I rubbed my wet face roughly with my sleeve. I looked funny facing him. Damn, that's funny. I felt clumsy because I was beaten by one. Stacked and piled up, I felt like I was stepping back a little. I stared at Yoohyun.

“Cry that you did something good! ”

... that son of a bitch.

“Well, man, you! ”

“Shit, my outfit just burst, why! ”

“Hey! I don't think I'm fine! I can't just split up and show it to you! ”

“Break up! Break it up!”

“Blow your outfit and I'll cut you hot! ”

“Tongue, brother. ”

“I told you to get out, right? Come on, let's go, let's go! You son of a bitch! No, I'm gonna kill him! ”

“What am I, a sandbag with no hands or feet? I've got more experience than you. How far have you been to the dungeon? ”

“It's my career to build on myself! I blew it all up, and my career sucks! ”

“Don't you know the tempo? Cover it with equipment! ”

“You filthy bastard! ”

Yoohyun was holding on to me, not knowing what to do, and looked at me a little differently. I was sorry for my sister, but if Yoohyun didn't come, I grabbed her and ripped her head off. Look at that temper. If a man loses a precious brother and cries, he will be comforted. Of course, even if I were him, I'd still curse at him.

“You went back in time and you blew your conscience to hell! Even Australopithecus, who doesn't know how to hide from me, would be a lot nicer than you! ”

“I don't think it's because I like it! ”

I didn't ask for much. And you keep stealing my brother. I wanted to ask if there was a God. Are you having fun splitting me and my brother up? Huh? I want to stay with him and Yoohyun too. What's wrong with you? Are you happy when you take it off? Or do we just hate it that much?

Eight years apart, and then you end up with a kidnapper popping out and taking the kid with you, and you're undercover. I mean, maybe you want to be prepared. Don't you know this is never a good idea for me?

“I'm having a hard time too, asshole! ”

“Brother……. ”

Yoohyun made a face. That's not it, that's it.

“No, Yoohyun, I'm talking to him. I want to live in peace with my brother for the rest of my life. Someone I know inside me! ”

“Then do it! ”

“Easy for you to say! ”

“That's what I wish, too, brother. ”

“Yoohyun, let her go for a second. I'll talk to you, Marla. ”

“Yeah, I'm not cutting. Just leave it for a second and get out. ”

Yoohyun hugged me more tightly before regression. Look at him waxing at me and holding me still. Someone thinks you're a good victim. The knife marks on the floor are still clear.

“Don't hide behind your brother, but come out now! ”

“Not behind, but in front! ”


“... Han Yoo-jin? ”

“It's dirty, so I don't use temp! I'm just going to guess the stats, see if I have a career or not. ”

Sunghyun grabbed me and dragged me back.

“Oh, my gosh, my gosh! ”

“Your arms are mine! ”

“My lips are bursting. ”

“Damn, if you've regretted, live well! What the hell are you doing, Han Yoo-jin? ”

“I'm your future, asshole! ”

“Bro, shall we go make dinner? Huh? Don't fight. ”

Me and I were silent for a moment. You have to feed your brother. The other kids, Director Song, will be here soon.

“Let's go, brother. I like the kitchen here. ”

Yoohyun calmed me down and went outside the lounge first. Watch where you're going, you little shit. No, you're already fucked.

“This is going to pour. I can't even use potions. ”

“I don't want to sell my face, it doesn't matter. ”

That's who I am, to be honest. It's unfair that I'm the only one who gets hit. I should have taken one, too. I wanted to go after him now, but Seong-hyeon wouldn't let me go. Then he carried me to the front of the hotel.

“There's got to be a first aid kit. ”

“I'm fine, really. ”

Sung-hyun sits me on the desk and finds the first aid kit. Bark, the box opened and the disinfectant came out.

“First of all, I'll tell you I'm sorry. ”

“What, my brother's dead? Sung-hyun in the ruins didn't care whether he died or not. ”

“You're being polite. ”

“Oh, right now, Seong-hyeon would feel the same way. ”

Except now it gives me some ideas. The disinfectant reached my mouth. It was tingling.

“Honestly, Han Yoo-jin will be angry. ”

“What if I wanted to know how honest I felt? What I look like, and stuff like that. ”

Astrological agents finished healing my wounds without saying a word.

“Yoohyun died because of me. So I came back, and I made up with my brother, but eventually he died, and there was no turning back. ”

“Han Yoo-jin. ”

“If you're going to say it's not my fault, don't just say it. I know I had no choice. It was too difficult and too difficult for me to get enough. I was just being normal. But he's still my brother. ”

Coldly, even if it wasn't my fault, even if I got caught up in it.

“Class S, class F, no grades, no transcendence, no loss, just a brother. So I couldn't protect it, I couldn't care for it, I couldn't protect it. ”

It's humiliating. I smiled for nothing.

“I asked him why he was alive, but he would be, too. You don't let him go even though you know he looks like this. I should have taken one, too. ”

“I once tried to get rid of Han Yoohyun, Park Ye-rim. ”

While organizing the first aid kit, Seonghyun said in a kind manner. I told you I wanted to know how honest you felt, but you're too honest.

“I was curious about Han Eugene then, as well as how easy it was to get Han Eugene. The one that's completely collapsed, the one that's standing still somehow. And either way, I can pull it off. ”

“Someone else would've stabbed me in the neck, really. ”

“Am I the exception? ”

“I won't. Now.”

While saying that, my heart was a little shaky. The phenomenon slightly raised the tip of my lips.

“To tell you the truth, I still don't like the way you're so attached to Han Yoohyun. Even more dead. ”

“If I lose Yoohyun again, I'll really die. It's already taken so much, it's already raging. You didn't see him go around with his knife. She didn't even think I was her. That's exactly how I feel. You can't take your brother away from me humanely. ”

Where did you find it? Sunghyun came out with a wipe. I pulled one out and wiped off the tear marks.

“I promise.”

Looking up at me, the Holy Father spoke.

“One way or another, I will never take Yoohyun from Han Yoo-jin. ”

“... Seung Hyun-jae should be relieved? ”

“Believe me, I always keep my promises. ”

Seonghyun sniffed out and sat up to the desk side by side and twisted his legs. The tip of the shoe flakes playfully.

“So I won't promise to take you away from the young master. ”

“What if Yoohyun comes at us? You're not going to fight back? Can't my brother go wrong? ”

“We should quickly hide behind the Han Eugene army. ”

I unconsciously imagined it and laughed a lot. I can't hide anything if I just crouch.

“It's over. It really gets cleaned up. And it'll be fun to play. ”

“When you're done. ”

“I want to live in peace. the day that Peep robbed the kitchen or Yerim and Yoohyun had the biggest fight, It's a waste of time, but it doesn't scare me. ”

And, and...

“My brother is with me. ”

Both of you.

“A simple wish, if nothing else. ”

“Still, it's hard. What about Seung Hyun-jae? ”

I turned to him.

“If all goes well. if you're free, without being dragged out again. Is there something you want? ”

Sunghyun tilted his head.

“Well…. ”

Surprisingly, the answer did not come out quickly. Rarely, he looks like he doesn't know.

“This is hard. ”


“It's hard enough to accomplish what I want you to do. ”

... That's very nice of you. Well, if it's resolved by the New Moon, what can't the Holy See do? I still do whatever I want.

“Why don't you make Director Song really enjoy receiving free SS-grade equipment? ”

“Challenge the impossible. But Moderately Fun ─”

“Cancel, cancel! Director Song, I'm sorry! ”

Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo.

“Wouldn't it be okay for Seung Hyun-jae to just live in peace? I get bored unconsciously because I've been through too much. If you don't think this world will be the last to wander around, maybe one day won't be so special. ”

This is the last place to be.

“Every day as usual... Ah. ”

It turned out that unlike most people, there was nothing the Holy Father couldn't do. Relationships with friends. Buddy, I'm dean Song, but what about a relationship? Even if you were to be freed from the crescent moon, the pile would still be there. It must be the Transcendent or not.

“Do you like associations? ”

“… recall? ”

“Relationships, relationships. ”

“You'd better be about the same age. ”

“Thirty? ”

I think we should add at least a thousand units there. They say there are stacks of them, but, um,

“Is it bad to associate a little too much? ”

“I don't really think I'm going to get along with someone, but I think the answer would be better than being too young. Kids aren't usually good friends. It won't be a pleasant encounter if we don't talk. ”

If you're good at talking to people, you can age well, Ra. The crescent moon didn't seem like it. I've never met him. It's a surprisingly healthy courtship.

“What do I look like? I think I like Humans. Maybe even a built-in tentacle. 'Cause if you don't, that's it. ”

The tentacles seem to be trending. Myungwoo, don't be fooled by the new words. I'm worried.

“How far is it from being human? Are animal ears, horns, wings okay? You'd better have two normal limbs. You don't seem to be discriminating against skin color. Blue or red, baby! ”

The Holy Spirit, who was staring at me, held my ear tightly. I didn't even try to be gracious enough not to get hurt.

“I'm not interested in blue or red. ”

Well, that's far enough. I nearly fell while rubbing my twisted ear. Sunghyun quickly caught me. I left my umbrella and tried to listen, but I just stopped and went to the restaurant. I saw Yoohyun and me in the open type kitchens.



I pointed to a bowl of water. You're being called.

“Seung Hyun-jae, can you cover the entrance with a cloth? ”

“There's still time, so I'll be here. And if we grab each other by the collars, we'll have to take them off. ”

“I'm not fighting. ”

I'm not a child. After washing my hands, I picked up the knife to slice the meat, and Yoohyun noticed. The Seonghyun, who was sitting at the table outside the kitchen, looked at me as if looking at me. I'm not stabbing you.

“Yoohyun, you go sit down too. ”

“No, you're not comfortable moving. I'll assist you. The kitchen is wide. ”

That's very kind of you. You removed the blood from the sliced meat at the appropriate size. Meanwhile, I was washing the rice.

“Is the rice cooker working because it's electric? These are just a few quotes. ”

“It's probably a restaurant. There's some grain in here. You want some? ”

“Knowing and asking. ”

That's where I think it is. Where's sesame oil?

“Why did you buy a snack? So that's what it looks like. ”

“I'm here for the kids. ”

“You said you were getting snacks. ”

Yoohyun, you. My brother avoided my gaze.

“Earlier, I heard that Park Ye-rim Hunter gathered at Kang So-young Hunter to head for the Breaker Guild and went to eat sweets. I like it, Han Yoo-jin. ”

“No, that's not what I asked you to do! And Noah. Honestly... ”

I could not say it was better than drinking because I could see my brother. Dammit! He's rolling hard too! When I realized how I felt, I raised my mouth and laughed.

“Son of a bitch! ”

“Fuck you, fuck me. ”

“That's right. ”

It wasn't dirty. Me and I laughed at the same time.

“Life was tough. ”

“But it was good until the dungeon. ”

“It was hard, but it was good. ”

We looked at Yoohyun at the same time. Yoohyun smiled reflectively.

“I knew I shouldn't have done it with one punch. ”

“That's why you swing the knife. You come at me like I'm gonna kill you. ”

“If he doesn't get away with it, he should die. Water Award?”

“I knew something was coming to get you. I stabbed him to death, just like me. ”

“Are you asking me to stab you now? ”

“Can't you see Yoohyun is hurting a little? Let's stick together with our bare hands. Hey, more rice. Not enough. A few people. ”

“Living alone. ”

I was on my way to get more rice, and I stepped on my feet. I chased him and kicked him in the shin. Ugh, I grabbed the knife when I shouted.

“Brother! No weapons! ”

Sunghyeon also woke up from his seat. I put down the knife and picked up the lobster that was in the sink and threw it at me. I flew with a fierce force because the grade was a little high, but Yoohyun quickly caught it and put it down on the counter.

“Don't throw food! Son of a bitch!”

“I bought this and now I'm getting a tummy ache! ”


“So, you haven't eaten? ”

“No, that's not it. Wash more rice. ”

But it was the same person, and I got my hands on it. It fits so well that even though the neck twists at the same time, it doesn't get stabbed. I felt like I shouldn't keep doing this in front of my brother, but to be honest, I felt comfortable. After a while, Yoohyun seemed to notice that I was quite comfortable.

When rice was made, seaweed soup boiled, and the sunset was just around the corner, it felt popular in the hotel lobby.

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