The S-Classes That I Raised

389F Christmas Carol (3)

The torches blink. They shake in a bewilderment. Surprise cries came out.

“It's gone! ”

“It's gone!”

Hunters vanish with the fog. I did not see the nightmares that came out of Yun, as well as their king.

“There's no Great Sage Kim! ”

“Aren't you playing hide-and-seek? ”

“I can't find it! I lost! Come out! ”

“Hey, there's the big dog! ”

The doppelgangers glared at one place. A flamethrower looks up at the bloodstains on the floor, his nose distorting.

- Grrr.

A cool breeze blows across the frozen lake. It wasn't winter, but it was pretty cold. Thanks to this, even the chunks of ice that were hanging around didn't know to melt by spraying cold air. The geese stare at the red fur shaking in the wind. It seemed very warm.

“I think it's colder than underwater. ”

“Of course! This is, like, zero. It's minus!”

“Yeah, the water's frozen. ”

The geckos begin to gather toward the slimy piece. The piece smashes the tip of its ear.

“We're not bad lizards! I won't hurt you!”

“We're weaker! ”

“Would you like to wait with the Grand Duke and his cousins? ”

“Do you want some dumplings? ”

Grrr, the roar of low voices makes the geese furious retreat. But it's getting closer again.

“Stay with me! ”

“I feel lonely when I'm alone. ”

“She's beautiful! ”

As I was thinking about it, Piece looked at the doppelgangers and rushed over as if he had no choice. Then he used a Gianting skill.


“The big puppy's gotten so big! ”

“The Great Puppy! ”

I tried to protect my dad and his crew. So, for now, the piece that was supposed to be guarded fell to its knees. The scavengers dig red fur as if awaiting.

“Look out!"

“Don't pull! Puppy!”

“Don't bother too much! ”

“Yes! You have to say you're good! ”

After a brief commotion, the geckos settle down here and there. Each one of them was satisfied, and only a small noise flowed out.

Piece also leaned his head against the overlapping front leg and exhaled for a long time.

[New Dungeon, ‘Nightmare of Christmas’]

A system message window appears. Park Ye-rim read the message with a narrow glance. I mean, it was in the dungeon.

“What do you mean, memory affected you? ”

I was embarrassed, but I know this place now. Dongmyo Station, Seoul, Korea. Park Ye-rim, who was wandering around in a familiar urban landscape, found Yun lying near the convenience store and dragged him inside the stairs of the building next to him.

‘With dungeons, be as careful as possible when attacking new dungeons without information. Especially if the grade is the same as or higher than your rank... What is the rank here? ’

Park Ye-rim recalled what he learned during his Dungeon Attack class. I was not a sincere student, but something came to mind.

The grade of this dungeon never seems to be low. I was more likely to be at risk because of my experience so far So I had to move carefully.

‘Please rate monsters as high as possible and pay attention to special skills. So we can call monsters class S or SS here, and the first thing we need to do... is join our team again, right? ’

But Seoul is huge! Park Ye-rim was troubled again. Fortunately, it was a known area. If Seoul is a dungeon, where would everyone go? I wonder if it's the Hae Yeon Guild. Or a shepherd. A hundred percent shepherd if it's Han Yoohyun. If I was with you, would it be Yeon Guild?

‘You'll be fine. ’

At the end, what happened? Even though it was a high grade dungeon, Han Yoo-jin had grace. Park Ye-rim looked at the drop of water on his palm. Skills were also available without problems. So Han Eugene was not in danger because of the monsters.

“Captain Kim Seo-wan! ”

At the same time, Yoon opened his eyes.

“I'm scared! What is this? ”

Yun tilts his head to look at his system message window.

“Dungeons? Real dungeons? ”

“Yes, it's a dungeon trick. ”

“Huh? I can't get into the dungeon. ”

Yun stood up and said.

“Can't go in? ”

“Yes, I haven't been inside. I haven't tried it since I was king of the dead! Can I come in when I'm king? ”

Park Ye-rim and Yun-yoon only tilted their heads. And they both came to the same conclusion.

“Let's ask him. ”

“Captain Kim might know. It's Captain Kim Seo-wan who made me! ”

Yun listened to me to get out. Park Ye-rim quickly grabbed onto the edge of his clothes.



“You said you've never done a dungeon before. Then you should listen to your career! ”

“Is little Kim Seo-wan a professional? ”

“Of course! My strike team and several dungeon raids. ”

He was usually the least experienced newcomer, but he is a great senior now. Park Ye-rim made a serious face to look like an adult.

“The first dungeon to attack must first determine its surroundings. What this place is like. You know Carol for Christmas? ”

“Of course I know! Jingle bells! Jingle bells!"

“No, no. The novel.”

Yun, who was singing, clapped his hands together, became deaf and dumb. Park Ye-rim confidently started explaining as if he knew it would be.

“A long time ago, Scrooge lived, and he met a ghost on Christmas Eve. ”

“I love ghosts, too! ”

Park Ye-rim told Yun the story of the novel.

“So in this dungeon, the present, the future and the past... ”

“Come out?”

“Uh... maybe? ”

Park Ye-rim's expression became blurry. Is there really a past? You said it affected the attacker's memory, but it's just a dungeon. My heart trembles with anxiety, but I shake my head as if it can't be.

“Yi, let's go to Hae Yeon Guild first! Most of them probably went that way. This is a tomb, so it's a long way! It'll take more than thirty minutes in the car. ”

“I can use the long distance space! ”


“I can open the door once every 10 days. ”

After ten days, Park Ye-rim quickly shook his head.

“That's too bad. I don't know what's gonna happen, so let's just be careful. ”

“I can use shorthand often. Or should I fly away? ”

“Ugh. No. We don't know what kind of monsters there are... so let's take a slow look around from here to the New Testament and speed things up if we want to be safe. Attacking the dungeon is all about information. That's why the first attack is the hardest. Be careful."

“You really seem to know a lot, Little Kim Seo-wan. ”

In Yun's amazement, Park Ye-rim's jaw slid up. Park Ye-rim gestured to follow behind him and went out in front of him into the street. I pulled out my weapon.

“No people, no cars. Maybe the subway won't run. ”

“Yes, yes. ”

“I don't see any monsters right now. It's just before sundown. It's a little cold in winter, isn't it? Then there's a good chance that ice or snow monsters will show up. ”

Dungeon environments and dungeon monsters usually have a close relationship, Park Ye-rim explained with confidence. The two of them slowly looked around and walked away.

“By the way, do you remember what happened before you got here? I was in the back, so I didn't get a good look. I saw a strange mass of fog emerge. ”

Yoon shrugged his shoulders when he said it was a lump of fog. He looked scared.

“It's the Demon King. The Demon King's power came to me when I was king. ”

Yun told me about the time he almost became the Demon King.

“I decided to become the King of the Night's Watch, and I used to be stronger than the Demon King, which was fine. Hurting someone makes her stronger. ”

“What if I hurt someone? ”

“Yes. That's why you shouldn't hurt the vigilante. I'm scared, and so are the other kids, I guess. ”

“What about monsters? ”

“You can't kill monsters, either. You have to be careful. I hate blood. ”

In the end, it meant that Park Ye-rim was the only one who could fight now. Park Ye-rim tapped Yoon's shoulder, saying not to worry.

“It's okay, just trust me! But the Demon King won't come out now, will he? You mean the skill that prevents you from using it except for the Scarecrow, or the Demon King? ”


“I was really surprised. Kind of, kind of scary. ”

My heart became clear and I felt a little creepy even when I think about it now. Park Ye-rim looked around the corner again carefully. Nothing was still there. The street felt normal, just without people.

“Were you scared?”

“Suddenly, I couldn't use my skills. I thought my powers were gone. Because you can't. Is it this way?”

I was also uncomfortable finding my way without my cell phone. It was also a place I had never been to a few times. Park Ye-rim looked for directions by checking the sign.

“Awakenings can't do anything if they're not Class S Hunters. ”

“Why? Little Miss Kim goes to school. ”

There were many more children in the world who were not Awakened yet. Even if they did, most of them were minor, and minor Awakenings were usually not hunters.

“Hmmm. I'd go to school if I wasn't awake. I'm still going back now... But if I'm just a middle school student, it's true that middle school students can't do anything. ”

Traffic lights are off. Park Ye-rim crossed the road with a light teleportation. Yun also followed me using space travel.

“Elementary school students just can't do anything. ”

There was nothing I could do. Nothing. The world I knew had to be swept away in a daze when it collapsed and changed.

“So I like being strong. No matter what happens, I want to be able to fix it. ”

“Me, too! ”

Yun clenched his two fists tightly.

“I don't want to lose anyone again. But I can't fight... ”

“It must be hard for you because the geeks are weak. There must be dozens of you. Quickly go to Korea and find a safe place. Korea is much safer now. I'm sure he'll help you. ”

“Yes, and I'm going to study more. I should have been careful, but I was so excited. When I was alone, I didn't do anything dangerous! But I'm not alone anymore. It's time to grow up. ”

“Yeah, me too. ”

Park Ye-rim nodded loudly. I just want to be able to do everything by myself quickly. No one rushed me. In the past, Park Ye-rim didn't have to become an adult quickly. Good adults were there and there was nothing lacking.

But once lost, the memory did not go away easily. The thought of being able to do it again was always in the corner of Park Ye-rim's heart. It was a fear that would never be erased.

If you can solve anything, if you're strong enough to protect everyone. Then it's even scarier.


Park Ye-rim, who was following the path, leaned his torso reflexively. Yoon also crouched. I only glanced out two eyes beyond the car park.

“It's Kim Seo-wan.”

“Seems like hunters, odd. Did someone enter the dungeon under siege? ”

In front of a building I've never seen, people who appear to be hunters are coming and going. I sat on a bench and chatted and drank hot beverages from the vending machine. I saw people coming and going into the building.

Park Ye-rim's face frowned slightly.

“That's really weird. ”

They weren't very common in the middle of an ambush. It was like being outside, not in a dungeon. Then someone came out of the building. Yoon opened his eyes wide.

“Huh? You look like Little Kim Seo-won, but you look like Big Kim Seo-won. ”

Park Ye-rim's eyes also grew. It was a familiar face. Older and a different atmosphere, but difficult to confuse. The word "future" came to her mind. No way.

“Little Kim Seo-wan, look at that. What are you doing?”

Park Ye-rim, who took the cloth out of the inventory, quickly covered his face. You shift your weapon to a bow, fix the halfling tightly, and take a deep breath.

“I don't know, I don't know. No, Yun, you don't have to stay out of it. Stay here. I'll figure it out. ”

Park Ye-rim raised his body. Take another deep breath, then use teleportation skill. Seeing her suddenly appear, the hunters are on the alert.

“Who are you?”

“I am.”

Park Ye-rim yells out loud, pointing his bow at the Hunters.

“The party of the Four Thousands! Who the hell are you people? Especially you, you, you! ”

Hunter pointed at Park Ye-rim's fingertips, raising his eyebrows.

“This is Park Ye-rim, a Class A Hunter guild member. ”

Park Ye-rim. Class A Hunter. Park Ye-rim swallowed dry saliva. Park Ye-rim faced each other.

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