“Stop, Miss Yamaori…” Akin’s call caught everyone’s attention.

Akin pressed the double-barreled pistol in his hand against Jepp’s chest, “If you don’t stop, this woman will be dead, Miss Yamaori.” ”

“Cut!” Yamaori did not hesitate to kick Tiebibara in the neck and kick it into the sea, but anyone could see that the cadre who was kicked away had lost consciousness pitifully.

“That old woman, I just want to kill her, if you kill her, I will be promoted to the head chef immediately!” Yamaori glanced at Jepp with disdain after speaking, as if to say: three words old woman.

“Hey, Yamaori!”

“Sous Chef, what are you talking nonsense!”

Jeppu spread his hands, and Yue Hun stepped forward, “Is that really the case?” You stupid cook! ”

As soon as he finished speaking, he kicked Akin, who was caught off guard, and the position where Akin hit was exactly in the direction of Yamaori, “Sure enough, Yamaori still lacks education, little ghost, help me clean her up.” ”

Akin flew towards Yamaori with the assistance of Jepp, but in exchange for the other party’s sentence, “Look, is this talking about people?!” ”

Akin closed his eyes and shouted, “Miss Yamaori, offended!” The double-barreled pistol in his hand did not hesitate to shoot in front of him.

However, Yamaori seemed to have sensed it a long time ago, dodged it while shooting, and at the same time supported the ground with one hand, kicked Akin back, “Do you old woman really want to kill me??” ”

“How could it be ?!??” When Jepp saw Akin flying over, he didn’t hesitate and kicked back to Yamaori, “I just want to educate you, how to respect the old and love the young!” After so many years, call mom to listen! ”

Yamaori looked at Akin who flew over with contempt, and directly kicked the double-barreled pistol he was holding with both hands, “Don’t be kidding, you old woman, maybe I’m better than you in terms of generation!” And you, Akin, don’t dangle in front of me! ”

Yamaori kicked it into the water after speaking, not seeing any mud and water at all.

“In this case, it is really not the same as the original…” Shen Mo also saw it, this is completely Akin being beaten, the three main talents of the straw hat are really strong, just practice like this, it is estimated that at least the bear of the Seven Wuhai in the original book can not be killed in seconds, right?

“Captain Commander

“No, the top cadre was …”

Seeing Akin fall into the sea, the pirates who planned to sneak up on Yamaori suddenly lost their square inches.

“Captain? What, is that guy so big? Yamaori flicked his legs and spread his hands.

On the other side, Luffy and Crick are also in a state of complete hanging, Crick is already weaker than Luffy, not to mention, Luffy has also been trained in silence for several days, and is several times stronger than before.

“You guy! Is it really a pirate who has just gone to sea? Crick said as he was punched by Luffy again, “If it weren’t

Halfway through the words, Luffy had his hands behind his back, “Shut up! Your chest is too small! Rubber rubber – rocket launcher! ”

Silent covered his face, watching Crick be completely knocked down by Luffy, only two or three times got on Bharati’s ship, “It’s solved, what’s the benefit?” ”

Jepp frowned, “Didn’t you say that the two don’t owe each other?” ”

“Isn’t that what Luffy owes you? I don’t owe you! ”

“And lo and behold!” After hearing the silent rogue’s words, Jepp pointed to the cooks, “Is this human language?” Say, what is the matter with you, I tell you, if you want money, you will not give it! ”

Shen Mo smiled bitterly and pointed at Yamaori, “Actually, I just want her…”

“Ah!?!” Yamaori’s face turned red, and he covered his body with his hands, “Beast! “In fact, what I think in my heart is: Please… Asking for a marriage?

Zhepu ‘sighed’, whispered that he really didn’t have an eye, but still said, “Okay, this kind of person who wants the moon and no moon, and wants the fart moon and the moon, I will give you guys…”

“Oh————” The chefs were finally not calm at this time.

“That’s the sous chef?!?

“Yamaori, Yamaori is our Bharati’s signature flower, head chef!”

“Didn’t you shut up for me and say this in front of the head chef? Right! Head Chef! ”

“Slip of the tongue!”

Only Yamaori patted everyone’s shoulder nonchalantly, and pointed at Jepp with a look of indifference, “Look, did she say anything to anyone?” ”

You’re doing it! (The chefs sweat inwardly).

PS: (Ask for flowers and ask for monthly tickets for tips) As for the Creek Pirates, it is really not strong, so in one stroke, when the next plot Aaron comes, I will strengthen the other party a little! Please support!

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