“Finally here, Rogue Town!” Luffy roared happily, probably knowing that the next stop of his group was where the pirates started and ended, so he was excited all the way.

After eating the oranges that Nami specially brought and eating Yamaori’s meal (including reserve food) when he was about to arrive, Usol’s weapon Slingshot Enhanced was played into the sea by Luffy, and Soko’s Kazuichi almost killed the Sea King.

The road was full of resentment.

“Luffy, you stay on the ship for me!”

“Nami, do you still have Bailey there, I need to buy two knives!”

“I still have to prepare the ingredients, Miss Nami, there should be extra Bailey, right?”

“My new weapon just lacks an essence! Nami, I probably have a little on hand. ”

So almost everyone stretched out their hands to Nami, no way, for this jagged pirate group, Nami is not only a navigator, but also supervises the custody of property, so almost the money is in Nami’s hands.

For Luffy, of course, Nami was not polite, the captain, “Ten thousand, the rest of the money should be compensated for my oranges.” ”

The devil knows how much your oranges cost, and everyone dares not say it when they want to think about it, after all, no one can live with Bailey.

“Then I’ll take a step first, One Piece, One Piece!” Luffy took 10,000 berries and ran in one direction without looking back.

“Well, Usol’s words, twenty thousand Baileys can’t be more!” Nami counted some more money and handed it to Usol, “After all, Luffy is the captain, you have to share some too!” ”

“Huh—is that so?” Before Usor could react, he was pushed away by Nami.

Yamaori stretched out his hand generously, and it didn’t matter how much he gave, so Nami counted four or five dozen dollars and handed them to the other party.

As for Soyun.

“What? Did I borrow my Bailey? Suo Xun’s face suddenly looked a little depressed, but remembering to enter the great voyage, a knife was definitely not enough, and he could only grit his teeth and sign this loan that seemed to be usury.

Why didn’t Johnny and Joseph follow?

“Sister Suo Xun, Johnny and I won’t travel with you, Brother Mo said that as long as we cultivate domineering, we will be qualified to enter the Great Voyage.”

“Yes, as Joseph said, in order not to cause trouble to the eldest sister and the other party, our brother decided to stay in Coco Yasi Village for a while now, after all, Aaron has been defeated, maybe there will be some pirates who plan to go smoothly.”

Joseph and Johnny then said goodbye to Luffy and the others in Cocoa West Village, which also caused Somon’s plan to borrow the knife to fail.

“One hundred thousand Baileys, well, you can buy a lot!”

Buy a fart ah, Suo Xun’s face is a little ugly, one hundred thousand Bailey, he estimates that it is good to buy a knife, and it is not a particularly good knife.

“Mo, give, this is your three hundred thousand Bailey!” When Nami waited for silence, her tone softened, her face turned red, and the money also increased, and her teeth itched when she looked at it.

“Why do scum get so much …”

“The money is in me, what I say…”

“Eh…” said so reasonably, Suo Xun was suddenly speechless, and could only walk into Rogue Town with his head down.


“Nami, I just went to prepare the next weapon, I can’t always use your own, I will go the same way as Suo Xun, at least let her help me with the staff officer!” Shen Mo made up his mind and talked to Suo Xun all the way first.

“Oh, okay, then talk to me if Pele isn’t enough then.” Nami said regretfully, she really didn’t know anything about weapons.

“Why is the gap so big…” Suo Xun didn’t dare to say more, she was afraid that if she continued, these 100,000 Baileys would not be guaranteed, holding the money, and directly entered Rogue Town.

And Silence also quietly followed.

“Hey, scum, lend me some.” Suo Xun said unceremoniously, Tucker was not stupid enough to ask for it on the spot, but left Nami and quietly opened his mouth to Shen Mo, “Weapons or something, you have a domineering you, you should use anything now, right?” How about borrowing some from me first and double you back? ”

Shen Mo didn’t think about it, and the Bailey that Nami had just given in his hand was thrown into Suo Xun’s hand, “It’s all for you.” ”

“Hey—————— why?” Suo Xun obviously didn’t react, he originally planned to borrow a little, how did he get so much?

“Because I’m scum!”

“Less handsome! Scum! ”

PS: For Aaron’s matter, I sincerely apologize for everyone’s dissatisfaction with the ending, the protagonist does not plan to be the Virgin, although there is no follow-up arrangement for Aaron in the original work, but this work Aaron has a follow-up arrangement, so it is not killed! I can only say sorry to you!

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