The S-Classes That I Raised

386 Coins. New Dungeon (5)

Tea, charcoal-

Hundreds of tiny bells were ringing. Early in the night, silver lights spread under the sunset sky.

I couldn't move. The Fear Resistance skill message window rises before your eyes and your whole body freezes cold. I hear the voices of the young chaos in my ears, standing dumbfounded.

“… Crescent Moon! ”

In a word, I woke up. The descriptive window of the elegant search chain that I had seen before came to my mind.

[The darkest moonlight chain of the crescent moon. It may look like a metal, but its essence is light.]

The darkest moonlight.

Kaga River!

A rumbling sound echoes through the air. The moonlight poured down toward the young chaos changed to a silver chain. The chain hits, breaks, and melts into the orbit of the swinging Dagger. But the difference in power was clear. The relentless moonlight burrows through the gap in the Great Sword.


Kwaek. Then the sound of flesh and bone pierces my ears. The smell of new blood mixes freshly with the air that has already been moistened. Young chaos spits out blood.

“This is not a force to be here, cough, cough. ”

“… Yes? ”

“Wait quietly, number one. ”

His appearance slowly began to blur. The red eyes look up at the moonlight sky.

“I don't want to hurt you right now, so don't try anything. ”

“Y-yeah……. ”

The car and the chains fall to the floor. Only a spill of blood remains. I turn my head, still blunt in my head. My eyes opened wide.

“Seung Hyun-jae...? ”

Hundreds of strands of moonlight. Some were turned into chains, some into beams of light. They were touching the body of a sexual phenomenon.

Like a puppet's thread.

“The Seeker, the Chain……. ”

Sunghyun stepped forward. The moonlight moves in his footsteps. It looked like a butterfly caught in the middle of a spider web.

I couldn't talk easily. What's going on? What happened with the crescent moon? The question was in my head, but it was hard to ask.

The Holy Spirit came before me, bound by the shivering moonlight. A silver chain extends out and wraps around me. The user lifts the target like a piece of meat hanging from the ceiling.

“I apologize in advance for neglecting my hospitality. ”

Seonghyun moved back towards the building.

“The interior is a mess and the garden will be fine. ”

With the sound of metal, the chain bears under his feet. Walk up the stairs to the rooftop garden.

Even the rooftop garden was not intact. The aftermath of the collapse of the tall buildings on either side has left debris everywhere. Still, it was better than inside a building where the fish were vibrating. Luckily, the bench is clear and the table is visible.

It didn't feel like Christmas, but winter was even more desolate here than the garden I had seen. The flowers lost and the grass withered.

I looked up at the Holy Father, who was sitting on the chair that fell down next to the table.

“Don't you have a flare? ”

“No. I just happened to be in the dungeon. ”

I breathed and replied. Why would I use a flare? We'll be wiped out if we call any of them back. It is best to trust the young chaos and newcomers to buy time.

“Do you have any questions about that? A lot has changed from your memory. ”

“I have a much more curious look on my face. ”

“That's it. ”

So many. It's hard to order what to ask first. But if I ask you a big question, I'll give you an easy answer. It would be better to turn sideways than straight forward.

“If you're most curious, he's my brother, as always. I didn't get close until I regressed. ”

Even if it was a question that didn't matter, I wanted to ask the most. Anyone who's not a sex offender. One leg was loosely placed on the other. This pose was well drunk. The parties, of course, are exactly the same.

“The last time I saw Chief Yeon-yeon was two years ago, almost three years ago, so it's not much help. Since Soyoung has been the guild leader's representative for the past 3 years, he should know more about Han Yoohyun. However.”

The gaze of the Holy Father touched the floor, which could be the ceiling of the building for a moment.

“We can't talk. ”

... My mouth was a little dry. I tried hard to erase the imagination from my mind. It's not real, it's a monster. The dungeon created it, but it felt like my chest was tightening.

“If it was three years, then Chief Song would have died a long time ago.... ”

“A little over a year and a half. It's not even two years old. ”

The Holy Father after he disappeared. I had some information left before the regression, so I didn't expect it to die, but it looks better than I thought. I thought maybe he was asleep the whole time because he was in bad shape.

“You haven't been inside the country since it was reported missing? He's been out of the country for a while. Did you change your appearance? What have you, what have you done? ”

“I raised sheep in the Alps. ”

“… don't joke. ”

What nonsense. As I frowned a lot, the Holy Father raised my mouth a little.

“I sent you a postcard. ”

Hey, postcards? Has it ever come to that?

“Don't you remember? ”

“No, I didn't check the mail properly. It's a utility bill because I use a direct debit and I get calls from my phone... What's wrong? It's mostly weird. Still, sheep makes sense. ”

“As you can see, I couldn't go to Korea because of this. When the new moon rises, they'll want to retrieve me. ”

The astrologer raises one arm. The moonlight surrounds his arm. I couldn't get used to it no matter how much I saw it. It might just look pretty, but it's really upsetting.

“... What happened? A year and a half ago. ”

What caused Song Tae-won's death and the lunar eclipse? The castellate lowers its arm slightly tilts its head. The golden inside contained me like a thin moon.

“That's what Director Song said, but it's also because of me. Shouldn't you at least tell me that? It's unfair to hear that you're blaming yourself without knowing anything. ”

“It's not uncommon for a parent to cherish the existence of a child. ”

A relaxed voice came out.

“I thought it was possible even if I found out that Han Yoohyun was actually covering my brother. I cared for my brother, too. ”

The rhythm was plausible, but when Noah heard it, his outfit burst.

“So was I. So I'm still not sure. How long will the Hae Yeon Guild last? ”

“You don't think I'll be gone as long as you? ”

“Moon-hyuna refused, and I thought about raising Soyoung, but it was impossible for me to get Class S polyps. ”

“Now, Soyoung has a rider. It's called a comet. It's a Thorn Wing Cancer. ”

Soyoung smiled, saying that she would be very happy. I nodded, feeling even more shaken by that smile. He replied that he was taking good care of her.

“So I decided to check on Han Eugene myself. ”

I swallowed a dry saliva. I felt like I was entering the interview. I wouldn't have done anything then. Exactly when.

“Uh... I was. ”

“A useful F rank hunter. ”

“Was it worth it or not? ”

“A lesser hunter is worth attacking a dungeon regularly for more than two years. Especially with no guild, no background, no strength. ”

Well, I think so, too. Usually a little guild. But I, myself, don't know.

“Oh, yeah, I don't see any big guilds like Seung Seng. ”

“It's a persistent problem. ”

You're too long, but you sound like someone else.

“And Han Yoo-jin. ”

My collar went up and down again.

“I was in love with him. Very much.”

“... I would have cursed. ”

“Is it an insult to be angry when others agree? ”

“Yes, you are. I'm the one who got hurt. Why would they insult someone else's brother? ”

“If you really like it and you value it, even if it's the right thing to say to someone else, you're angry. ”

Well, it's not exactly true. As a result……. It's my fault anyway. That's why I was beaten up by people I was close to. But still...

“That was amazing. Not that I don't know about Hunter, but that he still loves Class S. ”

“He's my brother, who I raised. ”

“You mean the sister whose parents would be reluctant. ”

“What, it was cute! She was so beautiful and lovely. That was an urgent nonsense, and my brother was a real angel. If you didn't see it, don't talk! I've been told a lot on the way that you don't want to model. I refused because it was hard. I should have taken one. ”

Now that I think about it, it was a bit of a waste. Pictures, maybe even footage.

“Even if you didn't know anything when you were a child...”

“Got it! The nicest thing in my brother's world! ”

He stared at me as if I was a little absurd.

“Worse than ever. ”

“I used to say, ”

“It's serious.”

You don't know anything. I mean, from the top to the bottom, well, it's good enough to say that you're a saint. You're the nicest guy in the world compared to that.

“It's almost impossible for a know-it-all rabbit to love a wolf. Even if you want to surround and protect a full-grown wolf, you can't do anything without going crazy. ”

Are you calling me crazy?

“So I took some time to check it out. Thanks to that, Song Tae-won went through a hard time. ”

“Director Song? ”

“About that time, I promised to tell you more about my work in the country. If Song Tae-won is dragged out of the country, I decided to tell him beforehand. ”

“... what a terrible accident. ”

If you made that promise, I hope it's not as hard as Director Song. What have you done, Holy Father?

“A class F hunter who's no different from the Awakening. We've met before. ”

The face of the astronomer who said that looked quite pleasant.

“It was fun, surprisingly. It was new.”

It's new. That reminds me. Overburdened. An agent who couldn't stand being left full.

That's why Song Tae-won said it was new. I would have become the last drop of water after long intertwining with him. Of course, there's no way that you could ever fit in with the F class that loved the Class of Birth S in the long and long life of the Holy See.

“Is that why you went to the dungeon? Take a vacation to use Chief Song's plunder. ”

“From that point on, it's not Han Eugene's story. ”

Seong-hyeon shut up. Shit, then. Are you telling me that you want to bring Director Song here? Before that, when the current Holy Father arrives, will you deal with him?

“Can't you tell me about the crescent moon or the other transcendents? You said it was fun. Let me tell you a little bit about that. ”

“The problem is Nia, you don't need to care...... ”

The Holy Father's words were cut short. He looked into my face. At the same time, I felt it.

“Eh……. ”

Tears fell. My cheeks suddenly got wet and my insides ached like twists.

“What, what. ”

I was also very sad and happy. This, what the hell.

“... Yoohyun? ”

* * *

Strangely, I felt comfortable. So, Han Yoohyun couldn't open his eyes straight away. Even though I could feel something leaning around, I didn't feel the need to stand up and check. I thought it would be okay. No problem…….

‘… Brother! ’

One step later, I remembered the last time I saw Han Eugene. Han Yoohyun hurriedly got up. At the same time, something escaped to the corner of Huddak.


The doppelganger pushes Yoojin away, and a dangerous energy spills out from his body. Then, the dark red smoke stalk pierced through Han Eugene's legs at the moment when there was dark smoke everywhere. That was the last thing Han Yoohyun saw.

Han Yoohyun hurriedly checked his hand back. There are no wounds. A sigh of relief comes out. First, Han Yoo-jin was safe. Well, here.


It was indoors. A studio, a narrow porch, and a kitchen caught my eye. It was not in the memory of Han Yoohyun. Let's turn our heads a little more.

“ ……! ”

There was Han Yoo Jin. Han Yoo Jin was looking carefully at Han Yoo Hyun, sitting with her back against the wall. Han Yoohyun slowly got up from his seat. It looked like my brother, but it was a little different. You look older, tired and tired.

It's a fake. The instant I think about it, a system message window appears.

[New Dungeon, ‘Nightmare of Christmas’]

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