Baek Feng Joon habitually left foot out first. It is a force and speed balanced type, but it is hard to fix the habit of pulling the weight to the left.

Whisk, the blade passes through the ears of Song Tae-won. Hunter's screening, which is now close to class A, tore his collar from the wind alone. The Song Tae-won grabs Baek Joon's arm, stretching out to avoid the attack by twisting his body as precisely as necessary.

The Black Shadow was young in the palm of Song Tae-won's hand and disabled the defensive skills on Baek Fence's arm. Woodpeck, fingers dig flesh and break bones. Song Taewon grabbed his arm and turned his body to the left with a strong pull. For Baek Yeon Joon, it was right.

‘Still to the right. ’

Weak. The response was faster than the memory of the Transmitter, but still lagged behind that of the left. Baek Feng Joon's body is pulled and Song Tae-won's knee with a rotating force digs into his right flank.


A new voice came out of Idsa in Baek Feng Jun. In Song Tae-won's head, Baek Feng Joon came to mind as he was about half full of strength and crying and surrendered. However, Baek Feng Joon's body twisted with malice, swallowing even screams. Pull your body back while taking the risk of getting your arm down.

During his brief time, the Hunters have approached near the front door of the parlour.


Someone threw a bottle of potion at Baek Feng Joon. A quicker first aid is possible if you throw a potion than if a healer with low body stats jumps. But before the disease touched Baek Fence,


A piece of paperboard that Song Tae Won kicked broke the potion bottle. A translucent liquid was spilled on the floor in vain. It was as if he was expecting to throw a potion and was waiting. No, Tae-won actually knew. More than anyone here.

The career of the Hunters in the various offices here has been longer than that of the current Song Tae-won. However, if it was a simple combat experience, it would not be possible to catch up with the transvestites in more than three years. Qualitatively, though the quantities have become similar, there are still differences.

Song Taewon caught up with Baek Feng Jun who retreated to the road while handling the potion. I grabbed the butt of a minivan that was parked in Baek Feng Jun Park, which had been lowered to the sidewalk block beyond the car. Quaak, your finger digs up the body and throws the bowling ball like it is, pushing the mini-van towards Tae-won.

Pinch ─

With the sound of scratching the floor, the car is pushed over the field of view of Song Tae-won. I had to miss Baek Feng Joon for a while. However, the Transmitter ran to the right without panicking and without jumping over or smashing the car.

“What ─! ”

Exactly to his right, he was frightened by the face of Baek Feng Jun who was avoiding his body to the left. But that too, for a moment, a thick hand with a hook stretched out towards his neck. Baek Feng Joon hurriedly lifts his healthy arm and blocks it.

Song Taewon's hand grasps Baek Feng Joon's arm, pulls it and swings the dagger with the other hand. The new blood soaked hot above the scars of blood that had not yet solidified.

The Song Taewon stretches his dagger and squeezes his arm back. The dagger that flew from his fingertips pierces the auxiliary hunter that was standing in a tangled position.

‘The auxiliary system must be more than just a melee combat system. ’

I've said that before.

‘You need to be able to protect yourself while keeping your distance so you can use your skills in a timely manner. You also need to know that you can avoid your body coldly depending on the situation. ’

However, it was not easy to turn away from a colleague who was in danger. If I stay alone, it's impossible to target and come out. I've heard that before.


The body fell from Song Tae Won's hand. Turning back, I saw the defensive systems in front of his eyes. Only one of the tense young faces was familiar. Some faces he didn't even know about.

But behind them, there were more faces still to know.

“When will the reinforcements arrive in the sea?! ”

“You won't be contacted! ”

“What about Sexuality and Society? ”

“There too..... ”

After the death of Song Tae Won, there was no new S Hunter in the Awakening Room. Unlike the Hunters' Association, there was no S-class awakener who wanted to become a fully national affiliate. Therefore, in the event of a difficult situation with much less influence, I had to ask for support from large guilds and Hunters' Association.

“Monster or Hunter! If the words work, reveal yourself! ”

Song Tae Won didn't answer. Instead, I took out a metal wand from the inventory. A weapon used primarily to deal with a large number of weak monsters. A class A item that is just strong without much skill.

Some recognized it and frowned. But it was too simple and common to characterize a person.

“Take as much time as you can until you get in touch! ”

The front door is blocked with mainstream defense hunters. Each of the three shields was erected side by side. The bow pulls towards the back and the wind whistles.

Peeing ─!

An arrow is fired along the path of the wind created by the magical hunter. It was not just a targeted attack, it was an attack with the skill of slowing down the enemy's movements. The skill is triggered by touching the body as well as the shadow.

Song Tae-won jumped back lightly and avoided lifting the metal wand with both hands. The first one is for aiming. As soon as your first foot touches the ground,


Tens of arrows began to pour like rain as the rough winds spread out! Song Tae-won rotated the wand in his hand. Tadadadadadadak, the arrows are blocked and bounced off the rotating wand, and the body of the Song Tae-won rushes toward the defensive hunters.

“Stop it!”

Bang, bang, quang! Defensive hunters put their legs to the ground. At the same time, a strong gust of wind pushed down to lower the speed of Song Tae-won's rush. The bow and melee weapons are aimed upward in preparation for Song Tae-won to jump over the shield.

Large for dealing with terrestrial monsters with strong ATK. Some new faces arose, but it was the Transcripts who made it.

‘Obviously, this kind of wind can't stop a superior monster or keep him tied up for a while. But the power of the attack can certainly be reduced. With a little help, the Defensive Hunter will survive. ’

‘It's easier to stop an attack on the side of the support than to step on the bare ground. But don't use it alone because you have behavioral constraints. ’

The wand swung with a slight wind.

─ Bummer!

The dreadful power knocks on the shield, but the defensive hunters rely on each other to defend their attacks. With a strong rebound, Song Tae-won's hand is slightly lowered. The arrow rains again without missing a gap where his movements stopped momentarily. The arrows blow down close to the straight line towards the sky. At the same time, a spear pierces through the gap in the shield.

Profit, Song Tae-won's right foot scratched the floor long and stretched close to the day. Bend your left leg and swing the wand over your head. Tadadadak, the wand that blocks the arrow, it stands still, it hits the window pane.


The earthquake strikes the ground around the piercing point of the wand. He grabbed the end of the wand, which was almost half buried in the ground, with both hands, and the transvestite lifted his strength and weighed his body.

Cugbab ─!


The ground is dug up, split apart, and soars to both sides nearly a metre. A solid cement floor shook through the front door as far as the inside of the parking lot, and a chunk of dirt sprung up. The defensive systems that were hitting their legs on the ground were puzzling and trying to avoid themselves. Some of the low stats on the back of it collapsed without balancing.

Song Taewon laid a slanted wand and shoved the ground. The wire is released from his arm soaring into the air.


The thrown wire wraps around the neck of the auxiliary hunter. With the landing, the defensive system directly next to the ground is pressed by the foot and the wire is pulled strongly. Thung, I heard a broken neck. The Song Tae-won's toes hit the floor with a spear. I grabbed the airborne spear and threw it away quickly, kicking the archer's chest with my foot.

In the meantime, the awakened hunter swings his sword toward the Song Tae-won. The bare hand that casts the shadow grabs the blade.

“That skill! ”

The hand of Song Tae-won broke the blade, and the broken blade tore my master's neck as it was. The spear and sword flew at the same time towards the Song Tae-won. Upwards and downwards, it was a long time passed without interfering with each other's movements.

The Song Tae-won lifts up his wire arm and picks up a window blade aiming for his neck. At the same time, he stepped on a shield that fell on the floor. Kaohp, Kang! The wire wrapped around the forearm is scratched and the shield is pushed and taps the bridge of the Sentinel. A shock was applied to the leg, but the blade was not stuck.

Those two hunters, they still fit each other well. At the same time, a stabbing attack was hard to stop, even if it was a seasoned senior hunter.

However, Song Tae-won knew all those paths very closely. Every little habit that pops out.

Both the top and bottom are blocked. The sword and spear will be harvested and this time it will come in like a veil from both sides. The arms of the spearhead and the arms of the swordsman are pulled. The direction and location of the attack to be followed were clearly drawn before the eyes of the Song Tae-won.

Both at the top.

The body of Song Tae Won has been lowered. In perfect timing, the attack passes in vain, adding a recoil as if lowering the body, and the transvestite bounces off to the two of them. Weapons that have not yet been harvested. Not enough time to defend.

The arms of Song Tae-won are wide open and bent forward. Both hands grabbed each other's necks. That was the end of it.

The corpses are piled up. Neither of the remaining defensive systems has done a plausible insubordination. Song Taewon reaches the archer who is rolling around with his chest full of fans. He was still breathing.

“Who the hell, Kuluk... Chief, sir? ”

It was a confused expression and a confused voice.


Unconsciously, the answer came out. The archer's eyes were closed.

“Just now, really……. ”

It's quiet. I can't hear anything. A crooked paper cup rolling down the floor came into the eyes of Song Tae-won.

Now here's the thing. Here's the thing.

It didn't come to mind. I didn't even have to think about the order of the Dungeon Attack, but I couldn't move.

‘Priority……. ’

Kill monsters. No, before that, kill your team members. I wanted to sweep my face with my hands, but it was bloody. Is the metropolitan facility working? Just a few steps away, there was a familiar toilet. I could wash my hands.

And there will be no one. Because he's dead.

‘... This is a dungeon. ’

Song Tae Won had to target the dungeon, and go outside. When I returned to Korea, I would be full of things to do. In the pristine landscape he remembers.

“There are no ghosts. ”

Then I heard someone's voice. The Song Tae Won lowers his head.

“I don't think I'm going to die, how old are you? ”

Walking down the stairs, Moonhyeon said.

“... Moonhyeon Hunter. ”

“Did you hear about his death? ”

Song Taewon stares at Moonhyeon, who jumps down the remaining stairs at once. Moonhyeon did not enter this dungeon. I didn't even come to China. His hair was black and had a stronger energy than a real Moon Hyun.

Then maybe she's a monster here, too.

“Why, didn't you stop me? ”


“If it were you, I could have stopped it. ”

Moon Hyun scratched his back head.

“I shouldn't have been here. ”

Munhyun was not in Korea at this time.

“I was offered a position as Chief of the Cabinet Office. You asked Song yourself. Why, when the Breaker Guild starts to shake. Did you know you were going to die then? Is that why you're in charge? It's a face I don't know.”

“ ……. ”

“So it must be weird, but I'm trying to make it go away. It's weird to just look around. No one.”

Moonhyeon frowned because he was uncomfortable.

Han Yoo-jin and Sunghyeonjee Park Yerim had a connected body. That made it relatively easier to notice the current suspicious condition. But Moon Hyun and Liet, the other hunters, were not.

The doubts cleared even if the underrated felt strange for a moment. Liette felt distinct, but did not mind. After discovering Noah, I didn't even care about him on purpose. When I realized that it was a dream, I wanted to blame it for waking up.

Moonhyeon, on the other hand, had a lower degree of awareness than Riet, but his objection was greater. I tried not to miss the dark nuisance.

“So how old are you? Are you like me now? Are you younger? ”

“Now, Moonhyun Hunter. ”

“Am I weird? Tell me you're right.”

Song Tae-won nods as he wails.

“This is a dungeon, and I'm a striker. ”

“So, am I a monster? Really?”


Huh, and Moonhyeon shed a ridiculous laugh.

“I don't think so. But this situation is also not unusual. Feel dirty. Anyway, we're pretty much alike, so I'll say it comfortably. ”

“… didn't you originally speak comfortably? ”

“Taewon, why are you doing this? ”

Moon Hyuna kicks her tongue and looks up and down at the Song Tae-won.

“Why did he die? Did the real Seong-hyun kill you? ”

“I don't know. It's just a hypothetical future created by the dungeon in the first place. ”

“I don't think it's going to be much different now. And from my point of view, I'm real. You're dead and Seonghyun is out of Korea. I only met him once after he was officially missing. ”

Song Tae Won was unconscious and focused on Moonhyeon's words. I listened, knowing it wasn't real.

“Sang-hyun, you know. Living what you want with boredom. When Tae-won was hanging out with you, he seemed pretty happy. But it's gone. ”

“... gone? ”

“I still feel like the whole world is alive, you know? I've done it before. The only thing that interests me is sending a postcard to the Guild Leader. ”

“I'm close to Han Yoo-jin. ”

“What? Did you? I had no idea. ”

Moonhyeon shook his eyes.

“I used to say I didn't have a reply. I'm not interested in your brother, the leader of the Seo-yeon Guild anyway, so even if you ask me to take it away, I can only count on you. The question of Song Tae-won is ignored. I haven't seen him since he got sick. ”

It was not so awkward because the word "suggestive" was attached to the sacrament. Song Tae-won slowly stretched out his hand with the blood solidified.

“Would you like to come in and wash? ”

“… No. ”

“It's still there. It's stuck. I was pretty clogged up, too, but I was a mess compared to Song Tae-won. ”

Moonhyeon smiled and walked. The Song Tae Won's shoulders are slightly strained.

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