The Scavengers

Chapter 152 What kind of rulers needed in chaos?

December 26th afternoon

Outside the outside, the depression of the depression of the worship will be treated in the past.

After a few minutes, the quarrel is upgraded, and the sound is clear to the ward.

Patients have a lot of humans.

A neat and fast footsteps came from outside the door, and the door of the ward was guarded by a powerful soldier.


Take a break in the Xiao Dynasty, holding energy recovery energy.

Zhou Yu barely smiled, his face was tired: "Sorry, let you laugh."

Xiao Dao looks up, "I listen to the noisy outside, I seem to have other serious injuries?"

Zhou Yu seems a bit, I don't know how to explain, I finally said that his head is sorry: "It is a part of the base manager headed by Members, and they heard that you are coming, ask you to give the people. "

Xiao Di is a while, laughing: "Is the Member of the Member come here?"

"Because it is very used." Snow red inserted.

Zhou Yu and Fengyang expressions embarrassed.

The snow is very unhappy to say that he is very unhappy: "If the account will succeed, you will have a clinic for the survivors. He is the hero for the people, is the most popular officials who are the best people. If they are unsuccessful, It is also the president and your fault. He is more powerful, the greater the movement caused, the more you can encourage most of the survivors who don't know the truth. "

"Members of Makers ... is it crazy? This time does not even go up and down?" Xiao Dynasty thought.

I didn't expect Zhou Yu to nod, "he didn't be mad." The Missor has been in the past 70. There are a lot of relatives in the family, but the son is only one, the son's mistress is a lot, and finally I have only a girl. Biased this only The granddaughter was seriously injured in the big storm, and was killed by the bodyguard. But at the time, she was missing, and Acon didn't see, only the low-level therapist. Although she didn't want to let the girl still can't let the girl live. On the way, he remembered to find a single sister, let him live, and Liu Shi let them send people to save his son. Can Liu Yushi and the person who personally sent it in person, and his son is missing in the big storm. It is said that his son At a mistress home, the mistress was also missing, the bodyguard could not live. Later, the soldiers came back to live, he was forced to find, and he was rejected by Liu Shi. "

In the big storm, it is missing, plus the later snow and the cold, and the desperation of the missing people know.

The dumb is dumb. White-haired people send brunette, or the death of the descendants, there is no good coupling of the accounts, and he is now just a sense of revenge.

Qian Yun opened a professional opinion, "Since the spirit of the Member of the Member is not suitable for the manager, why is it to give him?"

Fengyang instead of the presidential explanation: "Because other Members need a leader, and many people in the Mensus family have served in the base management. If he wants to remove him, it is not an easy thing, not to mention the big storm, everyone is busy. Search for life, busy let the base function of the base, no more energy to engage in politics. When the base is good, it is easy to stabilize, and the speaker is the sad person who lost the important family, has taken half of the survivor. Human heart. "

After the disaster, everyone needs a sinful sheep. It is necessary to vent the pain, angry and remorse, and the Jiake help the survivors set a target, which is Liu Shira. "

Fengyang kissed the satirical: "Members of the Miss Winnam have almost become the spokesperson of public opinion, his image is still very good and sympathetic, especially during the present, special cry."

"Then he now hits my head?" The depression is like laughing. "

Fengyang, "You and the Snow Deputy Team have been embarrassed to give him the public. Later, they will disappear when he is most needed ... Will Missing not think that you are missing, he only sees that you are now intact. It also brings a snowmobile that can travel in the snow, and you are a high-order treatment. Whether it is for personal grievances, or for their part of the people's politics, it will be bound to you. Start. "

The snow is red and the eyebrows: "Can you slaughter them?"

Zhou Yu said that he did not hear anything, and he got out of the gap on the county. The third massive mercenary organization of the capital base belongs to the Tianlong team, and after Bao Yiyong disappeared, the fourth massive mercenary organization Most good hands of the shadow team were also collected by the account.

Fengyang stacked: "The Philostell has not been completely confused. While he will save his son, it has been first to go to the Institute to take the energy conversion instrument that Bowanyong is kept."

"That said, he is equivalent to a private printing machine?" I was a criminal police to grasp the focus.

Fengyang: "Yes. So he is more impossible to hand over the base management right, after all, there are more materials in his hand, and there is also a day of exchange. Only master management rights can master the people, and further master the alloy granules produced by the public. Change this to the conversion to hire more abilities. "

Xiao Dao urgently asked: "How many energy conversion instruments?"

This involves the best secrets of the base, but Zhou Yu is still answered: "There is only one of Yang Lao, and now he is jointly guarded by the Academy of Sciences and the military."

"Is there a new? All bases have these two?"

"No." We will be very helpless, "We refuse to agree to the energy conversion instrument for other bases, but it is difficult to obtain this instrument's energy market. The most important thing is that some of the original materials of this instrument are difficult to obtain, do It is already the power of the entire capital base. And the most important core parts of the energy conversion instrument have only Bao Ziyong know the practice, even Yang Lao is not clear. Now I want to study, I have to dismantle existing converter Open, but ... "

"But you can't be removed, especially in the case of another bench," Xiao Di speechless, they came to Beijing this time, one of the purposes is to get the latest instruments such as energy conversion devices and space detectors.

Although he allows the system to scan the interior of the Academy of Sciences, you can get all the design drawings, and then ask the system to slip all in the instrument, and even the procedure can copy all, but as Zhou Yu said, it is now hard to get It is the material of manufacturing instruments.

Snow Red Plus: "The energy conversion instrument cannot be successfully developed at the beginning, have the previous semi-finished products? Or is there any destruction to be repaired?"

Zhou Yu and Fengyang looked at each other, did not immediately answer the red red in the snow. The purpose of Zhongshan Base is already obvious, and Xiao Di, they will definitely want to bring a converter back. It can be used as the highest person in charge of the Beijing base and the President of Huaxia in the name of today. Of course, he is reluctant to deal the energy conversion device to a base, even if he owes a lot of people in the base and the depths of the god.

"I don't want to give you, but ... I hope that you can understand my position." Zhou Yu bitterly.

Xiao Di nod, "I understand, so I don't have to save people as the condition. President is, let us do a transaction? Believe me, you will not feel the loss."

Exchange a semi-finished product that lacks a core part with a half-endor vessel.

The Xiao Di also told the President, and Zhongshan Base has studied something from the crashed alien spacecraft. It is a big relationship between the base car and the spacecraft.

"Alien spacecraft?" Weekly emoticon.

"Yes." Xiao Dao consciously revealed: "You don't think that all kinds of disasters happen in the half year of our planet are too sudden, too unnatural? There are also those who have nothing to do."

"You doubt that all the ghosts doing aliens?" Zhou Yu seems to be laughed.

"Can you deny this may be not? After all, we found a crash alien spacecraft."

Zhou Yu laughed at the scene, "Ok, I admit this possibility, but the alien? Why do they do these things to the earth?"

Xiao Dao is trying not to reveal again, Zhou Yu has been aiming to sway, "If the aliens really have the power of this to transform the earth, they want to attack the earth. It is also a very simple thing. Why is it so round? You are not as good as you? Say that these are some human extremists to break the global environment, those monsters are also their secret research, I have more believed, and this is also a speculation of most scientists. "

Xiao Di nod, "You are right, I just guess. Maybe the spacecraft has fallen on the earth for a long time, but the big storm has blown it out."

Zhou Yu is actually doubtful, but the situation of the earth is very bad. He doesn't want more than a powerful almost unbeatable enemy, and he is ostrich mentality.

Snow looked in the eyes in the eyes, silent sigh. He has no great opinions on this president, and there is a little sympathy and admire. After the big disaster, the president of Weilanda did not have much benefits. He is very clean, and if you don't have money, you can't control all the powers, I have changed the average person, I'm afraid that I will not do it. I only have this. It is probably because of a strong sense of responsibility to today, and ten eight nine will continue to stick to it until he is crushed, and he is shattered.

Zhou Yu and his wife's low language negotiation. They don't know what kind of benefits from the alien spacecraft to the capital base, but the base car that can walk in the snow, but it makes them hot.

Especially when the snow is interested in unintentional, they arrived at the Beijing Base for only a day, and Zhou Yu and others were completely treated.

"The spacecraft is still in the Zhongshan Base?"

"of course."

"Is half a good?"


"I want Zhongshan Base has made some research on the spacecraft. I don't know if we can get these information?"

"This requires you to negotiate with the generals, we are only responsible for the springs.

Zhou Yu believes this sentence, "Okay, I will talk to the old hatred. How long can we see the spacecraft?"

"If it is smooth, it will be a few days, slowly for a month."

"Okay." Although Zhou Yu is moving to the spaceship, he didn't have anything on the spot, but with this trading condition, he immediately convened Yang Lao and other scientific research workers and military representatives Liu and Wei two commanders.

Jiake got the news, said that the members of the members came into the silend: "It is necessary to convene Liu Wei to meet, and this means that Zhongshan Base must be a big transaction with the capital. "

"Can our people tell what they have talked about?" Someone asked.

Shakes, "We will be self-confident in the Xiao Dynasty, and our people are unable to close them. They are sitting, the outside is also guarding the power of the defending area, my people are infiltrated."

"What should I do? If the Zhongshan base supports weaning ..."

"Xen Feng is a wolf, the most embarrassing old wolf. Don't say that all the bases can't take care of others, even if the Zhongshan base is slow, he will never intervene in the capital, no one knows the capital base. Now is a hot saggy. "

"Then we will watch it, do you have to open us, do alone and Zhongshan base to transaction?"

"I am more curious that Zhongshan base is dangerous. It's so popular. What is it to trade? Food? Weapon?"

Jiake shook his head again, slowly said: "If you are Qi Feng, in the capital base of the capital, if you want to control the Zhongshan Base, what do you want most?"

"... Energy Converter." A parked office.

"Nine-year-nine may." Jiake Shen face, immediately order the hand to send people to guard against the converter belonging to them.

The members of the seat are mutual, they want to get a converter, but the gauge hides the instrument is too good. In addition to him, no one knows where the instrument is.

Thoughtful, I finally agreed to the trading conditions proposed by the Xiao Dynasty, but it was said that the Beijing City must first see the alien spaceship will hand over the semi-finished product of the energy conversion instrument.

After the depression, please show the Qiu Feng, indicating no problem.

After the Xiao Di put forward other deals, these are the tasks handed over to him, which is the job of Lei Bing.

Thunder and snow, the two people don't know what it is, and the Lei Brucks will run in the legs.

Xiao Dao asked his family Xiaohong, the youth is mysterious smiling, just don't say what he makes the thunder to do.

In addition, the Xiao Dynasty wanted to tell the things of the alien developers, and the snow was blushing to stop him.

Youth said to the Xiao Dynasty: "President Zhou may be a good person, the peace period is also a qualified president, but so many disasters and complex status have dragged him."

"How to say?"

"Our president is hoping to get the military support, but on the one hand, he will not dare to completely stand to the opposite side of the House of Representatives. He is on the steel wire."

"I think he just doesn't want military political division, so that the country has become more divided." Xiao Dynasty couldn't help but talk around, his impression of Zhou is really good.

"Not a country, it is Beijing. As a president, he can't even fully control a Beijing base. This is in my opinion, he is not suitable for a forceful ruler."

Snow is red, holds the shoulders of the Xiao Dynasty. Seriously: "Boss, you must understand that the rulers and peaceful requirements of the disaster period are different. Now, the situation in China and the world, I would rather a strong dictator. Zhou Yu is still not enough, not enough, this is not suitable for burlding the burden of the entire humanity. You tell him the truth, there will be two results: First, he is either thoroughly crushed; second, according to his Personnel, I speculate that he is very likely to be responsible for the weight loss, and since it is considered to be human beings, and the people who choose to choose to continue compromise. "

"But we will tell the truth sooner or later, at least to tell the leaders of the base, only in this way can we concentrate on fighting the enemy."

"Not now. Before we did not solve the problem of breaking through the flash, we did not repair enough spacecraft before we did not cultivate a qualified spacecraft manipulator, these things should not leak out. As for later, even if To tell some people, there must be some choices. And most of human beings can be able to do it in the final last acceptance. "Snow rose is still so cold.

Xiao Dynasty exhaled, it seems that in the red heart of the snow, Zhou Frame has been excluded from future human core rule.

Qian, the two people also recognize the words of snow.

In the end, the depression was convinced, and the truth was concealed.

At the same time, the survivors of the Jiaoji drums were unscrupulous, and a large group of people rushed to the door of the medical center in the air defense hole.

Many people shouted in the door to see the treatment person to save people.

Some people even lift their hounds and patients.

"The government is not active! The people are guilty!"

"The government hides therapist, only for high officials and military proceedings!"

"The army is corrupt, no longer the army of the people!"

"Week to step down!

"We need therapist, we need drugs, we need a doctor, we need to live!"

A large number of warriors arrived, but they can only make up the wall blocking trouble.

The powerful soldiers can't even be sealed with ice walls or soil walls, because they will trigger the nerves of the troubler, which is easy to attacked the attack. This kind of thing has happened many times, don't want to have disaster, don't want to have pool fish, the soldiers can only hold gun threats, they don't dare to use abilities.

The soldiers don't do their hands, and those who claim to be petitioners don't dare to do it, and I really have an urgent matter. In the end, I don't have a good fruit. Now that there is a week to put the military, the military is taller and patience.

Weekly heard this situation, he was hit, while adding a man to protect the depression, while taking the table, people got people to find a department, and live him to persuade those petitioners going home.

Accounts are not visible.

I knew that Zhou Yapo would want to send people to the medical center, and they can't do it when the face of the troubler is.

The snow is red and put down the curtains and no longer looks out. This kind of thing has once again proves that we are not enough, the same thing is put in Zhongshan Base, who do you dare? I am afraid that people have just gathered together to move bricks with the army "please".

How much is the mood of the Xiao Dynasty, it is still affected.

Snow red hates someone else to kidnap his boss, of course, he is not going to find the trouble of unknown truth, but therefore, the resentment of accumulation is full of evils behind them.

Youth went to the Xiao Dynasty: "We leave tonight."

"So fast? But we haven't gotten the information of Keno." Xiao Dou hesitiliar. And he has not taken the injury, there are too many injured people, even if it is dragged to today's less than one-third, the base is large, and the number of people remaining is still a lot.

"If you don't have to worry, wait for you to borrow me, I will get all the information."

Diablock did not say, say the system, and decompressed bracelets to youth.

Snowlon redded his bracelet handed him to his bracelet and continued: "I estimate that I will do it tonight."

Qian Yun opened and Wang Cheng together to see the snow red.

Wang Cheng's reaction is the fastest: "Do you mean that he will send people a base car?"

When he got off the bus, he saw some people who were not afraid of cold, and they were in the vicinity of the car, just in Cheng Zai also contacted them, saying that unknown people who were struggling to visit vehicles.

"Well, hiding the Cinderella's pumpkin car, the Cinderella can only stay." Snow is red, and laughs.

The system especially wants to do something for him, it is difficult to hold back.

Depressed in the Xiao Dynasty, "The breakfast made the car invisible, not letting them know how we came over."

"The effect we persuaded the switching converter is not as good as it is now." Qian Yun laughed.

Nowadays, the people of the squad have basically known important things such as the alien developers and systems.

"It is also. Then do we want to talk to the President's choice?" Xiao Dao did not want to continue to stay in the Beijing base. Fortunately, he is basically helping to pull back, the remaining injuries, what do people who want to come to the low-level therapists and bases can also cope.

"It is not used. He is not clean. I went out for a while, I won't be alone," Snow Luohong Yun Yun opened and Wang Cheng can't leave the depression, and called the little , With your system, you disappeared from the ward.

Xiao Di smiled on the money, the king, slammed from the sofa chair, "After the rest, we continue to treat injuries?"

Qian Yun approved, before they left the capital base, at least could not let people here to see the same.

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