessary to improve your strength.

The original Wuji spent points has always been extravagant, how much he spends, and he has no awareness of keeping the points to save his life...

When Yuan Wuji was cultivating, Xiaoqing started to practice because he was too bored...

When Yuan Wuji finished his cultivation and was ready to go to the next mission, he could clearly feel the change in himself.

His soul seemed to be relaxed, and he felt warm and full of strength.

Xiaoqing has also made obvious progress. Originally, there was no trace of it, but Xiaoqing turned into a snake...

Good guy, suddenly a lot thicker!

"System, do the task!"

Another dizziness that is familiar with nausea...

Before Yuan Wuji could slow down, he heard an arrogant male voice say: "Then ask the little master to give me some advice..."

The man's voice was accompanied by a noise, which made Yuan Wuji quickly judge that the situation he passed through this time might be a little different from before.

There are so many people as soon as they pass through this time?

Yuan Wuji opened his eyes and blinked, looking at the person standing opposite him. Although this person said politely, the arrogance in his eyes could not be hidden.

Would you mind telling me what's going on?

Do you mean to fight?

When it comes to fighting without a trace, it's not sleepy. He just finished practicing and he hasn't had time to find someone to practice, so someone rushed to give him a free sparring practice... Then don't overturn this guy, I'm sorry he came here to provoke him.

Just as Yuan Wuji was about to start, the system was in a hurry.

【Host host! Please be patient a little bit, this game can't be played! After finishing the exposed mission, you will fail! 】

Original no trace: ? ? ?

Even a fight can have such a big impact...

Forget it, don't fight if you don't fight, he will always have time to blow this guy's head off.

However, sometimes it's not like saying that if you don't fight, you won't fight. Yuan Wuji is not ready to fight, but the fist of the person who just spoke has already hit him. If he doesn't shoot, he will be injured... But if he shoots If so, the mission is about to fail, so what should I do now?

Yuan Wuji chose to follow the palm wind, pretending that he was beaten down, and he lay down.

Everyone: "..."

No, no, are the monks in Fanyin Temple so arrogant? This works absolutely...

This fell down before it hit, and I don't even touch porcelain like this!

At the outermost edge of the crowd, an old monk with a broom covered his face with his hands.

The old monk has lived for such a long time, and when he gets old, he will be embarrassed by his apprentice once, really...

The old monk sweeping the floor pushed aside the crowd, got in front of Yuan Wuji, and carried Yuan Wuji, who had fallen on the ground, to his back.

"Host, elders, the old monk has already said it before, and there is no trace of it. I have never practiced... It is too difficult for this child to force a test. He is just a child fooling around. If there is any fault, the old monk is a master. I am willing to bear it all.”

Yuan Wuji was pretending to be dizzy, so he could hear clearly what the old monk said, but now he couldn't give any reaction.

Forget it, while the old monk is carrying him, let's hurry up and receive the plot.

This novel world should be regarded as a cruel novel.

Not only is it abusive, it's also unfinished.

In the original setting, the original body should be the male protagonist... But I don't know what happened in the later period. The direction of this novel's world suddenly became strange, the plot suddenly changed, and the original body was directly blackened into the biggest villain, and this world A new male protagonist was arranged.

So the original body is not only the second male, but also the biggest villain in this world.

Situ Jinru is the heroine of this novel world.

The first time Situ Jinru saw the original body, it was under the moonlight, the young monk in the sky blue monk clothes was playing the flute.

The young monk's eyebrows and eyes are delicate, and there is a cinnabar mole on the center of his eyebrows, which is a bit vulgar, making his whole person seem like a fairy.

Situ Jinru never thought that people without hair can look better than those with hair.

It is clearly the appearance of an innocent young man, but it is quite confusing.

Situ Jinru sighed, what a son of a Buddha.

However, a single thought becomes a Buddha, and a single thought becomes a devil.

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